King Frederik X And Queen Mary Of Denmark Attend A Gala State Banquet In Stockholm &More #RoyalNews

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Queen laia Spain attends a concert in Madrid the grand Dugal family of Luxembourg attend the closing of the octave in luxemborg City princess charlina Monaco attends a charity bike race celebration in L condomine and King Frederick the 10th and Queen Mary of Denmark began their two-day State visit to the kingdom of Sweden all this and much more coming up next on your Royal Daily News good good afternoon everyone I hope you all are doing well today my name is Alexandra and welcome to your Royal daily news for Monday May 6th 2024 in Stockholm their majesties King fredi the 10th and Queen Mary of Denmark began their highly anticipated State visit to the kingdom of Sweden at the invitation of their majesties King Carl Gustaf and queen Sylvia of Sweden accompanying their majesties on this historic visit include the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Lars rasmon and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Mr trolls Lund pson according to the Nordic cooperation the historical ties between Denmark and Sweden date back to 1397 when quote Denmark Norway and Sweden merged to form the Calmar Union and quote of course there are Family Ties through the late queen ingred of Denmark who was born born her Royal Highness princess ingred of Sweden the princess was the sister of the late Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden the father of his majesty King Carl Gustaf of Sweden the state visit the first from the Kingdom of Denmark to the kingdom of Sweden since 1985 began with the king and queen of Denmark boarding the Vasa Ordon where they were welcomed by their roal highnesses Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden as the boat rode towards bro cannon shots were fired from Castell Holman ands Holman upon their arrival at bro the king and queen were warmly welcomed by their majesties King Carl Gustaf and queen Sylvia of Sweden after the inspection of the grenader company of the Lifeguard and the playing of the national anthems their majesties and the crown Prince's couple arrived in Parliament Hall where they held a receiving line that included members of the Swedish Parliament the government and official swed thereafter in the Bernard do Gallery a reception was held in which gifts were exchanged and orders were presented between the two Royal houses first king frederi I 10th received the Royal chain of the order of the seraphim Queen Mary was appointed Knight of the royal order of the seraphim according to the Royal Court of Sweden the Royal order of the seraphim is Sweden's foremost order it is only awarded to members of the royal family and foreign heads of state or persons of equal status in connection with State visits in return King Frederick I 10th appointed his Royal Highness Prince Daniel of Sweden a knight of the order of the elephant the order of the elephant is the oldest and most distinguished Danish order of chivalry and has roots dating back to the 1400s the order is primarily bestowed upon royalty and heads of state after a press conference their majesties and the Crown Princess couple attended a private luncheon at the Royal Palace hosted by the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs thereafter King Frederick I 10th and Queen Mary of Denmark held a meeting with the speaker of the parliament Mr Andreas Norland and the prime minister of the kingdom of Sweden Mr UL Christen in the late afternoon their majesties visited the Royal Institute of Technology where they met with two Swedish astronauts and one Danish astronaut during the meeting the discussions focused on the role of space research and space technology for a sustainable future in the evening their majesties King Carl gustoff and queen Sylvia of Sweden hosted a glittering G State banquet in the Carl kns Gallery at the Royal Palace in honor of the king and queen of Denmark's State visit guests attending the banquet included their Royal highnesses Crown Prince Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden their Royal highnesses Prince Carl philli and Princess Sophia of Sweden her Royal Highness princess Christina Mrs magnusen and her husband Mr Tor magnusen representatives of official Sweden members of the Danish delegation including Miss lenie babby head of communications for the Danish Royal Court swedes with a special connection to Denmark and distinguished guests while Royal watching eyes Ron Stockholm in Oslo their majesties King Harold I and queen Sonia of Norway welcome the president of the Republic of mova Maya Sandu to the Royal Palace president Sandu and her delegation are on a two-day State visit to the kingdom of Norway at the invitation of their majesties King