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how they do all this we lived in the third quarter so I asked her I said Kendall what did you learn about women's basketball college basketball she says I know there's a whole lot better than Texas so it was a pretty astute observance from from a ten year old I looked at coach Mulkey's Bible on the better than athletics website I've got to tell you as a superintendent for 17 years in the school district I've seen hundreds thousand resumes and BIOS I have never seen anything is incredibly significant as this file I want picked out just a few things I thought I would share as an introduction tonight it's the best of all I've ever seen without question coach smokey is truly a winner in every way a native of Hammond Louisiana she played baseball with the boys Pony League team as a child and guess what maybe all stars seem very surprised by that I'm certainly not she led him into a high speed never high-school team to four straight State basketball championships and 136 and five record as a player their high school this next thing really brings me joy though as a public school educator for 31 years she was also valedictorian with a perfect for ot be a pest incredible high school career [Music] at Louisiana Tech University our teams combined with over 130 wins 6 to lost record as a player for Final Fours two national championships she was also the National Player of the Year and did I mention she was Olympic gold medalist Olympic champion in 1984 days last season the program was seven-and-twenty the Brigida season during seasons 13 though nationwide kids contingencies including a perfect 40 and over area - so numerous Bank of America international players of the year 13 of the player been drafted into [Music] does include the twice a year beat out of the the women's basketball because monkey is also a winner off the fourth both of our children are amazing student athletes for your player relationship see in 2012 she's currently the best of all defending the seven primary all-american baseball players for the Louisiana State University twice playing in the car since them have always been easy for Coach walking it reversible she shared from the thing they have saved her life for the trial that she's had to overcome she may share some of those tonight but isn't that what winners do they focus they overcome and they keep on winning [Applause] [Music] had to see whose hand I was shaking there that was a UT coach last year can you hear me it's got a little cooler I was going to tell all the guys that have coats on stand up and take your coats off you know you won't do it's okay first of all I'm honored that you asked me to speak 90 years I had mother back in Louisiana she said I thought you moved to Waco so she started googling McGregor and my mother gave me a history lesson on the Greger in that you have a train that will take you from McGregor to Chicago right so has this bucket list that that's what she wants to do one day with me us and mama buy you the ticket but I'm not getting on a train when I can ride on a plane I thought I was gonna come under dress I picked out a nice outfit had these nice heels and then my secretary said Kim remember ease in a hangar at the McGregor Airport and I thought unless they have air-conditioned hangars coming so today I was out in the batting cage I have a batting cage in my back yard and you know I don't get allergy on it all that stuff so I'm out there with a spring washer you know all those power washers and guys I kid you not hit that power wash on my big toe and ripped it to shreds so that helped me realize I'm not sure too dressy and I will not wear anything but something casual tonight so I forget please forgive me because that's the story of as to why I'm very very casual I learned tonight a lot of things and before I talk to you about what I wanted to talk to you about I like your music heard that music it reminded me last night Kramer he's playing in Palm Beach Jupiter but he plays for the Palm Beach Gardens and it's in Jupiter and he texts me you know all of us who have children understand you don't call anymore you text so when he texts late at night he goes mom I just got a bunch of brownie points for my roommates he said I'm singing all those old country songs you made us miss it to growing up and one of them was play walked in and so it just it makes you ribbon this that hey I'm just a small town girl living in a lonely world or we are small tear people but you got to have something to fight for in life and you got to have a niche that you find so I thought what am I going to tell all these people I found in my locker room what am I going to tell all these CEOs hell I thought they were gonna give me that Jeff when I walked in this hangar will somebody tell me what about a region owns a jet cause he hasn't flown me in it yet let me know before the night is over I thought about a couple of things to share with you in a read these to my team the world selflessness selflessness not selfishness selflessness and I saw this article and it really hits home with me as a leader of a basketball team as a leader of a of the university and I'm going to read it to you you know the big buzz words word these days from athletics to the workplace is culture every team has a culture good read every team has a culture while the good culture doesn't always guarantee your championship a bad culture nearly guarantees that you won't win one as coaches we can only control so much we can influence it we can preach about it we can model it but we can't have 100% control it control of a culture ultimately falls on your players the buy-in of it and what happens when you're not around just like when you wrote a business so my players are your employees so let's talk about championship teams let's talk about players and the one common trait in the culture not this year seem