Kim Jong Un tells North Korea to Prepare for War | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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[Applause] this [Music] that's another Nation constantly on the brink North Korea their supreme leader Kim Jong-un has issued a dictat he has asked the country to quote unquote accelerate War preparations again the announcement came during North Korea's annual review The Hermit Kingdom's leadership is looking back on all the work done in the past year they're holding meetings to plan next next year's budget and agenda and this meeting is where Kim issued the war Readiness order he says the preparation is necessary because and I'm quoting because of unprecedented confrontational moves by the US so he citing American provocation for this military buildup here's our report it's a busy week in pongyang for the North Korean government senior leaders are pulling up in their Mercedes-Benz limousines the cars are technically banned in North Korea because of sanctions imposed on luxury goods but it seems they're easily available to the top North Korean officials all the senior Workers Party of Korea leaders are gathering in the capital for a yearend review every year there's a plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee this year is no different the senior leadership has gathered to present their reports and of course praise the Visionary policies of their supreme leader Kim Jong-un look at their reactions when the man of the moment arrived the excitement and the devotion Kim had to wave to them and tell them to settle down like a rockar asking the audience to be quiet and let the show begin and much like a famed Rockstar Kim was sure to play his Greatest Hits he issued the dictat they'd all come to hear accelerate War preparations yes like every year Kim made sure to call for more military Readiness and the crowd went wild another standing ovation there was non-stop cheering in the bright red party hall and also over at North Korean State media stations Kim had given the word North Korea would fight back against whom the US apparently and by extension American Allies in the Far East Kim's War preparation order was issued to three entities the North Korean military the country's military industrial complex and of course the nuclear weapons sector pongyang has been making big strides on that third front last week the country had test launched a new intercontinental ballistic missile the Hong 18 the nuclear capable missile can reach any corner of the US that's what Japan and South Korea are saying the two American Allies have been quite worried since last week's launch South Korea has even begun military drills just in case Pyongyang decides to go for a surprise attack Kim Jong-un didn't seem too concerned about his Southern neighbor yesterday His Eye Is on the big prize the overbearing Uncle Sam Kim plans to work with like-minded allies to counter Washington he said he would expand strategic cooperation with Anti-Imperialist independent countries most likely that means Russia Kim met with Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this year he's been accused of selling weapons to Moscow for use in the Ukraine war so expanding that relationship is a logical Next Step according to reports that will also help with North Korea's luxury car smuggling clearly something that's important to the ruling party Kim's cheering officials do seem to like their Mercedes maybacks maybe those were discussed during the meeting as well it was after all about pyongyang's plans for 202 24 North Korean media just shared a jingoistic snippet of the whole Affair more policies were certainly announced but we'll have to wait for a few more days for those details hermit Kingdom usually televises Kim's Grand speech every New Year's Day this little speech was just a teaser there's a lot more to come
Channel: Firstpost
Views: 2,528,387
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, firstpost palki sharma, kim jong un, kim jong un north korea, us north korea tensions, north korea war preparations, war preparations north korea, north south korea war preparations, north korea south war, north korea tensions us, north korean war, north korea war acceleration, kim jong un war preparations, kim jong un tensions us, kim jong un tensions south korea, north korea preparations war, north korea impending war
Id: xbeGAsjbSdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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