Knipex Tools: Sneak Peek At A Brand New Tool and Cool Tool Tips For You!

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what's up guys today we got a really special video we're at canipix yes i'm not in germany i'm still in the united states as you see super cool room there's pete let's see come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right everybody so we are in the canipix demo room is this what you call it pete is sorry i was getting i was getting ready i just crushed it hang on i gotta get along so we are not in germany we are not in germany you're not in germany like you guys can see that's american cars going down the road we are in illinois so for everybody that said oh i love let me say it the way they say it so don't get offended it's nip x i love nipping sure but i don't like my money going to germany right so we are at cunnipex in america in america so this is pete and i'm gonna let pete hey everybody can i show you around here because it's some really cool stuff uh let me show you one of my fav a couple of my favorite tools one of my favorite ones do you want to show this one here yeah okay one of my favorite ones is this is the anvil shears everybody's got air hose in the shop right what happens all the time they always leak they always leak and what happens they run it over so you got to replace the fittings so in order to do that you got to cut the hose so the reason i like the anvil shears but look at that nice flat surface here and i got a nice sharp blade stick the hose in cut it and i got a nice square even cut i'm not taking a utility knife and try to cut my finger and cut it off nice and easy that's one of my favorite tools very nice so why would a person choose this over say one of the ones that's got the triangle blading a lot of it is personal preference like this one's got the square blade to it this one's got same square blade but this one has a foot to it so you can actually rest a hose inside of it so the hose doesn't move all over the place and then this is the one you were talking about with the more of the triangle style blade to it some of it is just personal preference this one here it's a little bit heavier duty it's a one inch capacity on the this one in here plus like i said this anvil portion right here so it's a little bit heavier duty again it's also personal preference as well because i know these right here like radiator hose it's got that little bit of reinforcement in it you know that's the white fiber cording that's in it these just go ahead through it so easy as long as you don't cut wire as long as it doesn't have that wire break onto it you're fine as long as it's got the the fabric through it you're fine content so let me let you guys see the part number of these because i know there's going to be a bunch of comments of what the partner area so that's a 94 55 200 rack the one with the triangle blade that i like is a 90 2185 the one without the foot is a 90 25 185 and the one with the foot is a 90 10 185 so there you go so i know you probably get this question a lot we get a lot of questions what is your favorite tool that is so hard to pick to pick between 1200 tools uh yeah it's so hard to choose it's like saying which one is your favorite oh mine's easy mine's the h cobra that's my favorite tool yeah absolutely what what can't you do with the 10-inch cobra it's a nice versatile tool the nice thing about is we always start from the front always work ourselves way to the back of the tool to describe all the features first thing you notice is the teeth pattern in here okay the top teeth actually go this way the bottom teeth go the opposite way so why is that so important well the reason that's important is when i grab onto something metal something round it actually digs in and bites into the pipe it doesn't slip this is what we're known for we're known for this push button style this is in our cobra plier series is in our pliers wrench all i got to do is push the button and adjust the tool we can adjust it to whatever diameter i'm trying to work with and all these teeth obviously help hold it in place wherever i set it it locks into place okay the other thing we're known for is the pinch guard how many times clay have you worked on something and you've changed oh my gosh my fingers get pinched my hands get pinched it's as much as it sounds that hurts after a while so with all of our tools you have a built-in pinch grip so you're not going to get your fingers crossed this is what he's talking about yeah right here right inside of there okay the other thing that's cool about our tools we like to describe this this is the design i told let me flip it the other way the design on tool see how one tool goes inside the other tool a lot of the competitors out there you'll notice that they take two pieces of metal slap it onto each other and what happens after time you start putting pressure on it yeah it gets that wobble and there's a wobble to it the ones that's got the little grooves cut in here that run on their they jump track exactly we eliminated that by doing this design right here that prevents the tool from showing yeah why these grip so well i know you haven't done this like a million times but i'm going to do one more time so all i got to do is here i'll do it one more time all i gotta do is push the button set the top jaw slide the bottom draw make sure it's locked into place this bar is already chewed up but that still works and watch this all i got to do is step on it check that out see he's not squeezing nope that's what he's not squeezing here just the force pushing here exactly causes this to pinch together so the more that i push down on top here if you notice a little bit on the top right here if i push down you'll see that the top starts to bite in and the lower part starts to bite in the other side so i don't have to squeeze the handle now watch this see how much force i put on and see how i stand on it yeah that's it that's why it's my favorite one yeah so i interrupted you i got sidetracked because i love the teenage cobras i get sidetracked all the time what is your favorite one man oh man um wow that's a tough choice i'm gonna say you know i gotta get this is the wrong one problem yeah this is wrong in a second there should be a spare here so we got a lot of tools laid down here and i bet a lot of people don't know that you guys make locking pliers so they have three different styles of regular locking pliers they got the ones with the movable jaw they got the standard style i get this funny looking fella over here and then this is something cool is their version of the welding pliers with the movable driver so that's something cool that not everybody knows or maybe not everybody's seen and if we come back here they've got their new crippers it's out so tons and tons and tons of stuff for them for any of your plier needs i guess so everybody's going to ask hey that was talking back here this is miss maggie hello so if you