Kingston and Liz bantering for 11 minutes straight | The Unsleeping City

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Liz: Mr. Brown, thank you for coming in today. My name  is Liz-- Liz: Mr. Brown, thank you for coming in today. My name is Liz Kingston: Are you gon call me Mr. Brown? Okay [nervous chuckle] Liz: Are we gonna do this?   Liz: Are we gonna do this? Kingston: No, we're not gonna-- Liz: Are we gonna do this? Liz: Are we gonna do this? Kingston: No, Mr. Brown's ready to talk Liz: I'm at work. So the thing with me here, Kingston,  is that I'm at work right now Kingston: Okay, but... [sigh] Kingston: okay Brennan: You see Epona puts the water down and says, "I'm gonna fully go" [laughing] Brennan: She [Epona] steps out. You see that Liz turns a recorder on   and keeps her voice professional, but  is just fucking staring daggers at you Liz: So, KiNgStOn, it's my understanding that you  attended the wedding of Angela Confetti to   . . . Ronald Pigeon Kingston: Yes, I was on a date with Misty Moore to the Confetti wedding on Sunday Brennan: "click" Liz: Fuck you Liz: Fuck you Kingston: No, fuck you Liz: Fuck you Liz: Fuck you Kingston: No, fuck you Liz: Go fuck yourself Kingston: Alright, you know what, I don't wanna do this Liz: I always knew there was something weird with her Liz: I always knew there was something weird with her Kingston: It was nothing! Liz: She's wanted to fuck you for years Liz: She's wanted to fuck you for years. I knew it Liz: You're such a piece of shit! Liz: You're such a piece of shit! Kingston: I never fucked her Liz: You are such a fucking dog Liz: You are such a fucking dog Kingston: Don't even do this! Kingston: Yeah, it was business. I don't  know why I said it was a date   Liz: "Business." So what's up, the mummy's back  or something? Kingston: No, the mummy's not back Liz: So, Mr. Brown, you were attending at the wedding, did  you hear anything amounting to criminal conspiracy   having to do with the assault on Santa Claus  in central park? Kingston: According to Don Confetti the two pixies had gone downtown and  confessed to being the ones who, you know   had hijacked or, you know, vandalized the sled   Liz: And the names of these individuals are... ? Kingston: Uh, Pixie and Trixie or something like that. I don't mean  to be rude Liz: No, their names are stupid. It's... [rest of the party laughing] Liz: ... Twinkle and Pinky Kingston: There it is, Twinkle and Pinky. That's what I heard Brennan: "click" Liz: And because I have to fucking work in this department now Kingston: mm-hm Liz: I have to prosecute Twinkle and Pinky  Kingston: It's still law. These are still people Liz: I live in a fucking cartoon now! Kingston: You don't live-- this is not a car-- Liz: Because of you I live in a fucking cartoon! Kingston: This is New York City. This is the real thing  Liz: OH OH OH A HORSE WOMAN JUST BROUGHT YOU A CUP OF WATER AND THESE TWO PIXIES I GOTTA PUT AWAY FOR ATTACKING SANTA Kingston: SHE'S A GODDAMN CENTAUR [sniff] Liz: I go through, I would say, half a bottle of  whiskey every night just to get through the fucking day Liz: I go through, I would say, half a bottle of whiskey every night just to get through the fucking day Kingston: That is so bad for you You have to come see me at least Liz: Oh what so you can do your magic hands? Kingston: How you doin, Ms. Herrera? Liz: Fuck you [Kingston laughs] Did you do this? You save me? Kingston: It wasn't actually me. It was actually  you know Mr. March from the, uh, fireman calendar? Liz: Mr. March? Oh my god, yeah Kingston: Yeah, it was him. I helped, but he did most of the heavy lifting Liz: Wow. Well, feel free to give him my number [Kingston scoffs] Kingston: Alright Liz: What happened? Some fuckin bitch in a fuckin pantsuit jumped me Kingston: Yeah Liz: It was awful Kingston: It was a vampire, you know? There's  a big old politician/finance guy who's   been alive for 400 years. He's a lich. Sold his  soul. Fae and--you know all same old bullshit  and I promise you, you know my other friend the, the  person who did this to you tried to turn into a   gas and this person still beat the shit out  of them. So they got what was coming to 'em   Liz: Honestly? I'm very happy to hear that. I want that fuckin lady stomped  So, what? Is there--we're all gonna die? There's an apocalypse? Something's  gonna happen? Kingston: Uh, you know, I'mma try and do my best to stop it, but Liz: Well, your best has always been pretty good, Kingston [Flustered mumbling] Kingston: Yeah, I don't know. I just thought I'd, uh, you know...  when you got to put it all   out there you just you want to make sure that you  got a chance to say everything you wanted to say   be everywhere you want to be Liz: You want to be here with me? Kingston: Ah, I guess so. Well, really I just want to show up and, you know, tell you how  I saved you real quick and then [laughing] Liz: You got to go Kingston: Yeah, I should. You going anywhere? [Liz laughs] Ow Kingston: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, that's all  me Brennan: You see, she says, "If somebody would fuckin teach me how to do magic I'd come help you whoop ass. I'm  from the fuckin Bronx Kingston: Okay, okay. Well, we can talk about that if the world's still around tomorrow  Kingston: You can't be--ay, that's, that's that's of my favorite t-shirts, alright? That was  the time, you know--my uncle got that for me   from the Playboy jazz festival. You can't just  take--you just can't wear--you know Liz: This was at the bottom of your shirt drawer. Tell me, do you actually wear this? Do you actually wear this shirt?   