Kix TV: Reba McEntire

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after all these years getting up in the morning to go work a record once again yeah what's it feel like I mean honestly I feel grateful yeah yeah yeah I'm 60 I get I have the race you're not yeah I cannot be that's the one thing people keep saying on stage like good grief Reva just keeps getting hotter and but I just got back from Davenport Iowa and had a great show last night and to get to do what we get to do at the level we get to do it as long as we've been able to do it who's got anything to complain about yeah you've had tons of ebbs and flows over this huge career you've had and you've been certainly an inspiration to me and to me and Ronnie to me in our in our professional career and we were talking the other night about like when you were coming out of Broadway and we've all had those times when when you just feel like you're you're definitely down in the trough you know and you're looking up there at a big ol wave and it's like how am I gonna get back up there again and just has that changed for you is are you just geared that way in general or as time goes on does that wave look higher or short or having haven't gone to the top of it so many times wow that's a deep question it looks about the same because every situation is different but the perseverance is always there in my heart and my soul and that was instilled in me with mom and daddy because you didn't quit you didn't give up and that's what I've always tried to pass down to Shelby and that little fart he doesn't give up to me and it's it's something that daddy when he went broke he never went bankrupt but he went broke and he wore out so many pencils trying to figure out how to get back in the cattle business and how to get back into this the game of buying cattle selling cattle so it was never an idea of quitting one time I was griping about something my cousin Paula Daniel she said well why don't you just quit if you don't like it she had three heads growing out of her shoulder and I said I didn't mean I wanted to quit I was just venting second your first single had a real sense of defiance to it for lack of a better way of putting it I ain't going out like that and you for I don't know how many times it is but it doesn't matter it's been so many is the point you wound up at the number one spot on the albums charts again against a whole new crop of great country music stars at a time when a lot of artists of our era are finding that spot where maybe our time at radio is has come and gone just to see that kind of success from an album how important is it to get to say I told you so well you don't there's no there's no sense of I'm gonna show you when there's there's a lot of people and when not you in particular but it's more it's more kind of an era of great artists that are not being played you don't want to show the industry that yeah our fans are still out there and I mean that isn't that I do I never I never think about what I told you so we're we're still relevant and we're still we still have so much to teach to show you we can still do this and and what is so what is so sad only love in your heart oh no I do feel like that I can say see we've got so much more to offer why do you sweep us under the rug because we have so much to teach these young kids when I had my first single a lot of these kids that are on the charts now weren't even born so it I've been around a long time I've seen how it works I know how it works I know what works and I know do you have to do you have to surround yourself with good people because whether you make it or break it you're gonna have fun and you're gonna learn something which is the most important thing that you can get out of this business and friendships yeah but what you're doing is much more than teaching you know it's not like what you're doing is significant as far as an artist and the joy that you're bringing your fans just like you always have it's not like you have to be the you I mean you're obviously looked up to and and people respect what you're doing but you're not the mother hen so to speak you're obviously still a valid artist and your fans have proven that they're not buying your music because you're teaching them something they're buying your music because you're still a valid art so it's nice I appreciate that and I do agree with you on that too because they're great songs yeah and that's what has sustained all of our careers are the great songs I'm not like you and Ronnie I don't write my songs so I have to go out and and listen and beg and plead for please let me record that song and thank god they're the songwriters let me but I'm still learning - I went over the Ryman Auditorium the other night and watched Dolly Parton's show uh-huh any time I can go watch somebody that I know was smarter than me has the greatest voice I'll absolutely love her wit her charm the way she did it and you could tell she worked a long time on that show mm-hmm it's not something she threw together overnight and I've that respect the Thunder out of her and I always want to go learn and I just think everybody should know the history of country music the people who have been before us and learned from them mm-hmm the fun thing about Dolly to me is you're right she's just like you