Knitting: Ranunculus Knit-a-Long help, part 3: Crochet Chain Tubular Cast On

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welcome again to sundragon tips and tricks this is the third video in our little series this week to try to get a jump start on the ranunculus our april knit along check out our first video in the series where i talk a little bit more about the sweater and getting the pattern to get the pattern on ravelry and i show you some different colors this video is going to be about the crochet chain cast on or tubular cast on which i've done one of my ranunculi is going to have that cast on it's the tighter of the two cast ons that she has written in her instructions but they're both very stretchy and loose this one uses a provisional cast on and it's really fun you're gonna need more tools there's a crochet hook involved but without further ado let's get to it the tubular cast on that midori talks about in the ranunculus uses a crochet cast on it's the tighter of her two they're both very loose and it's the one i'm going to use for my rainbow yarn for my cumulus rainbow what you're going to need for this cast on is some waste yarn and if you're not sure how much it should still be connected to the ball but i'm pretty sure this is going to work for me the needle you're going to be working on the 16 inch us10 the yarn you're going to use in a crochet hook i don't need to use the yarn right away i'm going to do my crochet cast on so the first thing i'm going to do is with my waste yarn i'm going to get a slip knot onto my crochet hook i have a video it's from my early days as a channel on how to do a crochet cast on a provisional cast on like this but i'm doing it here as well because it's a little different how you release it for the ranunculus than a regular provisional cast on but what you should do is take your crochet hook in your right hand and even though i crochet like this i hold the hook from on top right now for this technique so i have the crochet hook in my right hand i have the knitting needle in my left and we want to cross them with the crochet hook on top but we want the yarn to come from underneath so hooks on top i'm going to grab the yarn with my left hand underneath now for english style knitters this is going to feel really awkward for continental knitters this should feel pretty good for crocheters this is how we hold it for crochet so i'm going to bring the yarn over my hook catch it in the hook and pull it through the loop that is on my hook that's made a loop on the knitting needle i'm going to take the yarn take it between the crochet hook and the needle and under the needle the hook comes on top now we want to catch it in the hook it's really coming over the top of the hook it's wrapping the hook in an opposite direction from doing a knit stitch and we're going to pull that and it might be a little wonky to if you're not used to crochet we're pulling it through the loop on the crochet hook for people who've done crochet this will feel a little bit better take the yarn between the hook and the needle and under the needle put the hook crosswise over the needle catch the yarn and i grab my hook my loop right right here right at the bottom so i can pull it through yarn goes between the two and under crochet hook comes over yarn over pull it through the loop on the hook and back it up so we have a new loop between the two tools and under the needle crochet hook goes over catch a loop pull it through and you're going to repeat this between and under crochet hook goes over catch and pull i'll do it a couple more times and then i'll meet you at the end of this row for what we do next between and under the needle crochet hook goes over catches the yarn pulls it through okay just let them slide back on your needle as you do more yarn under hook over catch the yarn pull it through do as many as we need to do for the cast on i'll meet you on the other side for what happens next now if you notice on this cast on you're not casting on you're only casting on half as many as the other cast on so i'm too shy of what i need to cast on for this pattern so i'm going to put these last two on you might say that's ridiculous that can't be enough for my collar but it has to do with what we're going to do next so i always like to just chain a few more just yarning over and pulling through without the knitting needle there so i know which end i need to release this from later that is the whole point of a provisional cast on with waste yarn i'm just putting my end through here so it doesn't come undone while i'm knitting my rows the whole point is that we're going to take this out later so at this point it's time to start our first row with my official sweater yarn i want the red up by my neck because they're sun dragon colors so i'm starting from the outside and the instructions for the setup row say to knit into this waste yarn the first row again i don't really reveal too much of the pattern but we'll go over what the instructions say to do they say to knit your first stitch when i'm adding new yarn i like to just grab it with the hand that's not going to hold the yarn and if i was knitting cotton then i do it the other way around so that the tail feels like it's attached so i'm going to knit and i'm going to yarn over which is bringing my yarn to the front and over and i'm going to do that all the way across the row if you're knitting continental a knit and a yarn over the knit is there a yarn over it just means ducking your needle under like that and then we knit and duck your needle under to create the yarn over and we knit duck the needle under again for english style just did a knit stitch there i'm going to bring the yarn between the needles and over which is what you're doing when you're knitting continental two it just might feel a little different regardless this first row for the tighter of the two very loose cast ons you're knitting and yarning over across the entire row and that will double your number of stitches and it'll feel a little bit more i just couldn't get my my wrap to stick there but don't forget while you're talking or doing something to yarn over between every stitch your cast on will be a little bit closer to all the other cast on instructions but you're not done with the setup for this one this is the cast on that i used for my sample ranunculus that's in the shop and i did really like it i had a good time with it so stick with me and we will keep following these instructions here's my last knit one i still need to make sure i have a yarn over before i join to start knitting in a circle so i'm pulling up the other end of this i'm easing it around i don't want to lose this yarn over it says place your eor which is end of round which is also the beginning of your round place your marker make sure you still have a yarn over between this last stitch you knit and the one you're about to go into this is then