but last year we got an incredible lesson from the Golden State Warriors I did as a coach and as a fan of basketball while there are many many characteristics and qualities that contributed to their championship I'm not talking about this year's team one characteristic of last year's team really stood out to me the words selflessness selflessness requires sacrifice you look at that more your team and those of you are really into basketball or remember this they traded David Lee who was a key ingredient to their success and everybody was like wait what I mean four seasons I mean the gap he started all but two games he was in the NBA all-star he averaged I think a double-double [Music] and then he got injured and what's the rest of the story draymond Green and he ever heard of him he steps up now Lee becomes the forgotten player rock star the double-double every night he played the least amount in his games after draymond Green stepped up leah was asked about his reduced time and his new role and here a quote that he said David Lee on my reduce role in the extra work that I put in after practice either conditioning or playing extra games with other reserves he said when or if my number gets called again I don't want to be out of shape and not ready for that moment I see this he said there's an opportunity to prove that I am a team guy through how much I care about winning and if you know anything thing about pro sports I'm learning through baseball I've watched kids in the minor leagues be happy going for four four and got their brains kicked out as a team ain't my kind of stuff I'm about winning I've watched kids struggle going 4 for 4 in the minor leagues and they hate it that they lost give me that kid because winning and losing matters to that kid that other kid is selfish and when the game is on the line it'll be about him definitely we're going to say all season long it's about sacrificing not just me he said but other guys too and that is why we want a championship anybody still watch another player that had to sacrifice was I can't even say his name help me GMO you NBA guys Indian totally the foreign kid he was another ingredient to their success he had started every single game of his career and then last season with the Warriors he kind of gets shift to the side how many of us could do that we all want to be me me me me me we all want to be in the McGregor mirror right now Michael Payne McGregor from the grand mirror okay make sure now all right any of us could do this I'm not sure many of us could do that but at the end of the day I'll ask my team this Giannini party here to minou the five starters world my 40 and Oh basketball team maybe one player Brittney Griner all of you can say the rest I'm you'd have to think with you because at the end of the day twenty and thirty years down the road nobody gives a flip who started what they will say even these old Longhorns will say a team with four do you know unbelievable Baker University Waco Texas are you kidding me that's what they will remember so as I read this this is a company this is a CEO this is employees this is your peer next to you and the last paragraph reads like this you think about yourself second you think about your company first you think about your team first and I promise you you will get promoted in due time you won't have that feel good about your company if it's not about you first San Antonio Spurs I mean you have you were Tim Duncan fans I was I wasn't him doing am i Tim Duncan family you can look to them and see another example of selflessness go back to John Smoltz with the Atlanta Braves Derek Jeter with the Yankees the list goes on those selfless players are always on championship teams I told Kramer when I left watching me play a couple of weeks ago I'm learning about this pro stuff it's not kill monkey I can tell you that because I would watch young men be so dang happy after losses now get it they 139 ballgames I understand but the day you become complacent enough to double a I might get to Tripoli probably true and a lot of organizations when you deal with pro sports but at the end of the day when you're in the big leagues you just watch and see if the Derek Jeter's aren't there you just watch and see if the Tim Duncan's aren't on those teams because don't we all like winners don't we all like winners at last couple things on this and I'll move on it is so hard to be selfless because sacrificing was not meant to be easy this is what I said sacrificing a star in the position was not meant to be easy I want you on my team if you said coach I'm happy beyond in bench no that's not what I'm saying here first you must understand there's a growing concern not just with our youth I'm gonna put it off on our youth I'm gonna put it off on us there is a growing concern in culture now of the word entitlement yeah preach it mama entitled [Music] who al I've told you it was failure s eries you think it's fair they lost a giant and skill monkey you think it's fair just a grandchild nobody guaranteed us in life it was fair but we gotta keep digging and we gotta come up off the ground when we're it on the lowest moment because life is not fair entitlement the cohort truth is that not everyone's gonna play every minute of every game each fall is important to the success of a team your role is different from your value your role is different from your value as you sit and you look at your employees this one may have raised I have 4 million dollars and this one may not be capable of doing it but hurt bad humans have a lot better than yours that's what CEOs and that's what leaders can see you know in my profession you get fired if you don't wash and save most of the time you get fired if you don't win right professors don't get fired if they go to that physics class and they suck it up that bed we don't know do we but but we know it kill monkey made a bad decision what we