knitCompanion - Customizing Written Patterns (Video 4)

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[00:00:01] [Music] [00:00:14] In this video, we're going to dive a bit deeper into the knitCompanion app and I'm going to cover Customizing Written Patterns, so the text in patterns much the same way we did in the last video with the charts. And this is the fourth video of the series. If you would like to see the entire knitCompanion series that I have, so far more videos coming, just click the little "i" in the upper right-hand corner to go to that playlist. If you're watching this video on my website, I will put a link here on my website. I'll also put one in the video description field below on YouTube. I try to make the links possible everywhere, people can't find them sometimes. Okay. So, this is the fourth video, we're diving deeper and deeper into the software and customizing things. And I'm always a little bit worried that someone's going to watch this video first. They're not familiar with the software. They're going to watch this video first and, "Oh, this is too complicated. I don't want to do this. I can't do this." We are getting into some pretty complicated...not really complicated, some more intense stuff with the software and you don't have to do this. You can use the software to read your patterns, to use the counter, to use the highlighter bar to show exactly where you are. These are things that you can do if you want to do them. I think they're really fun. It only takes a few minutes once you get the hang of it. And it's for people who want to. The free version of the app is the features that you will use the most, opening PDF patterns, keeping track of where you are, using the counters. Those are all really easy-to-use with no setup. This is just one more step of getting into the software and customizing things, and only if you're comfortable with it. If you want to get the app, try the app for free or use the free version of the app, just go to, no, not that. You want to go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and look for knitCompanion, one word, you can download it onto your device and start working with it right away. If you have questions about the app, you can always go to They have a lot of information there about the free and the paid versions. And what we're going to cover here today is for the Apple, the iOS platform. And it's for the iOS platform and it's part of the paid version. And for all the Android people out there, I'm an Android person myself, fingers crossed, knitCompanion is totally working on the Android platform. We're hoping to have something before the end of the year, soon, soon, soon, and they're working on it. I've offered to help test the app, the Android version because I know a lot of the features that we've covered so far in like the last three videos have been...yeah, these last three videos have been just for Apple. And so, they're working on getting Android caught up to that. Very exciting. Okay. So, in this video, we're going to talk about customizing written patterns so that you have the same features that we did in like the last video with the customizing charts, where you can tap the counter button and the highlighter bar jumps to exactly where you are automatically and Row Reminders, little things you need to remember specific to that row, not the page, not the pattern, specific to that row, things you want to remember. I think it's pretty fun. Part of this of these features actually makes me laugh because I can make the software yell at me with my own voice to not forget to slip a stitch or something like that. Okay. Let's get into it. Okay. Here we are. We're going to use Lost in a Dream Hooded Cape pattern for an example here. This is a tutorial I did recently. I can give you a link to this pattern. It has some good features in the pattern that help me demonstrate what we're going to do today. Now, it'll become clearer as I get through it. I'm going to jump over here to page 3. And what I really want to do is take this bit of text right here, this bit of my pattern, and just like we did with the chart, I want the row that I'm on to automatically be highlighted so that when I tap the counter for the next row, the highlight automatically jumps to the next row I'm on making it really easy to see where I am in my pattern. And that's what we're going to do. That one-tap marker is what we're going to set up for text here. So, I'm going to go to Setup, up hear at the top of the page. Maybe, there we go. Okay. And just like we do with a lot of things when we're starting something new, we tap the plus button over here. We use this all the time and I'm going to select Text Piece this time. And the Text Piece that I want, I already know, it's asking me to pick a page. I already know it's on page 3. I'll highlight that and tap Next. And this arrow, this blue arrow pointing down is telling me to highlight the text that I want to use. And so, I'm going to just kind of drag in that general area so that it snaps in and I can see what I'm doing. I just want to highlight the rows that I want to add the one-tap marker. Okay. I've got that highlighted. And then down here at the bottom of the screen, there's this blue crop button all highlighted for me. I'll just tap that. And it is cropped. Ta-da. So, now, there's a bit more customizing I have to do because unlike a chart, in written text, a row might be one line long, it might be multiple lines long, it's freeform. So, we have to give the software a little bit more direction about exactly how long those rows are. So, the thing it wants to know here first is visible rows and it wants a number of visible rows there. And I can see that there are 6 rows. I'm going to go ahead and tell it a wrong number so that we can work with that. I'm telling it there are 5 rows. And when I tapped that you saw the keyboard automatically came up and then things start to look a little bit different here because it wants me to highlight each row and separate each row from the one above it or the one below it. So, we're going to start at the top and work our way down and here Row 1 is highlighted and there's a blue bar there. I'm going to drag that blue bar to make sure all of Row 1 is highlighted. When I'm done with that one, I tap 2 and drag the blue bar to highlight that. Tap 3, drag the blue bar. Four. And I told it the wrong number because I actually have 6 rows here. So, instead of tapping that 5 and changing it to a 6, because that'll reset all the spacing that I just did, I'm just going to tap the plus to add