guys do anything on instagram instagram facebook youtube twitter my channel i'm your girl and pete has got a lot of youtube videos pete's taught me a lot i doubt that so all right so this is one of my favorite tools in here this this tool actually has a little bit of history so i'll bore you with the details okay one of our engineers in in germany loves to work on cars so he was working on his car one day and he ran across these what are called click clamps so he's really frustrating he was trying to look at all the tools that he had for kinetic so what which one's going to do the best job for me he's getting frustrated he ended up actually cutting off the tool cutting off the hose clamp putting something else on it so he went back to work the next day he says hey there's got to be a better way to get these off and reuse them because these can be expensive after a while and he didn't want to waste it so what he came up with is he's looking at our classic cobra pliers wrench he's like you know what if we had a push button style where i can adjust it to the diameter of the clamp that i'm working with what if there was an easy way to release the click clamp so we came up with this guy in here now there's there's teeth on it okay these are rotatable so it depends on what angle you have to get at to get at the click clamp you can actually rotate the teeth to get where you need to be and obviously it's got the push button adjustment to it the reason they're rotatable is i'll show you in one minute because i can do two different clamps on here okay so to do this style clamp right here let me move that out of the way to do this style here what i always tell people is there's three ridges between my fingers right the middle one is the one that actually hooks on to the piece underneath like this all i want to do is pop it loose so i can take it off so what i do is i set the teeth here i call these teeth this back tooth here and this top tooth right inside of here i'm going to set this one and this one right in between the middle here and i'm just going to squeeze the tool just a little bit just like that and it pops up isn't that pretty cool yes now if i have to take this off fix whatever i need to fix and get it back on clay here's the really cool part all i have to do is leave the teeth in the same exact position so this one's here this one's like this watch what happens next if i get it right here and get it right there watch a little squeeze got it back into place easiest part and i didn't destroy anything i didn't cut it i didn't have to go find a little screw clamp now the other side for this demo piece we have this other style of clamp okay it's obvious a little bit different than this one here those are really aggravating ones yeah again i would probably just end up cutting this thing off and putting a screw clamp on here's how easy this is to get off see this little groove right inside of here okay okay all i'm going to do is i'm going to rotate this tooth just like that just the bottom tooth that's all i have to do okay okay i'm going to fit this i'm going to do it sideways for you so you can see it see how that tab fits into that groove right there see how that little sharp tooth fits in the back over there watch what happens all i'm going to do give it a little squeeze pop that thing loose now put it back together i'm going to reverse it i'm going to put this in here and i'm going to show you sideways just like that so this little loop right there is going to hook up right inside of there and all i got to do squeeze this back in place wow that i'd say is probably my favorite tool i'll say one let me get that part number because everybody's going to be asking for 85 51 250 c there's also a 250 a the c is for the click clamp the a is for the other hose clamps well while i was standing here a while ago i noticed something that was laying here in a plastic box oh yeah and you've moved it maggie's hiding stuff right there they are though this is what was in their plastic box so can we tell everybody about that yeah we can tell them i mean they're on our german website so we can tell people right okay so we came out with these let me let me show you this first to give you a little bit of history on this because you know how much i love history so this is our pliers wrench so somebody came up to us a while back and said hey you know what the pliers wrench is great it's got a smooth draw to it wouldn't it be cool if you had some plastic pieces that you could put over it to make it even the lack of a better word more smooth more protection it's more scratch resistant so i really don't scratch something up so we said okay fine so we came up with these guys in here which these just slip on okay there's an upper jaw and there's a lower jaw so that's for the pliers wrench now what's cool is somebody said hey you know what i got my pliers wrench can we do the same thing that we did with the pliers can we do that with a cobra yeah is there a replaceable jaw that i can use because you know what i'm doing clay i'm taking a rag out of my back pocket i'm wrapping around the chrome i'm trying to get this on and i don't want to mar up the finish and i'm praying that i hope i don't scratch up the chrome here's what we came up with we came up with the same type of inserts that we did with the pliers wrench now if you notice here closely there's a part number for it 87 250 right here in the top it's molded into it yeah there's a top and there's a bottle okay so they're not the same draw the ones for the top and ones for the bottom so all you got to do is just slip these into place just like that same adjustment just like that that's cool isn't that pretty cool that is very cool that'll be out sometime later this year sometimes so we got a sneak peek at something you got an absolute sneak peek of this there you go all right well thanks for letting us hang out today and see all your cool tools and give us some history lessons some tool lessons like it don't get no better than that absolutely so one thing yeah i need everybody to go check out canipix's brand new instagram page nipix north america go check it out if you're not following that page you better do it or you can find out when new stuff like that's coming out and if you want to see more of pete you're going to go to his youtube channel or conifex's youtube channel his youtube channel because he is the star of the show there uh as you guys can see he does a fantastic job on camera so go give them a follow and learn some more stuff about some tools cool like always guys thanks for hanging out if you like this video hit that thumbs up check over for merchandise cool tools discount codes down there if you're not subscribed click that button have a great weekend see ya bye
Channel: Koon Trucking
Views: 42,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: poqVP_6BDgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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