Klipper to the Cloud: The Easy Way! #klipper #3dprinting

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all right today everybody I'm going to show you all how to back that thing up uh not not me or anything like that those things just just Clipper okay when you get done with this video you will know how to back up your printer online with just a click of a button okay it's going to be so easy your grandma can do it all right so no reason to waste time let's just get right on into it so the first thing you're going to want to do is go to your GitHub account if you don't have one create one www.github.com once you set this account up and go through all that process you're going to want to create a new repository here so you're going to click new give it a name whatever your machine name is going to be mine are typically just numbered I know it's awesome so like voron one Von 2 Von 3 so give it a name however you're going to name it so I'm going to go ahead and go through the process as well so here you can see the ones that I previously made so for now I'm just going to name this one YouTube so that'll work so you can give it a description here or whatever you want it to be as far as this public or private you can do it however you want if you do want to hide it you can just click private if you don't mind to share it click public so all mine are public anyone can go and look at those so once you have your name your description and whether you're public or private you don't have to the read me file here and you can do no license I typically do MIT license for all of mine just cuz that's what was recommended to me you can change this now to the MIT license and then you're going to hit create repository okay so now that we've created this you can see I'm in it takes you right to it it's in here so what we're going to do from here this is where everything is going to be saved all your backup is going to be saved for for this particular printer or whatever you're saving in here so you're going to hit code here then you're going to copy this link you can hit this button or you can highlight it all and right click copy link how you want to do it anyway so you got that so you're going to save that somewhere I want to go over here and put it right there so now that is saved okay so now we're going to need a personal access token so we're here on a homepage in our GitHub account so you're going to click up here at the very top right going to go down to where it says settings click there and we're going to scroll all the way down to the bottom to developer settings click that now we want to click on the personal access access tokens here little arrow there to drop it down and you're going to want the tokens classic click that these are multiple ones that I have done you do not need to do this you just need one you can use it for multiple so what you're going to do is you're going to hit generate token I'll go ahead and go through the process you're going to have toit generate new token so from here put a note of what you're going to use it for I'm just going to name it YouTube so I have mine to say no expiration if you want want an expiration in there you can put it I would recommend against that down here you want to click workflow and underneath the admin. org you're going to see the one that says read. org you want that checked so then you can scroll to the bottom and you can hit generate token this is going to be where your token pops up right here take this copy it once you got it copi you're going to open in your notepad where you saved your link and you're going to save it right here we're to use this again here in a few so now we have our GitHub account we have our repo set up with the name and we have a token so now we can get to work on this one thing to note as well make sure you write this down somewhere because if you do not this is your only chance to copy it you will never see this token again save it now from here what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to insert your token right in here in this link that we copied earlier okay right in between here and you're also going to add a at sign so it's going to say https colon sl/ your token that you have copied that we just made at github.com SL whatever your your name is there SL your project. get that's what the format's going to look like so you're going to copy this you're going to put it in here that's what we want to see so here you want to go to your command prompt in Windows you can do this by searching in your search bar you can search CMD and it'll come up just a command prompt program here or you can use putty or whatever else you use so we're going to SSH into our printer so from here I am going to put all this in the description and I'll put the link down here for the guide it's best to follow as going along with this so this changes our directory to our printer config folder and we are going to download this file here all right now depending if you use fluid or if you use main cell or whatever you use this is going to change this a little bit you're going to want to go in here I'm going to add the link for that but as you can see here you use your up and down arrow keys once you're in Nano you can see it says Clipper here a couple down you'll see Moon rer and one more you see main cell or fluid so if you use main cell your fine if you use fluid like me I need to comment main cell out and make fluid uncommented so you're just going to take that hashtag away right in front of the F just like that and add one right there now you're going to save this and exit so you can hit control o and then hit enter as you can see at the bottom it will pop up there file name to write you're going to hit enter and then you can hit controll X to get out of it so now the next command we're going to run is this this will change the permissions on the file and if we type this here we verify the permissions right there so now we need to initialize git so we're going to run this command here all right so after all that is completed we can come over and get our link earlier that we made and we can take that and what we're going to do is right in front of it is ADD git remote add origin and then our link okay so it's going to be one big fash like this you're going to copy it and we're going to run it once you complete running that we going to run another command here and this will verify for us if this is the first time setting up git on this printer you got to do a couple additional things which is going to be like this these are two commands you're going to run so get config Global user email and then your email.com and the same thing your name so mine going to be my email here once you have that copy them from here and run that and same thing with the username now we're going to make a get ignore which is just a file that tells it to ignore some things there's going to be a few things that we don't want to carry over and it's going to open up a blank file there's nothing here so this is what we're going to want to add to it there so same thing earlier if you've worked with Nano before you can hit control hold control hit o it's going to say right the bottom file name to right hit enter hold control again hit X that gets you out so now that we've done all this we are ready to try to do our backup so this is what you're going to want to run I'm going to copy and paste this over okay so see that looks like everything went through and saved so if we open this up I'm going to refresh it here it says one and there we are everything is in here so we just pushed it to the GitHub and everything's backed up which is great the thing is nobody wants to go in here SSH into your printer go to your folder here and and run this command every time you want to back up your printer no fun at all so what we do what we'll do is we'll open up our printer here and then we'll go into the configuration ation and what I like to do if I can find it I I will add this file in the description as well what what you need to do is add a backup you can add this directly to your printer configuration if you want so I'm going to copy this if you look in here you'll see what you have so you can add this just directly to your printer config some where as long as it's in there somewhere but what I'm going to do is I will make this little folder here make this file so inside the printer config I will reference that so we're going to open that up I usually put them all in one place all the references the includes so scroll down let me find where it's at it should be right down here right here so I need to make another include now that this is in here we have that setup so I'm going to hit save and restart we also before I forget have to run one more command here we can close it out and there we go so now as you can see when I restarted this a minute ago I had not ran that command yet so now when I hit foral restart it should be okay there we go so now it is up and running so now the thing to do is to test and see if we can run the back up from here so this is what we're trying to get to where we can have a macro over here that we can just click it and and it backs up to the GitHub for us I will move this uncategorized one up here in a minute but see the console right here we're going to click this hit the backup config button and I'm not sure why that's coming up like that but it did back up if we go back over here and look now it's got three and we're good to go so that's all we got to do ladies and gentlemen hope you enjoyed the guide also I'm going to put a link in here to Eric Zimmerman's GitHub and information on the written guide he wrote that's all this is I'm doing I'm going off of that I've had to do it multiple times on multiple machines and it's a very good guide very well written so hope you enjoyed it and I hope it helps you as much as it's helped [Music] me
Channel: LeeMerie3D
Views: 797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backup, cloud, firmware, fluidd, github, klipper, mainsail, octoprint, voron, 3d printer nerd, mark rober, uncle Jessy, how to make money 3d printing, how to start a print farm, how to make money online quick, Steve builds, Mr beast, beast, backing up my 3d printer, backup Klipper configs, saving Klipper config, backup marlin firmware, marlin backup, GitHub 3d printer backup, nero3dp, popular, viral, viral videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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