KING with 300% Attack Speed & Damage Nuking Bosses in Brotato 1.0

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welcome back to brotato and today we are playing the king a very weird character I would say whenever you get a tier 1 weapon or item you lose stats with vitamins permanent with weapons you can just upgrade them to get rid of it but this means you don't really want to have a lot of weapons and instead you want to have well at least tier 2 weapons right and then you can have different weapons doesn't matter but yeah we'll play with the ghost x here and there is another one that means now on this roll I need another one oh my God I'm actually really happy that we got this this could have been bad do we want to no we don't turn it into a purple one we'll just keep this the developers of potato gave me five steam keys so if you want to have one then just write a random comment and hey while you're at it just give the video a like okay it helps out a lot and I will randomly choose 5 winners you'll know that you won if I respond to your comment and we'll get in touch afterwards now I've tried this multiple times with The Sword and the logic Wars The Sword doesn't exist as a tier 1 weapon and we just skipped the first few shops because you don't get blue items or weapons in there it only starts in this shop that we have next but um yeah I rarely ever got swords it's really hard to turn a weapon into red one and have six of them if you rarely ever get the weapon okay so what we'll do instead is we'll go for the good old ax here don't take this we lose to HP if we do that and I think this will be better there's another X that means I will have negative stats for the next one and I okay there's another one this is fine but yeah this is okay so one wave will be a little bit worse but I think I can still easily deal with the enemies because well it's it's you know two tier two weapons okay there we go nice I don't think I've seen a single tree so far that's a little bit sad you would expect that uh I want to wow wow okay that was nasty uh we could take this for plus three HP and well but that's not worth it no let's just skip that would be oh wow two Milli damage chances it won't damage and even dodging their attacks but I mean I mean yeah we have a lot of touch here yeah let's take that that's beautiful and combine now we have bonus damage again and now you deal more right yeah six that's good do we want to have the ghost Flint like we could combine this with the ghost flint and the ghost eggs I think I'll lock it in case we get a second one I'll take both of them but if not then hey we don't I don't care we got a three we got a tree oh so much luck and this is what I get out of it really really okay that was a Dodge so someone took damage there right did you see someone take six damage because I didn't probably someone did but yeah let's oh the thing is we can't take most of the stuff that we get out of it either way because it has to be blue or above or something like the coffee I guess would still be fine right because you get a lot of attack speed out of it which helps you with melee weapons let's go for the HP here and yeah I would like to roll once okay let's just take it but I I just want to say oh my God [Music] the ghost scepter that is so insane and odd obviously um but like okay wait I I can't say no to a purple one okay you gotta be trolling me that is not what I wanted to hear I don't care about you let's uh okay so we have the flamethrower we have three ghost x we have two ghost flins does this sound like a weird build yes it does could it work yeah it could definitely work wait Elemental damage gets buffed up by percent damage right it was only engineering that doesn't get buffed up so there is benefit to what we're doing here like we are giving more damage to the flamethrower that is an interesting combo that I would have never expected to take and I'm still not sure if I should want to take that we have to earn so much material here though I have to play a little bit risky how much was it like 118 right and it keeps the price when you lock it so yeah okay we have a taxi idiot just play a little bit more save 142 we can definitely buy it right 10 luck is good 148. you know what you may not like this I I can't even oh no oh this is bad I need to find another one of these this is okay yeah but I need to find another I will not take that I'll not take that I need to find the Flint you just almost spooked my life so we have for purple Flint here we have the flamethrower we could go for the unarmed which we don't have that it doesn't fit into our build it does benefit from the elemental damage so that's the reason why I'm kind of looking at this no but I don't care so we have to go for 148 is the goal on Wave 6 which will be a little bit hard maybe I shouldn't have bought the no no no no everything I did is fine yeah because we got the bonus stats now or rather we don't lose that anymore if we get an item here we can sell it but obviously we won't get an item because why would we give that to dips why would we give anything nice todayx doesn't deserve this of course yeah sure but we can we can get this on our own I think as long as I don't die here