KMV 3.16.1 Primo Pete Santana Blocc Compton Crips sister Giggles

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hi my name is Nancy Bravo people call me Bravo or if you know me for a long time you might know me my brother is Pedro Bravo everybody knows him as [Music] [Music] [Music] little hold that gave a feeling it baked away rearrange oh man frame yeah I know what you've been through huh [ __ ] your head to go tinkle yo mama gay butter from the tur $5 the founder I created come on in pocket and my mother garage had a lotta lifting weights and I was all swore he start calling me big me [Music] my family is from Sinaloa Mexico and I have five sisters one brother I'm the youngest all of my sisters were born in Mexico but my father decided to come to California and make a better life for his family so I was born here and my brother was born here where was your brother my brother was born in I believe 68 1968 November 5th 1968 grew up in Compton they lived in Carson and like the Scott Park area Carson well did they land in Carson my belief 68 cuz he was born but I know that used to live in Los Angeles - don't get me wrong I believe things to live off a century and a hundred and eight like that wait or western and 108 I believe I know I don't know if they lived there I wasn't born so I don't know I just know when they lived in Carson that's when I lived with him because we didn't move to Compton till I was about three years old three four years old cuz we moved to Compton in 79 79 yes your father ever explain to you why he came to America what was his mission - I guess - better and like have a better life for his family I guess the American Dream but everybody else thinks of when they see America money you know think everything's gonna be lavage or just better for your family he came by himself he came by himself at first and he was working sending black money to my mother and the kids and then after that I guess he brought them but back over and when he brought him back that's when he was living in Carson at the time I believe Los Angeles first and then he - Carson was your dad pointing us in the ballpark to use my key now father's work in bed he knows the correlation it wasn't even it wasn't even like I mean like how you see it now when I used to go visit Mexico it was nothing and look nothing like that how you see it on TV how they portrayed like the cartel and all of that so was he from Culiacan or Los Mochis los mochis okay well actually is like Los Mochis and then is wasabi and then in between they have like little towns that was called like a hero so ten walkers are no this is a whole nother state okay so how are you able to go back with why yourself no I went with them they used to go to vacation so when you came illegally yes yeah they're all American citizens now now you get into the regen every C program 86 maybe you know they probably did because they all had got the green cards back then you know not till recently did they become of actually American citizens okay so 1979 is when you guys land on what street in Compton on Rose Avenue Rose Avenue yes sir man landing on 79 Rose Avenue let me you guys was there in the thick of things yes yeah and what part of the block of Rose did you live in excellent the 600 block oh yeah cuz if I you call right I think that was the heart fields which is sagging and keep going her HNH then there was eighty gangster and crazy lazy and then there was AA bebop and Tad doing that was Perry they live in a duplex just across streams to Dwight Jenkins and the stars they called him the stars they were next door there was ears and his family big BAM yeah big BAM and then right of course then we had bebop right there where everybody was that right yeah you guys were approximately how many doors down from there we were in the the block so and then use guys exactly across the street from Jenny be right yeah okay right across the street mm-hmm we're questions were you guys the first Mexican family to move on that block no on the block so being it on that part it rolls in that time 1979 right there was a lot of that was a lot of tribal wars going on within the company communities and Santana was like in the middle of all the other tribes right so as a little girl how did that impact you or how did that impact have an impact on your life like everything that was going on right hmm I mean I was I guess you get used to it like that's a lot to get used to you know you're not you're not outside as a little girl but I mean you get used to hearing like all the shootings and everything like that you know you just I mean not till you grow up and you like understand things more do you know dislike it's really scary but back then you don't question and 79 just how old were you I was only probably like four four okay so Pete and sitting on had to be what 10 11 11 okay cuz he's seven years older than me uh-huh so therefore he he was aware of what was going on at that time yes so wouldn't it Pete or can you recall one day P actually come down the street from the middle of block and meet the fellas they keep being came down the street I mean everybody on Rose was like family it wasn't like a gang you know what I'm saying it's like more like family everybody was family everybody played on that black cousin why do you don't be a lip there yes and say well what did your home yes--she roasted peach signal okay guys don't hit it back to you so it was like it was everybody that was dead back then they were all young you know it was older people but the young ones that are like gang members and down that mean they all used to play down together you know like you remember like the milk crate things they used to put rotor blades and pushes put carpet in a stuffing like roadless you know like just having fun like we were younger and they was a little bit older but you know so you have a book are not my brother and them used to cut the milk regs and put the carpet and put the lowlife skateboard them escape boards to row you input accentuate articles cool yeah it was cool okay okay so across the