Kirstie's Homemade Home Series 2 Episode 1 - FULL EPISODE

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last year I had the huge pleasure of restoring my rundown wreck in Devon to the homemade home of my dreams that's amazing it feels fantastic most of the beautiful things in Medicaid are either bought secondhand reused or made from scratch brilliant that's the deal I couldn't have been happier with the results and it seems you were inspired to almost half a million of you visited our website our craft guides received a record million hits and with attendance soaring at antique markets secondhand is back in vogue we've started a revolution but I don't want to stop there our nation is suffering from a flat pack furniture plague a curious belief that if it's new it's better well I've got the cure and I intend to reveal the wealth of handcrafted and secondhand goodies that we have the length and breadth of the country over the next six weeks I'll be inspiring you to rethink the way you shop I defy you to find a more fun day out than second-hand shopping in a market like this kicking out the new in favour of the old as I take to the road for some 21st century rag-and-bone feel a lot after I'll be helping families up and down the country tackle crafts of all shapes and sizes [Music] making the most of broken plates it's beautiful finding an alternative use for the humble potato I have waited so long for this moment getting carried away with gold leaf would take a long time to cover girl in gold one tip and going back to school to turn a block of wood into a work of art it's fast it's noisy it's scary and at any moment you could lose a lot more than a nail some of my craft will be easy this is the best thing I've ever done in my life and some will be a little more tricky this week I'm helping a family from Wolverhampton who are desperate to turn their Dan Hill House into the perfect period property so under the supervision of skilled artisans will be bashing steel into bookends creating a stunning stained glassed window any second now the flames are gonna leap out of the soldiering on and following my simple secondhand shopping rules to transform this house of horror into a fairy tale home totally utterly completely gobsmacked [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the Lincolnshire antiques and homes fair there are hundreds of stores and it's the start of the day I'm in it for a long haul and dressed for warmth with almost 2000 stalls Lincolnshire antiques and home show has plenty to get to grips with we're all brought up not to touch things in shops don't touch your as told when you're a child but now I look with my fingertips you need to touch things and pick them up and feel them it's part of liking them and nobody - one of the pleasures of coming to a place like this is spotting the next big thing Dorn has been trading in antiques for 20 years and she knows this very well it's very very fashionable this French kitchen stuff at the moment yes and it's very difficult to get hold of it now yes 15 years ago he couldn't pay people to take it away and now I mean that is 28 pounds for the for the little wire basket but they're made to love these baskets were first made in the 1890s the smaller ones are for storing garlic and the bigger ones that you sometimes find in the shape of a chicken or for storing eggs my next find is a beautiful frame that is absolutely lovely once I get started I just can't stop there was a belt that I fancied what could you do me if I bought both that's good it's definitely very good thank you very much with the original asking price of 36 pounds I couldn't ask for more and it's the way you ask as well really yes is it nicely yes and if people say I'll give you oh yes yes yeah and I think no although many people go to markets to find specific items add to their collections or just browse for the fun of it others are intent on upcycling upcycling is adapting and reusing often outdated items to give them a new lease of life in the modern world glass bottles into lamps all trucks into coffee tables and window frames into mirrors you don't have to stick with furniture so many of these pieces of old jewelry are brooches which are quite unfashionable nowadays but they can easily be turned into necklaces and you can go to any of the big fashion stores and buy necklaces which have this vintage feel for five hundred a thousand pounds you could make something similar from what's in here for a tenner it's amazing how secondhand things can inspire you and a couple who are in desperate need of some inspiration are the wards from Wolverhampton Gemma and Sean along with their three sons moved into his gran six bedroom Victorian house hoping to create the dream family home but there's a big problem they bought it 18 months ago and frankly there's nothing it doesn't need doing to it I may have finally bitten off more than I can chew this Victorian house is filled with original period features lovingly installed by the British craftsmen of the time from stained glass to wooden floors to the original servants bells it takes your breath away [Music] but it's also in a complete state of disrepair and like so many wannabe renovators they