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bang these knives i'm jared my lovely wife cara is playing her game and today i am doing a knife talk first off i just want to say happy halloween to everybody it is october 31st and it's also saturday which if you guys know we do lives every wednesday and saturday at 7 30 p.m central time you have to know central time and we're not going to miss tonight's live so there will be a live tonight 7 30 p.m central time hopefully you guys can make it and if you've noticed i haven't well you might not have noticed but i haven't monetized the last few lives now yeah you can still donate you know to the channel while you're live or while you're there but i haven't been monetizing the videos after because they are very long and i've wanted people to get an opportunity to watch them without having to sit with a bunch of ads because it's such a long video so if you don't have time to make it to the live maybe you can make it after so and then that way you don't have to worry about ads so let's get into today's video today's video is about what would you change so a lot of knives are absolutely fantastic and i know some knives here are the same knife kinda um but basically what i'm talking what i'm talking about is sometimes there's those knives that are just fantastic right you get them and you're like man that knife is so perfect but i would change that one thing also this was the cold steel code for with the clip point this is the spyderco gail bradley ii that i modified but what i'm talking about is sometimes you find that knife and maybe you haven't gotten it in hand yet but you've seen it you buy it now you get it in hand and you're like man this thing is so great but if this one thing was different it'd be so much better and it doesn't mean like that'd be so much better for everybody but so much better specifically to you so and sometimes people find found a knife and they say i wouldn't change a thing and maybe there is that knife and if if you found that knife that there's nothing you would change not one thing on it let me know down in the description one of those knives but i find that there's almost always something i would change now not always though because sometimes there's a knife and maybe it's not like the perfect knife for you but there's nothing you really change on it it's good the way it is perfect the way it is for its profile it's frame it's you know so on and so forth but maybe there's a different knife that's just perfect but there's that one thing you would change so i'm going to go down the list of these knives and say what i would change on them if you know given the opportunity or if i would have designed it whatever so like let's go back to the code four i think this knife is amazing this knife is so awesome what a great work knife and you know it doesn't have the best ergos because it's thin but i find that that's pretty that's what's pretty awesome about it is that it is so thin that it you know it's nice in the pocket even though it's such a big full-size knife you can get a full grip on it in any way it has a nice beautiful grind i prefer the drop point version but this is still a fantastic version every version i even like the tonto version that it has because it has such a nice thin tonto and i love nice thin tontos but my favorite version even though i like them all is the drop point version now what would i change on this there's one specific two specific things that stand out one this back lock now it's not very comfortable to unlock you keep doing this it takes a good amount of pressure to push it so what would be cool is if it had that little um indention that backlocks have that really comfortable ones have they have that little like um such a little groove so when you push them it's very comfortable or at least contour it in a way to where it's more comfortable to where you could push this thing all day and it's not just tearing your thumb up that's one thing the next thing i would change the clip the clip works good you know there's no complaints about the way it works but it'd be probably a little nicer maybe for my pocket if it was maybe possibly just a little taller and maybe just a little tiny bit longer the clips really not that big of a deal i'd rather change this than this because the clip actually does work really good and it doesn't bother me in the hand which is really nice i like that but those would be the only two things now other knives like like say the scale bradley i love this knife this knife has one of my if not my favorite blade shape love the hollow grind everything is so great about this knife but there's one specific thing that still bothers me even though i've changed the other thing the first thing was the liner but i changed that so now the liner is good before the access to the liner oh my god it was horrible horrible and if i had to use this all day at work i'd get mad but now it's fantastic now the next thing that i would change also thanks to sliceydycee for sending me these scales because i love the scales but the next thing is the detent is very soft maybe it's only this one because i've only messed with this one but it's very soft now i can build up pressure and get a good flick every time but i have to kind of put pressure behind it now the other version this detent is great on this frame lock um but this is also the advocate so this isn't the same model or anything just the same designer both spydercos but this one has a fantastic detent if i could put this um heavy of a detent on this one oh man that'd be awesome and some people would say well why don't you just take it apart and strengthen the lock bar i probably could dog on it i probably could but look at how far the lock bars already moved over i don't think it would be that big of a deal if i strengthen it and i might do that i might just do that but you see how far the live bars already moved over i don't think it's going to go any farther because when i look at the lock geometry and what i mean is the angle of the lock i actually have a video talking about lock face geometry but you see how it's got a nice strong angle i don't think the lock bar or at least it's going to take a long time until it moves all the way over there but if i strengthen the lock bar it'll probably