Knitting Podcast · Episode 01 · A lot of WIP's and new yarn! | Mirth Makings

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hi everyone and welcome to the first episode of this new knitting podcast called mirth makings i'm amirta i'm behind yeah this podcast and this channel also a new channel i'm really excited to go to see where it goes maybe it doesn't go far then this might be the only episode yeah there will be i'm not really sure yet i'm also not really sure how long this episode will be um but if you're watching this you'll know because it will say so on youtube but this is a knitting podcast so we'll be talking about all things knitting related i'm a knitter i started in 2018 um i think or 2019 i'm not really sure around that time uh and it was really uh on and off thing for me back then but really since uh yeah the past year or two i think um really the past year i've been really getting back into it and enjoying all the things and so we're gonna talk about that i will show you my whips some things i got lately some acquisitions if you will and i will talk about some of my knitting plans as you may can hear english is not my native language i'm dutch so i'm sorry if i have a little bit of an accent or the grammar is not really correct i'm trying my best and i'm sure if i continue doing this it will get better over time but for now this is it i can understand english perfectly well but i'm not fluently at speaking it so my apologies in advance if i make a mistake so yeah let's get started i'm really excited i i haven't talked to a camera before but i do talk a lot to myself in real life so it's not really that big of a change if you ask me yeah so let's get into my whips i'm not sure yet how many times i record a podcast it might be monthly it might be quicker or a little bit longer but i'm talking about things from the past month i thought that would be a good indication um so i do have other works in progress or i guess they're not really working in progress anymore they're more ufos um because i don't planning on continuing on continuing here that's what i mean continue continuing continuing yes that's weird okay they're more uh they're not really whips anymore they're more ufos because i don't plan on continuing them uh anytime soon but if i will they will repair as um as a works in progress but for now i'm really talking about things that i'm currently working on um i'm looking down because uh i have it all laid around me um let's start with something that i will not show every time because it's really uh i plan on this being a long-term project that i will work on when i feel like it so maybe like half an hour a week maybe more so it's not if i only do this much i'm not going to show it every time it's in this basket this basket is i'm pretty sure it's plant butter but i use it as a work in progress biscuits and the project is this scarf or wrap it's a free prep pattern from pearl soho i will link it in the description i will try to link every pattern and maybe supplies uh i talk about but i'm all new to this so i'm sorry if i forget something um the yarn i see it doesn't have the label anymore but i'm pretty sure it's long yarns alpaca and then the fourth ply or the six ply socks with two x's um i will look it up and put it on the screen for you but i'm i think it's the four ply if i'm looking at the yarn and it's really soft i i bought it at a store in utrecht it's a city here in netherlands and the store is called sticks and cups and it's a really nice store with lovely lovely owner i haven't been to that much yarn stores yet it's really something i would like to do and more since your netherlands the wink the wrinkles the stores are opening up again so i really want to go to different places to the different yarn stores but this one i've been to multiple times and it's just really uh his elec that's a word in dutch that there isn't really a translation to you could translate it as cozy or or nice uh it's more like a feeling i think it's kind of uh comparable with uh hika from uh it's a scandinavian worth i'm not really sure which of the languages it's from maybe all of them i think it's a bit comparable to that correct me if i'm wrong but it's just a really nice store and yeah this is the first project it's a really simple repeat but that's also uh why i'm kind of get exhausted of it if i do it longer than a half an hour at a time because it's you start every row with a knit it's okay i talk about it because like i said it's a free pattern i'm not giving anything away if it was a paid for pattern i would never never talk about this but it's a knit for the edge and then yarn over pull two together yarn over peel two together two all the way to the end and then there are a lot of stitches i believe 69 or something and then you end with one knit stitch and i don't know about you but purling is not my favorite i do prefer the knit stitch a lot to the purl stitch especially when purling two together so but i do really like the the pattern of this i don't know if you can tell really well but i will put the picture in from the pattern itself from pro soho and it just looked really nice so this is just something i will