didn't realize what they'd let themselves in for we just haven't got any direction I've written we don't really know what to put on the walls of how to dress anything it's it's getting quite stressful but I've got a plan by showing them how to finish a couple of rooms I hope they'll be inspired to tackle the rest of the house what's this room this is the office stroke library study at the moment this room is home to all of Sean's finds no stranger to rummaging in skips searching the internet and combing the classified Shaun is always on the lookout for a bargain you keep hitting the furniture the chairs and the desk and stature as the desks there are all my little finds with a bit of revamping these pieces could work here Shaun needs to start widening his wallet for the items they really need [Applause] but while Shaun is happy to spend as little as possible Gemma's got the opposite problem she can't stop second-hand shopping and the house is filling up with her weird and wonderful objects I've never seen one ant lab before we've brought so much yourself yep there's nowhere to and nothing goers and think I was - well that's not entirely true a lot of Gemma's purchases have the potential to really work in this house she just needs a little direction right reuse recycle redecorate I like the sound of that and I think the hole is the perfect place to start it's a space that's often overlooked but first impressions can't and that's what people get when they walk in the house [Music] Gemma and Shawn are after a stunning entrance I know by restoring some of the original features we can return it to its former glory I want to introduce some practical pieces of furniture in keeping with the period of the house so I'll be showing them how second hand can be both decorative and functional what you're attaching in the study we want to create a Victorian gentleman's club field Shawn needs an impressive centerpiece to survey his room from so I've got a hot tip on how to find a fireplace in keeping with the house what's nice about that there's no chips with bends in it it's all original stills in really good condition I like that fireplace a lot but first I want to shine some light on the hall using the stained glass of the back door and hall window as inspiration I want to continue the theme through to the front door so do I look up stained glass in the phonebook do I get a man in can do i hack and if I did Shawn wouldn't pay for it so I'm off to meet an old friend of mine crass woman extraordinaire Amanda Winfield last year she helps me make a beautiful leaded light catcher for my bathroom window in medicate if I can do it anyone can Oh today she's going to help us create a stunning stained glass panel the art of stained glass is thought to have evolved from jewelry making a mosaic with the first how-to guide written by a monk in 1100 AD since then the techniques have remained relatively unchanged okay way to go using photographs of the original stained glass from jammer and Shawn's Hall Amanda's painted a scaled-down version of the window she's designed for them and this is its grand unveiling what we did was created a watercolor design which is to scale what do you think about this guys I love you it's really really nice I think it's gonna look really smashing in the front door it's all bring everything together really so we're going to learn to cut glass first yeah we're using glass cutters to make a v-shape in the glass and then with a little tap the piece should break into this is not supposed to be a new type of percussion instrument now it's time to start cutting the glass for the centerpiece of our design so this is the full size drawing that we call a cut line we cut the glass over the drawing and then we use this to lead over as well right so the glass that we chose for the leaves is beautiful streaky glass and I use a handmade piece of glass isn't it stained glass is made by adding metallic oxides when the glass is molten stained glass costs anything from four pounds a square meter to around 20 pounds for pink because it's made using gold okay I am cutting the glass the real glass for your door haha what do we do now put it on there and cut according to the line absolutely it's all coming back to me now and in no time at all all our gorgeous glass pieces are cut [Music] that's the main plan of your front door that's really nice the next piece of the jigsaw is to fit the let around the glass to hold it in place let is use because it's a soft pliable metal making it easy to cut especially if you copy Amanda's technique a little wiggle when you're cutting I mean anything else Jemma don't have a go at this the glass is then fitted into the lead and the joints are soldered together any second now the flames are gonna leap out of the soldiery on [Music] so Gemma have a go I said bingo hey Carl Jim perfect got the knack fast enough so finished piece what do you think things beautiful Amanda thing's gonna fit in with the rest of em Gemma and Shawn have gone glassy-eyed over stained glass I love it when a plan comes together I feel like a crafting matchmaker it's a very satisfactory feeling indeed Amanda finishes off the rest of the design and then gives it a rub with