KINETIC SAND Made of Slick Slime Sam

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hmm how do I opened you know Sam Sammy are you okay what happened I heard the doorbell ring and they ran but not far Oh with that candy hey guys today i got a package that i've really been waiting for what is it this is kinetic sand look how cool it's exactly what I wanted I don't see why you had to wait that long what do you mean I can make this sand right now just mix regular sand with slime but I'm sure it's not gonna be the same well no it won't it well want a basher guys do you think we'll be able to pull it off press the pause button now leave a comment and find out who is right in the end no peeking today we'll check if it's possible to make kinetic sand at home first let's make slime we're gonna need two small bowls food coloring clear school glue and borax what's that noise [Music] [Music] coentrão Fitness been japanese-style let's leave Sam fighting the coconut while we carry on with the slime I'll start with squeezing about two ounces of glue into one Bowl here it is great a couple drops of blue food coloring not too much and just a bit of borax great now mixing it all together awesome sauce this line is legit let's set the slime aside for now and start making the second one and for that I'll add some of the white school glue food coloring and liquid detergent let's mix the detergent in and stir the slime what do we have here I got you sinful and why thank you Sam [Music] it's weird with some kind of crystals in it Sam where did you get it somewhere what do you care should be allowing Sam that's not a nice way to speak to anyone okay I think we need to sift the sand to remove all these bits and pieces I'll just do it right here on the table every last grit seriously I've never seen Sam like this before [Music] what for I have to clean up now services were provided pay please okay okay but don't help me anymore better holy this scrounge well now we have two slimes and a load of regular sand let's see what happens I'll take this better looking slime and add some sand to it it feels really rough and too springy and nothing like kinetic sand this one failed what about the second slime adding sand and string and stirring what if I try to do it with my hands nope nothing but my hands are all dirty both failed I have an idea Sam your kinetic sand recipe didn't work you lost the bet third one another bet I bet you did something wrong as usual [Music] [Music] no guys even sand combined what Sam didn't turn into kinetic sand comment below if you know a working way to make it at home oh it's so cool look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's time to wrap it up for today guys if you like the video and you want to see more give us a thumbs up bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: SLICK SLIME SAM - DIY, Comedy, Science
Views: 17,272,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime, slick slime, slick slime sam, slick sam, slimes, candy, candies, sweets, toy, sue, homemade, diy, how to, how to make, how to make slime, slime diy, experiment, experiments, kinetic sand, how to make kinetic sand, kinetic sand videos, kinetic sand satisfying videos, kinetic sand diy, kinetic sand cutting, kinetic sand recipe, kinetic sand slime
Id: jrIyWD5h-VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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