she's a total professional somebody was asking me today in an interview you know what is it about performing with Reba that's so much fun and I said because you've got Ronnie and I up there who don't have a clue where we're going or what we're gonna do next and Reba does and it's she's always got a smile because she can tolerate us because her such good friends but she's also got that Winkle in her eye it's like what are you doing and don't screw this up with which makes it so much fun for third-graders like but that's what I was gonna say about dolly is what she's always been so good on her feet and you are too but she also knows what she's doing as a back-up plan if if nothing if nothing impromptu comes to her it's gonna be great yeah but when something does she deals with it because she's comfortable yes you know you do your homework you have your show together and it makes life comfortable yep you got a great new thing oh it's really fun it was written by yeah and who of course is real instrumental in a lot of hall-of-fame songwriting so the question I probably get online more than anything and I have asked IX's is how do you know which single is going to be your next single so your album is great obviously it's there's a reason it was number one of all the songs you could have picked why this one it's cleverly written mm-hmm it is fun to do on stage it's different it's catchy and I find myself singing it over and over when I'm when I wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning to go the bathroom I'm singing that song that's to me a good indication of a song that will stay with you and needs to be released I didn't pick it though as the single Scott bruschetta did he was the one that really was really going to the plate they just believe you would let somebody like Scott getting your business chatter heard of course has Taylor on this label and has been instrumental in her career and that's been instrumental my career in for many years mm-hmm we've been working together for a long time and I honestly trust him explicitly and when he said I really feel strong about this so now you're like you better it's nice when it's his call that's right when it works it's your fault and if it doesn't it's is because it's a great song it's so clever they use like one two three ABC left-right up-down and I can memorize it very easily too well I saw you I went online and and pulled it up and I saw you performing it on a live TV show and you had your hands on your hip so I can tell it's a scene you had you had one of your old friend shirley maclaine was in town recently I hate I didn't get to meet her because I got her booked now and I'm halfway through it and you know she seems to be well she's so spiritual in general and there's just so much cosmos going in and out of those ears and mind and heart of hers all the time after spending the day with her what you come away with she's a lot smarter than I am boy she went over my hairspray on so many topics I kind of glazed over a Shelby says the window rolled up well I tried to comprehend what she's saying but she can cover and talk on any subject you want to bring up uh-huh but she's wide open I mean she is so so open minded that she will take in and then she'll give you what she thinks very smart lady what about destiny I mean how much do you believe in she seems to do you think we're I mean Shh I get from her a lot that a lot of our a lot of our life is this sort of preordained for us that we're sort of sort of put on a on a boat and we're pushed in a direction and there's you know there's gonna be this in that but I mean do you feel like you know you were put here to do this is is this your destiny or or have you found your way and and and found your love I have been put on this earth for a reason and I listen to God daily of what he wants me to do next who will say well what's gonna do next I said I have no idea and God hadn't told me yet waiting on instructions waiting on my marching orders and my when I'm ready he gives me those marching orders and I go do it and he's the reason that I've gotten to do all the great things I get to do and I give him all the credit cuz I sure didn't think it up mmm-hmm how do you get your marching orders Holy Spirit tells me uh-huh but does that come to you and someone you meet or something somebody says or do you wake up with with a thought in your mind and go where did that come from all of the above sometimes it comes from through other people and they'll call and say hey we'd like we're able to do so and so the way I got to do any get your gun they had asked me to do the play years before a year before and I said oh no I'm not Jim see I need to stay out there on the road and have fun and hey listen that to do and then we were going to New York on her plane to catch the Concorde over to Europe to do a TV show we got to New York and the catering truck had knocked the plane that the door off the Kate the the you know where they load all yeah yeah yeah head knocked the door off of the Concorde plane and so we're stuck in New York not a bad place to be and so Narvel says well what do you do I said well let's go see a play it was Sunday and he said what are you I'm seen not and I think he said well you they were trying to get you to do any get you gun let's go see it all right