Knitting Help - PatternGenius

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] this video is an introduction to pattern genius it is a pattern and chart creating app from the find people who brought us nick companion pattern genius is available in apple ios for your ipad as well as mac os for your macbook and as long as i have this macbook out i'm going to go ahead and let you know a little secret if all goes well next knit companion video in a few weeks is going to involve both knit companion and a macbook that's all i'm saying so stay tuned for that it's pretty exciting stuff so pattern genius back to pattern genius it is available for ios and mac os and they're just like nick companion it's available in two levels it's available in the basics level which has most of the features that you're going to use all the time and then there's an all genius level a subscription level that has a bunch more things for customizing what you're doing just like knit companion funny how that works out huh and when we're uh as i'm making this video as of this video being released we have 10 companion videos out and our goal with knit companion videos has been been to put out these 15 minute videos with just a little bit of information each time so that no one feels completely overwhelmed because there is so much to that app right so many things you can do and we've been putting out these videos and there are people who are very happy with using their basic version to keep track of their pattern and where they are and you know to interact with their patterns and then there are the people who are using the um more advanced features and customizing things and voice commands and all kinds of stuff and then there are people who fall in between and so while i'm putting out these videos i'm noticing that people are getting more and more comfortable with the app just like i am the more we use it the more comfortable we are in the last couple of months i've heard the questions is there a way to design patterns and companions dc can you show us how to design patterns in nick and pen as soon as i started hearing those questions i was like they're ready for pattern genius bring on pattern genius let's show them this is a really exciting app and because it's from knitcompanion they understand knitting they know what we want i mean the things that you're going to look for are automatically going to be there it's it's great i'm um it's definitely going to change the way that i put things together um i explained the two different tiers and in this video i'm going to be focused on the basic tier aside from one feature of the all-genius tier which i love very much and i'm going to marry and so i should probably introduce you to it before we get married um but let's talk about pattern designing kind of a big picture because in all genius you can design the whole pattern beginning to end and create a pdf and that's kind of the goal when you're creating a pattern is to have a pdf because that's what that's the standard format for knitting patterns you can upload them to ravelry people can use them in knit companion it's what we are after in in a pattern i personally use google drive when i create my patterns it's a free way to get what i've created into pdf format right and i use google drive because i have my template for my patterns in there with my banner my logo and my sizing information and my copyright you know everything's there so when i'm using pattern genius i am likely to not create a pdf but create an image of the chart and the key and then use those images in the pattern that i've created on google drive so i wanted to explain that to you because depending on how you do things how you want to do things you have a couple of options so i'm going to to walk you through all of this you're probably getting excited to take a look at the software anywhere right oh oh this is very very important if you would like to give pattern genius a try just go to the apple app store and search for pattern genius give the give it a download and then if you're enjoying it there is uh a place right in the app to upgrade if you'd like to get all genius but for now let's go and take a look at pattern genius when you first open pattern genius you see you are in a project and ready to go we have an empty chart here ready to fill up with our stitches and here on this carousel you'll see that it says basic those are the basic stitches that we see here along the right side and when you tap one of these stitches you see the black box pops up there with the abbreviation for that stitch so the first one's a knit the dot is a purl this v here is slip one this v with a line is slip one with yarn in front i think it's really handy because not all of them are immediately apparent to me what they are and i can keep from messing up so i'm going to tap on the pearl and to start putting purl stitches into my project i just tap where i want them see that and if i want to speed things up a little bit you see the hand is selected over here i can tap the paintbrush and start painting stitches in by sliding my finger or a stylus along where i want them okay so that's already pretty easy right i've got a lot of stitches in there let's take a look at what else we have up in this carousel this is basic i'm going to rotate over to increases which changes the stitches available here along the right and this first one is a yarn over a circle that's mostly what they mean in charts all over the place so i'm going to paint some yarn overs in to my chart i'll rotate and then of course you have all kinds of increases to choose from and then here we have decreases this first one is a k2 tog put some knit two togethers in the next one is the mirror of that ssk put some slip slip knits in there you see here i've already made this amazing chart with hardly any work this all came together very quickly if i keep rotating through here i have elongated stitches passover stitches brioche texture cables and color work and color work is part of the all genius tier of the software and it allows you to make a color chart let's go back to cables though you see we have a whole bunch of choices in cables and if you scroll up there are even more um and they're pretty standard for the way that we're used to seeing cables we have here a right leaning one over one cable this is a left leaning one over one cable and then we get into cables with pearls in them because it's grayed out and if um these are a ton of options but not all cables are one over one right well of course because this is brought to you from the people who make nick companion you can customize that we're gonna tap this and this window pops up here and i'm going to change my cables to two over two you can put any number in there you want of course it can be three over one or one over three or eight over nine whatever i'm making mine two over two and now that that's highlighted i can tap them into my nonsense chart right and i'm going to go and put in some mirror images of that cable i'll quickly customize this to two over two and put