[ENG][아형✪하이라이트] 개인 활동 씹어먹고 모인 완전체♨️ 마마무 토크 모음.zip📁 | 아는 형님 | JTBC 221008 방송

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[Opens the door] Hey guys? [MAMAMOO] [Knowing Bros Highlight / Solar, Moonbyul, Wheein, Hwasa] [Knowing Bros / MAMAMOO / Talk Highlights] We're releasing [MAMAMOO is releasing a mini album] our mini album [MAMAMOO, with 'great vocals' are coming back!... 'Natural + Cool' girl crush 'Mic On'] - Good x2, it's about time x2 - That's why we're here MAMAMOO came because of loyalty, they don't need to promote here - Of course - Yeah [Knowing Bros is the center of promotion?] Are we the center of promotion? - Of course! - Yeah You guys are famous! How much? Very...! Knowing Bros is a must! We only need to come out here... If we come out here, we win 1st place! [Famous for their performance clips] If you sing here, you get a lot of views [Introduce us your new album!] - Introduce us to your new song - The title X 2 Our album is! [Title of the album 'MIC ON'] The title is 'MIC ON'... [MAMAMOO is here to seize the music industry with their mics] MAMAMOO turned on their mics! It's over! It's kind of old-fashioned No! We're from the MZ generation Our title song is 'ILLELLA' [Their new album is about seizing the music industry] We're here to seize the music industry [It's a misunderstanding / A group of tall members] It says 'A group of tall members' This isn't it? We... for about 4, 5 years after our debut we wore kill heals How big? X 2 About 12cm? [They even wore kill heals on stage] We always wore kill heals on stage so people thought we were really tall After wearing kill heals... we experienced some damaged discs! [Recently they started wearing flat shoes] Now that we wear flat shoes, a lot of people are like 'They're shorter than I thought' How tall are all of you guys? [Hwasa 160cm] I'm 160 [(So you're in the 50s)] - So you're about 158-159ish? - Think well We have a reference point here! [A 160cm human tape measure] I'm a human tape measure so think well [Wheein 150cm] I'm 158 [(+/- 2cm)] - So you're 156 - No, I'm 158 What about Yongsun? [Solar 160.5cm] I'm 160.5 [164.7cm / Rounding off the numbers] So about 158 I'm... I'm the tallest in MAMAMOO! [Moonbyul 163.4cm] 163.4 Oh, you're the tallest You're only 163? Yeah, I'm the tallest Is that what a 2m-tall person is supposed to say? That she's only 163cm tall? That's not what I meant... [MAMAMOO's Seo Janghoon, Moonbyul] - I'm the Seo Janghoon of MAMAMOO - Just by looking at her - Moonbyul seems to be about 170cm tall! - Exactly! No! Wheein! I heard that you're a karaoke maniac Then do you drink alone at your house and go to karaoke rooms? With my friends... [Devoted to her concept] we try to sing better than the rooms around us I heard that you sing harder there than on music shows Than music shows? This is... [A story when she was young] A story from when I was young [Hwasa / Wheein / Hwasa X Wheein were friends since middle school] Hwasa and I are from the same middle school [They went to a coin karaoke room when they were in middle school] There's a coin karaoke room we frequently went to But in there [Karaoke booths where you can see inside] you can see the inside of each booth So you can hear the songs they sing For instance... if they sing a song by Beyonce [Song battle with the same song] we would choose the same song and sing it better There was that kind of tension between us [A scout offer in the karaoke room?] Then you must've gotten a scout offer while you were there It wasn't a scout offer [After she debuted, she visited a karaoke room with her family] I visited a karaoke room with my family in Jeonju [Their room was in front of the counter] Our room was in front of the counter and I was singing real hard [Her dad encountered the owner of the karaoke room] My dad encountered the owner while coming out of the bathroom [The owner : 'Who is singing right now?'] She asked who was singing [Her dad : 'My daughter'] and he said, 'My daughter' and the owner was like, 'You should make her a singer' [Skills acknowledged by the owner] The owners listen well What did your father say? [I was going to do that] That he was going to do that... He must've said that you were an artist No, he didn't say that [Group play / MAMAMOO's Yesterday!] Next is MAMAMOO's yesterday... - I think there's something to this - Why? X 3 [MAMAMOO's Yesterday] About deviation Did you guys do something? [During their trainee years, they ran away together] - There was a time we ran away together when we were trainees - What did you do? There was a CCTV in our dorms [A CCTV in the kitchen and entrance] There was one in the kitchen and one in the entrance Because we were the only ones there... [They had to pass the kitchen to go to the door] We had to pass the kitchen to get to the door We pretended to go exercising and wore our sportswear [Threw their plain