Kite flying for BFT fishing with Billy

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payback make sure how do you know let me do that yummy baby you might not be grabbed it's really too much sit on another boat no I'm going to put gobo it's not on yet way we left fish don't forget they're done oh he has it don't worry I brought mine too of course [Music] but got you Hey rub it for good luck come on fly baby yummy [Music] okay you know what he's doing [Music] I could see it yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's bouncing I put on suppressing a camera see this year you see the Jimmy yeah I do I see it yeah I didn't yell me bounce out the water too [Music] how far you'll ever go doing your LEC okay okto see it [Music] oh yeah it's way way out there awesome yeah I could see I could see the thing bouncing up the water too oh yeah maybe 200 yard now 200 300 [Music] oh no look at me and I delegate barely see it now way to help you know Watertown 70-48 yeah that's a perfect empathy yeah baby there you go that's our haunted yard how far up the Frank we [Music] when invites you're going to see a big cannonball underneath it black trash bag lowdown got it also if it doesn't release from the clip what you're going to see is all of a sudden you see that kite and the car looks like it's crashing okay I got to the rod it's going to go like this that means we're fit we're on to those things where you know we got to pay attention for it okay when we hook up when you see that big / yeah hook up whatever you want to yell yeah make noise I'm gonna go inside and I'll get a gun in I'm just gonna get it hard for about five to ten seconds so we can remove that slack and get a good hook set in don't touch anything of this okay well actually when we hook up just jump on it we're close and real real real all right height and the clicker starts ripping then you kind of leave it alone go about it let a hook set for a few seconds yeah it got slowed down the bow rotating [Laughter] we don't go into second gear not yet not until I say so okay up and down we're going to way we're going to hang out without mark fish going to work area now have a few beers all right so scrip as much as I'm talking to you guys I may not even be looking at you but you guys are looking for that one despues big splash you got it bro all righty water kept beautiful you know boom so I turn it off some up what do it do it alright guys here we go bluefin hunting alright you'll have boys go back to us yeah
Channel: Danny Dinh
Views: 2,398
Rating: 4.2727275 out of 5
Id: Douz5zEr0OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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