know if a player didn't do something on an execution of a plane value to a team value to a company selfish services require sacrifice just remember that great teams and players understand it roles are constantly changing for the betterment of the team are you willing to buy in and sacrifice for your company and your team hard to do the other thing I thought I would talk to you about his leaders y'all burning a million times but in a locker room you have five kinds of leaders you have the performance leaders both of your great players right everybody knows who the great players are got it happen to win you also have to have a leader that's called a locker room leader player she's got she got her law degree from Baylor the only one I've had get a law degree well him we come on her locker room lawyer that was what we call it we didn't call her by her first name because she was good in the locker room she knew it all the third kind of a leader is social leaders when I go out in this community and we do things the great the great players are not always your good social leaders they just they're just kind of introverted they don't socialize very good but somebody on that teams don't be your social leader and everybody else is going to follow the fourth kind of leader organizational leaders they're always organized they planned things they do things as a team they do things in the community and they got it all mapped out and then you also have reserve leaders you don't win in anything in life with just this many players we want a lot of games with five this year in fact I can remember a game where I set two of my top freshmen because they came in late for a team meeting and I only had seven to play with I was gonna play with four it didn't matter to me the lesson was plan ahead it wasn't rain didn't when Noah built his ark she got a speeding ticket on her way back to Baylor and got pulling over and rosebuds lot okay you did I believe but you were late the lesson there is I bet she won't be late again I bet she will give herself enough time to get from Houston back to wake up and they felt awful they were great kids but don't you know there was something happy when we won that game so what does think about the leaders this won't mean anything to a bunch of you my degree is in Business Administration I was working on my MBA at Louisiana Tech when the president of Louisiana Tech called me out of my class and I thought it was something tragic the police came to get me and what he wanted to tell me was son jarocho was getting out of coach and he wanted to give the job to Leon bar more I just graduated played in Olympics the previous year this was a 1985 and he says I want to give Leon the job but I want you to coach with him I said oh you know you get tired you want to move on I'm gonna be a CEO I'm gonna get on those corporate jets and I'm gonna follow the country no I'm not interested well what a visionary he was he said Kim you are natural and I said who wants to be have a coach job down her throat Leon knows who he wants to go get and I'm not gonna be shoved down his throat well needless to say Leon call me and the rest is history I coached there for 15 years I watch I listen I observe and I remember sitting in a business class and they were talking about CEOs of companies and they started talking about the word authority there's two kinds of authority don't know where they are probably so it's correlation Authority relational Authority is the ability to influence a group or an individual based on your relationship with family you can influence regardless of an organizational chart that relationship you develop with that coach as an administrator will make that coach bus there but for you that CEO of a company that relationship you have with your employees will make them want to bust their butt for you not to be their best friend you can't be their best friend but you in the trenches with them you've got their back [Music] relationship authority positional Authority is so different positional Authority captain is military macho you answer to me and it goes on down the chain of command who goes to work for that I don't that doesn't motivate me positional Authority is but you I can fire you how many have you worked for people like don't don't raise your hand you don't want to do that [Music] ask yourself and as a CEO the leader of a company which one are you do you have those guys that you've proven your work that will run through a wall for you because you would go in that wall with them or do you say over here and you have that positional Authority because you got a title by your name stop sit in that seat they sitting and that can be a class and you definitely you won't believe this but back in the day I hardly open my mouth and meetings and I still to this day very rarely open my mouth in spring meetings at the big toilet but I raised four hand and I said because I'm you know I'm being talked into Gordon to come to you and and and I'm a sports fan I mean I studied Nick Saban I study although and I raised my hand and I asked this question CEOs in business for the most part make the most money do they not right CEO General Electric or where they make the most money I said how can you compare a business CEO to athletic directors they started laughing but they got my point so you cannot again make that a standard across the board deal because an athletic director is our CEO that all major universities the CEO of companies but you can't compare them because unfortunately unfortunately for his coaches I guess we made more money sometimes in the athletic director and they just looked at me and they said Kim you're so right I said I get what you're saying in the business world but you need to also think about those of us that are in athletics it doesn't work like that across the board I am a big-time Nick Saban fan regime if you like Alabama now really