so we got tickets women over there and washing it and that intermission I looked at him and I said I gotta be on that stage so I think divine intervention whatever you want to call it but it just kind of steps right in and leads you down the right road if you just listen and pay attention and when you came out of there obviously Broadway economically works a whole different way than country music so and I remember you telling me one time of working a cattle ranch that's the hardest work that you've ever had to do but would you would you come away from there oh my gosh that the Broadway was the hardest work I've ever done harder than working cattle by far eight shows a week for six months and the only break I got was when I went out to LA to shoot the pilot for the Reba TV show I had a sinus infection came right back got right back on stage and I never missed a show except for doing the pilot but when you were done looking back now what did you learn from that what was your biggest takeaway from doing Broadway number one that money is not that important because doing something like that was so creative I got to work with a team and it's not always you know money has driven me a lot not because I want to go buy stuff it's just that I grew up with not having a lot of things that I thought I wanted and then when you get to making money then you buy that stuff and you think well crap that's just a bunch of yeah I got either dust on the rear hang it up or wash it or take care of it or whatever and then you just get back to the basics of basics of really just going having fun and learning from other people and and being on stage with other very talented singers and actors that you're not just Reba McEntire you're playing a character that did great things and inspired many women so it I came away with a deeper sense of what's really meaningful in the world being rich is kind of like being poor isn't it yeah I just think if you're if you can have everything if you can buy anything you want then that's kind of boring yeah it's like then you turn to what really matters and if you can't buy anything you want then you look to what really matters well that's I got to write that down that's good I asked daddy one time we he won the championship three years 57 58 and 61 and the steer open won the world championship and I said after he was with me when I won I think my third Female Vocalist of the Year CMA and I said daddy what was what what was the best for you getting there or picking up that trophy saddle he said old getting there always and I agree with him yeah it's a fun that's the chase it's the race it's the competition which I thrive on love it and then you get the award it's like okay it's just a way keeping score yeah money's kind of the same thing yeah I think once once you got your family fed and got your kids taken care of night knocking it cuz I do like the moon but it is you gotta stay hungry and you got a want for not more possessions and not materialistic things it's what can I get to go see now my big deal is vacations yeah I love to go on trips with you environment and that's the most fun for me is hanging out with my buddies and getting to go places I hadn't seen before yeah where haven't you seen that you want to go to Austria Austria I want to go we miss Austria I don't know let's go I'm ready I want to get you know they were doing the program Diane Sawyer did about where they filmed the Sound of Music mm-hmm well The Sound of Music was my favorite because I was in the fifth grade when I saw it dressed up and everything went to the Oakland theater in McAlester Oklahoma to see it with Marilyn McLean and my best friend and all her family I mean it was a huge Sunday outing and so I would like to go trace those steps that Julie Andrews did when she was filming that movie in Austria unbelievable history there yeah yeah I have a dear friend I older guys a professor at Princeton but was a child during World War two and talked about when the German soldiers first showed up showed up in him and a buddy of his were out playing in the woods and they turned the corner on to German soldiers and they were talking to him and they didn't speak German and the kids didn't and they thought they were gonna kill him you know because they had heard so many horror stories and and they wouldn't talk to him and he said finally when I pulled out a candy bar and opened it up and hit him the candy bar and they wouldn't eat it because they were sure they were trying to boys and he said as the war went on and they were all starving to death you know he said they would they looked everywhere for German soldiers because they knew they had candy and whatever but just to think there's people still out there telling those stories just go yeah love that well congrats on your new records thanks so much for coming by glad we're going to Austria this is gonna be so much no no it's good to see you you look great you do tell you have a good day Thanks
Channel: KixBrooksRadio
Views: 40,806
Rating: 4.9011407 out of 5
Keywords: Reba McEntire (Musical Artist), Kix Brooks (Composer), Love Somebody, Until They Don't Love You, Going Out Like That, Shirley MacLaine (Film Actor)
Id: C9vT3FQuTdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2016
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