be working on and off i don't think i will finish it before the next winter maybe even one after that i'm not sure um you're just supposed to knit the two balls until they're gone and it's so i'm not sure how long i will be uh working on this progress but i think it will be a very long time um so yeah that's the my first whip and uh let's get to the next one my next whip is a pair of socks that i'm keeping in this little basket from the hema which is the dutch store but you can get these kind of crates i think everywhere in the world at least to my knowledge i see them a lot on people's instagram feeds from people who are not dutch so i'm assuming you can get something similar in other countries but this is i'm pretty far along with this program fit with this project uh i finished the first suck and i'm making a good start on the second song this is also a free pattern uh it's like the pattern i'm not sure if everyone's rev raffled really also an awesome word to pronounce if everyone's rivalry homepage is the same but for me this is all always on top if i i'm searching for patterns it's always this one and it's hermione's everyday suck a really awesome pattern free i can't believe it's free it's been done like a and thousands of times so if she only had asked one dollar for it she would be so she would have so much money now um this is a hand-dyed yarn and i need to look for a second i'm so good i'm so prepared i need to look what it is for a second give me a moment okay so this yarn is mina dye works i believe she's a dutch dyer at least i bought it at a dutch store i'm not really sure if she's dutch but i i'm assuming and i bought it at the same store i was talking about earlier at the sticks and cups and it was a hank this and two other yarns i will talk about in a moment because they're also a work in progresses and are the first hand-dyed yarns i've ever gotten before like the past half year couple months i used to only work with cheap acrylic yarns or like cotton things that weren't expensive and i think that's totally fine if you're just knitting with acrylic do your thing it's awesome but i really wanted something nicer that felt nicer to knit up and also it just i don't know it just feels really nice um so this i bought it on the same day as the other ones is really like um my first experience with hand dyed yarn and i think it's so beautiful it's it's it kind of reminds me like uh like marble you know those styles on your kitchen floor or whatever so the yarn is from mina dye works in the colorway hell and not like hell like heaven and hell but uh i was told by the by the lady at the store that it's a mythical creature that this yarn expire um inspired and yeah it's just very very beautiful i really like it um so i i'm currently and i'm working it on uh yeah how do you pronounce it chiago needles lace interchangeable needles i bought recently i bought one like set with uh two and a half millimeters uh so it's it came with two long tips and two short tips and uh two cables and um i've knitted a lot of socks in the past they were really the first kind of projects i really got into as a as a knitter um so i've loved i've knitted a lot of them in the past but almost uh always on dpn's that's really how i need started knitting it around and yeah i know a lot of people don't like them but it's how i learned so i'm used to it but i um i noticed that whenever i made a sock on or just anything on dpn's that it had a lot of uh that had four place where the three depending on how much needles you used the stitches would be a little further apart than in the rest of the sock so you it wasn't as noticeable if you just laid like this but if you would put it on you would see um where the ending was from the dpn and i know i looked it up what the cost was and it said just to pull tighter and i i did that but it didn't work for me and also i found that now i'm working on these little tiny circular needles that it goes by a lot faster um it was really um it took some getting used to definitely um but now i don't think i will go back to dpn's except for the heel and the the toe uh the toe part of the sock i will use dpn's or two circular needles for that and so yeah the everydays of hermione's everyday suck i'm not sure what the pattern designer's name is but i will link it below in the colorway hell from sticks and cups yes um what will i talk about next yes okay so my next project is uh something uh it's now it's not my first sweater um it's a sweater spoiler alert but it's the first um really nice sweater that i uh i'm making i've had uh this it's my fourth sweater overall i think uh i finished one it's the redonk ranunculus sweater it's full of mistakes but it's the first sweater i ever made and finished so it's near and dear to my heart and then i made two other ones that i never finished [Music] and i don't think i will ever finish them but i'm definitely planning on finishing this one and it's the september sweater by petite knit i'm not sure how i can show it to you the best so this is the september sweater by petite knit knit with a modification like this here these increases and decreases and on the sleeve as well by lia lika like lea