Kim Jiwon and Kim Soo Hyun Suspected To Be Dating + Kim Soo Hyun Was Seen Injured

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during the warp up party of the popular drama queen of Tears F were trilled to see the main actors Kim chiun and kiman sitting next to each other this was a big change from the first war up party where they sit from apar F stop seeing this progress in their [Music] friendship F also noticed that kimin has been wearing ttal necks a lot [Music] lately peoples are saying that he might enjoy the during his army Reser training but of course we're not sure about this the warp up party was celebration for the drama queen of the which was Love by many people according to the poster J want St first followed by Kim suan going to the second venue whatever CH was arrive at the party first but stay inside van soans follow shortly after inv fans outside it was only when soan went inside the venue that Chans came out from the van the van were parked next to each other outside the [Music] venue there were also others actors who arrived before CH such as W news and they immediately went inside whatever she was m in her B leading to speculations of about the reason behind her delay some fans speculated that she might have been changing her shoes but others officers claim to have seen her wearing the same shoes outside the face [Music] Vue F then speculated that Shan was waiting for suan as they were seen holding their phones and responsibly chatting with each others before going outside this moment I the excitement and anticipation surround the relationship between chiun and sui it's nice to see Kim Chan and soan beaming closer fans can't wait to see them work together again in the future [Music]
Channel: Drama Nuna
Views: 52,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kim Soo Hyun, Kim Jiwon, Queen of Tears, Kim Jiwon Dating, Kim Soo Hyun Dating
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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