uh there's a fruit there's a tree give me a crate man I have so much luck how dare you not give me the stuff um okay this is uh this is really spicy I don't want to die here please this is such an interesting run I want to keep going okay is yo I need way more armor I have HP sure let's take that armor beautiful [Laughter] I don't like anything in here okay before you say I shouldn't take this I don't care okay I don't want to die I want to have a ranged weapon in here and the beauty is we don't even have to go for range damage right we can just go with these and we can now get the torch the sacred sausage or scared sausage or whatever it is and we can put the elemental damage on every single weapon that we have by burning the enemies though do we need that we have to Flame for a ride you had to hatch didn't you but you'll die you'll die don't worry there's another ball down there I can't get there in time I think without taking damage at least we got it we got it oh that is huge so now we want to take the burning bonuses which are all white ones the common ones that is our first grade watch what we get out of it okay because I have a feeling we'll get something absolutely ridiculously horrible that not even like if you would consider taking it would take it it's like a tier one item like what is ridiculously bad the book oh yeah the book because it also doesn't give any any form of material you know it's one of the cheapest items in the game that would be don't be the book okay just just give me a blue item that that is beautiful wow I complained for nothing I like that but I don't like that I complain for nothing but um okay sure we can't buy both of these so which one is more important I do care more about the attack speed but how much did you give us yeah you gave us like nothing at all hmm though okay let's buy this we'll keep this locked we don't go for the crates okay I still need to build up my armor it's a little bit dangerous we do have a lot of HP and one of the best things about the flamethrower is do you see its attack speed and that it does apply lifesteal yes we can just get 10 live stealing with the amount of attack speed that we have we'll hit a lot of HP which is then one per second if you only hit a singular Target but usually you hit multiple targets so that just means you get a lot of healing and that is our main form of recovering HP later on usually at least when we get this we have such a weird build here but I love it are the enemies actually dying or do I have to buff up Elemental damage I gotta be honest having only one elemental weapon I don't really want to focus on it too much like sure if you get something like the the bracelet that gives you Elemental damage and minus range damage we can take that but even that is such an expensive purchase like sometimes people are like all decks why did you take that that gives you a bonus yeah but like how much it costs but by the entire world with the money that I spent there attack speed is huge but I'll go for the armor tree that is I I would say a tree is worth it with our luck yeah that is also big okay we just lost luck again I mean that's just how it is but look melee damage and experience hello so oh we don't have a singular spam wave I'll get wrecked by the bosses here they do like 20 damage if you don't have oh no oh this is a bad wave oh this is a horrible wave okay don't worry about it don't worry about it we can do this I'm really considering just getting rid of the flamethrower again and just going for Pure melee build with the stack items which could be interesting right but I don't know I feel like we just want to use them temporarily until we find something better and then I'll cry that I don't have the flamethrower anymore hmm because how much is the bonus actually like we could take them to Red items right now to Red levels I think right we have or one of them I actually need to check that out again I think the eggs right don't we have like two blue ones and a purple one and then all of our weapons would get a bonus of 25 damage and attack speed that is huge that is a lot so if you have more flamethrowers we could go crazy with that okay 477 is actually a decent amount enemies have a 20 chance to explode for 20 damage when they die minus 12 harvesting we can actually afford that so I'll take it maybe not the best choice but okay like look okay okay like look okay yeah yes yeah yes yes okay you have to understand I was just arguing about selling this thing so now I pretty much had to reconsider everything that was in my mind how I want to do this do I want to have two flamethrower maybe four plus one elemental damage and five percent damage you know nice damage value by the way so oh that is that could be so interesting right because it would okay that is good because it would allow us to go for a lot of tier one items we would lose a lot of HP but we have a ton of HP regeneration then is that worth it I don't think it is right it's such a good item though um but I would need to buff up my HP then oh but okay there is that is a complicated question for the record I'll State I think this could be interesting as well as this because this would allow us to go into turrets by just