Harold V and queen Sonia of Norway the purpose of the state visit is to continue to strengthen bilateral relations between the kingdom of Norway and the Republic of mova the state visit began with the traditional welcoming ceremony on the palace square with their majesties King Harold I and queen Sonia of Norway and their Royal highnesses Crown Prince hawen and Crown Princess maamar of Norway thereafter the royal family and president zandu returned to the Royal Palace including her highness princess astred Mrs fer to pose for official photographs in the birdroom this was followed by the exchange of gifts in the white parlor in the evening their majesties hosted a Gala banquet inside the Grand Dining Hall at the roal palace in honor of President sandu's State visit in Madrid Her Majesty Queen Leia B attended the osion concert held at the the real organized by the fund Princessa deira Art House and the theatro real the concert featured quote 20 emerging artists from the national and international scene committed to transforming the world through their music end quote on Sunday in londin her Serene highness Princess Charlene Monaco attended the 10th edition of the champagne and oysters cycle clubs San troped and Monaco charity bike ride and Street party over 70 Riders including Mr Gareth wittock participated in the annual 140 kilometer charity bike ride which raises money for the benefit of the princess charlina Monaco foundation and the mind name five doy Foundation the Mind name five Dy Foundation is a nonprofit organization that aims to raise awareness and money to Aid Research into the causes of moto neuron disease in Brussels Her Majesty queen matild of belgians as high Patron attended the qualifying round of the 2024 con Len Elizabeth held at the flagy this year's competition is dedicated to the violin on Sunday in luxemborg City the Royal highnesses Grand Duke only and Grand duess Maria thees of luxemborg and their Royal highnesses hereditary Grand Duke yam and hereditary Grand duess stanie of Luxembourg attended the closing of the Feast of the octave which pays tribute to Our Lady of Luxembourg Mary the painon saint of luxemborg the day began with a grandle family attending a pontifical mass at the Cathedral notam de luxemborg in the afternoon the grandle family members of the government and the faithful participated in the final procession through the streets of luxemborg city in the late afternoon the grandal family including Prince Charles and Prince franois of Luxembourg appeared on the balcony to wave to the hundreds of wellwishers on Sunday their majesties King villum Alexander and queen Maxima of the Netherlands attended the annual National Liberation celebration on the amol in Amsterdam on Saturday their majesties attended the national remembrance ceremony on the Dam Square during the solemn ceremony their majesties placed a wreath at the National monument and held a moment of silence in remembrance of all those who lost their lives during World War II and missions after and finally on Sunday in Paris their Royal highnesses Prince Charles and Princess Camila of borbon two sicilies accompanied by her Royal Highness princess beatric of borbon 2 sicilies her Royal Highness princess Maria Carolina of borbon 2 sicilies and her roal highness princess Maria kada of bbon two sicilies attended a special mass at the St Louis Des in memory of Napoleon the and soldiers who died in battle the mass is held each year and organized by Jean Kristoff Prince Napoleon the head of the House of bonapart and there you have it thank you all so much for joining me this afternoon I really do appreciate it thank you I will be back tomorrow on Tuesday May 7th with all the latest world news and events including Prince Albert II of Monaco's visit to France day two of the state visit to the kingdom of Sweden and so much more so I hope you all will join me on Tuesday and don't forget to like share and subscribe comment below and click on the notification Bell so you won't miss a new episode have a wonderful afternoon everyone and I will see you all tomorrow take care
Channel: The Royal Correspondent: Royal Daily News
Views: 39,393
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Keywords: royal family, latest royal news today, the royal correspondent youtube channel, the royal correspondent royal daily news, royal daily news youtube channel, royal daily news with alexandra, royal news channel, the royal report, royal commentator, british royal family news, meghan markle, royal family of denmark, most recent royal news, royal family of monaco, royal family of norway, royal family of spain, queen mary of denmark, glittering tiaras, royal fashion news, gala
Id: 89peDUyMSNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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