clothes out the window] and threw our plain clothes out the window Then we pretended to go exercising [Acted like they were going exercising in front of the camera] and we kept acting in front of the CCTV... - They couldn't even hear us but we were like, 'Do you want to go to the park?' - A perfect crime! - Alibi - Yeah! [They left their dorms pretending to go exercising] So we hung out at Han River and Hongdae and came back... after changing our clothes outside [You call that running away?] That's all? You call going to Han River and Hongdae running away? - Because we were trainees - We didn't have phones back then [Could you eat anything you wanted to eat?] Were you allowed to eat anything you wanted to eat? I think they installed the CCTV in the kitchen so that we would go on a diet [A CCTV in the kitchen to make sure they went on a diet] - Since you keep eating - Because you can see everything in the kitchen! Because there was a blind spot, we ate secretly Did you ever get scolded for eating? - A lot - Hwasa, did you like beef tripe back then? Back then... [When they were trainees, they loved chicken feet] we were into chicken feet... for real! As if we were possessed by something... I thought your hands were chicken feet [Decalcomanie with chicken feet] - I thought you had chicken feet - Back then... We would literally get shook by chicken feet [They would order chicken feet after they were done practicing] We ordered chicken feet as soon as we were done practicing - You liked it that much? - Yeah [They didn't have enough money because they were ordering so much] We ordered so much we didn't have money left So we would make people who were late [10,000 won as the late fee] pay 10,000 [Ordered chicken feet] and with that money we ordered chicken feet [They all gained weight and got scolded for that] Then we all gained weight [They all gained weight and got scolded for that] Then we all gained weight So we got in trouble - We checked how much we weighed - Just eating chicken feet - doesn't make you gain weight though - We also ate rice balls You also ate rice balls, right? Yeah [They ordered chicken feet to also eat rice balls] Why are you blaming the poor chicken! Yeah, chicken feet are full of collagen... There's not much to your running away story... [Tell us a different story] Tell us a story that's not for show Like we said last time, we... [They use their bodies when they fight] - We fight with our bodies... - We use our arms when we fight Uh... how bad was it [It started with a small problem] It was about something small, she said something for me [I can't do it! / Do it!] I said, 'I can't do it,' and she said 'Do it' and that's how it started And then... [A sudden punch] that's how my fist came out Look at your shoulders [A position that comes from experience] Her position though [I kicked her and threw stuff at her] - I kicked her and... - You kicked her? - Yeah, I kicked her and threw stuff at her... - Really? What if she gets hurt? - That's why I didn't touch her face - The both of you? You had rules? [Safe zone] Yeah, because we don't know when we'll be on show again If someone cries, does the fight end? [If the other members stop them, they stop fighting] - If they stop us, we stop - If we come, they stop [MAMAMOO's mediator] They had to stop us for the fight to end How did you guys feel seeing the two oldest members fighting? Scared... - We were just like, 'They're fighting again' - We were like 'Not again' and we took each of them to their rooms [Calming each other] - We were like 'What happened?' 'What is it'? - We tried to calm them down [Have Hwasa X Wheein ever fought?] - Have you guys fought before? - How do you guys fight? There was one time we fought real hard! But only once... [When we're angry, we take time to reflect upon ourselves] - We take time to reflect upon ourselves - Yeah [They visited Japan because of their schedule] We visited Japan and after our schedule, we went to drink We felt so good that we hugged each other and all Because you were happy? [A warm atmosphere] We were like, 'I love you' and all... I don't even remember but... We suddenly got mad because of something small A guy problem maybe [They suddenly started fighting with their arms and feet] We literally fought like this How did that fight end? We just had some individual time... It was really something small... [Made up quickly because it was a small problem] so we made up quickly! I was just like, 'Do you want to eat?' [MAMAMOO's Today and Again! / First Musical] - It says 'First Musical' here - Yeah 'Mata Hari' [She made her musical debut as the main character of 'Mati Hari'] It recently ended but it was my first time doing a musical It must've been difficult, how was it? It was difficult [Moonbyul came to see her on the first day] Moonbyul came on the first day We met after the musical but she was