Knitting Traditions Podcast episode 11- Christmas knitting and 10K subscriber GIVEAWAY !!!

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[Music] hello and welcome to episode 11 of the knitting traditions podcast my name is inga and you can find me on ravelry as knitting tradition and on instagram as knitting traditions and it's on instagram that i'm the most active if you're a new viewer you're so welcome here this is a podcast or vlog cast mainly about knitting but also a little bit of a other crafting and if you're returning viewer thank you so much for coming back more than 10 episodes now and more than 10 000 subscribers that's insane i am so so grateful for all the love that i have received from the knitting community and that i've been welcomed in such a large scale so quickly um i love interacting with you guys and even if you're just a silent watcher and lurker which i used to be myself until i started recording these videos i'm just so happy that you're spending some part of your day with me and as i thank you uh i will be doing a giveaway today a little bit later but uh first let's talk about knitting so um since it's december christmas is around the corner i am wearing something festive for me this is festive it's red i have two red uh garments in my wardrobe this sweater right here which is the um stockholm sweater i'll see if i can get a bit closer it's a patterned by petite knit knit top down with some special shoulder um details and it has um i it's a like two years since i knit this but i think i picked up stitches and knit down i think that's what the pattern says and it's a double folded uh neck i did not put a elastic band into this which i wish i would have done i do enjoy the neckline on my oslo sweater by petite knit more and in that one i did put a elastic band inside this um neckline and it's i'm not sure if i knitted the same length as the pattern seeing as it's two years ago and at that time i didn't really uh put a lot of details in um on ravelry on my description page uh but i do remember that i knitted in a yarn called um which is a norwegian producer and it's basically a mohair yarn um i'd say that it's probably a bit thicker than let's say um telia by phil kalana it's also thicker than drops kid silk so i used that yarn held double for this sweater and it turned out quite thick and this is actually the only knitted garment that i have felted and it was by accident but kind of an accident that i was fully aware of that i was taking the risk because there was something wrong with my washing machine so that once this was done being washed it was just soaking wet like my washing machine wouldn't drain out the water so i kind of centrifuged it um repeatedly and it still didn't work and i think the machine overheated so the change in temperature with the friction and everything um felted it a little bit but it still fits like it's it's no problem we're talking about maybe one or two centimeters smaller it's it's fine really um i think at the end of the this episode i'll talk a little bit about how i wash my garments because that was a question on the question and answer thread on ravelry i hope that you are all doing well and that you're sitting down either with your knitting right now or maybe something to drink i'm enjoying some tea in this cute cup it's a cup right that i got in lisbon in portugal uh i think it was last no it's almost two years ago now um and it's a handmade ceramic one with some really nice paintings on it and i'm drinking my new favorite tea which is from the english tea shop and it's an organic white tea with coconut and passion fruit and passion fruit is one of my favorite flavors in drinks so this one's really good and really warm so suitable for recording an episode and i decorated with a christmas flower which is actually a tropical flower but we in norway we have these in our homes around christmas a lot of people are allergic to them i'm not luckily and i have my knitting needles over here which i decorated with fairy lights and it looks like a little christmas tree i think and in the back here i have a gronissa which is um a no in the last episode i kept calling or referring to the norwegian folklore of nissa as goblins which was a mistake on my part i kept thinking gnome in my head but it came out as goblins so i guess they look most like garden gnomes but here they live um in the barns and they play tricks on us and there's just a lot of stories around them in the norwegian folklore and i actually uh bought a book on norwegian folklore tales two days ago after one of you guys commenting that you had seen one with some beautiful illustrations and i'm really interested in uh older traditions and folklores and sagas and yeah just all these stories so i got it because i want to refresh my childhood memories and kind of bring it on to future generations so but my memory is so bad so i need to refresh it i don't know if you guys struggle with memory but uh i definitely do and this week has been a week i was so so tired today i just wanted to take a nap after work after pulling um 48 hours shift and then i have the weekend as well that's coming up but i figured i wanted to squeeze in an episode um since i have the afternoon off and i'm sorry if the lighting is not perfect today but um it's december it's dark and i'm not home in the day so this is this is it and the artificial lighting is making me look so pale but i'm also really pale so yeah yes so this pattern um i'm really a huge fan of petite knits patterns she uses a lot of patterns that combines yarns and also more hair yarns which i really do enjoy um but i don't think i have ever knitted her patterns except for her hat in her recommended yarn just because they're not as easily accessible in my local yarn