picking up Elemental damage but let's let's ignore it okay it's getting a little bit too complicated and one common issue in potato is that you overload a run with too many things that you shouldn't do you should oftentimes just stick to the stuff that the game gave you and don't go away from it like even in the videos that I've uploaded where we went for six slingshots when I switched over to the bassoon cars and to other things you know you may have noticed the Run has gotten a lot harder and the only reason we didn't have a single issue is because we were already overpowered and could easily deal with the enemies but if this was a close run and then we switched over to something sub-optimal even though it looks good yeah we could have died okay so so don't do that I need to find armor though I need to find a lot of armor and losing HP for armor is definitely worth it I'm I'm pretty sure about that okay let's get this tree over here there we go we need Elemental damage as well there's so much we need this is the problem of me saying like don't get distracted by what you're doing but hey we have like look at this okay look at our percent damage here we get 25 bonus damage and attack speed you can't complain about that like that was a solid choice to go for the flamethrower this is okay this is okay that is huge that is actually not that huge right Elemental damage maybe oh that would be insane right but I'll never ever build up harvesting now yeah let's just let's take it okay minus two harvesting yay that's exactly what I wanted this is worth it losing to HP for it like I'm pretty sure losing three HP for that is huge oh okay so how do I huh how many of these hmm [Music] you get this is also big okay losing to HP again like we lose range damage don't care the ghost Flint I think I will lock that because I can just combine the axis and if you find another one then yeah I could just like buy both of them right and don't lose anything that sounds good to me how much burning damage do we have right now it should be a lot 20. oh my God that scaled up quickly because we have so much percent damage increase like we just need a little bit of Elemental damage and we will burn the enemies like crazy and now we also burn them faster with this no that is red didn't we get the the other one that's burns fast we didn't okay well never mind then dorchester's 12 hp like from a single hit by the enemy oh okay Dex you know you keep saying armor okay but like there was Elemental damage like how much am I supposed to take it's a little bit difficult now we have to get armor and maybe HP I wish there was an item that you could buy that just allows you to to like revive upon death with half HP in the run that would be great I would love that that would be great yeah oh wow oh my God okay we have two crates here there's a high chance we get blue or purple items out of those at the wave that we are at like the higher you go the higher the chance that you get something good out of it and the more luck you have as well and we do have a lot of luck so that's a ferry okay I'll just take it that's nice Dodge is actually beneficial to us and I want to roll here for um or armor perfect okay not that great oh yeah well speed and range would be good but minus Elemental damage is bad the ghost acts beautiful we can turn this into red one I will roll one more time there is another ghost ax okay here's the boss who's oh no oh no that's really bad it's a fly supporter um I have to look at the floor this is very important here uh he's back for Revenge isn't he because usually I I talk really badly about this boss because now this face is so much easier in comparison to before but only if you actually manage to kill all the enemies you know so what I have to do now is I have to look out for big enemies and I can run through this which ones because we kill them and this boss needs to die but I have to pay a lot of attention to him um ah yeah that was not a lot of attention we have a lot of burn damage so let's just let that tick for a moment and I'll take a break okay and now we walk towards him again there we go there we go there we go there we go oh wow we get fresh we get two shot here almost um like it's two hits of the boss and then just a weak attack from any anime me and this is why I'm so concerned here I still want to kill him it's a red chest okay uh we have eight seconds left there's no way we kill him right yeah okay but like okay this was ridiculously hard like I'm honestly just happy that we are still alive wow so this is what happens when you don't have the damage to deal with the enemies wow we don't really have a lot of speed but now I can just build up speed to get more damage let's roll once we don't need that let's roll like The RK how stupid do I want to be I think well I can only buy one of those Italy rides so I'll take this one and well that is actually bad right isn't it let's let's unlock this okay let's let's just do it let's get a second flamethrower you usually don't need multiples of those that is good that is okay that is uh we lose a lot of HP but it's okay I kind of want to get away from these you know it's it did look good but they aren't really good and I'm kind of upset