Kings Peak Henrys Fork Trail

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[Music] tense car over they are we got the outhouse nice camping area here so we're gonna tense and that's thundering out so we spent some time in the car but you decided we'd make a dash of the tent so we lay down and hopefully get some sleep so is our first morning breakfast going guys a little rain last night did we a little high winds I heard a tree blow over somewhere it was pretty exciting oh you missed that oh it sounded pretty cool 10:17 a lot of horses on this trail or about 2.1 miles then 2.2 miles in found about an hour and days clear now it's a beautiful day now so windy what nice we don't have rain this trail is really well maintained it's got a series of ridges where necessary so I've been a risk getting your feet wet so far it's windy here [Music] that's pretty got our campsite all set up shut up beer cans over here in the hollowed-out log the mess bags hanging from the tree squirrel proof not bear proof there's a squirrel running around here that's pretty interested as I pass ice on the trail freezin however about 11,500 feet and there's quite a switchback going through gunsight pass here finally turns beautiful Valley continuing up the shortcut looks like it's gonna get seep there's a series of cans dangling up at about well we're going about twelve thousand feet and it's leveled off here it was region up this way and Karen's be mess this way here shields from the wind here but we can hear blowing why didn't I see it your job [Music] to the summit and the more standard route going down into the valley towards on site and somewhat more of a trail - I'm jokin easy this is my 16th state high point third one this year did good in May then soloed wheeler peak New Mexico in June and now here in September we're doing him speak Utah this was a hard trip I would say it was harder than Whitney which we did last year there's a lot of rocks on the summit it's just some bad footing was just hard but it was great trip and got the summit what more can you say we broken campus we're headed seven point five miles back to go ahead beautiful day chilly puppy over 40 degrees but it's gonna be perfectly sunny there's always another picture to take because it's just so gorgeous by nola Lake Oh yep John Sanford just finishing up our hike up Kings peak here you like gorgeous hike we've been taking the standard Henry fork trailhead up to the summit although we did take the shortcut out of gunsight Pass was exciting roll plasters scramble it was it was a hurt hike but it very fun and very glad to be here so on the summit ridge we bypassed all the snow fields by staying low although on the way down we stayed on top of the ridge which was much better choice it was pretty Rocky so think Mount Adams times 10 I'll give you a good idea what it's time to scramble it was that's Mount Adams in the White Mountains New Hampshire yes for all those New England folks you'll know what I mean hi I'm Rob silletti and I'm doing the high points with these guys we've been having a blast this mountain was really great we give it a three day trip so going in spending a night and during the summit comeback camps you can hike out there was a great great trip views are fantastic the hike was fantastic join challenging part was on you get over to on site pass you got to take taking the shortcut you take a right Volkl ledge the ledges what's sketchy and they get on top of that ledge you're walking on tundra which wasn't comfortably because it's very fragile and I wish there was a marked trail but there really isn't so we've this much rock hopping as we could to not walk on the tundra but I met what a great trip and I think I should try it sometime [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MrRobertz2012
Views: 247
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Hiking, Climbing, Kings Peak, Henrys Fork Trail, High Point, Highpointers, State High points, UT State High, AMC
Id: Rxgnxln9eZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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