shops and also they are very expensive sometimes um so i usually use something from my stash or i find something that can work from what i have available so i have some finished objects um let's see let's start with what i was working on last time so i finished my zigzag cowl which is supposed to be a gift for one of my brothers and this pattern i made up myself because i wanted to use the yarn that i had in my stash and sometimes i find it difficult to find the right pattern to make what i want with the yarn that i have so i sometimes think it's easier to just make something up myself and this was a result of that and it's a quite repetitive pattern it's written it in rustic wool i have some cowls knit and final by rama and this one is knit in county which is a color changing yarn and this one was quite dark the sections that i was using but it goes from like a brown to black kind of color and yeah uh i this is kind of a commercial i guess for myself because a lot of you wanted this pattern so i did type it up i've had it tested and it's on ravelry now and i think until the 25th of december if you buy this and the salvu cal you get three dollars off and and if you've already bought let's say the sell bookal that uh discount still applies you don't have to do anything it just appears and i'll put the links to all the patterns that i talk about and makers in the description box below this video so if you have any questions just check there first if if the information is there and then i was gonna make the salvu cal for my other brother but then i just didn't really have any brain capacity this past week so i cast on thinking okay i'll make this zigzag health for him as well but in kind of like opposite colors using final instead of county but then after making starting it i just realized that no i can't give them the same cowl because they're already getting a lot of similar gifts so that resulted in a new pattern and this pattern is inspired by um the mountain bridge which is around the village that i live in i live on the west coast of norway so we do have a lot of mountains around and in the winter the sun doesn't really peak above it so um i actually went skiing this past weekend with my cousin and uh or not skiing we were wearing these snow boots you put them on your normal shoes and they have like a big surface area and some spikes underneath so you can just walk on the mountains in the snow and ice and whatever you want to walk freely and we were just up there looking for the sun and it was really nice i'll put out some footage at the end of the episode if you want to see it so it was beautiful up on the mountains and i got to see the sun for the first time in like two months so that was nice so that kind of looks like this with all the mountain tops on top of the large mountains it kind of goes like this and there was the sun and yeah so both of these this one is being tested now so maybe it will be ready next week um but both of these are quite easy patterns i'd say that a beginner knitter could try um color work for the first time with these ones and the salvocal 2 it's easy but it's not repetitive in the color work so you would have to probably look at the chart um several times whilst these once you've done one repeat you could probably just keep going and it will be easy and it's also very easy to then adjust for a larger or smaller size because i've made these in junior small adult and large adult these two are the small adult which fits my skinny neck because i don't i have a small head and a small neck so this one's better for me the large adult is the same size as the cell bucal which is perfect for the men in my family and also my aunt and well people who want a looser cowl i guess or they have a bigger neck so it will fit the same so yeah these two finished um not sure if i'll make house for my parents as well we'll see i do have two versions of the sell bookel so maybe i will give one of them to my mom and i finished these ones still forget to bring the sock blockers for you guys i'm sorry i'm the worst maybe i'll bring them next time but yeah these socks are um this is i'm working on this pattern um i have had it tech edited so i'm gonna review the pattern one more time and then call for testers but this sock is a super simple vanilla sock the way that my grandma taught me how to knit socks it's top down and it's like an old traditional heel but with some tweaks it's just the way that she knits them and her mother knit them and it has like a knit together border underneath and you pick up stick it stitches and then you do decreases and what i think i'm gonna do is that i'm gonna write the pattern for like uh two or three different stitch counts based on um your gauge and your size or yeah if you have a thicker leg or thinner leg and then at the end of the pattern i will probably describe how to um modify the sock to fit your foot because a lot of people have bigger legs than they have feet right so the stitch count for the leg and the foot is not always necessarily um the best is not necessarily them having the same stitch count so what i do is that when i'm doing these decreases i just keep decreasing until if it's snugly and the way of knowing how many stitches i will have is once i have knitted this much i just try it on my foot and pinch whatever is excessive on the side of my foot and see how many stitches uh extra i want to decrease here and yeah i i do the knit together and slip slip knit with the kitchener closure but you can also if you if you prefer a rounded toe you could do that but this is the version that i'm doing in my pattern so hopefully that turns out well we will see i do want to cast on some more socks but uh i need to finish some christmas knitting and i'm just really looking forward