now that we couldn't kill the flyswatter I felt like we were really close to it but uh 14 damage hello I think it's 20 contact damage it's like 50 more than well then it would be 21. yeah so we could have died easily there and I'm just happy that the run is still going on oh wow oh wow oh wow um even here I take a huge amount of damage maybe the flamethrower is not the way to go where's the thing tanky enemies is the problem then God luckily we have a lot of touch but yeah this is this is no joke oh I need to heal the thing is I need the material okay I can't just leave the material on the floor but what I should actually do is I should wait until the last 10 seconds or so and then collect everything but the problem is if you start panicking because you don't have a lot of time left you don't really get a lot of material as well right so that's bad HP regeneration is actually fine 10 damage we have 132 damage what wait who's giving so much huh I feel like this is not accurate this is okay it's not great but oh okay this is also okay are we already fake oh my God please be an easy boss please be um I don't actually know what this dude does a circle that's that's totally fine with me yeah sure I hope the mutations not too bad but um yeah this is totally fine we just have to make sure that we thin out the enemies from time to time that the um um okay we take a little bit too much damage one more time huh uh who agrees who agrees but okay this is okay this is fine when does he mutate oh oh he mutated what is he doing I think he's just chasing me isn't he well that makes it a lot easier because this way I can just walk away and I have to dodge his balls on the floor but um that is manageable I would say yeah okay so far so good I just have to the thing is I have to focus on so many things that happen here like enemy stashing in his faults and uh other balls as well can I just like kill him here if I just fully focus on him we do have some Dodge okay okay red item is oh my God okay that is huge red item has we almost died at the end there oh my God Castle decks please be a little bit more careful that is no that is good yeah I'll take that range damage we don't care no that is good burning fast or perfect this is also perfect I love it I love everything about this except like this is bad yeah we don't care no that is beautiful I can't believe they actually killed a boss and now we get uh plus 5 HP is um wait but teargon is forever different one right one two three four five six seven did that video take a Gekko ate it to do okay that Gekko is not worth the rest I can agree with but the gecko is not worth it I'm losing so much HP from that no wonder that I'm so squishy now I'm squishy because I have five armor right now I need to build up my armor ASAP okay how much burning damage should we deal because that looked like a lot it's only it's only 26 okay so not as much and these waves here are usually the hardest waves where you have a ton of enemies building up we just need like plus three armor or something like this right now on the next wave because otherwise I think I'll just die uh 49 HP though like we have a good HP value we have a good Dodge value the only thing that we don't have is armor uh well we have four that is it's more like it okay sure don't do that that is bad because we burn the enemies this is hmm plus two HP regeneration plus one HP but minus one I don't think that's worth it Elemental damage is fair armor is beautiful we want that do we go for the ghosts at the null no this is also not worth it this could be a fair trade but to be honest both of the stats are really high I don't care like oh melee damage that is big lifesteal more enemies you know what um yeah for once I'll not take that but this is good that is pointless right yeah because we have so much scaling either way I don't care all too much about it this is 10 attack speed and reduces the attack to cooldown of your stretches by 60 50 of attack speed wait wait what wait what does it do so they only have 40 left okay burning faster is really nice but what are you isn't that wait isn't that broken I'm not gonna go for it you little dingers I'm not gonna go for it now but that would have been insane right like six because we could just wait so wait hold on hold on hold on so if we have 200 because it's half the attack speed ride about 60 we have 120 could we just like make them shoot all the time or is there limit to it because then I want to play something like loud or heck even here we may reach 200 and we would just go on the turrets and it would even be fun to just have one laser turret it has 0.0 second cooldown probably animation time still has to be calculated you know but aside from this I could be broken okay well there we go this is now the point where we are kind of overpowered not really I'm still taking a lot of damage and I have to dodge oh no Dex you still have to play the game how horrible oh at least we have a nice mix of everything the flamethrower actually works really well with our other weapons because it just hits the enemies further out and they get weakened and then all the rest of the weapons can just one shot them right it's like you apply an effect on them that they