you have 60 stitches this is where it can get off you get to the end of this round and that yarn over isn't there anymore it's gonna feel a little bit weird cast on round two after this is a regular knit again make sure this yarn over is still here when you go to do that and if this feels loose it's because it's where your tail is you can always cinch it up again if you need to so it says knit one w y i f slip sl1 w-i-w-y-i-f is with yarn in front so move your yarn to the front slip one you're actually slipping and again my tail is making this floofy you're slipping your yarn over and then bring your yarn to the back and knit one and you want to go around don't worry too much if this feels big and loose we're gonna try not to lose that yarn over but bring your yarn to the front and slip that yarn over and yarn to the back and knit one when you go around this round you're always slipping the yarn over and you're always knitting the knit stitches to keep you on track anything feels different from that something's gone wonky but yarn in front and slip and yarn in back and knit and the other thing i should mention is when in doubt slip things so yarn to the front so things like you're going to purl them like you're sticking your needle straight in not like you're if you go to knit and slip it's going to twist it slip it like it's a purl stitch yarn to the back and knit yarn to the front and slip yarn to the back and knit yarn to the front and slip yarn to the back and knit do that all the way around it's gonna almost feel like you're ribbing but be careful not to fall into the trap of actually ribbing of knit one purl one that's not what you're doing you're slipping you're knitting yarn to the front and slip yarn to the back and knit yarn to the front and slip yarn to the back and knit take your time with this so you don't have to back things out and start again take your time to ease stuff up on your needle if you need to remember when you get to the end there should be a knit be careful of this guy don't lose him that's your yarn over yarn to the front slip yarn to the back don't worry if there's a gap here try to keep going slip your marker now cast on round three says with yarn in back slip so you'll be slipping the knit stitches from the row previous and then you purl which means you need to bring your yarn to the front so you'll be purling those old yarn overs from two rows ago again i'm just going to tighten up my tail there but then move your yarn to the back to slip the knit stitch from the row before yarn to the front and purl yarn to the back and slip and even though he's a knit stitch you are slipping him purl wise yarn to the front and purl yarn to the back and slip because we just don't want to twist him yarn to the front and purl yarn to the back and slip and pay careful attention that you're purling back you're not knitting you're just slipping front purl back slip front purl back slip for continental knitters this is going to be the same but i'm not as proficient with those with those types of stitches so i'm only showing you english style right now back slip front purl back slip front purl do this all the way around your knit stitches from the row before should always be slipped and what you slipped last time is now being purled make sure you're changing where your yarn is for each thing that you're doing though that is essential for this coming out correctly purl back slip front purl back slip front purl do that all the way around here's the end of that row with my it ends with a purl now the instructions are going to want you to repeat what you just did so you start with a knit on this one and then bring it forward and slip and backwards and knit and forward and slip and backwards and knit follow the instructions for the repeat and i'll meet you back here after that for what happens next now that i'm done with my cast on rose with knitting and or purling and slipping she wants you to do the rib rows and she wants you to do just one row of knit one purl one and then a certain number of rows of knitting through the back loop after this row and purling one so follow her instructions and i'll meet you on the other side of that which will be a few minutes for me but just seconds for you in terms of this video because i want to show you what happens to this provisional cast on usually you have to worry about live stitches but you don't with this i want you to see what it looks like it's a little bit different than other provisional cast ons you might have worked with but i'd like you to see what happens with mine so you're prepared for what will happen with yours so i've reached the end of all of my ribbing and cast on rows and all that stuff i'm gonna lock this in and my cat's trying to say hi i'm gonna do one more stitch past this and it says to release my waste yarn and for many people this is a terrifying moment because usually provisional cast on means that you have live stitches when you do this but because of those cast on rows this will be okay but it will feel like it's still attached until the very end so i have the end that i did all those extra chains and i've released my end yarn and i'm just going to start pulling and what it's going to do it's going to pull these crochet stitches out but your yarn is still trapped it's not going to stay there forever so just keep pulling just keep gently pulling it's pulling out your you don't have to cut this out if everything has gone right you can keep pulling if it gets stuck on the yarn you use just give a little tug just give a little tug keep tugging here if you need to tug right here i can pull this it'll pull tight all the way to my first slip knot if i pull that out then i just keep pulling and keep pulling and keep pulling keep going get it out of there and look it's okay nothing is going to come undone and you have this really cool tubular cast on where it looks the tubular means that it looks like the knit stitches just go over and down the back side this is what the tighter cast on will do for you and now you can go on to your increases thanks for joining us for the crochet chain cast on for the ranunculus check out the first video in the series like i mentioned before if you want to see how some of them compare if they're made out of the same yarn no the yarn can change how all these come out the next video in the series is going to be on if you just want to use long tail but make it a little stretchier you can hold two needles together so we'll show that to you very quickly and once you've picked a collar and you've done it the next video we put out will be about how to do your next increase row may your crafting be filled with joy and confidence bye bye now you
Channel: Sun Dragon Tips & Tricks
Views: 14,435
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Id: CsLqsxjQ9uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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