like on instagram i will also link her page below and she made an add-on pattern um which i think is absolutely awesome that she did it it's free just on her highlights in her uh on her instagram profile so you need to buy the the actual pattern from petite pit and then she has a free add-on and if you have the pattern and add-on you will understand it i have no problem understanding it and i'm keeping it in this nice basket i really like this basket it really fits the aesthetic of my room it's from ysk which is a store in the netherlands but the word yes isn't a dutch i'm thinking it's scandinavian but i'm not really sure so uh i'm thinking the store might also be in other countries um and i'm knitting this project with knitting for olive merino and soft silk um mohair and this was the first time i ever ordered from um knitting for olaf i ordered it directly from their site i do prefer to yarn shop in real life so that i can see really see the color and feel it but i saw so many people on instagram and youtube using this that i knew the quality was all right i just it was a little bit of a guess with color but i'm really pleased with it they're both in a brown nougat nova brown nougat i'm not really sure how the english pronunciation is um and i i'm really sad because i think i bought too much i think i will be having these as leftovers because i'm almost done with the first sleeve and then i just need to do the second sleeve and i just broke in two balls and yeah i think this uh i will have this as left over so i'm kind of hoping that i need at least a little bit of one of those so that i didn't bought them for nothing um but i will find some other use for them if not i just really like when i use up all the yarn for a project um yes and now i will turn the camera off and on okay i just looked back a little bit of what i filmed because my camera turns off every 20 minutes to keep the disc from overheating um and i sound really brabons i'm i'm from the south of the netherlands and i never really heard myself speak english before and it sounds very um i don't know what the word in english here for us but then there's this plot which uh isn't really a compliment when you say uh someone speaks plot it means um you sound like um farmers so it's not that there's anything wrong with it i live in a small town so it's obvious i i talk a bit plot i will see if i can find the translation and if i can i will put it here but i've just found it really funny to hear myself in english and i've never really heard that before except for maybe like years back when i needed to do a product for school or something but anyway back to the knitting the next project is a hat so this is the next project it's a hat it's the uh yeah it's called something with harry potter that's really a coincidence i think because the socks were also harry potter because hermione is everyday suckin i wasn't really sure when i started the project if it was hermione like harry potter hermione but it says in the pattern that that's where she draw drew her inspiration from and this is uh called after the love potion in harry potter but i don't know from the top of my head what it's called so let me look that up for a second it's called the amortentia i'm sorry if i'm butchering that pronunciation uh but it's a pattern from uh wanted knits and jenny nodo um i just bought it on ravelry so it is a paid for pattern but i yeah i'm not really sure if you can tell if not i will maybe put a clip in here from the pattern which is really nice kind of cables but they're not cables you don't need a cable needle for them i did alter this pattern in the original pattern it was just a single band and then knit to the top but i don't really like the look of those uh it depends on the on the head itself but in this case i really wanted a double uh yeah double layered like this sparkle bent i'm not really sure what it's called uh brim i think it's called broom i think so uh so what i did is because it's like a one-sided pattern and you can't really um just turn it inside out because then it will have the wrong side facing so what i did is i followed uh just like the pattern set um how the the band should start off and then i continue it continued it until it was long enough for my liking and then i did one short row row um just turning for example say i would go i would do it here i would just turn my work the other way around and then slip uh one stitch and turn it uh yeah turn it into a double stitch so you pull the yarn over and then you pull it really tightly and then i just needed a knit row and then i continued the pattern um as it said but i did switch one um i just switched the because there are two uh different cables i did um need to start the other one first but it was really um easy to do it was not a really hard a really hard what's the word alteration it wasn't a hard alteration uh also i'm sorry if i'm talking too quickly uh i will try to uh to level blood to pay attention to that but i am a really fast talker in real life and especially when i'm talking about something that i love like knitting i can go quite fast and loud and uh i imagine it's annoying so i will try to [Music] pay