one more row. Maybe. I don't think I have like the right amount of heat in my hands to make the iPad work all the time. So, now I have an extra row. I can tap 5 and drag the blue bar and that looks good. Each row is highlighted. Each row is separate from the ones above and below it. And I think I'm done here. So, I'm gonna tap Knit up here at the top of the screen when I'm finished with this. Again, my fingers don't work. Get that blue bar out of the way. Now, this is set up with one-tap markers. You see, we have this new marker over here and I'm on Row 1. I tap it, it automatically jumps to Row 2. When I finish that, it automatically highlights Row 3. You can also use the voice commands that we covered in the last video. And I know something that I will go over really quickly because people really like this feature. You can customize the highlighter so that it's the easiest for you to read, the most comfortable on your eyes. So, I'm going to go ahead and do that, and that is here in the Edit button. It's quick. And over here on the right, I'm going to select this hand with the sliding markers, and it gives me options for customizing the colors. I actually want to invert the marker here and I want everything else grayed out. Some odd rows I'm going to make gray and even rows I'm gonna make a different color of gray. Cool. That looks good. So, I'm gonna go back to Knit up here. Now, when I go through the rows, it's really easy to see which row I'm on, right? Okay. So, that's how we're gonna set up text with one-tap markers. That's great on its own, but it gets even better. Now, in previous videos, we've talked about making notes on your pattern. You can use scribble, you can add keys, you can make all the information you want for a page, for a section of the pattern, whatever. Now, I'm going to show you how to add notes, messages, text pieces, whatever you want to a specific row. For information that is specific to a row or multiple rows, you can add that information. And this is pretty great. Let me show you how this goes. First thing I'm going to do is go to Setup again and I'm gonna do this a few times, so, it'll become pretty clear what this is and how it works. And I'm going to tap Row Reminder. That's this paper with the clip on it. I'll tap that. And now, I'll tap the plus like we do all the time and it's actually telling me, tap the plus to add a Row Reminder. And we're going to add a Row Reminder to Row 1. And it's giving me options for a few things. First thing I'm gonna do is just add a note and I will say, "change color here." And that looks good. So, I'll go back and go back to Knit because that's all I wanted to do. And now, when I'm on Row 1, I have this Row Reminder "change color here" that's going to remind me on this specific row, I have these instructions to change the color here. That is great. So, now, the next one, this next one, I love so much. This is my favorite thing. Okay. I'm going to add another Row Reminder. And this time I'm going to add it to Row 2, go back to Setup and Row Reminder and let me select the plus again, of course, let me select Row 2 this time. Okay. I am going to add an audio clip to myself. So, I'll tap the audio and the plus, and I will name this "Slip." Okay. As soon as I hit start, it's gonna start recording. Make sure my voice is good. "Be sure to slip the first stitch." Okay. I recorded a little bit of audio there and it's called "Slip." I'm going to select it and then say, Choose. Okay. So, now, I have given myself an audio reminder for Row 2 to be sure to slip the first stitch. And I wanna make sure I don't miss this. I'm going to tap Auto-Play. Okay. This is so great. And now, I'm finished with this so I can go back and go back to Knit. So, now, on Row 1, I have my Row Reminder to change color here. And now, I've finished with Row 1, I'm going to tap my counter to go to Row 2, "Be sure to slip the first stitch." I love it. That's me telling me not to forget to slip the first stitch. That's so great. Okay. We're going to add one more Row Reminder, go through these steps again. So, just like we've done, I'm going to go to Setup and the Row Reminder button down here, and this time I'll do it for Row 3. And I'll add a piece this time because we've already done type note, audio clip, and now, I'm going to add a piece. And I will say my piece is on 3 and I'll highlight this a little abbreviation thing here. You can see how this could be important. You know, like on this row, there might be a stitch that has an abbreviation that you're going to forget, or just something you have to remember that's different about that row that you want to add this. You don't want to add it to the whole page, just to this row. So, that looks good. Just like I did with my Text Piece when we did the one-tap marker, I'm going to tap the Crop button. And then go back and then go to Knit. And now I've finished with Row 2, when I go to Row 3, ta-da, there's my text piece with my stitch definition that I need for that row. I mean, not really, this doesn't exist in there. It works well for an example. So, I'm gonna tap through these and we're going to see the Row Reminders that I added. On Row 1, I have a text Row Reminder telling me "change color here." Okay? Hopefully, that's enough to get me to remember to change the color there. Finished with Row 1, tap my counter, "Be sure to slip the first stitch." There's me. There's me telling me to be sure to slip the first stitch because I know I'm going to forget to slip it if I don't have that reminder there. And then when I go to...finish that and go to Row 3, I have a little piece of the pattern in there to explain the stitches in that row to make it easier. Okay. That is how to use the one-tap markers in a Text Piece. And that's it. I hope that helps. Again, if you want to get this software, just go to the Apple play store or the Google Play Store. I'm not even sure it's not called Apple play store, is it? I can't remember. But just look for knitCompanion, all one word and you can download it for free. Also, go to if you have more questions about it, or click the little 'i' in the upper right-hand corner to see my entire playlist of all the videos. We have more knitCompanion videos coming, keep those suggestions coming. And I hope that helps. Good luck. [00:15:08] [music] [00:15:26]
Channel: VeryPink Knits
Views: 16,505
Rating: 4.986711 out of 5
Keywords: knit, knitting, verypink, verypinkknits, verypink knits, very pink
Id: qnCH9a6QdR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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