you know go faster um but it would still probably be a long time now this one is not a hollow grind this one is a flat grind i love the hollow on this so it's kind of like i'd like want to mix up both of these and into just one knife because they're both awesome knives but there's little details on this one i would change and little details on this one that i would change that both of them have just you know not in the same package now i know the perfect knife like let's say like this the perfect knife for everything doesn't really exist but the perfect knife for edc for me or you i feel like has to be out there a lot of people say that doesn't exist the perfect edc knife doesn't exist i can't believe that i gotta know what's out there well one i'll probably go insane if i ever acknowledge that i would definitely be very let down but you know there's a lot of knives out there there's got to be that one out there that just fits every single aspect and corner in every way that i that's for me so i believe it's out there somewhere and i'm still chasing it all right let's go to this one so now this one what would i change on this so now when i say change it doesn't mean that that's bad on it first of all not necessarily maybe in some ways it is but in other ways it might not be necessarily bad it just might be something i would change one thing i would make this a full i wouldn't have this dual grind i'm not too big on dual grinds but that's not a bad thing you know but i would change that and i would make it a full hollow grind now if i was going leave it a flat grind i would give it just a little bit better blade geometry other than that this thing's fantastic also the clip it's okay but it's not it doesn't it's not very tight which i know i can always strengthen that so the clip's okay but that would be one thing that would be great to change also it might be nicer if you could get to this fuller a little bit better you can get to it though i don't know if everybody can but those are small little changes that i think would make this thing even better than it already is now you see i have three manixes out here there's a reason so one this one's mine um which i appreciate so much because this was gifted to me and people are so awesome in this community now the one thing i said because i was late to the game on the manics i know i know everybody knows about the manics and i was late and now i'm coming out and saying how awesome it is well maybe i was just a little stubborn in the past and everybody was raving about it so maybe i was just stubborn and i didn't get it because everybody else already had it blah blah blah but then once i got him in hand and i got the extra large and the the regular one i knew man this knife is amazing i love love love this knife but what would make it better the thai cage and its high scales and guess what i got it ordered it's on the way thank you to timbo because he brought it to my attention that fly tanium just put some new ones on their uh website so i hurried up got in there and ordered it the cage was about 39 and then the scales were like 50 or something like that it was like 90 bucks altogether or just under 100 i believe either way got them coming it's gonna be amazing but that's one thing i would change about this and possibly the clip but the clip is hard to say because i do have an opportunity to switch the clips i could put the deep carry one that i have on this knife i could put that on there but then i wonder like is it going to be too high then you know because sometimes you think you want to change something until you do and then you're like oh never mind so it might be that might be the case but yeah so i uh i might to change that i might not now with the lightweight version i am not a fan of how far run i actually i'm not going to say hate say the strong word but i definitely don't like frn this frn i do like this is possibly one of the only frn knives that i think is awesome i think this knife is amazing in that front and i think it's so awesome that they did this knife in front because it's a very strong durable knife with fantastic steel this is rex 40 if you can see it rex 45 but an incredibly strong locking mechanism with a lightweight package so i know it kind of contradicts itself you know because the the plastic i guess isn't that strong but it makes it to where it's as strong as it could possibly be in such a light package and i think it's awesome the clip um i probably better build a loop over clip instead of just that clip you know if it was like the loop over wire clip that probably be better kind of like what's on kind of like what's on this this is the giant mouse ace biblio you know i think that might be a little bit better it's sit a little deeper but this knife is fantastic what would i change on this thing not much i don't think it's the perfect knife for me but i wouldn't really change much maybe that that wire clip just because i think you know for what it's for that's that's awesome um now you notice i was just talking about the tie scales and uh the cage it'd basically be this in titanium so this one's all in brass which i think is fantastic also man it feels so solid and that's what i want from this which i know this is very solid this is very strong but to get it in all thai whoo i can't wait so that's basically the same concept just you know titanium instead of brass brass is very heavy though now let's move along the shuro gorov well people always tell me something different now if i say it's haitian everybody's going to say no it's hatian and when i say it's hatian everybody says no it's haitian or no it's haitian whatever the name is i think it's hatian anyways this knife is an amazing amazing knife there are a couple things i would change though one you know it kind of feels like the kershaw leak in the hand because it's it is very thin which that's what it's great for right that's the point of this is that it's a nice lightweight thin easy to carry fantastic knife so i know some of these things if i change these things it makes it not the same knife and if you have the knife you could be like that's what i love about that knife i understand that so i'm not arguing with you about that but i would make contoured scales on this i think that that would just increase the