attention to that um this project i really like the yarn it's i bought it at um at a store in amsterdam the stephen and penelope store it's like the yarn store of the netherlands and everyone knows it and for good ride because it's an awesome awesome store it's run i didn't even notice because i do really like the native community but i'm not that deep into it and now you don't need to need to be deep into it to know who stephen west is but i didn't i didn't know who he was i just didn't know he was dutch and i also didn't know or he technically technically is not dutch he's i believe he's from another country that came to study in amsterdam [Music] but i didn't know that the stephen from stephen and penelope was stephen west so i was in the store and i thought oh they do have a lot of merch and kits for uh for westnids and i thought oh awesome it's just a store that sells them and i yeah i feel really stupid afterward because i only found out like two weeks after i went um that it was the store um from stephen west himself but anyway nice store do recommend lots and lots of hand-dyed yarn they also do have some uh non-um hand-dyed just regular yarns um but i bought when i was there too hangs of hand dyed yarn and the other one will be in the next uh working progress but the first one is this one this really nice yeah purply reddish lilac color it's really nice it has especially when the sun hits it it has like a thousand colors and it looks so nice it's uh i'm looking down because it says here i need to i need to look it's called it's from life in the long grass it's a superwash merino in a dk weight and the colorway is called dark truffle yeah and it feels really soft it knits up really nicely and yeah i just really really like this yarn the problem is why it has it isn't finished yet because it's quite a quick knit it's like thick yarn and it's only a hat but it's taking me very long because it's not like i dislike the pattern i really like how it's constructed and the look of it it's just a lot of work and also not really that much work it's just the little yeah like heart-shaped cables the technique for it is just really not my my jam so but you only need to work at once in every fourth row so it's not like every row you um you need to do things but it's just i don't know but i do have some motivation to finish this but we'll get to that later um and it's i'm holding it in this little project pack which is from a vault line which translates to wool plaza i think like plain yeah i don't really know what translation is i'm sorry um but it i stole it from my mother my mother is a crocheter and she won this i think [Music] like there was a contest when we were there it's a web shop but it also has like an inspiration center where you can buy look at the yarn and then buy it it's really awesome um and there was a contest where if you bought something you put in your receipt in this big bin and then they um they uh and now yeah how do you call it they like took a receipt and that person won and it was my mom so she won this project bag and some yarns um it's like four years ago i think but she didn't use it so i stole it because it's the perfect size for a product like these or like socks i used to use it a lot for socks i even have sock pin on it and also another some other knitting pins and these were all from aliexpress back when you didn't have to pay customs for aliexpress the rules changed here in the netherlands i think in all of europe um so there's no more buying cheap stuff from china for me anymore which i guess is not that that bad of an uh thing because it's not really good for the environment and such but i do really like cheap things the back is really practical it's not really my preferred color but i really like the that it has a zipper and inside it has an extra pocket i don't really use these uh holes but you could feed your yarn through it but i like taking my projects in and out of different bags and that's not really you can really do that if the yarn is feeding through in the back um so yeah the this was the artentia dog and i will link it below too um and then my final whip at the moment i know there are a lot i'm just not really [Music] the type of person who knits at one project at a time i really really like to have multiple projects that i can choose from and that i just can knit whenever i'm in the mood which also leads to me not finishing that much in future episodes i'm hoping to have a finished object category in the podcast um but i don't really finish that much i know it's really bad but i if i think i thought about past things that i finished to maybe put in a podcast but the only thing i finished in the past like two months were gifts so i don't have them anymore um they were like a hat and some pair of socks um yeah so i'm not really great at finishing things i really need to get back into it uh not back into it i need to get into that because i do really like finnish objects i'm just not uh that good at doing it because oh i will see something new and i you will see in the acquisition parts that i i'm not really good at restraining myself from buying new yarn and then i want to start a new project