special cement this closes up the gap between the glass and the lead and makes it watertight if you'd like to try your hand at making the stained glass panel there are courses running across the country starting to round 60 pounds there's more information on our website channel slash for homes having crack stained glass it's time to teach Gemma a few essential second-hand shopping rules only to find out she's not the only one with a problem Shawn I don't think I've ever said no in the circumstance like this but I really you can't and I get philosophical about the important things in life two things in life that need to be heavy your iron and your hairdryer the heavy arm makes a better weapon though I found [Music] I'm helping Wolverhampton Wanderers Gemma and Sean Ward turn their dusty and dilapidated Victorian shell into a stunning period house with the help of Master Craft Spiegel and some secondhand shopping Jem is no stranger to the second-hand scene like many of us she loves to browse and buy knickknacks she just doesn't know what to do with them when she gets them home I am going to teach her how to shop with a definite plan in mind so I've bought her and Shawn here to the Lincolnshire antiques and Home Show you've always been interested in this stuff but is this the biggest event you've ever been to yeah yeah this is the biggest one we've ever ever seen so going to see Jam he's got everything in there and then have you sort of felt that your wallet just levitated for a child on it for tonight pulling me away I'm locked in the toilet once already he's got a point Gemma does need to be reined in but Shawn likes to keep to tighter hold on those purse strings but I've got a plan Gemma and Shawn have got so many curios they know they don't want that I've asked them to bring some along to sell on a store if the money we make hopefully we can widen Shawn's wallet their first customer a fellow professional shopper me I must admit I might be going away with this this nice piece of beveled glass what do you want for that me nothing but make it a reasonable one eight quid because you've been so nice you can't force ever Wow there's a deal thanks Erin quid thank you Gemma you just come down I'm starting to see why Shawn has become so careful with his money at a place like this I'm one for browsing but sometimes you need a list to keep you on the straight and narrow we're after furniture for the hall with is functional as well as decorative and in keeping with the period of the house and as far as Sean's concerned it has to be cheap as well as beautiful to help with our hunt I've got my friend and antiques expert Tony gearing on the case there's no plying it's slowly throughout this is white like to say probably about 1930s with over 20 years of experience behind him I'm hoping he's gonna find some perfect pieces of furniture for the hall what would be a best trade price on that to me today but first I've got to keep Shawn on the right path Shawn I don't think I've ever said no in the circumstance like this but I really you can't and the award for best antiques Potter goes to me my next finds a winner what do you think about this for the hall oh that's quite nice you know Shawn's letters Gemma's letters what would you pay for that it's really crude no 25 it's a deal 25 okay a purchase that's functional objective and cheap enough to tempt Shawn not a bad start well done Sean Tony also appears to have hit the jackpot with his first find a monk's bench this piece of furniture is a seat a table and a storage unit the design dates from the 17th century and one theory is that these benches allowed monks to sit and dine in their tiny cells I'm really starting to like the idea of them having a really good utilitarian piece of furniture in the hallway is sticky that butt bit candle wax will sort that right out if your furniture is sticky a candle preferably made from natural beeswax can ease the runners it's the wd-40 of the antiques world it's a bargain at 50 pounds but is it cheap enough to tempt Shawn Tony's next discovery is a lovely umbrella stand nice little horse fan probably fit perfectly in the hallway in their home in these drip trays would have been tin of course and their plywood so not really a great water catch occurs in time they're going to get a rot remember you can always adapt and improve furniture to fit your needs a local blacksmith could make a tin tray to fit this for around 20 pounds or you could treat the tray yourself through the galvanized paint at 40 pounds this is a real steel I think Tony's got a couple of cracking pieces now what have you selected for us from the market well I'm the money side I think we're in the right the right that's us well okay now what we've got here is a month monk's bench it actually turns into a table and also of course once you put this back I mean you've got storage it's in the hall and I managed to absolutely steal it 450 pounds so do you reckon sure nude part with 50 quid for that yeah definitely you couldn't get anything like that in an out-of-town store something that comes flat packed would be more expensive than that wouldn't have the quality and wouldn't have that dual purpose I hope Tony's final item won't rain