ergos just a little bit now this one does have the contoured scales and i love it but it's also way bigger so it's two completely different knives now this clip also this clip is fantastic so let's just move along right to this one because to me this one i like this one a lot better than this one and i love both of these knives they're both fantastic also the flipper tab is very tiny on this doing wrong it's an amazing knife amazing flipper the action is fantastic it's just this one's a little bit better you know sometimes you can have a great thing and something else be just a little bit better so but what would i change on this amazing amazing amazing knife that i love love love love love love the clip is so good the ergos are so good and it's hard for me to say this because by saying this it would change everything it looks kind of steak knife-ish right it looks kind of like a steak knife i think even this knife doesn't look as steak knife-ish as this one maybe it's because of this groove up there or the type of belly it has you know how like belly's up and then back down with the tip i do like this blade shape a lot maybe if this one had this blade shape on it i don't know it's very hard to say but it's just which like i said love love love love love this knife and cutting with it this thing is a monster cutter it just it's a beast it cuts so good but i just feel like the look of and i like simplistic looks i love a simplistic looking knife but maybe if the blade shape just had something something going for it that screamed knife maybe like a grind maybe a spelt satin grind that could actually do everything maybe a belt satin grind or something okay next hold spectre i always felt like these two knives were this were like very very similar and every time i seen a picture of this knife i always thought of this knife and vice versa now that i have them both in hand they are nothing alike nothing alike completely different which is amazing because sometimes knives will remind you of another knife then you get in hand you're like no it doesn't but this thing has such an incredible action what would i change on it though well one thing is okay so i like this this texture love it love a lot of things about this but it kind of has the same thing as this where it's kind of stick knife-ish i think if maybe if the grind was a little different um maybe even if you just did two-tone like i know it's a full flat which i like full flat grinds but i don't i don't know maybe um a little something in the blade to where it look more pocket knife-ish instead of less steak knife-ish you know and possibly a little bit more contouring it's fantastic in the hand so it's hard for me to say that but those are one that's the the look is just one thing that i think could improve if the blade just had a little bit of a different look to it okay let's move along i'm not going to probably hit all these knives because we're all ready at 18 minutes this knife i think is really good the way it is i don't really want to change anything on this knife now i do not think it's the most perfect knife in the world or anything like that i think it's far from that but i think it's perfect the way it is maybe a deep carry clip this is a hinderer clip so which i think works fantastic the action is really good maybe a little bit stronger detent but that's also easily fixed that's not really changing much so yeah this one i think is just it's a great knife this is a fantastic knife the way it is okay hinders so i do love hinders hinders are great there's so many different variations so it's hard to say you change anything because they always have another one kind of like if you didn't like the flipper tab version well guess what bang they have the non-flipper version but there's still one thing that i would change that they have not done yet one specific thing well one thing is if i was gonna have the flipper i would want this a little bit less sharp but that's easily fixed yourself but that's not it i wish they would do a full hologram or a deep hollow grind can you imagine this thing with a full hollow or a deep hollow grind oh my god that'd be amazing amazing now even for the xm24 by the way those were xm18s this is the zt0095 um but for the xm24 i probably wouldn't you know what if you did put a hollow grind i wouldn't make it as deep of a hollow grind as these ones because this is a big beast of a knife and i feel like it does need that strength behind it but you know if you did do a hollow grind just not a very thin one like these ones i would do a nice deep hollow grind on i think they would be way better um but we are all ready to the 20 minute mark now i want to know what is your knife that you would change what is something about and you know the same thing with this one i would do the same thing with the you know i'd make a more comfortable back lock for these i want to hit them because i didn't want to miss them these knives are fantastic but they would be better with a little bit more comfortable of a back lock um and i might change a couple other things this thing's really cool i really like this one but what is a knife that you just think is so fantastic but there's just one thing that bothers you or two things that bother you about it and if that was different that would be like so much better and then if you have found a perfect knife that just is perfect in every way you would change nothing even if it's on this table let me know what it is now i never got to the strider but i do have a review coming very soon so stay tuned and watch for that but one thing about this specific one i would change i would make this a little less big like maybe to the height of the pocket clip right there i think the ergos would be just a little bit better peace
Channel: Neeves Knives
Views: 1,448
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: knife talk knives if they were changed, knife talk neeves knives, knife talk videos, talking about knives, edc knives, talking about edc knives, pocket knives, knives and edc, edc knife talk, knife talk neevesknives, knife talk modding knives, knife talk if knives wrre different, neevesknives, neeves knives, NEEVESKNIVES.
Id: ftTTgOLfgcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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