street there was a good school D and kilowatt right yes that was directly across the street things you probably light two houses down across the street and kilowatt Wesley pieces yes you're gonna with your that oh I was just looking at my obituary so I could have brought all of them uh-huh oh my god when did it was 97 probably well I don't know I but I just looked at his obituary okay just that's one of his wide a little bit get into your little history as far as what elementary school did you go to I went to tibi Elementary in Compton and we were bused there because but because it's way on the weather that the west side is buzzing with King Kong yes they picked this up in front of my house was a bus stop and they took us all the way the Tippie and that's way on the east side I mean the west side so that was a long distance that's how I know a lot of people like from that area over there cuz I went to elementary school and what area would that be that's like cedar black neighborhood powerful and punk like all like together right there and those kids also we do Davis they went to Davis I didn't go to Davis where'd you go I went to course then I went to Stephen white middle school that's pick a row in to 23rd and carsten my mom didn't want me to go to Davis so they one of my sister's was still living in Carson and my feet and rolled me out the that's in there where'd you go I went to a Carson high but I didn't really like it too much so I made them enroll me into Compton high when did you realize I've become aware of Santana block or gangs period copter we need to become conscious of that I think got a young age probably like around I'm gonna say like six seven because they used to come around to the to the house you know the people that hang with my brother like they and you they would say Santana and they would throw it up they you could just tell you know can you give us a roll call of those individuals oh well my brother-in-law which is Cyrus and like T baby Rock D dog you know a lot of them they came to the house and hug would and my brother had pigeons in the backyard I'll just say probably I'm gonna say one probably Latino because he lived a house away from us searches ran out yeah he lived two blocks away first let Jeff know about him is another one but Raab wasn't probably more closer because he did leave live one house away from us I got a question within within your household with me your family what language did you guys speak in the house and with each other in Spanish so would you consider your family a traditional Mexican family yes so what did your father say think when Pete join a black gang I don't think they accepted that he was in a gang still to this day but I mean they know it but my father was working all day my father was working my mom was a stay-at-home mom like my mom doesn't know how to even drive a car you know my dad went to work every day from like how they say 9:00 to 5:00 you know what I'm saying every day so you come home and whatever so really my mom took more of a role with us at home and knowing what's going on with us you know unless she brought it to his attention so you told me your father your mom think so I think so because they refuse to believe like you know you don't ever want to think the worst about your kids or you know that there's something that they shouldn't be doing you know so I guess they just try to like yeah I'm not big no I mean they know but I mean who was I don't know I just didn't want to admit it were these friends allowed into the house it was a couple that was allowed in there I mean he wouldn't breathe like I said it was more like a family so that was just like his friends they didn't really consider living over there like banged up me you know what I'm saying it was like young teenagers so it was it was around she doesn't see it like that I mean probably like 84 85 85 you guys yes we sure did yeah I don't know because sometimes it'll be like when you don't go to school you get locked up back then cuz I remember we used to even go away to LA to pay they used to have to pay to keep them in camp back then and we used to have she had to make payments so it was like for school we're having a knife or things like that so you brought a kitchen today with you understand me going that was Paso Robles why yes and you was doing what in that picture I'm throwing up a seaside okay you use aware how old were you at that point I don't know probably leavener very well your surround I was aware I said they probably didn't want to we're going up to the part about the Spanish because that that was a great asset to the Santana's because turtle utilized that because that's one of the reason why I became so close with turbo because Pete can negotiate between mm-hmm the cartel or whatever in you know explain what's going on in Holly and Pete was used in that in that sense always you know to me so he became a real just an advocate for that part of what was going on because totally like to operate with impunity and and that was one of the tools that he used to to cut to the chase and a lot of people didn't think he knew Spanish because how he looked he's darker and he looks like he's black you know and a lot of people didn't think he knows Spanish I mean it was the incident I am p.m. a long time ago and you know they thought he didn't know Spanish when you guys are gone those family trips back and expose people are today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kev Mac Videos
Views: 105,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Primo Pete, kev mac videos, primo, pete, santana blocc, compton crips, mexican pete, pistol pete, Santana Blocc Compton Crips, kev mac, baby smac, melle mel, giggles, crips, compton, dracc, gang research, mexican gangsters, kev mac interviews, east coast crip, corie williams, crip, blood, 49th street massacre, los angeles, gang, key and peele, jordan peele, what the fit s3, what the fit season 3, kevin hart, kev mac video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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