Kirill Sidelnikov (Russia) vs Chris Barnett (USA) | MMA Fight HD
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Channel: That's why MMA!
Views: 13,170,969
Rating: 4.7792602 out of 5
Keywords: emelianenko, bellator, Fight, MMA, UFC, Fighter, MMA Highlights, MMA fights, boxing, bjj, fights, submission, mixed martial arts, martial arts, full fight, ultimate fighting championship, ko, fighting, punch, tko, judo, fedor emelianenko, grappling, khabib nurmagomedov, sports, k1, free fight, fedor, kick, kickboxing, knockout, kickboxer, mma ko, fight compilation, mike tyson, Top, knock out, knockouts, HD, wrestling, conor mcgregor, muay thai, wwe, highlights, Russia, Chris Barnett, Kirill Sidelnikov, sport
Id: I3vkk1H-a5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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