KING EXPOSED? / One Punch Man Chapter 188

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so this chapter opens up in the mountains of G City and we see Atomic Samurai's disciples talking about a my mask this is because they spent a brief time with a my mess during the monster Association Arc along with the private military during that sequence the private military group was brainwashed by super s's ability and a my mask instead of trying to save them just straight up tried to kill them but before he was able to do it the iron was able to save them he says that he can only see a bloodthirsty homicidal maniac so now the time has passed they're like investigating my mask and digging into his history but they're not able to find anything as akameatachi says nothing is known about his history before his debut but interestingly enough we do know some stuff not before his debut but some stuff that hasn't really had light shed in the manga it's actually revealed in the data book that came out like almost 10 years ago at this point where it said that he used to wear a mask while performing his heroic activities but an incident revealed his true face and since then he has not only been a hero and an idol he's also a a special advisor to the association on public relations and that formally he was called secret mass and he changed his name after his handsome face was revealed but going further eiron says that it looked like a monster without a human heart that was struggling to control itself and somehow get one and that's pretty interesting considering what we've been talking about for a while now with my mask and I'll replay what I talked about last year way back in the previous Arc after my mask had defeated Super S we thought that he had killed her but it turned out that he actually didn't and when she woke up she tasted his blood because she had stabbed him in the eye previously she was like this is Monster Blood so that along with the my mask being able to regenerate from said Grievous injury along with him being ripped in half by if you're ugly and having his face smashed in it's looking like a my mask is pretty much a monster at this point or something like that at the minimum so yeah there's a lot of evidence against a my mask here but kamatachi does say that if the phase changes are not just a special ability but a sign of monsterization actually it seemed to me me like the area around his face was physically changing from emotional agitation so the verdict is still like I said the the evidence is really compounding against him and considering that he's being talked about here and he has like that lingering storyline going on where he's becoming kind of uh subtly obsessed with saitama since he's pretty much figured out that he is incredibly powerful we for sure are going to get more insight into a my mask as The Story Goes On if not this year then next year for sure in my opinion but first let's talk about the sponsor of this video factor factor makes meeting your nutrition goals easier than ever by delivering fresh never frozen 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we cut to what is being called as the reborn Council of Sword Masters this is because uh two of them died in the Battle of the cadres and uh you know maybe some of us thought that three of them died but no nichirin is alive and I know yeah it's kind of shocking because he had like half of his body melted off by vomit if you're ugly he also took out the other two council members but in one panel after the Cadre battle was over and fabuki was able to heal some people and they were kind of rounding up all the survivors spring Mustachio who is nichiren's student grabbed him and fabuki was like I don't know had him on life support with her esper healing powers or something and nietzschi Rin got cybernetic limbs not just legs but like I guess uh everything from the waist down is uh cyborg now even you know the part that you're thinking of I assume that that is cybernetic as well and it makes you think like what's going on with the iron and I guess we could just assume that e-iron doesn't want a cybernetic arm like he's fine with just having a missing arm at this point like he's just going Shanks mode we even get some commentary on this from the iron where he's like because those who don't have something often know it's value more referring to his arm but also referring to my mask of course so yeah anyone who was hoping for e-iron to get a cybernetic arm it's over you can just move on at this point it's also probably for the best because we're gonna see more characters with cybernetic parts and stuff and and it's all gonna lead to something bad I can assure you especially Nietzsche Rin like this isn't the end of nichiren's story and his cybernetic lower half and it doesn't have a good outcome in my opinion that's not a spoiler I'm just saying uh I'm pretty sure I see where this is going but also we're seeing that amahare and zombie the two other council members that were killed by vomit if you're ugly had children Utah and Shido and I don't know how powerful they are but I assume they're not S-Class level they're probably like a Class Heroes maybe Fringe s class or something but I can see them joining the hero Association especially because now that there is the Neo Heroes and there's gonna be like a divide between the hero factions and everything I'm sure there's going to be new recruits on both sides and I think that not only them but also nichiren might join the hero Association because at the end of this sequence he's like maybe being a hero isn't too bad either and nichiren starts talking to Atomic Samurai and he shows him that even with his artificial body he can still circulate his and he does like this ultimate special slashing move on an Apple but he doesn't slice the apple he slices like the rock face behind it and it turns out that this is like a super ultimate ability that only the highest Masters know who Atomic Samurai says have you never seen this before nichiren's Exquisite skill is such that his sword is so fast it doesn't even open up a cut and that's because the Apple hasn't even noticed it's been cut and it's like what yeah I know and webcomic readers you know where this is going but yeah pretty fascinating concept here then Niche even talks to Atomic Samurai more about being a hero and whatnot essentially because one of his big motivations in joining the hero Association was to compete with bang who he never really competed with he kind of just had small talk with him from time to time but since his battle with the other Heroes against Orochi and the cadres he's found new purpose and he says I get to experience things that I can't get anywhere else so he's kind of at peace with being a hero now despite bang retiring then he also says not to mention among the top heroes there's still a man whose true power is unfathomable to me being of king of course he says whether or not I continue to bends on the appraisal of that guy so that's like Atomic Samurai's new goal post he's founded in King which is understandable because you know everybody still thinks King is the one above all of course this is showing Atomic Samurai's character development as nichiren points out here saying you're more tolerant of others than you used to be shall I say you fraudened your outlook then we cut back to saitama and genos heading back to the hero Association and we see Forte has made a doghouse for black ass and Rover and he's feeding them as well and we see black s is very happy to eat the food and he's like for now I just need to devote myself to eating increasing my cell count of course this is alluding to Black s's inevitable comeback which I do think is going to happen but don't hold your breath on that it's going to take a long time he's still pretty much just a singular cell at this point but genos meets forte in this sequence and he finds out that Forte is saitama's neighbor and he pretty much forces him out of his apartment so that he can move next to saitama so I guess we're gonna have that Dynamic going forward then we cut back to the disciples in a sushi conveyor belt restaurant and they're looking to get the best pieces of sushi I suppose and they're like asking for salmon and the fatty tuna and whatnot but it's apparently been taken and to be honest I don't know why this is really an issue because you can kind of just order what you want like you don't have to be reliant on what's on the conveyor belt but I guess this restaurant doesn't have the option of ordering for your specific table but it doesn't matter because this is a plot device for Atomic Samurai to confront King because of course he is the one who took the fatty tuna how convenient because he's the one that he wanted to meet anyway and he walks up to King and he's like I never expected to see you here Mr strongest man on Earth came here today to meet you I want to talk to you first that's where the chapter ends so the next chapter I'm assuming we're going to see a straight up showdown between atomic Samurai and King and if it does play out man you guys are in for a treat I assume one in Marana are going to adapt this chapter from the webcomic masterfully because in the webcomic it's one of the best chapters easily and I assume it will be in the manga as well so look out for that and if you like the video guys please give it a like and please subscribe if you haven't already have a great day and I'll see in the next one
Channel: Zhoniin
Views: 94,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zhoniin, anime, manga, one punch man, KING GETS CONFRONTED / One Punch Man Chapter 188, one punch man 188, one punch man chapter 188, one punch man 188 manga, review, breakdown, atomic samurai, monster, theory, amai mask, king, saitama, genos, council of swordsmen, nichirin, new
Id: 5K3Arghw-k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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