on our parade umbrella stand incredibly useful thing to have in your hall and keys what you touch em Oh Joe did hear that I love that do you like that you're gonna be shocked what I do actually like that sound well the best way is the price right that's even better you make me smile again 40 pounds finally a man who is cranked open Shawn's wallet not only have Gemma and Shawn picked up some real bargains today but by recycling their unwanted goods on their store the day has been a financial success you have made 130 pounds and you've only spent 135 patents which means you're only five patents down on the day there are markets like this held up and down the country check out our website for details of where and when they run demmas happy I'm happy and Shawn's happy he's managed to get tons of stuff and spend virtually no money I on the other hand have got a massive stuff and I spent the massive money how do you wonder I'm you're gonna get it home in my Caravan which I shall put on the back of the car so far we've been concentrating on the haul but the study is also in need of some attention I want to introduce curtains to complement their beautiful stained glass windows and warm up the room so we've enlisted the help of bespoke card maker hazel Emery to show us how to make the perfect pair it can be less scary than you might think [Music] Jamie you've never made curtains before I have - a Gao but they're not very neat after watching the last series Gemma was inspired to make curtains for their eldest son's bedroom but they didn't quite turn out the way she hoped we are completely in your hands hazel and I am going to be concentrating every second the first step is to choose your fabric we're using a gray Swedish linen that will hang beautifully if you make curtains well they'll last you probably 25 years I think it's gonna go well with the color scheme the next step is to work out the drop of your fabric you measure from where you want your pole to be to where you want your curtains to end allowing for headings and hems any of this sound remotely tricky to you fear not usually in department stores where they sell fabrics than the person there actually knows what they're talking about so if you took the window measurement and the actual complete drop then they should calculate it for eyes the study windows are wider than the fabric we've chosen so we need to sew two widths together to make the correct size after her last efforts at curtain making Gemma's a bit nervous go nice and steady your only guiding it through you don't have to hold it too tight [Music] with the scenes ironed we can turn our attention to the hems we're sewing weights inside to help the curtains hang well these are the weights are already sealed in a little fabric pouch which you can sew I first started making curtains I used to buy the weights and then put them into lining yep and so little bags around them yeah now they come already prepared for you I don't know life is made so easy now it's much easier these can be bought from haberdasheries for just a couple of pounds for a pack of 10 nowadays it's easy to buy curtains but historians are in the dark about the very first pair it's believed that somewhere in a Neanderthal cave the lady of the house figured out that animal hides would keep out the weather and the light in the Middle Ages they were the preserve of the upper classes but the development of the textile trade in the 18th century drove fabric prices down making curtains available to most people so it's any easier this time I'm getting the hang of it I think so now we need to put the lining in right now the linings made up exactly the same as the curtain so really what you're making is two curtains and then putting them together so it's like the lining of a good dress it's a separate dress in itself almost exactly the same so what did you line your curtains in the ones that you made at home I didn't line them there's no cutting corners today we're using thermal lining it stops the Sun bleaching the fabric works as an insulator and makes your curtains look fuller and richer I just love seeing it all out like this it looks really Burris but the lining attached it's time to bring out that iron again my god the iron is essential isn't it it's the weight of your iron that's really important more than anything else two things in life that need to be heavy your iron and your hairdryer the heavy arm makes a better weapon though I found I hope for Sean's sake that the wards are will be used for less dangerous purposes there we go Gemma nice neat sides how do they shape up to the ones that you made before oh don't keep asking that it's unkind I think we'll we'll draw a veil over over over Gemma's first curtains having the very close very close I find with all crafts it's important to retain a healthy sense of humor is we're gonna put on the tape that's right which gathers the top of the curtain together gives it that ruffled effect we're using an elegant triple pleat tape which hazel will sew on to complete the curtains are you pleased with what you've learnt today definitely it's um no no what I'll go do now if the truth be told I've always been quite scared of curtain making because