crying [Joking around] Why? Did Yongsun hit you? Why did you cry? I cried because... I could see that she had a hard time I was thinking about how difficult it would've been for her because she practiced for 3 months... [She understood the difficulty of preparing for a musical] - Seeing her memorizing everything made me so excited - It's really hard So as soon as I saw her [She cried as soon as she saw Solar] - I couldn't stop myself from crying - But... uh... Did Hwasa and Wheein not go? [They went on the last day] I went on the last day - Wheein didn't go? - I couldn't go [She couldn't go because of her individual schedule] - I had my own schedule - Yeah, Wheein was busy with her schedule You usually don't work for one week straight Were you busy on purpose? No, no If I don't have any plans then, I have to go to Solar's musical so get me some plans [(That's not it)] Why did you cry as soon as you see... her... Did you remember the time you guys fought? - It was like... - Huh? Maybe it was because... You felt like the person that used to hit you get so small - I cried so much - But... I went at its peak - I saw her differently - Yeah [Musical actress Solar was something new] - It was new for us too - Yeah [Did your voice change while doing the musical?] I heard that your voice changes when you do musicals, did it change? (At first) I got scolded a lot [She practiced the musical using her usual vocalization] I just practiced like any other music stage but... ['Mati Hari''s musical director Kim Moonjung] - Director Kim Moonjung was there - 'Phantom Singer' X 2 She was like... ['Your vocalization is too much like that of Solar'] 'You're too much like Solar right now'... ['Um Oh Ah Yeah' as an example] For instance, with my usual vocalization, [Singer vocalization] it's like 'Oh yeah, um oh ah yeah' but with my musical vocalization... [Musical vocalization] it's more like 'Oh yeah, um oh ah yeah'... [Understands right away] - You have to exaggerate a bit - Because! [Musical vocalization is really important] - the people in the back have to see it - Yeah Since not everyone is in the front, I have to... [Maximizing her emotion] maximize my acting to deliver my emotions [Can't use the usual vocalization] If I sing like this, it's not good Is the vocalization skills completely different? I think it's completely different! [Use 'Decalcomanie' as an example] When you want to sing a song as an example, sing to 'Decalcomanie' He really likes 'Decalcomanie' You really like 'Decalcomanie' [Every song is nice] Every song is nice but [Janghoon Moomoo / The best song is 'Decalcomanie'] MAMAMOO's best song is 'Decalcomanie' [Moomoo / His definite taste is 'Decalcomanie'] Next is... [Wheein's Today! And Again!] Our Wheein... What is this...? [MAMAMOO's Today and Again! / Company, Make Me Happy] - Make Me Happy - Make Me Happy! We have bad eyesight now [Please understand us] - We have bad eyesight - Please understand us - What does this mean? - What's up with your company? [After MAMAMOO renewed their contract] After we renewed our contract I moved to another company That must've been difficult How much did you earn? How much did they say they would give you? That's not why I went ['MAMAMOO' Wheein joins 'The Live' founded by Ravi] That's why people usually move Did Ravi give you a check while saying, 'This is what loyalty is!' No X 3 You don't have to be shy about it I changed teams 6 times! He's famous as a bat in the basketball world. A giant bat! I got money instead! But do you feel kind of [Do you feel awkward and left out?] awkward and left out somehow? I don't feel left out, but now that I am all alone after being together with them all the time, I often wonder what they are doing! Because the three see each other quite often. [First of all, in terms of communication] In terms of communication, if she's right next to me, I can ask, 'Wheein, did you eat?', which I can't do now. How come? It's because if you ask her directly, she would say, 'I'm sorry, but please talk with my manager. [Refuses direct communication] Because there's a procedure! [Waving her hand / Waving her hand] For asking whether I ate? Moonbyul, please keep this in mind'. That's not true! [Unlike the three who run into each other] The three of us run into each other in the practice room, [Without knowing her schedule, they're cautious about contacting her since she might be working] and we don't know her schedule... Right, you don't know Wheein's schedule... [Someone obsessed with a hearing appears today as usual] I got a tip-off! [Lee Sangmin / Holds a hearing all alone] I heard that only the three of you, Solar, Moonbyul, and Hwasa, went on a trip to Boracay, No, no. and Wheein, didn't you go? Or couldn't you go? Or did you just find it out? No, no. Did you just find it out! Looks like they didn't tell her. You must be super upset. Nah. The truth is