to some days off from work or on christmas to finally knit on something for me some selfish knitting because i like knitting gifts but i mostly like knitting for myself and just enjoying the process a lot and yeah these were the yarns for the cowl that i used the raw mafinol and the county color changing effect yarn for the zigzag one but any hundred percent will will work really nicely and then i have been working on some christmas socks and i got this lovely christmas bag from the urban stitcher uh if you've seen some of my episodes before you know that i love her bags and she sent me this christmas bag for my christmas socks and i've been looking for some christmassy uh rustic yarn that's non-superwash just because i prefer uh non-superwash socks on my feet because i feel like the superwash ones your feet get more sweaty i don't know if other people struggle with that but they just they get like clammy and i just don't like the feel of them on my feet and they're not as warm so i have a pair of socks these ones um that are very well worn you can see that they've got some pill factor going on and these are not socks to be worn outside these are house socks and it's a pattern by fiber tails if you haven't seen her podcast you should go check her out she is lovely she lives in denmark and this is a pattern um that i knit of her i think it was a year or two ago it was just when she released it and it's knit top down with the latvian braid and it uses a leftos loopy which is um the thicker yarn from easttex and it's a very rustic yarn but it's doesn't have any nylon like it's 100 wool and it's quite thick and it's not that um tightly spun so if you were to wear these in boots it would probably uh get holes in them but i used these inside uh it's almost like slippers they're very thick very warm and i like to have it really cold in my bedroom but i also struggle with my feet being really cold so i've actually been sleeping with these for the past two weeks and it's been perfect um so i really wanted to make this in a christmas version so in my christmas bag i have another pair that i hope mom's not watching that my mom will get and it's such a quick knit it's knit on six millimeter needles and i'm using my um knitter's pride or also known as knit pro with the interchangeable magic loop and honestly like knitting a pair of these socks if you have the day off that day off is enough to make a pair i think i knit this one on sunday and it wasn't all of sunday it was like an hour and then a few more hours in the evening and this sock was finished so this is my christmas sock because it has a burgundy color in the latvian braid that counts right so i'm almost finished i need to tie in the ends on this one i finished this today and i need to braid the braid and then i will have a pair of house socks slash slippers for my mom and then as i was knitting this and it was going quite quickly i uh started thinking oh maybe i should make a pair for every family member with like a different color for the for the braid and then we could like hang them up and it could be our christmas stockings but i also have other projects to finish so [Music] we'll see but i really did enjoy this it was so quick and i do have a lot of this color because i did buy a sweater's quantity but then i really wanted to make socks because um yeah and it's quite affordable so i think i could make socks for every family member and then if i get around to making a sweater for myself i could get some more yarn in the future because i don't have the contrast colors that i would like to pair with it anyways and if i'm making a sweater in this i think it will be a color work sweater i've made one before and it's honestly the warmest sweater that i own if i'm going camping i bring that sweater because i know it gives off a lot of heat but i don't like the colors that i chose for my version it's like green yellow and red i should have switched the yellow with this color probably and it would have looked a lot better but maybe i can show it in a future episode so yeah these are my socks in my christmas sock bag and it also has like nice little divisions inside where i can put my needles so that's what i did today once i finished so that i could show you guys because i do forget sometimes to talk about my knitting needles i have knit pros this one and then i have uh liqueur which are driftwood needles and i have a few uh carbons and all of those uses the same cords so i can use them different the cords from different sets with the different needles and it's super nice and then i have a smaller set of hiahaya sharps which are metal needles and those i use a lot for thinner work objects i prefer metal when i'm knitting with thinner yarns because that usually means smaller sizes and i'm less scared of breaking the needle and then i really enjoy lique and the wood needles for thicker yarns and mohair yarns because they don't slip off as easily i feel when you're knitting with bamboo or wood and speaking of needles i got the ciao goo miniature needles or the mini set from my friend where did i put it it's underneath this pile i will show you in a sec but i have some more works in progress so another lovely sock bag from the urban stitcher that she gifted me earlier in the fall and inside it with the fall colors i have my floor mittens which is a norwegian pattern by ista bergul and as you see i haven't tied in the ends yet um i still have the other mitten to make but i did gently block this for you guys just by holding an iron above it with some steam going down because that makes the stitches flatten out nicely and it also has a latvian braid and i really enjoy this it's a very um rustic yarn the prickle factor is high but that also means that it's warm i was talking to one of