just take more damage from the the rest of the melee weapons I like that concept kind of the only thing I don't like is I kind of that is huge right isn't it yeah we don't really care about crit burning faster beautiful lifesteal is huge I don't know why I never bumped this up by the way that is yeah wasted oh two HP for this I mean come that's worth it definitely some people just combine this up and then I will get the ghost oh well that doesn't work right yeah so I could have bought this or I could have not combined Captain under shop hope for another ghost x get this one get the other ghost x then buy the blue one and then we could have had a red one no I I think this is fine okay let's fight the next boss is this is today new boss City oh that's an evil attack well that's a really evil attack I hope it's not getting too complicated after mutating okay it still looks normal okay it still looks normal we actually did a lot of damage right now he now he starts dashing I can still deal with that um the thing is with four percent more lifestyle we actually do heal a lot from the the flamethrower what I talked about in the beginning because we hit enemies with it but which is full do I just run away from him and hit him with the flamethrower because we just if I'm left right I don't need to gamble on hitting him with the melee weapons let's just do actually you know what let's get him here and good night yep good night nice HP careful Dex careful dogs careful Decks that means we also get another 5 HP from the red item the only question is if something like torture shows up do I want to take that because it sounds like a bad deal right that we can only heal from what is it like 4 HP per second or so actually Four HP per second there's a lot that's such a bad deal okay so what do we have here plus two HP generation for every -1 speed that you have don't we get uh don't we have an item that gives us bonus damage rights didn't I buy I'm not sure let's see 182 don't mention what this is mention it okay okay like okay at this point okay like okay now you're just trolling me how many flamethrowers can one human have oh sure sure that doesn't actually do a lot anymore but I'll still get it for 5 HP bonus yeah we have this okay so we lose a little bit of damage it is what it is but I rather want to have the HP regeneration because I mean look at this do you see how much we have free how much do we heal up by the way I want to see that okay our HP heals up quickly but not as quickly as I hoped for like if a boss gets stuck on top of us we'll still die so we are not invulnerable I mean we weren't invulnerable to begin with but we will die if that happens so what is the plan for the rest of the game um I think I want to have just armor right I said that for the last 18 waves or so hey we almost have here two digits okay okay it's like I I put an old effort to get all the armor the good thing is we are really far away from a good upgrade like 25 would be the one so that's actually not a good thing like it's really bad that would be a red one that means four armor that could have been great maybe we actually get there do you think we can do that with wave 18 and 19 so this is 23 that is almost impossible to get two level UPS right on the final wave there's no way we'll do that yeah I thought I died for a moment Speed Engineering minus crit we don't care about crit we don't want the speed though oh a 12 lives you but we need that two percent damage for every lifestyle but you take damage I mean I mean don't mind me if I do that sounds laughs that would be so great if he had crit you know just saying that would be really great if we had great what are you doing yeah it's not great it's fine we don't need it can I just stand still by the way because I do believe we have a lot of Elemental damage now 42 now that's the answer to life that sounds good how much damage is like the 200. 130 . oh look at your attack speed as well oh my God the flamethrower takes 20 times a second 20 times a second that is that is that is a lot of attacks that's like that's like at least 90 attacks but a little bit more you know how much damage should we take there 19 or something like that wait let me let me let me someone can someone hit me please 17 I think right what's that 70 I need to see this again hit me hit me hit hit me no I'm not playing games just because we came so fast okay 11. I think there was an 11 but that may have been another enemy um okay we turned into an invulnerable tank here hahaha yes we can still get hurt I know that but does this look like I'm dying huh let's just look at it all like I'm dying I shouldn't say that because once we Face the boss Ultra Sky I'll just get killed yeah sure why not this is so bad okay 15 attack speed let's let's go for that I mean no wait we have so much attack speed the melee damage the elemental damage let's go for this so um I think I will rule in case we get a blue ax okay that's okay it's like listen listen I'm not gonna play around here obliterator let's listen seriously how much damage this has like I'm not gonna say no to that oh wow it's even bad to have that many flamethrowers I should should have probably sold this one right yeah like yeah but no