them into my chart now one thing to keep in mind when you're using pattern genius is that you put stitches into pattern genius the same way that we read charts from right to left so you want to tap the right most stitch in that combination to populate it of course and i didn't mention it but it's it's kind of obvious that because this is a four stitch combination it occupies four boxes on the chart right so you want to tap the right most stitch in that combination if you put it somewhere else it'll put it too far over that way but that's easily fixed we have the undo arrow over here and that takes it out and i can put it in the right place okay so i've got this chart which would kind of be a complicated thing to put together without pattern genius i want to show you another thing here this ruler if you tap that this is a toggle on and off switch and it gives you access to the stitch and row numbers okay now i want to do something with this chart i'm ready to take this chart on the road right first thing i'll do is up in this carousel is go to system and i'm going to let we'll just walk through what's in here in system to get to the thing that i want to enable um you can start a new project here and you can also access your icloud projects that are saved and that's in this first screen right here the next one is for dropbox because you can save things in dropbox the same way you can for nic companion icloud seems to be a pretty easy way to do things though in the information button you get the version of your pattern of your um software and shopping cart will allow you to upgrade to all genius but this is what i want down here this gear so the reason i'm in here is because of icloud you definitely want icloud turned on if you're going to be you know wanting to share things back and forth i mean i just think it's a really easy thing to do so i have icloud turned on and this button shows stitch name this is remember when we tap the stitches and the black box pops up with the abbreviation you can turn that off here i like it though i wouldn't turn it off okay now i'm going to settings because this is where we're actually going to start to do stuff with the chart that i just made and on the first page we have our project information with this big box where we can add notes and i think that this is probably where you might want to add things like yarn weight and sizes or whatever i think that's where you can make your pattern have a little bit more information by using these notes and they can be private design notes that you're just keeping to yourself but if you tap this to add the notes to pdf then it actually becomes part of your pattern which i can see a lot of uses for this note section and now i'm going to jump down here to the share button because this is where things really get interesting okay i can add my chart it'll be a chart and the key it's going to create both of those for me i can add that to my camera roll which is likely what i'm going to be doing because i want to be able to put those images into my my document on google drive right and i can make it an hr image if i have all genius this is part of the advanced tier i can also create a pdf pattern and just make my pattern straight from all genius now this next toggle button right here this is the thing this is part of all genius and this is the feature that i want to show you so i'm stepping out of the basic features and go doing this one because this is the one i love and this is the one i'm going to marry i'm going to turn this on to generate the written instructions for my pattern from the chart i just made this is unbelievable i love this so much okay so now i'm going to tap create pdf pattern and whoops you know what i didn't show you there's one thing i didn't show you let me go back to settings because i want to go to camera and in this one i have the option of selecting an image for my pattern from the camera roll selecting an image from my pattern by taking a photo or use default and i just wanted to point out that i have used default here because it's the pattern genius logo i haven't added another picture because i'm not taking you into my camera roll because that is just dog pictures so back to where i was here i'm going to generate written instructions and create pdf pattern this is where i left you a minute ago the first page of my pattern is my photo which is the pattern genius logo the second is the chart itself the third is the key now let's take a look at this key because this is so great the first column is the symbol the next column is the right side how the stitches worked on the right side of the work and the next column is how the stitches worked on the wrong side of the work now i had the option of making this chart in the round and if i did if this was knit in the round i wouldn't have instructions for wrong side but because this is knit flat there's a right side and the wrong side the key is automatically generated for both of those now here is my the thing i'm kind of excited about the written instructions the chart that i made is now in row by row instructions this is so great this is making me rethink the way that i design patterns because row by row instructions are a way to have a typo or mess i mean it's a lot of work first of all but uh it's also the easiest way to mess up your pattern right because you can have a typo in here but if you have this chart that you've made that is that i mean there are no typos in here right and so the written instructions aren't going to have a typo either i'm thinking about how i can maybe take patterns that i would not have normally charted and put it into a chart so that i can use this feature of the subscription tier of the software that makes it totally worthwhile for me not to mention that the subscription level is huge there's a ton of stuff but i'm especially in love with this one but also if you are a designer offering your knitters people who are knitting your pattern both the written and charted instructions is such a nice thing to do for them your pattern is going to be much more well received because there are people who absolutely love using charts and there are people who absolutely love using written instructions and don't want anything to do with charts believe me i hear from all of them so that is my um that's my pdf pattern and if we go back to here and i was talking about using google drive i can also just add it to my camera roll and then pop those images what we saw the chart and the key into my document on google drive and that's it i hope that helps you understand pattern genius and if let us know what you think you know i don't do a lot of videos on very pink knits for designers but i'm interested to know what you think anyway i hope you enjoy the app good luck [Music] hello
Channel: VeryPink Knits
Views: 19,427
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Keywords: knit, knitting, verypink, verypinkknits, verypink knits, very pink
Id: j4Xkr8VHV_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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