your viewers about yarn and how some yarn smells sheepy and i don't think that everyone enjoys that but uh at least the people that i know here in norway seem to have like a general consensus that when they go to a yarn store we smell they aren't like we touch it and squeeze it and we smell it and the shapier the better maybe i'm just in a community with a lot of people loving rustic yarns but the sheepier the smell the how should the less processed a yarn is the more sheepy it usually smells because it hasn't gone through a lot of chemical processes it might just be gently washed and then spun up so you know that if it smells like a sheep then it's gonna be nice and warm so this one smells like a sheep and i love it and i was knitting it on my licking needles this one and they broke and it was a struggle to finish it but the ciao gu miniature which is a set with 1.5 millimeters to 2.5 um i managed to buy it off a friend that wasn't using it anymore so now i'm knitting the second one with these and these are surgical uh steel ones so these ones don't break that easily so the second one is knitting up a lot faster because i don't have to be um so worried about the needles breaking so i'm knitting it with a little bit more confidence and i'm just about to start the color work and if you want to make these mittens um it's a norwegian but it's also charted so if you know how to read uh a chart for mittens you could easily work this out but the chart doesn't include the latvian braid so but you can easily figure that out by just googling latvian raid and there's tons of videos online for that so this project is in my bag and i think i will knit this in the next few days because i really want to start wearing these mittens so that's on my knit list and i started another cowl so um the plan was to make a call for my mother and i wanted to make a christmasy one and i have made up a color work pattern for it which will look like snow crystals and i wanted to do a different um border because all of these other ones they have this simple same border on top and bottom but i wanted to have one that splits to have it kind of sit better i don't think i could put this on without losing the stitches but yeah it will like the shoulder will be on each side here and it will just sit nicely and then it will have so it will sit like this and then i'll have color work here and then a thinner border so that is the plan i've made the color work pattern so i'm ready to go but i'm not sure about the yarn i wanted to make a christmassy version and these yarns are some super old stash yarn that i've been wondering what to do with um they're like a light fingering fingering weight it's called bc gun shetlands this one i have already used in my other ones together with the county because it's just a nice neutral and then i have two skeins of this one which is like a raspberry red and when i look at it alone it looks christmassy enough for me i personally enjoy more the warm reds than the cooler reds you know the rest reds that border on rust and orange and brown tones and not as much on the pink lilac and blue tones but together it does look more like a blue red and yeah i just don't know but i think once i've knitted a pattern repeat it will show up and i will know if i like it or not so that is a current project that i will be knitting on but i think i might finish the mittens first because i need to get a few things off my needles so that when christmas comes around i can get back to my two larger projects which are [Music] i have the itu shawl so this is plutulupi which is an unspun yarn from easttex and these three colors i haven't started using yet because the ito shawl by melody hoffman starts out by using the darkest color and then you gradually work your way with like lace and garter sections and yeah so i've started using the third color and i have three more colors to blend in so i really want to give this some love and i'm knitting it on 4.5 millimeter licking needles which is the size recommended in the pattern i did not bother swatching because i figure um it's a large shawl so even if i knit too tightly it will still be a nice sized shawl and if i knit too loosely even better because the bigger the shell the better so that's one of the projects that i want to give some love during christmas and if you have watched me before i've talked about this sheep bag this sheep bag was like the dream bag that i really wanted to get from the urban stitcher but she was sold out and then she got the fabric back in and she let me choose the background so i chose green because i love my greens and browns and reds and fall colors and she made this for me and she wanted to uh she wanted to let me or she wanted me to let you know that she's been holding a few of these aside so that once i release this episode those of you who like me love everything sheepy can go and hopefully get some before she sells out so i will let her know when i upload this so she can make them available for you guys and it's so well made it's honestly the perfect bag and inside she has these cute little let's see if you can see this cute little colored sheep like a rainbow sheet and a polka dot and they're just so cute and these are like them inside pockets so it's almost as if i'm becoming like the knitting traditions podcast featuring urban stitcher but her bags are so lovely i can't get enough of them i wish i had a bag for every project and i guess if i stick to four projects i do so yeah really really nice quality bags uh another project that i want to give some love during christmas which i'm keeping in this bag that i got in tanzania is my cable sweater i did a few round rows in this but nothing huge since the last time i showed it just gift knitting got in the way but yeah