I've seen some really good professionally made curtains and I've seen some rotten ones but I have learned that if you really do what hazel says you take time you're careful you measure you on and you don't over stretch yourself you can make some properly professional-looking curtains at a tenth of the price if you fancy learning how to make your own curtains there are classes up and down the country there's more information on our website channel for comm slash for homes [Music] I've got more plans for the study as Jemma reveals her fiery side Sean I am so with in your book I tried to salvage a fireplace before Sean wrecks it take me away and I lose the plot when I attempt the craft of crochet we have moved now to freeform crochet [Music] I'm helping Gemma and Shawn transform their run-down Victorian house into the perfect period property Shawn's after a seriously impressive fireplace to survey his study from so I'm off to see my old friend architectural salvage yard owner Rey color and his trusty sidekick Frank the dog to help me find a fireplace in keeping with the period of the house I've arranged to meet Gemma and Shawn here but I want to have a poke around first this is an Aladdin's cave full of treasures reclaimed from houses businesses even Chinese restaurants getting to know someone like Ray in your local area means they get to know your tastes ray found me a cast-iron insert he thinks is just the ticket for jammer and Shawn what's nice about it it's bit to the old design I have no problem with the repro you know if it looks the part if you are buying a secondhand insert have a close look for any general damage or cracks damaged inserts can be repaired but you have to factor these costs into the price many dealers have in-house or local restorers ask if they can repair it for you with the insert sorted out it's on to the surround so is this the one make sure is its original morning 32.1 days what's nice about that is no chips with Benton it's all original still it's in really good condition I like that fireplace a lot what do you have in Frank oh that is a clever dog who's quick on top I know it's very cool Ray's offering us the insert and surround for 250 pounds I need a bit of work to get them into top-notch condition but to buy them new from the high street would cost well upwards of 600 pounds Sean would be barking mad not to realize ray and Frank have done us a great deal my problem is Shawn my client is as tight as an outsourced so getting the money out of him is gonna be my problem that's your problem not my problem I'm selling it to you now I love these pieces I just hope they will get Gemma and Shawn as far Duff as I am it's that 1930s pine surround first this is the fireplace it's got gravitas and it's got that really good do that Shawn yeah dubov sighs I've got a check yeah yeah that's got the gravitas effect yeah yep Gemma okay so it's it's once I've shown you the inserts that we're gonna talk yeah now for the reproduction insert I like its live life what do you reckon Frank write it straightly treatment all right so for the insert and the farce around 250 fixed price sounds good to me Shawn's come a long way from small beginnings he is now happy to spend his money on quality items he knows will last for a long time if you fancy a day out at an architectural salvage yard like Ray's there are 350 of them scattered across the country with the focal point of the room sorted it's time to show Gemma how she can use her many acquisitions to give the study a personal feel I have sent general Shan off to see Dean agate in Devon a year ago Dean taught me how to make my own poker that is extraordinary that is metal response was amazing 3000 hits on Dean's website so we're going back for more now he's gonna teach Gemma and Shawn how to make bookends for Gemma's burgeoning book collection the craft of the blacksmith dates back three and a half thousand years and many of the traditional methods are still used today with around six hundred blacksmiths remaining in this country making everything from ornate pokers to door hinges to candelabras Dean has been working as a blacksmith for over 20 years today he's designed some decorative bookends especially for us [Music] this is the first stage we put it in the file make sure the cover dink the coals on the top and wait for it to take up the heat Dean knows it's ready by just looking at the color of the metal there we go that's the sort of color that we want we want a nice bright yellow the hotter you can get it the more you can do with it you go over the steel with a wire brush but you have to be quick because the metal only stays malleable while it's hot the first stage is to put it on to the flayed face of the animal nice and flat noise and then we strike their clothes that's making it wider on the edge now Gemma's turn to forge ahead take a hammer and then strike the end of there nice and firm see it's starting to spread it out now no you're doing it raring to go that amigo Shawn is going for it hammer and tongs and this is just killing it just rolling it up into a scroll it may seem like a manly craft full of fire and metal but the finished products require lots of intricate design and a softly-softly