that I couldn't go. Because of my health problem... [A trip that the four of them were supposed to go on together] The four of us planned to go together. Was it our 6th anniversary? [A trip to celebrate Mamamoo's 6th anniversary] We planned a trip to celebrate our 6th anniversary and even bought tickets, [Something came up, so Wheein couldn't make it,] but Wheein got something to do, [and the other three had no choice but to go on a trip without her] so the three of us ended up going without her. I'm sure you guys talked about canceling it for a while, right? Right! We did! But! But? It wasn't easy for us to make time for the trip. [It was hard to make time for the trip during busy times] Because everyone had individual work, too. So we decided to go without Wheein [Decided to go anyway!] since we planned to take a rest anyway! We were going to cancel it at first, though. So did you three have fun or not? We had so much fun at that time! Even if Wheein wasn't with you? [Huh?] Then what were we supposed to do? Were we supposed to cry there? [They couldn't cry, so they had fun] Should we cry there! You should cry! Was it your best trip ever? It was! [(Big smile)] [Let's go] [Toes excited about the best trip of their lives] What was the most fun you had in Boracay? We always went downtown there. To eat Korean food. A local Filipino [Touting the members for massage] shouted, 'Massage, massage'. We were leaving saying, 'We don't need it', 'No, thank you', and he was like, 'Huh?, and suddenly Korean? Korean? said, 'Korean? Korean? Oh, *Ojigo Jirigo Let it Go!'. *Buzzword that means awesome [He said a greeting customized for Korean out of the blue] That was super popular at that time. [Veteran touts who're even good at buzzwords of tourists] He said a Korean buzzword, huh? It was popular at that time. We were completely amazed by that. [Fun and amazing experience] It was super fun. Wheein, what kind of person do you think Solar is? [What does Wheein think Solar is like?] First of all, Solar is super passionate! Excessively passionate. Which makes the other three kind of tired. [It makes the other three tired] That made Wheein... decide to move to another company. [No, no!] She's the kind of person who's hard working, and passionate, [Type who keeps shouting 'Way to go'] so she keeps shouting 'Way to go!'. When performing on stage, haven't you ever thought, [Have you ever thought like this?] - 'What's wrong with this person today?'? - Why is she overacting like this? About that... there's a moment that the three of us just hate, [It is Moonbyul] which is that Moonbyul is in charge of the cheesiness of Mamamoo. Compared to the beginning of her debut, [Got mature] she got mature, so it's too gros... Gross? It's gross that she shows it way too often! Show them! I just do this on stage. She's driving me crazy. It's nothing! She does this for each part! [The three are sick and tired of watching it] I think makes the members feel that way more strongly when I performed 'Decalcomanie'. [How do you do that?] When performing 'Decalcomanie'... there's a part where I rap excited in the second half. [Gets more excited in the presence of audience] I get super hyped in the presence of the audience. For example, I'm supposed to sing, 'Tangled hair, Hulk-like body' like this, but when I sing, 'Tangled hair, Hulk-like body', like this, I can feel that they're all looking at me from behind. Being disgusted? [Sending a signal to keep it down] Sending me a signal to keep it down... That's how Lee Sangmin raps. [Crying rap that comes out when Moonbyul gets excited] I also did crying rap. It's getting more extreme. How about Hwasa? Wheein, tell us. Hwasa did this. It's a kind of ad-lib, which goes like this when she's excited! One time, she was so excited! That she went on like this for about 1 minute... When the other member was singing. [While the other member was singing!] When the other member was singing! [She's so excited that she didn't stop her ad-lib] She did it for 1 minute, seriously! That's not true. We teased her a lot. Looks like Hodong was divided into four and became you guys. [The four of them gather to complete one Hodong!] Next, it's Hwasa. She wrote twit. Yes? Twit! Isn't it the most famous twit in Korea? Nah. In a way, that was [It's when her super grateful time began] when my super grateful time began. [Mamamoo promoted their album in Japan for about one month] While doing promotion for Mamamoo's album in Japan for about one month, [She prepared her solo 'Twit' performance at the same time] I prepared my 'Twit' performance for music shows. [In addition,] As I did the first 'Twit' performance, [she prepared Mamamoo's 'gogobebe' album, too!] I started preparing the 'gogobebe' album, which overwhelmed me who was still young. [It was too tough] It was too tough so I wanted to rest for a day [On her way to the practice