this sweater is going to be awesome and i will show it again in natural daylight because the colors are getting a little bit blown out but you know what i really wanted to podcast and if i'm gonna wait for the good lighting i will see you guys in two three months time so this is what we have and um yeah you can go back a few episodes if you want to hear me talk about it but i am using the host super soft in the cinnamon color held double and you basically for this one i use a three millimeter needle and a cable leader needle for the cable stitches and that's it and i'm just making it up as i go there's no pattern for this but i am using the 250 stitches japanese book um for parts of one of the braids so this book is really great if you want to try yourself at some complicated stitch patterns [Music] okay so we're already at like 37 minutes and i was thinking here that i wouldn't have enough knitting to show you guys but you have no idea i have spent so much of my time carving fiber i had three sheeps um a norwegian dollar cell which is a white very common uh sheep breed and then i had the pelt wool which is the same fiber used in tinder by hillesvog which is my favorite yarn and then i have the norwegian wild sheep which is this breed which has very long kind of rough [Music] fibers and it's the oldest norwegian sheep breed and these sheep live on this farm that i'm renting this apartment on they live outside the whole year and in the summer they're roaming free about the mountains and then when fall comes around the whole family goes up to hoard these sheep down again and they will have to like climb several mountaintops to find one sheep here and one sheep there and that has gone astray so i got some wool from them once they got back this fall and they got cut before the winter so i finished carding up the the white dollar cell and i think i ended up with 800 grams of this wool and then i started on the health wool which is more of a light gray fiber and honestly guys this pelt wool is so silky soft it's the softest of the three yarns but it it's quite hard for my elbow that i broke this summer to work with the carding it kind of hurts a little bit so i need to be a little bit more careful so i did take a break from carting the pelt wool once i got halfway to try and carve some of the wild sheep and it's a lot easier carting this one because this um this wild sheep fiber are very long straight hair so it doesn't have a lot of curls to kind of cart into long straight fibers it's just naturally like that so basically i just run it through a drum carter and i pick out the little fluffs that um are not long enough to kind of go smoothly around so they stick up and it's easy to pick them off so i have i think i have carded up eight rolls of this wild sheep and of this i have also carted up i think eight so i'm halfway done with this and not even halfway done with the norwegian wild sheep and these this was the chao gu mini set that i bought from my friend so now i can actually check the sizes and yeah it's 1.5 millimeters or a triple zero in the u.s size to a 2.5 millimeters or a 1.5 us size so i just wanted to show you guys the smallest one like look at this these are like toothpicks honestly they're so thin you can you can like kill someone with these i don't think they would allow me to take these with me on a plane i'm always worried about that because i don't want to be on a plane without knitting but at the same time i don't want them to take my knitting needles so usually i will cast on something with the thicker needle and i will use my wood needles and that has never been a problem in tanzania they did ask questions i don't think they understood what i was doing with these long ass needles in my bag but they let me keep it thankfully i was a bit worried there for a second that they would take my clinic away and that was a 15 hour flight so if you've been traveling with knitting needles and been on a 15 hour flight and you enjoy knitting on that flight you will understand my anxiety of not being able to do that and so you guys know that i'm a fan of the urban stitcher and she has a sister named vicky and out of the blue vicky sent me some yarn because she is an indie dyer and she sent me some lovely yarn let's see yeah so this is a nice representation of the colors once i get it away from my artificial light and her company is called west green loft yarns i'll put links below and this was her new base that she sent to me because she heard from her sister that i'm a huge non-superwash more rustic organic natural wool fiber fan and this is her new line in um dyed non-superwash yarns and this yarn is called blush the pink one is blush and the beige one is called oatmeal and it's made from 100 highland wool and it's not superwash and it's 50 grams which gives you 210 meters and you guys this is the softest non superwash 100 wool uh by an indie dyer that i have ever felt that's this if if there was like a prickle factor between the uh ista beguil which is the norwegian one then the prickle factor would be like four and one five being maximum so i am really excited to try out this yarn and she also sent me a really cute stitch marker with like little two i'm so sorry about the lighting you guys i hope you can bear with me but yeah she sent me this nice two little mittens it's on like one stitch marker and so here's what i was thinking i really want to try this yarn that she sent me and i'm thinking about making either a hat or a cowl or mittens or socks something small that will only use up one of them so my thoughts are that i will donate one of these on behalf of her west green loft yarns to the 10 000 subscriber giveaway so in order for you to uh win this giveaway you have to subscribe to my channel uh you have to like