approach is often what's required subtle tap forms the curves that you want [Music] that's coming into a nice shape dad's a nice graduation it seems Gemma's got the brains and Shawn's got the Brawn see we've got a little bit closed up there now yeah I'm so whipping your babe I think that this is my craft now it's on to forming the base maybe this will suit Shawn better violence strike down again the ends are split in two and bent on the anvil [Music] there we go how's that looking that's looking good I'll come live with my dad's back finally Dean polishes up the bookends the finished objects will look beautiful in the study containing Gemma's band books and will help to create that gentleman's club feel that were after if you'd like to play with fire the blacksmith guild runs a course for beginners at the cost of 75 pounds visit our web-site channel for calm slash for homes back at the wards hat in Wolverhampton work is well and truly underway Shawn's past career as a painter and decorator is coming in handy as he gets to work on the study windows in the Attic gemma sorting through her collection of curious and books in preparation for dressing the study and in the hallway the whole family are busy stripping and sanding the doors under Shawn's expert supervision it's great to see they've got their enthusiasm back and I for one can't wait to see the finished results after the last series we wanted to find out what cross tickled your fancy so we took an online poll and one of your top replies was crochet so I'm here to meet crochet extraordinaire Erica night crochet is the process of creating fabric by interlocking and looping yarn with a hooks needle compared to knitting and weaving crochet is a relatively new craft and isn't mentioned in the history books until the 1800s enthusiasts claim it's easier faster and more spontaneous than its needlework next-of-kin knitting erika night fell in love with crochet as a child having written several books on the subject there's nothing she doesn't know about the craft very very nice to meet you and I have to say I don't think I've ever had a better backdrop and the amazing thing is you suddenly look around and you realize how many things you have in your home which are crochet from baby blankets to slippers to baskets it's even being used by top fashion designers to make jewelry it's a very simple process crochet about creating a chain and then making other little chains in it to create a fabric so basically if if it can be strung together like that subsidy can crochet with it all you need is a hook the other bit of equipment you need is just a continuous thread and that can be anything from cotton to wool to a mixture today we are using good old gardening thread to create a five-sided gift box perfect for chocolate soaps or even a plant just for the record I have never done any crocheting ever before first of all you need to make a slipknot it all comes from the Slipknot you literally wind that over and insert the hook so you're going over hook through it's possible and no one has ever seen me concentrate this much these series of loops are known as a foundation row now we're going to work in a series of rows to create our fabric once you've learned the basic stitches crochet is all about repeating that process to build up your row of chains just when I think I've got the hang of it I seem to tied myself up in knots we have moved now to freeform crochet which is always an interesting big deal if I was left to my own devices we'd still be here next week luckily we can use the panel's Eric complete you make five of these you can put two together like that and we're just going to really over sew these together so you can use one of these right do have a go the great thing about this craft is you can take it anywhere I think it's very much the zeitgeist at the moment to give and to do something with your hands if you've clearly put time into something people appreciated in value it's a it's a value this is the fifth and final piece which creates the bottom so if you yes I think my latest catwalk creation might need a bit of work once the final panel is on your box is ready to be stuffed with goodies what's extraordinary is just in the course of the time while I've been stretching it together you realize how wonderful it is working with these materials and I mean it's fantastic if you want to learn more about this craft there are numerous books you could join a local crochet club and with a little bit of practice before you know it you'll be hooked there's more information on our website channel slash for homes [Music] it's almost time for the grand unveiling of that stained glass panel it's actually making me quite speechless but Shawn's not the only one lost for words totally utterly completely God's work and Gemma's got a special surprise for me you kidding me no to present for mention for three months I've been helping Gemma and Shawn turn a Victorian wreck into a beautifully fashioned period home the decorating is done and dusted the shoes tidied away into the monks bench and our stained glass window has been fitted without any sneaky peaks Shawn and Gemma she's been too busy going daft for crafts and with help of her