Kingston: [stutters] No. No, I don't wear it, but Liz: It's comfy. It's nice. Liz: I promise-- Kingston: You look good in it Brennan: You see, she winks at you and says, "I know I look good in it" Liz: Oh, by the way, because we're kinda gearing up I actually have some depositions this Friday. So I'm gonna have pass on that Islanders game. I know that you got tickets for--   Kingston: Oh, come on. I mean, it's okay It's completely okay. I was just looking forward to it is all Liz: I know. We'll go I promise--I have to miss the Islanders game  so that we can go walking by the river on Sunday   That's sacrosanct. Nothing's gonna touch that That's sacrosanct. Nothing's gonna touch that Kingston: That's what's important. That's what's important. Liz: Kingston, these last two years have been the happiest two years of my life Kingston: Okay, good. That's... same here Liz: I know who you are. I feel like the most special  person in the world when I'm with you You've made sacrifices for me, I can make them for you. I'll be  fine. I'll take care of Bruce and-- Kingston: Good. Okay, that's mostly what I needed  to ask  Liz: You asshole! You fuckin dick! Listen... Kingston: He just needs to be walked, alright? I know you're busy right now, but... I know you're busy right now, but... Liz: I am fuckin busy [fully talking over one another] Kingston: This feels just kismet in terms of a time to   . . . mention something like this, but I've  been running around town with this giant egg [laughing] Liz: Oh Kingston: Yeah, so Liz: Congrats on your... egg? Kingston: Well, it's congratulations to you as well, possibly If you're interested, um, because, uh... this is, uh, a dragon's egg, um, and I... uh, it's gonna hatch and someone's gonna have to take care of it   and raise it. I was down with the Shen family. You know the Shen family down in Chinatown?   Liz: Yeah Kingston: Got the big... it opens up and it's like everyone flies there? it opens up and it's like everyone flies there? Liz: Sorry, hold on. You... Kingston: Yeah, anyway, so, I uh... Liz: You said "raise a dragon's egg?" Kingston: Anyway--you know have you had green tea? I'm gonna get some green tea for us  I brought these green teas from Chinatown. You have to have a green tea Liz: Is there a little floating cloud in our kitchen?? What is that? Kingston: Yes, and it's filled with green tea!  Kingston: But yeah, uh, I did say "raise this dragon." Um... Kingston: And I know it's not it-- Liz: What do you mean "raise a dragon?" Like it's like a dungeon dragon? Kingston: No, it's not--it's more a spirit than a monster. It's not so much like, uh, gnashing teeth   breathing fire sort of thing. It's kinda  like the dragon that kinda brought me into the Unsleeping City and took  care of the city and held on to its history and   its past and its culture and treasured that.  Um... and I don't know, if you're open to it... I know that I am. I don't know, some of the other champions kinda suggested the idea that... WE... kind of... RAISE and FOSTER this spirit of the city [an actual fucking wheeze] Kingston: I'm wondering if you... It's not a child,  like we won't get to move the dragon into college   So I don't know. It's a lot. It's a lot. I'm  saying a lot of things and I'm putting a   lot on you right now and if you want to take some  space and think about it and we can talk later, um... [Brennan waiting to speak] [Brennan waiting to speak] but I really want this. I really want this really badly and I care about this egg but I really want this. I really want this really badly and I care about this egg so much so quickly, but I love you and I want you and I feel like I've been talking for two   minutes straight and I'm just gonna drink green tea and you talk and we'll just go from there Liz: Do I have to hatch the egg, like do I-- Kingston: No, absolutely not. I don't think you biologically have to do anything Kingston: You could say no. I just want to make it clear, like you don't have to be in. Liz: I think, Kingston, I think you're giving me anxiety with your anxiety Liz: I think, Kingston, I think you're giving me anxiety with your anxiety Kingston: Sorry. I'm sorry Liz: I'm trying to catch up to where you've been over a couple days just in like a minute or two Liz: Okay, we just--I think the only  hurdles would be like a birth certificate   like you have to get a social security number. You have to get... Kingston: We're gonna do it. We're gonna raise a dragon Brennan: You see, um, you guys kiss and lay together that night [Lou laughs] Lou: Very formal An incredibly formal "Lay Together" Zac: You guys fuck and, uh... Brennan: You guys fUCK hARD [laughing] Lou: BAH! BAH! BAH! Lou: BAH! BAH! BAH! Ally: The joy of the DM At the end of any scene, Brennan can be  like "and you guys fuck and then we're gonna move over to--" Lou: Y'all be fuckin and... Lou: Y'all be fuckin and... Brennan: I meant "lay together" as in "being close with one another," but if you guys wanna Brennan: I meant "lay together" as in "being close with one another," but if you guys wanna fuckin bONE dOWN, be my guest Lou: B O N E D O W N Kingston: And I'm gonna kiss you right now I'm gonna kiss you right now, right on the mouth   to show you how much I love you and then maybe we can lay together [laughing] Brennan: You both kiss, go to bed that night, um... Lou: We "lay together," Brennan
Channel: Luna3141
Views: 129,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dimension 20, the unsleeping city, unsleeping city, kingston brown, liz herrera, kingston and liz, the unsleeping city chapter 2, the unsleeping city 2, lou wilson, brennan lee mulligan
Id: gGsVlrcyE-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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