with new yarn but i'm i'm trying to set rules for myself that i don't start a new project unless i finished one of my of my current projects it's not like they're really big projects um too like this the september sweater is big but i'm almost finished um but all these other like these socks and heads they're they're tiny projects and they're not taking off half a year to make but yeah the final whip at the moment is this and this is a very lovely yarn um or i should probably say what the pattern is first uh this of these are fingerless gloves called something in french i'm not french i had french for three years in high school i guess the school system here is a bit different from the from america and i'm not really sure which part of our school correlates with the american school system but i'm thinking it's high school um you had to take french and german and as uh in the in your third year you get to choose your subjects and you get to let go of some subjects and i and i as soon as it were possible i let go of french and german i'm sorry if there are any french and german people watching i do think especially french german just sounds a lot like dutch but i think french is such a beautiful language it's just not my gem at all i'm not a language person i'm much more into the mathematics and the technical things but i do study psychology which is like a social study but i chose all the technical subjects and i still would if i had to choose again if i would have to choose again i would still choose the technical subject so french not really my strong suit so this is the f i'm so sorry pattern i will also put a picture here and link it below but it's a fingerless glove and i really like it the pattern i'm not really sure how well it shows off on camera because it's also getting darker as i'm filming this um but it's really simple and really nice and the yarn i'm using is also from stephen and penelope and it's called let me look it up for a second it's the twink fiber i'm thinking it's south african merino in the colorway chocolates and it's the dashing sassy collection i think if i'm reading the my writings correctly and it's a really nice yarn it is quite uneven in some places i don't know if i can show you oh i think i'm pulling the wrong yeah what happened is since i uh these were my first hangs and i'd never spun them before i went to my my aunt which she's really nice and she is also a big knitter she's really awesome um and she does have like the umbrella and the spinny thing so she let me use them but i didn't really um look up any tips or tricks i just went for it and it this was the first ball that i spawned it went a bit rogue so i broke it so i have like multiple small gates um which wasn't really fun and especially with this yarn because if because of its like almost unspun um how do you call it like it's on spun quality i guess it really isn't that fun to unravel so it didn't make it any prettier so i had to through out quite a bit which was really sad because it's not cheap cheap yarn at all like the hank was like 28 euros which i do think it's worth because it's very pretty and very soft but it's not cheap at all um but i would knit with it again still in fact i'm still knitting with it so um i would just be a lot more careful when winding it um so yeah i don't really have much to say about this yet i'm not finished with the first one first one um but it is knitting up pretty quick because it's knit on four millimeter needles which is uh compared to like the two and a half from the socks is a lot quicker okay so those were all my current whips at the moment which brings me into the next part of this episode which is the things i got lately recently i really like watching this part of people's podcasts i'm just really nosy and i like to draw inspiration from what they've got um so first i'll start off with two books i got one i bought for myself uh and one i got from my boyfriend uh yesterday for valentine's day it's currently when i'm filming this it's the day after valentine's day and he knows i like knitting i need a lot in his presence and he got me a book which was really nice so the book he got me is this big big book which is the vogue knitting stitch dictionary which is really cool i'm currently really following other people's patterns uh when it comes to knitting um but in the future i do want to make not necessarily my own patterns because i don't think i'm qualified for that really not yet but i do want my own thing i want to make my own things like just for myself so this book is really awesome because it basically just tells you um every stitch that you could imagine now well not every stitch because that would be impossible but there are a lot of them in here so it's um i want to show you without showing the oh like here just picture just like that i can see myself like the camera that i have is actually like meant for photography but it just also happened to be a camera that you could also film with but it's it don't it doesn't have like the little screen so i i really can't see myself so i also hope i'm in focus i think so i tried the best um so i will put a clip from this book because i can't know for sure