neighbor has been using new fan stone skills to make some comfortable cushions [Music] it's time to reveal the culmination of all their hard work [Music] so exciting and the doorbell works I'm desperate to find out how the hall and study have been transformed and to show them the stained-glass window we made with Amanda loving it completely different sort of Authority reckon gem it just looks really professional like it's always been here as well it just yeah it really works well it's absolutely stunning and by having a hand in making it they've created a piece that is truly one-of-a-kind I would go back I'd do something else it's what we've I said time of doing it and I really really enjoyed it lots of ways on its abilities I am quite well nobody but stare at it it's actually made me quite speechless what she's doing usual and I'm lost for words too [Music] this hole has been turned into a truly grand entrance Gemma and Shawn have lovingly restored some of the original features of this house and the results are breathtaking Gemma's second-hand purchases have been brought down from the Attic and worked beautifully alongside the forty pound umbrella stand and the 50 pound monk's bench we found with Tony the latter rack and the umbrella stand both look absolutely fantastic and the hall is a real room now everything seems to talking a bit better now is it really Titan gobsmacked totally utterly and completely gobsmacked looks a million dollars but it's all the stuff we got and it's your stuff and it's completely you and next door the transformation from junk room to elegant study is complete [Applause] our 250 pounds secondhand fireplace from Ray's rec yard has been stripped and stained and installed which will cost another 250 pounds but even Sean thinks it's money well spent you said it won't the fireplace and it's a proper big solid masculine fireplace not now - look at these absolutely gorgeous just lovely I mean it makes this room absolutely makes this room I'll be honest he was it's worth every single penny by revamping some of JAMA and Sean's original pieces of furniture we've bought the whole room together and created the perfect home for Gemma's curios the bookends they made with Dean can take pride of place on the shelf perfect those beautiful I think these were made in the morning but will last forever but the biggest lifelong change is in Gemma's confidence to style her own house if my knickknacks having to be newest then I think my confidence would have gonna be you know lower than where it is now because everything has been used all the stuff you had before we went off shopping has appeared because that was the whole point there's no point coming in and redecorating someone's room that doesn't reflect them our curtains that we made with hazel are up and hanging beautifully and who made those lovely curtains waiting I know they're very nice they're really smart and the material hangs really depends really nicely and by making them yourself you could save a couple of hundred pounds in the process in the spirit of recycling and revamping Gemma's had one of her dusty knickknacks personalized now everything in this room however small says something about the wards Oh who's that is so small I've actually got one here oh yeah because it's for you you know hitting me loads of present time and shine [Music] that is fantastic I can't wait but my own stamping nuts and that's exactly what Gemma and Shawn have done in this house Gemma you had made some curtains before we met yeah now you've made another pair of curtains and cushions and all sorts so you've got your sewing confidence up you're buying confidence up your design confidence up you're just on a mission I am NOT I want to get some material now so I can do the curtains with help from my lovely neighbor yeah so you could have a whole sewing group in the area going yeah yep it has been a joy working with you too and all I can say is congratulations you've done what you wanted to do you created the room you wanted to create and it looks a million dollars it is fab I'm gonna do it all ourselves I still can't believe that we actually live here I woke up this morning and went down there didn't know and I was like to stare and I thought of God I live here in it and this is only the beginning of the road to Gemma and Shawn's homemade home that is a huge house and it needs a lot of work but it seems to me they're not just travelling down that road they're smiling and skipping down that road if you fancy skipping down the path the homemade heaven there's lots of information to get you started on our website at channel 4 comm slash for homes [Music]
Channel: HomeStyle
Views: 96,473
Rating: 4.9159889 out of 5
Keywords: home style, homestyle, daytime, daytime tv, british tv, fashion, building a house, kirstie, kirstie allsopp, kirstie allsopp tv, kirstie's homemade home, kirstie's homemade home full episode, house transformation, styling guide, bargain hunt, kirstie tv show, redesign, restoration home, restoration, home flipping, kirstie allsopp house, lifestyle tv, homemade home, before and after
Id: 4IBZ9QuF0_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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