Kim ji won Outfit | Fashion | Queen of tears | K drama fashion icons
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Channel: K-Drama Cafe
Views: 20,605
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Keywords: Kim ji won, Kim ji won Outfi, Fashion, Queen of tears, K drama fashion icons, Outfit, kim ji won fashion, jiwon, ji won, Kim Ji Won, Jiwon, kim jiwon, jiwon in sg, jiwon spotted shopping at a mall in singapore, jiwon in singapore, jiwonβs staff update, kim jiwon shopping in singapore, soowon, soowon update, jiwon soohyun, kimkim couple, soohyun bubble update, kim soohyun, soohyun update was directed to jiwon, kim soohyun chat is about jiwon, jiwon singapore, jiwon bvlgari
Id: pC04DOB1ieI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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