room right after the music show] It was time for practice right after the music show It's tough [Request to rest] I wanted to rest, so the CEO [CEO] said I need to work that much harder in these times The CEO always thinks that But I was so thankful for that Honestly, solo activities [Which is harder?] and group activities, which is harder? Solo activities are harder Really? MAMAMOO came together after 3 years Really! The emptiness filled up [MAMAMOO liked how the empty seats of the members were filled] I really liked that Since that's how you started Right The members were always precious to me I felt it recently Sometimes I get really anxious Right, that could happen But [Recent performance] I was going up on stage and it came strongly [Her head is blank due to anxiety right before the performance] It's completely blank, don't you get that sometimes? Your mind goes blank when you go on stage You don't remember anything So I [Mental breakdown] I was in a state of mental breakdown The members, next to me [Cheering that she can do it like it's nothing!] "It's okay, it's okay. You can do it!" [Touched because of members] I was so touched at the time So did the advice from the members help? I actually almost ran away [Could overcome because of members] I could do it because of the members Hwasa had something to say to the members, right? Really? The members don't know this [Never told the members] I've never said this before What? Even if I dislike the members sometimes It's a story that makes me melt when I think about it What? There were times like that Someone really precious to me passed away and seeing the members at the time [Like a new life!] was like gaining a new life I didn't see my uncle's last moment, and I didn't see the seal [MAMAMOO had to go to work] But I had to go to work Solar, alone came with black clothes on But for me at a young age, I was shocked I was so touched I kept crying after seeing her [So touched by her considerate actions] I was so grateful So that happened [Uncle's 49th birthday] And my uncle's 49th birthday party Wheein went with me Wheein kept holding my hand and when I could think straight, I saw Wheein [Wheein was also crying] Wheein was also crying so much [They realized the importance of sharing their sadness] Those experiences are so precious.. Having members are great And they knew that this person is so precious to me It's grateful that they know [Moonbyul sent a long message] But Moonbyul texted me again Moonbyul? Yes, kind of like... [I'm so thankful that she recognizes my pain] The fact that she understands my pain is very.. [Always grateful for the members] I always cry when I think of that [Wheein was in Hwasa's MV?] Wheein was featured in Hwasa's MV Right x2 [Whee In appeared in the MV for Hwasa's solo song "TWIT"] You two are friends from Jeonju Hometown friends Since we were young, dreaming of becoming a singer if I did a solo song in the future [She wants Wheein to be in the MV] I wish Wheein was in it I thought of it from when I was young We're friends from a young age So I said that [Making a trap] You don't need Solar or Moonbyul? No, it's not that There was my dream from a young age [Wheein appears as a villain?] Is that why Wheein came out as a villain? Not a villain Did Wheein get paid? No [My solo song came out before Hwasa] I didn't promote my solo song and I just released a single song [Hwasa appeared first in the music video of Wheein's solo song "EASY"] She appeared in my MV first Like working together! But actually [Friendship appearance between close friends] "Please let me be featured" That's what happened Then what about Moonbyul and Solar? [Cheering hard from a distance!] The members cheered for me a lot from a distance During my MV shooting, Solar sent a coffee truck Moonbyul sent pizza to the staff [Lots of love from members during solo] It's amazing Wheein and Hwasa are hometown friends? Hometown friends Solar and Moonbyul are closer than hometown friends Punching friends We're very clear! We don't argue with words We don't... Really? [It's true?] It's true? [Prefers to talk with actions] It's hard to talk for a long time Who's stronger? We're similar! We fought a lot as trainees [Now they can read their minds even if they don't speak with their body] But since we've spent a long time together we don't need to say anything [Knowing Bros] [Saturday 9pm JTBC / Subscribe]
Channel: 아는형님 Knowingbros
Views: 628,896
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Keywords: 아는 형님, 형님, 형님 학교, 마마무, 솔라, 문별, 휘인, 화사, 강호동, 이수근, 서장훈, 김희철, 민경훈, 김영철, 이상민, 신동, 이진호, 닭발, CCTV, 사각지대, 닭발홀릭, 홍대, 구경, 싸움, 마마무싸움, 일탈, 마마무일탈, 주먹밥, 가수발성, 음오아예, 뮤지컬발성, 가수, 마타하리, 불참, 발성, 김문정, 음악감독, 보라카이여행, 사정, 여행, 마마무6주년, 마마무보라카이여행, 느끼함, 질색, 추임새, 관객, 흥분, 윙크
Id: aj9mD7yfBTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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