guys y'all can't all be big 12:05 okay let me ask it this cool long horn fans raging alright Peggy's around here raging I hope of an SEC country now begin big 12 country understand my point do you understand what I'm trying to tell you you even gonna be but a leader by relationships you have with the people that work for you or you're gonna be an authority figure that thinks I'm your boss to do it my way or the highway I don't want to be that kind and see that's the misconception people have of me I can't tell you how many times my children and my players say coach everybody thinks she's the meanest white woman in the world and I go don't tell them any different that is my competitive advantage because most people who think that way don't know me they don't know me they don't care to know me they judge me from a distance and oh my god baby was tough and we worked the hell out of there for how many years now all of a sudden she's taught mater how to win and we like it we like it so now I'm the bad person if that's okay I think of pageants freshmen freshmen can be relational Authority leaders not and they may not even be the best player before can they come in here as freshmen and can they really lead you better believe it tell me Lauren Cox couldn't have been a and wasn't a freshman relational Authority leader on the team that had four seniors that you and now you're seeing the real Lauren Cox [Music] y'all hanging with me about done [Music] I'm always about motivating you have to keep fresh you have to keep new you have to stay hungry and you have to motivate young people and especially the older we get you better surround yourself with young people that can come in here don't coach you got a tweet this out and I'm like what you're doing because I don't want to all that stuff you do it for the program you're doing for the team I tell this funny story Kramer is my girl McKenzie is my and I've said that a game year before last and he's there and he you know I guess the players you know Kramer they get in the locker room he goes coach this favor nothing did when he says she thought they said Jesus shoes what is the SH what so she's cold Easy's so stay abreast and surround yourself with young people how about some juice I paid for I didn't know what they were saying young people's loves you don't have to be a helicopter mom and dad but just ask a few questions what are you talking about so I'll show you a few things that I share with them in the locker room I tell the players all the time when you play good and you win people never remember but when you're bad they what they never forget it think about that for 18 straight years what this program has done not just for failure guys and that's what I'm going to tell all of you I don't care where you go just go out and counter your league my kids didn't go to McGregor but look where I am tonight it's important for this community it's important for all of us and I challenge you comfortable lady bear game probably not why would you not think about that kind of life if you don't fight you do not come back I don't want to see it but just coming on what game in fact I want to say Kevin that was part of the deal what mr. Harry if I spoke tonight for three every one of you would've at least one season ticket right last thing I'm going to share with you average players I don't want Everage players average players they want to be left alone just leave me alone how good where I am the good players want to be coached the great ones want to be totally truth in that truth pill for all of us sometimes it's hard to swallow but I want to be great yeah wanna be great coach great the minute you give them the truth and it's not something on the back like a good pat you might see a melt and that may be how your employees on so if you want to be a great employee or a great leader or a great player you want your kids to be great ask them do you really want the truth your buddy nothing Michael Jordan is some players today don't you know I tell them all the time y'all not gonna know when LeBron is in another 20 years this is a great picture I was in the Olympics with Michael Jordan you can't see it back there but Michael Jordan when he talked to you you would look you right in the high balls when Dean Smith would call at four quarters offense and he even want to go score but he knew he had to win a ballgame to get into four corners Michael would hit that man right in the eyeballs I had a teacher one time I kid you not it was in economics God knows I ever made it through that class I was boring class subject I've ever taken in my life in the entire time this is where he stared as he told his class so he didn't make me want to go in the class he didn't motivate me to won't even learn about economics look people in the eye the great people will swallow that true feel but look them in the eye [Music] it's only one possession how many of y'all played basketball growing up now I am safely TD she's old haven't you play basketball no I want you to listen to this and then I'm walking out that door a king won four state championships in high school I went to Louisiana Tech at the time in the early 80s it was the place to go play when it's basketball river the Yukon in the early eighties had a 56 while UConn broke the win streak we won 56 straight games UConn broken and I'm sure you all read about it and that darn coach man I'd come down that floor and I'd whip it behind my back and it hit a teammate right in the face and go out of balance and I'd get the but shoe it was like he catch the ball now think about that he spit in the entire half of freshman season trying to make me understand that your fault as the point guard not hers coach you know she's not capable of catching that pass - and know what they're capable of doing now that's hard for kids to understand he didn't take the flyer out of my game he loved that about it but