this video give it like a thumbs up below and leave a comment um where you yeah just leave a comment where you specify whether you would like the oatmeal or the blush colorway i would love to use either one so you can choose which one you would like and as another part of the giveaway if you saw um a few episodes ago i had this box standing here with my yarn in this is a kind of a velvety velour organizing box from a norwegian department store with some faux leather straps and it's got like a brim here but it's easily foldable like this so i bought one of these for you guys because i think i can easily ship this so the giveaway will give you this thing this box for your project one of these yarns from west green loft yarns just right below which one blush or oatmeal and also i bought you my favorite little travel tool kit this kit has well almost everything you could need it has these um cable needles uh needle stoppers progress keep progress markers keepers whatever you call them um also these loops that kind of look like uh the loops from coconuts like these ones in different colors that you can put on your needle and my favorite which are these um these ones that open up and it has measuring tape and this kind of what is it you use this for needle work or something to protect your finger and it has these things which you can put your needles on hold if you're working on some other needles it has this thing that's used for unripping seams and it has uh two different kinds of needles for like a darning needle for your thicker yarn projects and a thin metal one for weaving in your normal ends and my favorite part in this kit are these needles these needles are just the coolest if you ask me they're just like snip snip and yeah i have the same kit and i love it um i have like one kit with like my favorite objects that i've collected from all over the world for the past several years but this thing is so small and handy and it's just so easy to drop in the bag and then i know that i will have whatever i need to finish my project and then i received two patterns in a i think two episodes ago by granny kit um and i wanted to keep one for myself and give you guys one and i want to give you guys the angie bunny crochet object pattern so i will put this in this nice little giveaway basket so thank you guys so much for subscribing to my channel and yeah if you want to be eligible to win some goodies just subscribe like the video and leave a comment letting me know which yarn you want and also let me know what you guys are knitting on or if you have some traditions that you're enjoying now i am waiting for my family i am making christmas cookies and watching christmas movies and i hope that you're also having a good time in the midst of everything and i have some more acquisitions i got this uh magnets bracelet from prim i got this at a online sewing store i know that coconuts has similar ones but i couldn't really get them when i was looking online so i got this one because i am looking forward to some quality time with my cable sweater this christmas and i always lose my cable needle i never remember between each round where i put it so now i can have it on my wrist and i think that's gonna save me a lot of time where i don't have to look for it so that's gonna be nice and i received a package a christmas present for myself i spent the money that i um earned from my cell book hal on some yarn that i have been wanting to try for a long time and i got this beauty today and it's very vacuum packed and i can't find my need my scissors so i will show this and all its glory when i start knitting with it but the yarn that i'm talking about is tuku wool which is a rustic hundred percent fingering weight yarn from finland so i love my norwegian yarns i love my danish yarns and a lot of um you guys have been recommending to google uh so i figured i have to try it so i bought i think two uh sweater quantities and a couple of suck um sock yarns so i'm really looking forward to trying that once i have finished a few whips and it's time for selfish knitting again and then that is what i will be doing so usually i do a little sit and knit with me section at the end only problem is today i don't have any projects that are knit in the round so you go ahead and knit and i will sit here and talk with you a little bit and drink our tea which is no longer warm i talked for too long but that's okay i will be better prepared for the next episode i hope it was a struggle today to even get off the couch after i got home but i'm here you're here i hope you're enjoying it and i am looking forward to talking to you guys once i've released this episode uh a little netflix section i haven't done that in a while um one of you contacted me recommending the movie mrs potter which i've actually seen before but it's been years it's the same actor that plays in bridget jones her name is renee something yeah but mrs potter is an older movie it's like a costume drama and it's just such a good movie and i really enjoyed rewatching it i took a break from my karting and sat down with a cup of tea and just relaxed for i think it's one hour and 30 minutes or something and it was really nice so if you haven't seen mrs potter i recommend watching it once you have some time to yourself with your knitting and it's actually on youtube like the whole movie um i didn't even realize youtube had whole movies but it was on there that's the link that one of you guys sent to me and i also have really been enjoying the tv show on netflix which is called the queen's gambit which is a show about chess a young chess player it was a really good show now i'm watching the umbrella academy which is entertaining um wouldn't say it's as good but it's entertaining and yeah so i like it i keep