it's okay let's fight the bosses okay there we go so how are we doing I would say I should probably walk into the opposite direction the reason why I took it is now we are definitely always maxed out with the live steal with the amount of attacks that we have so the flamethrower over the the ghost x and we still nuke the enemies okay the obliterator deals so much damage and look at our attack speed okay look please look at our attack speed it almost shoots once a second it's 750 damage once a second and it pierces right it pierces it does appears yeah 99 Piers um do you know how much damage it is that is 750 times the piercing exactly good good guess there good guess you got that can I even kill me [Music] uh wait can they kill me um I mean they're trying the best okay uh the first one is dead nice nice nice nice nice and the second one is that right right we get that so yeah we are playing on endless and someone suggested instead of just like dying randomly to enemies to bosses that I walk into them I should just run a lab to see I I didn't quite understand why I should do that but we'll do it okay that is okay well that's not good that is insane okay we always get that right like every single run we get that that is um am I the only one that kind of wants to keep playing now it's like you know wait that's bad we don't need that that is huge though right we heal so much and that means I can also build up crit okay sure sure okay so 706 we can easily afford that and I will just sell the flamethrower here we don't need more so yeah it was said that I should just run a lab so let's do that there we go we go I I don't I don't quite superpowers it's just like is it just to Showcase how overpowered we are like I think oh yeah you said don't touch enemies just keep walking we are not allowed to stop or anything so there we go we ran a lab should we just run another one to prove a point okay let's let's do another one I'm wondering if we can actually kill the bosses because we don't really have a lot of damage right what we always had was everything else but damage so sure let's do that but we'll get rid of the flamethrower we'll go for the obliterator we could now go for the slingshot but I think I'll just buy whatever shows up in the shop in the next shop because after that it's game over okay we'll just die to the next bosses so how much damage are you doing 934 it's so insane because we have minus 8 damage right and it's still so much damage because of the bonus uh damage that we have here and the attack speed absolutely loving it absolutely loving it now one day we can do an attempt where we just try to get as far as possible and endless but there is the main problem like on the waves there's nothing a lot happening anymore at all that you can even talk about we also don't really upgrade our weapons anymore so there's no exciting part in the shop unless you find a great item but does it really make sense to show every single way for like five seconds like oh yeah here's the material here's the stuff we bought in the shop next wave you know is that really what we want to do I don't think so I can't really do a lot I love that oh no I bumped up my speed a lot didn't I oh yeah that's um no wonder we lost so much HP regeneration but I was wondering why don't we hit a lot anymore we only have 61 left on only 61 by the way only 61. explosion size we don't explode at all right we also take it it's more speed and oh my God but it's crit and um I'll take it it's it's not the best thing to take but I'll take it range damage sure let's bump this up a little bit and there's another sausage limited to four so we can take that okay that was it Mr bar oh that that looks so evil the cook and did the cook just almost get one shot by the obliterator wait what happened there hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay I I want to aim here how did I aim wait look at this dude running away he's such a scared chicken wait did you okay hold on hold on you did 41 000 damage to just compare this you did what [Music] um do you know how much my mind is blown right now I see the boss walking in and I suddenly see there's like a quarter of the HP missing a one-fifth from one shot that's that's actually not continue because the problem is we don't get a lot of benefits out of like you know just running a wave because we barely get anything I think I'll just stay here and this dude will actually walk on top of me and kill me so good night it was a nice run though like it was a really good run I gotta say yeah there we go win a run with King there we go that was danger level five four my God okay I definitely need to find this in a future video well I hope you enjoyed it and if you did then don't forget to subscribe and give the video a like see you the next time
Channel: Dex
Views: 34,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brotato, brotato dex, dex, brotato gameplay, roguelike games, games like vampire survivors, brotato best build, brotato danger 5, brotato win, brotato streamer, brotato danger 5 win, brotato update, brotato new character, brotato king
Id: wzr6YFqCQdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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