if i'm showing you if you can see it but it's really nice and i'm very happy with it another book to act at to my book collection and the next book i'm also really happy with i bought it for myself it was quite expensive but i think it's uh worth it it's the it's the 52 weeks of sucks by lane and i was so happy when i ran into this because um i tried looking at it online like in the past couple of months and it was sold out almost everywhere in the netherlands i could like buy it from the french web shop but then the pay the shipping would be much and they also still had it at um stephen and penelope um the yard store in amsterdam that i talked about before but it was really expensive there it was like um almost 50 euros well and other places where it was sold out it was 40 euros but then i last week i went to a really awesome yarn shop in the south of the netherlands in a city called tilburg and it was this really nice store and it was my first time but i'll definitely be going back there it had a lot of scandinavian yarns and she also spins yarn herself and i'm sorry my i'm on a what do you call it like office chair and it spins a lot so that's what i'm doing but the back to the store it was a really uh awesome store and the lady spun the yards also spins yarn herself and dice dyes it and it's just like at someone's home so i had to walk like half an hour from the station to um get to it it's just like it feels like i was passing through her garage and then it was like next to her house which was really cool um but here it like on the left side it was all the beautiful yarns and all the scandinavian and other a lot of natural fibers and on the right side you could actually see your workshop so there were like yarns hanging drying that were dyed it was really awesome and she also saw this book and i had the very last copy which made me very happy and now i got to buy it for uh 39 euros which uh oh it's like almost 10 euros different so i'm very happy with it and i also already marked all the patterns i want to be making i do wish i had bought this before i started on the the other socks which i do think are really nice still the hermione everyday socks but in here there are just so much more pretty pretty patterns if you look on ravelry you can actually see every pattern that uh that has this and you can buy them individually i think for five euros so if you don't want to buy the whole book because um i'm also not going to be making every sock that is in here probably only going to be making like 10 um but i just really like having the book itself to look through and to have on my shelf um but if you only want to make like one or two socks i would recommend buying them separately of revelry but i'm really happy with this book the next things that i bought are all yarn and i bought them at two different places oh no three i'm i'm looking and i'm seeing something else um the first are juice twos those two yarns it's the drops get silk and then drops alpaca and i bought them at the store i was talking earlier about which had the which this project pack is from um so wall plain wool plaza i think translated so they do there are a very big web shop here in the netherlands like one of the big ones but they're their location is somewhat nearby it's like 25 minutes with the car so i think that's worth the drive and you can just uh look at every yard that they have it's really awesome it's like from for every yarn that they have there's one um skein and then you can put it in your basket and then you get go to the um the counter and you say oh i want five from this gain and and four from this and then they um then you wait and then they'll get it for you it's really awesome um and i bought these two to combine together to make the communist cumulative i already made a swatch um yesterday even though i said i was supposed to finish other projects first so i'm thinking i should probably finish the september sweater and then i can cast on another garment um but yeah they're very beautiful this is the drop skit silk uni color in the color 19. and this is the alpaca unicolor in the color 77895 really fun names but yeah they look beautiful together and i'm really happy with this and also drops is very cheap um i really like that i was um i just had bought like all the expensive hyundai yarn and the the knitting for olive which is also quite expensive and then i went to buy this and i had oh i had my sweater quality and i was going to paint and she said like oh there will be 30 euros please and i thought she made a mistake because i was like no it can't be that cheap but it actually was which was really nice so this yarn and then the next yarn i bought i bought at the same store that i bought the 52 weeks of socks book in tilburg the oldest i didn't even say what the store was called it's called vo atelier which translates to like yarn workshop like something like that and it's just really awesome and she sold satinus garden softness god i'm not really sure how you pronounce it but that's not really something that you see a lot here in the netherlands like at all there are only like a few web shops maybe like four that sell it um and i'd never seen