needing to find new shows to watch so that is one that i'm watching right now and yeah i was gonna talk about how i wash my garments usually when i knit a sweater i will just soak it in some lukewarm water with them so a wool soap that doesn't need to be rinsed out because then i can just gently squeeze out the water sometimes if it's like a heavier sweater i will put it on a dry towel and then i will roll that and step on it to kind of squeeze the water into the towel and then i will lay it flat to dry and that's kind of like wet blocking the sweater other garments i might just steam block with my iron so i'll put it i don't have an ironing table so i'll put it on a hard surface on a blanket and then the wet garment i'll put on there and then i'll also have a wet cloth on top of that again and then i use my hot iron with the steam function on top of that wet cloth um and i also always turn my knitwear inside out to protect the stitches and that steam blocks it and after i've worn a garment for a while and i need to wash it again because if you use 100 wool it's kind of self-cleansing so you don't really need to wash it that often but if you do need to once i've worn it for a while i'm less scared of destroying it because at least i've gotten some joy out of it right so then i will just wash it in the machine with my other woolens and i wash it on a wool program with wool soap make sure that the temperature is not higher than 40 just because i don't know i know that it's like a combination of temperature changes and friction and wrong soap and all of these things that can felt things but i know that i'm pretty safe if i use the full program with the right soap on a low temperature like 40 or 30 even better um and then either no motion or like high motion so it never falls down because that gives it the friction so i usually wash it with um so i usually wash it together with a lot of other wool garments so that it's not too little in the machine because it's if it's more than it's all just moving around and it's not getting that friction and then it depends on the garment if it's a garment that will easily stretch when it's wet and has gravity applied i will lay it flat to dry and if not i will hang it up on my laundry rack like um my favorite sweater melon tree which is knit in um 100 percent norwegian wool it's like 300 grams for the whole sweater it's not heavy uh so i just i'm not scared of washing it and i just hang it on the rack and it's easy maintenance yeah i wonder if there's anything else you would like to know we are doing the rustic knit along and to win that you have to put a finished object made of a natural fiber without plastics non-superwash you have to put a photo of a finished object in the ravelry thread i'll put the links below and we also have a question and answer thread on that ravelry group if you have something you want me to talk about and yeah we are using the rustic knit along hashtag on instagram which i follow and i post some photos at the end of the video from there and it's so nice to see what all of you guys are making you guys are making beautiful things and it's really tickling my um my uh wish list or yeah i just really want to knit all the things but i need to finish all the things first or at least some of the things so if you want to participate it runs until the end of february so plenty of time and it does need to be something big and whips are allowed and the prices are a bag from the urban stitcher which she kindly donated and i am donating uh my cell bucal pattern this one together with the yarn needed to make one and this beautiful colors so yeah that's the price for the rustic knit along but honestly it's not about winning nothing's about winning except for the giveaway for this episode i guess comment below it's just really nice to see that people are participating and we're doing something together and i'm hoping that people get the nudge to try something with a little bit more scratch factors just to feel how nice and warm it is and i personally used to be really sensitive to scratchy yarn um but i think the more that i've been knitting and the more that i you know learn about the yarn and properties the more i'm loving the more and more rustic and the prickle factor is kind of just going in one ear and out the other i don't really mind as much anymore but um socks are always a good way to try something because usually your feet are not as sensitive as let's say your forehead or your neck the neck for me is my most sensitive area but yeah i feel like i'm becoming less and less sensitive maybe it's just mind over body who knows but yeah i will cast on something simpler so something that's not color work for the next episode so that we can sit and knit together i'm hoping that i can do one more episode before christmas but i might not be able to i don't know my family is coming and if they are here we will be five people in a tiny apartment and um i don't know how to get enough privacy and quiet space to record but let's cross our fingers and see and if not i will see you when i see you i hope that you have a lovely holiday or just a lovely december and that you're surrounded by loved ones and if not that you will be soon and that everything will be okay and yeah i just i hope i will see you again soon and it's in some exciting times we're living in and we just got to take care of each other and be kind and pia is scratching on the door so it's time to say goodbye bye [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] you [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Knittingtraditions
Views: 32,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SMOivXYsqmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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