Knipex mini pliers and belt pouch tour

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hey guys welcome back to the shop so today i wanted to discuss um a little tool pouch that i carry uh pretty much every day uh at work uh just go over some of the things that and some of the things that i have found that helped me out quite a bit at a daily on the job kind of thing it is that you can see of course we're back to our nippex fanboydum but this was a set that i bought uh probably about a year and a half ago and i quite enjoy having it uh with me the pouch um has grown quite a bit uh as far as its contents over the uh over the period of time as i find more things i can add to it and uh make it useful for uh carrie at uh at work so um let me open up and we'll go into it so uh first off nice velcro pouch uh opens up the primary items that came with this pouch originally were the um the nippex plier wrench uh in the uh 150 millimeter size it's 8603 150. this will open up to one inch as far as taking control of any kind of nuts or anything like that so that is wonderful in its compact form and the ability to actually grab something fairly decent sized always love the the player wrench and the the parallel jaw design it's been a fantastic invention uh as far as as far as nip x goes and it's i guess the patents are expiring or whatever it's starting to to flow into into other uh manufacturers uh you know linux is making something similar uh harbor freight just came out with a doyle brand that's uh that's similar but honestly for me um fx's when it comes to these guys that they're going to be at so and if you haven't watched it check out my nippex fanboy and you'll understand where i'm at with that uh the other thing that the other pair of pliers that came with it our set of um x cobras uh these are the 8701 125 so 125 millimeter stout as usual the the you know opening quite large nice grippy teeth these things are are very sharp and will grab just about everything i've always loved nepex for that and the fact that their teeth grab very tightly um when you when you're you're turning them and don't let people tell you you can turn them each direction i i i um i struggle to watch some guys when they uh when they when they grab pliers and then grab something off camera here um this is just a round pin that's sitting here but um the design of the cobras if you look at the teeth and you'll see that they're actually on their directional and what they'll do is when you grab hold of what you know something round let's flip that around so we can see a little bit better and you see those teeth dig in they're designed to grab and pull this way and then slide this way so you can keep a constant grip and they slide around but they constantly get on the on that stroke they're constantly grabbing and gripping tighter you can actually basically get these tight enough or you can just lean on the handle on the one handle and it'll stay tight um doing it here it's a little tricky but um i have seen guys try to try to turn something with these like grab them like this and turn them and they're slipping and they're gonna slip so don't let anybody tell you there's not pliers are not directional these are definitely directional in their use okay enough about the cobras so those two guys are in there um back in there we have the uh i do keep uh um a cheapo little tiny screwdriver uh with some bits in it uh this is just a handful a handful of bits they're stuck in there we're not going to dig those out but it's a nice assortment of smaller bits you can get a number one number a zero and i think there's a double zero phillips in there and then there's some slotted and there we go there's a slotted but like i said a decent assortment and they're fairly good they're uh they are chrome vanadium or so they say uh bocas whoops diaphragm there we go so they are chrome vanadium these particular ones have held up decently for me so miniature screwdriver the other item is the uh the harbor freight flashlight the rechargeable flashlight i got one of these when they first came out this is actually my second one the first one did not die it actually got lost and i bought the second one and then as fate has it always i bought the second one and the first one showed up again so this one's still been in there the whole time it is a two mode flashlight so first press is low oh sorry that's low that's high that's low so that's that as i said it's rechargeable it is micro usb rechargeable and uh that's all i got to say about that it has been reliable it throws a decent amount of light when you need to so it's always handy to have with me uh the other item in here is the pico and you can see it's actually on the outside the pico marker because this way i can just without opening up the case just pull on that and i have the pico marker i love these i had some reservations about paying eight dollars for a marker but honestly after the first few times using them in the fabrication aspect they're lovely they're fantastic and you know you can reach down you can reach down into something you know we've got a hole right here bring that in the center frame there but you have a hole you can reach down into the hole and make a mark right on through the hole and have it be somewhat accurate to size because of the tiny nature of the tip on the marker so these are fantastic they last quite a bit of time um definitely worth the eight bucks that i spent on them so the other thing uh it's on here is um i picked these up off of amazon i think they were two for eight bucks at one point uh on sale so this is just a mossy oak but this is a um just a simple uh razor blade uh i do like these to carry these just to have because as you can see by that if you can see it or not but there is a nice nice chip taken out of this guy focus ah the hell with it all right anyway there's a nice chip taken out of it but the beauty is that you can remove that flip it around and go right back to work the other nice thing about it is again i do carry a pocket knife on me all times but sometimes you don't want to go routing and digging around with your pocketknife when you know you're going to ruin the blade so this is a nice alternative it is a liner lock knife so it's not going to fold up on you in use it does have a pocket clip on it and it is fairly thin which is what i like about it and slipping onto the um slipping onto the elastic band of the of the pouch and then the last thing is um the vim snips uh vim if you're not familiar with these guys they make some fantastic tools but uh these snips are pretty impressive the the the notch on here i was told when i bought these that this will cut a two gauge uh battery cable to which i was um i was like yeah right let's see if that happens i don't have a two gauge here handy real quick but i do have a piece of six gauge this is it right there that is a piece of six gauge sae wire battery cable it is copper it's pretty dense as far as its copper content but uh you get that sucker in there and uh you gotta put a little leverage i do care have them on the outside to get a little bit more leverage but off it comes and it does a a pretty sharp cut on there so the other nice thing about that if you're doing any kind of electrical work you can use that notch to to um to strip the wire just turn around with a little bit of practice and a little bit of patience you can get that insulation off of there and strip your wire back so they are sharp they are nice that sure don't cooperate now while they're on video so there it is so but you can see it does a decent job of stripping the wire um you can actually also use them uh this is this is a uh this is a shielded three wire typically used for stroke packages on emergency vehicles because it does have a ground ground line that runs through it and is shielded to not cause any radio interference but again with a little little know-how little practice you can make it through to strip off the wire and not nick and mark all the wires and cut through them so that's always a chance you take when you're when you're trying to do that so but and again they cut paper just fine they're somewhat serrated on their edge to uh to grab and pull the material into it so it's not sliding out but these are uh quite a nice addition to um quite a nice addition to the package so and then you can see the empty pack you can actually take the the flap you get a little piece of velcro in here you can take the flap and stick it there so you can actually have access to everything in the flap while you're working so like i said everything is nicely fit in there i had some reservations about dropping 90 bucks on the pliers but they have been well worth the package as far as the pliers and the in the case and everything fits very nicely back in there um you can see there's plenty of room to see either side of this to fit the to fit the light in to fit the picot marker on the outside and then the screwdriver slides right in nothing's packed into the point where you can't get it out um which is advantageous i mean i wouldn't put any anymore into this pouch just for that reason everything just fits perfect and slides in and out without taking out other items but just want to run you through that guys uh hope that there's a decent amount of information for somebody that's looking to carry something on a daily basis if you're a mechanic or you're in maintenance or building maintenance or whatever it's always nice to have that ability to grab the wrenches again having two wrenches or the the plier wrench and the and the um the cobra pliers you can actually grab a nut with the the head of the bolt with the krober pliers and then use the the um wrench pliers to actually undo the nut you can works like having two uh two wrenches with you so if that um appreciate your time appreciate you guys hanging out uh chatting with me a bit and until the next time have a great day
Channel: MrPhil1969
Views: 6,539
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Id: 2BSssJZC7s0
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Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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