uh seen it in real life so to see it here was really awesome and she didn't have like all the colors which would be a lot but she did have like 10 or maybe even more colors to choose from so the first color i bought is this really pretty red burgundy color and it's the color i don't know which color is because it's set it says in norwegian which is the color and which is a lot um but i'm thinking that the color is 40 45 but it's just really pretty and it's 100 percent merino whole and i'm planning on making the oslo heads also from petit knit there's a lot of fatigue in this video but she's just really she has just so many awesome patterns so i'm wanting to make the oslo head with this wall which is my motivation to finish the the other hat that i'm working on because i said to myself that if i finish that one i can test on this one which i'm really looking forward forward to isn't it um holding two of these of the sunday together oh it's the sunday i didn't even say that it's the sunday from uh yes set this subtlest garden it's really hard to pronounce things so it's the sunday and i bought this but i also bought another color and that one i bought in a sweater quantity so the next yarn or the next sunday yarn i bought is actually the collabor collaboration between uh sunday or i guess set this a current amputee knit it's just like purplish blueish grayish color and i'm thinking it's the color 4631 and i bought this together with this really really luxurious yarn from roma which is called oppaka lin and this isn't cheap yarn but i'm planning to knit these two together to the sweater number number 14 v-neck version from um i believe my favorite things knitwear um and that pattern is knit using um a strand i believe it's original originally knit with a strand of merino uh and two strands of uh uh silk silk mohair and this is like a a thick thick kind of mohairy it's not mohair because it's alpaca and linen [Music] but i think these were they are not the same color but i think they will look very nice together and i can't wait to guess this on but i first need to finish my other projects okay so my camera shut off because my sd card was full and i didn't notice so uh i just lost a lot of uh talking and i'm not really sure um what i talked about and what i didn't also my batteries running low so i'm hoping i can make it to the end this time but i was talking about the the real magaren um and i don't know if i told already what i was planning on making i think i think i did but it's a sweater 14 feet neck by my favorite things that were i had one last acquisition that i showed you you didn't see it but i did um and that's this undyed yarn that i got um i really want to try um dyeing my own yarn at some point there are a lot of things i want to try but dyeing my own yarn is definitely one of them so i bought two ski scales skins it doesn't say what the blend is just that it's a rich wool blend not much more so i'm not sure um but i thought it was like 20 something plasticky like what's it called i don't know 20 something plasticky and then like the other 80 was just like um so i'm very happy with this and i don't know uh with what i'm going to uh diet yet probably like onion skins or yeah i flowers would also be cool but there it isn't it's winter there aren't a lot of flowers and i think you also need to dry them so if i would do that the first i will be able to do it is in like october or something which is a very long time and i want to try it fairly soon so i'm very happy with this um and that was actually everything that i wanted to show you and uh talk about um if you're still here thank you so much for watching watching uh till this point and yeah it means a lot to me i don't think uh a lot of people will be watching this so if you have and you watched till the end thank you so much that means a lot that's so cool and if you also want to leave a comment that would also be so cool i would love to receive read and reply to the comments i don't have any knitting friends in real life i have an aunt knit i talked about her before when i told her that i could wind my yarn by her she's really awesome she has been knitting for like 40 plus years and she has so many yarn and so many supplies and she also let me use lets me use it which is really cool um i don't know if i'm telling her that i'm making this so if you are watching thank you i really like it and um yeah for next uh the next time i'm not really sure when that will be if you have any suggestions or feedback please feel free to leave them below yeah it's just my first time doing this so i'm sure there's a lot of lots of room for improvement and i'm really open for feedback please be nice and for other kinds of videos um i'm not really sure yet i think i will see what i'm in the mood for to film and edit and if you do enjoy knitting content please feel free to subscribe that would be really cool and thank you so much for watching and i'll see you hopefully i'll see you next time bye you
Channel: Mirth Makings
Views: 713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q7Yv672JOlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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