Klein Tools NCVT-1 Non Contact Voltage Tester

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hey everybody today I'm going to review the climb tools in CVT - one non-contact voltage tester and this is a very simple easy to use device it pretty much anybody can learn how to operate in a matter of a couple minutes and what it's specifically designed for is to tell you if there's electricity present in a power cord and a light switch or even an outlet now that's really important when you're working around electricity because you do want to verify the power has been turned off so you don't accidentally shock yourself and using the client you can do exactly that now I want to point out right off the bat this particular unit is going to be an entry-level model it's not for professional use and it's really designed for the DIY or homeowner and the reason that I picked this up recently we were visiting some relatives and they had a problem with one of their light switches we went down to the Home Depot picked this up as well as the other tools needed for the job we went back and swapped it out and I knew without a doubt that the power was turned off and I didn't have to worry about shocking myself now what I want to do in this video is give you some close-up looks at this we'll go over the operation of it and we're going to see how it actually performs here's a closer look at the tester and I do want to point out that it is made out of a very hard heavy duty plastic and at the end is where you're actually going to be touching the wires or maybe even sticking it in one of the holes of an outlet to see if there's power present it does have a belt clip built-in so you can easily keep that let's say in your pants pocket or your shirt pocket it's not going to go anywhere on you and it also has a very easy on-off operation with the power button down here at the base now I do want to point out it is extremely lightweight coming in at under two ounces and the overall length is coming in at five and a half inches installing or replacing the batteries is extremely easy to do at the top of that belt clip you will notice the yellow tab you just need to press that down and then taking your thumb at the base of the belt clip just push it right off it is actually a cap that's going to hold the batteries in place you can tilt the tester up to Triple A batteries are going to slide out you can take your replace let's put them back in and then you can take that cap line it up with the tab and then just slide it right back into place at this point the batteries have been replaced and you're ready to go the tester is going to have two different modes one will give you audible beeps along with an LED status and then the other will be a silent mode to turn on the audible mode you'll just take that power button press and release you'll hear a beep and you'll see a green LED to turn the unit off you'll take that same power button press and hold and after a few seconds you'll see that light go off and then you will hear an audible beep alerting you that the power is now off now the good thing about the unit because it does have a silent mode if you are in an office situation and there's people working around that you don't want to disturb then you can take that same power button press and hold and when you see a green LED light up with no audible beep it means that it is in silent mode in this mode when it doesn't sense electricity you will see a green LED but when it notes that electricity is present the green LED will go off and a red LED will light up the tester is going to be rated between 50 and 1000 volts of AC power which is the type of electricity inside the wires in your house in this case we have our main supply line coming into the 80 gallon air compressor directly out of the panel box when we take our tester and put it against that you can see it does see power inside so this proves that there is electricity inside this wire but what you want to keep in mind AC power is not the same as DC power which would be inside your vehicle so if you are looking for a tester to test the electricity inside of a car this is not going to be the one for you because it cannot detect DC voltage it can only detect AC voltage when using this to test the power cord coming out of an outlet you do want to keep in mind one side is going to be the hot side the other side is going to be the neutral side and then the insulation is fused together giving it the appearance of a single cord now to prove what I mean by that you can see it is on green which means no electricity is present if we put that on the neutral side nothing's going to go off and you may think there's no power in this cord but when we move it to the other side you can see it will audibly beep the LEDs going to turn red and it's telling you there is power that cord so whenever you're using this it's a good idea to move it completely around the cord that you're looking at to verify there's no power present now the same idea is going to hold true with the power wire coming out the side of your panel box in this case it's a 12-2 wire supplying power to the lights in the room if we hold the tester against one side of it it's not going to beep and it's going to stay green giving the illusion there's no power on but what you need to do is actually put this completely around the wire touching all the sides to verify the powers off and if we take the tester and move it to the opposite side you can see it is going to turn red and it's going to start beeping alerting us that there is electricity present the reason for this inside of a 12-2 wire are going to be three individual wires a hot and neutral and a ground and what the client is looking for is that hot wire if we put it against one side and trust that there's no power on without testing the opposite side you would run the risk of getting shocked when you're taking a look at some 220 volt outlets you will see three different openings it's going to be a hot a hot and then a ground so if we try to stick this in the ground nothing's going to happen but if we stick it on either side of the hot you will notice it go off it's going to turn red and start beeping so if we try out the right side it's going to turn on and then if we try out the left side it's also going to turn on but when we take a look at a standard plug like you would have throughout your house powering pretty much any output what you'll see are also three different openings you're going to have a ground a neutral and then a high now the way you can normally tell these apart the small one down here at the bottom is going to be the ground the large opening is going to be the neutral and then the small opening will be the high to verify this we'll go ahead and take our tester put it in the ground nothing's going to happen we'll go ahead and put that in a neutral nothing's going to happen and then when we put it in the hot it's going to verify there is power at the outlet and now that we verified that there was power on at the outlet without turning the client off I went back to the panel box turned the breaker off and now when we retest the same outlet you can see that there is no power on at all it's going to stay green at all three holes and at this point we could take the faceplate off change out that outlet and we know that there's no electricity present using this to test the standard light switch is going to be a little bit different because from the outside we can't tell if there's any power present to do so you must remove the outside faceplate and I would highly suggest using an insulated screwdriver so you don't accidentally shock yourself now that we've removed that faceplate we can see the wires behind it and what we'll do is go ahead and put this on both sides of that switch to see if there is power present so that proves there is power present we'll need to go back to the panel box turn off the breakers until we verify that it's going to stay green the whole way around at that point we could pull the switch out replace it then put the cover back and turn our breaker back on so now you've seen client tools in CVT - one non-contact voltage tester for yourself and if you go to the Home Depot or even online looking at these you will see they have multiple models this being the entry-level one but for just a standard homeowner DIY or somebody that doesn't work around electricity everyday this would be a good option and it comes in at under 20 bucks now like I showed you it works absolutely excellent you can have it with the audible alert or on the silent mode and because those LEDs light up so well you can still very easily see if there's electricity present now it's always a good idea when you're working around electricity to turn off the breaker so there's no chance of you getting shocked but if you do that verify this on a working outlet to make sure that it's working correctly beforehand you really minimize that risk if you liked this video please click like if you like my channel please click Subscribe and thanks for watching
Channel: Real Tool Reviews
Views: 268,526
Rating: 4.8541932 out of 5
Keywords: klein, klein tools, klein tool, klien, klien tool, klien tools, ncvt, ncvt1, ncvt-1, non contact, voltage, tester, voltage tester, volt tester, electrical tester, led, ncvt-2, fluke, 1ac-a1-ii, ncvt-1sen, amprobe, milwaukee, greenlee, hvac, electrician, electric, electrical, wiring, wire, ac, a/c, power, dc, d/c, panel box, panel, switch, lightswitch, light switch, outlet, 220v, 230v, 240v, 120v, 110v, real tool reviews, tool review, review, sparkychannel, diy, diyer, pro, professional
Id: wmeuTpZ1e0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2016
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