he said you gotta know what your teammates are capable of doing it's the same way isn't leader we kind of know what you're capable of doing don't ask somebody to do something they can't do so I start every deal with this in their notebook and some of you may have heard it before it's called it's only one possession it was only one possession why what must my coach scream my part the defense permitted the basket but what could one hoop mean as the past comes my direction and I fumble it into the stands the coach's voice rings loud and clear possession okay it's just the first two minutes my gosh we came as a two-minute mark I remember that the center is strong and stout a putback for two quite simply due to my failure to turn around and block out but it's only one possession I didn't commit a crime my team and there's there's plenty of time as a half-time buzzer is sounding and I watch the ball Bank in I know all the year from loving coach of my questionable effort to defend but it's only one possession a heart attack look at the lead back the second half mirrors the first but it certainly it's not a big deal there my failure to use a pass fake results in an unlikely steal but quickly vitamin go back to the other in and I think a jumper man I can breed it with and slaps but the next possession I give up a layup while suffered suffering a mental lapse go ahead what's the next line but it's only one possession come home coach chill out it's crazy to see you disgusting as you slap the assistant and shout victory favors the team making the fewest mistakes single possessions are the key so treat them like gold and do as you're told and play with intensity I step to the line for a 1 in 1 but I'm having a concentration lapse the ball soars through the air good lowered it's a brick I'm afraid the support will collapse in post game us sit at my locker pondering what more I could do I realized the value of each possession were ashamed we lost by two the day I cannot see that school board I will return the day I lose my intensity and passion as a coach I will retire you cannot in the game of life but she can't feign without enthusiasm you just can't oh yeah you're gonna work every day I got a few more years till retirement oh I'll put in all these years I'm tired I can't function like that I've been doing it 35 years but I don't function like that that's not my makeup I'm gonna give everything I have to fader university for as long as they will have me I venture to save 400 people here you would be in the minority if a coach was passive to try to motivate you to do better than you think he can who wants to play for a coach that stands on the sidelines does that motivate you our does it motivate you when she's on the referee and she's riding her butt because you just got screwed out of a bad call or does it motivate you when she has five she's coming off the floor does it motivate you when she's telling you it's only one possession because see I believe when people quit talking to you and people quit trying to motivate you they've given up on you I hated my coach ignored me because that means they've moved on in your work when your boss quits communicating with you and quit challenging you and quits trying to find these to ring your bell you better go somewhere else cuz he's given up on you y'all listen how many does that plane the seat maybe though what is that plane Jim what's that plane Turner complain is it Oh Challenger what a great name of a challenger I challenge you tonight Oh Oh BAM enough available to reach what he needs to meet me don't allow your kids to feel entitled don't be a helicopter parent hurt with your kids talk to your kids met with your kids but preparing for life because we are not going to be here long and they have to go on without us and we can't protect them I always like to tell my players they come in there and they got tattoos everywhere piercings and all this stuff and I give them information that y'all can't give to your employees because you would be called discriminatory right but on their mother for four years and I'm going to tell them things that y'all won't tell them in the real world when you go for a job interview get that thing out of your tongue you're not gonna get that job they don't tell you that's the reason you didn't get but I will tell you that's the reason you won't get it cover those tattoos up people judge you is it right from the post side of town when you go there I come from and to think that I'm doing what I'm doing at Baylor University are you kidding me but I wanted people to respect me not just how I looked but what I did and I tell them you set yourself up to be judged don't do it cover it up cover it up but I want that English teacher when you go to class to love you not look at those tattoos and become judgmental ugly I appreciate you letting me lecture and get fired up I don't get to give many speeches in the summer because quite honestly I quit doing them as many as I used to do because some of you heard me speak of jillion times and I ran out of subject material but thank you and promise me this all right this is pretty this is here to do to raise your hand if you've never been to a lady bear bowl game home okay will you come to one will you just buy one ticket we play UConn here this year we go to South Carolina we play of course you know in the big 12 we've got some good home games just go to what game and that would be what McGregor Chamber has paid me to come speak tonight that would be more to me than anything is for you to come to one lady bear game rather you graduated here we all in one community always remember that sick of mayors [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Charles Mooney
Views: 6,651
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RCGrgs6oBLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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