Kim Hopper | The Hoppers | Southern Gospel Music | Favorite Southern Gospel Artists

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hey it's Matt ouch and this is foutch and Friends I would love for you to subscribe if you're watching on youtube or like my page if you're watching on Facebook please make sure that you're getting notifications on both of those and share this with your friends if you enjoy it today I'm talking with Kim hopper of the hoppers we had a great conversation it was so much fun you guys are going to absolutely love this thank you for watching foutch and friends hey Kim hopper thank you so much for joining me today it gives me something to do so what have you been doing over the last month since we've all been home from singing you know well first after I came out of the state of shock no I I've been on the road since I was like 12 years old working basically every week and I have never been home more than probably 2 maybe 3 weeks at the most since I was about 12 and so I don't even know what to do with myself but we are keeping where you keeping busy we've been our daughter is buying a house or bought a house and so we have been landscaping at her house for clearing land I'm telling you you should see me with a chainsaw somebody yeah chainsaw you name it we've painted she has a little building at him in the back of her property and so we pressure-washed and painted that we my eyelashes are messed up painted the deck like I said landscape we you name it you name it and we've done it and some stuff around here and then I love to cook and so I cooked a lot and I like doing that I have to have time to do that and set up then that a whole lot and just you know all the stuff normal people are doing that get stay at home and do I've done a lot of yard work here myself oh and then we have yes my daughter was informing me my youngest is an animal lover like you wouldn't believe and so I'm Carly's property she's building there was a little fenced in area and we cleared all that land in it cuz they've grown up and she wants to put chickens and ducks and all this and it's gonna be Lexi's a little farm it's not a huge area but so in my basement of my house right now which is not a finished basement there are seven chickens and two deaths and so I've been taking care of chickens and ducks you name it we've been doing it but it's been a lot of fun a lot of fun my wife would want to come to your house and see those chickens and ducks because when this thing first happened she was like I wonder how much it would be to get a coop and some chickens in our backyard and so that way we could just get our own eggs and she said I think that would be so much fun if that was like no time to clean that stuff out there they're babies right now so they're in a container downstairs and under heat lamps and all that which I can get I can get one for you to see what you like - I think it's maybe yeah yeah I want to share one with the folks yes yes maybe people see what's in my basement yes that was growing like crazy but I was gonna ask you if you'd learn if you have learned anything new during this time or you had any plans and it sounds like maybe you're not necessarily learning anything new but maybe you are because all this stuff you're doing with the house and now raising chicks and ducks and you do know so what what of all of that did you not know how to do that you now are a master at hmm probably cleaning out little chicken beds and duck bed how much water a happy had to go back to yesterday to tractor supply to buy five quart Ducks drink like so many gallons of water a day I didn't know that so I'm learning all about little ducks but you know we helped Carly when she bought this house she completely remodeled it and so I learned how to do a lot of things I mean we knocked out walls and we did it all ourselves so I learned all about working in houses I've not got the plumbing and electrical down yet but all the others I've learned how to do hey come here this is Phoebe Oh Lexi has named them all this is Phoebe dogs trying to get her - hi Phoebe what a great name yes and we have Piper the dog she's here wanting to see what people Phoebe is what she's doing no you can't have her so now is this just a normal duck or a normal chick what do we have here they're all female poets and they are laying pins okay but I don't know the name of this Lexi knows all this she's the one that you need to be interviewing anyway but yes there are seven of them down there they're all different colors and have to sanitize here can't touch anything now doesn't do the rest interview like this all right so so okay I was gonna also ask you what your daily routine is like but it sounds like you're just kind of going with the flow and everything's just whatever is on the to-do list you guys are just knocking it out as we're going along here are things working a lot here at home obviously where we are dates have been postponed like everybody else's he works on that and so I try to sometimes he I get up in the mornings I cook us breakfast which I'm even doing breakfast now it's a I've got like a little diner here you know put in your order so we have breakfast and make beds and then I'm I'm a little OCD if y'all get that so things have to be really clean around here I'm a Clorox fanatic and you know the smell Clark's just excites me and so I be careful with that I hear it can be bad for you so I get up and I clean whatever needs to be cleaned it you know if he has to stay spotless and because I'm a little weird that way um and then Dana and I sat down today and we worked on stage together he was trying to figure out how to kind of move some things around and he's like what do you think about this week and we plan for vacation we don't know now if we're gonna get our planned vacation time is just fine cuz we're getting it now even though we we can't do much but that's okay and we check on the chickens and whatever needs to be done with them okay this is pumpkin the does the duck okay yes this is pumpkin so Phoebe was the chick it's the duck Piper's the dog yeah any other P animals you guys gonna start with P product is one of the chips so they're all P names please write peach pineapple Priscilla Prada Phoebe Penelope Penelope Penny's yeah okay but Sam a cutie I'm a cutie yes okay getting huge yes they're getting really big really fast like they in 30 days they're they're full they're full-grown in 30 days so what kind of security measures are you guys installing out there at the other house to make sure that these chicks and ducks live a nice full healthy long life after they leave the home Lexi's not here today she's over at Carly's house with the friend and they're finishing up a chicken coop and then they're gonna fix or build whatever that the Ducks have to have and then it's an offense den area and then it's like wire along with the fence to to keep them protected but Lexi just Lexi's always wanted a little farm and then and I have been talking about selling our house and moving down to Connie and clouds farm and building down there so Lexi can have her own little farm area and what she wants there then and I live in a subdivision and she did if my neighbors knew I had ducks and chickens in my bank it does mediate the HOA HOA committee would be at your house knocking tonight so don't tell anybody the verdict good yeah they're in the basement and but I think she would love that and I don't know there's something what you know what we do we ride on the bus and we get dressed up and we go in and we sing to the people and and everything you know looks picture-perfect but there is something about and that I think that's what I've learned since I've been off there's something about getting your hands dirty and getting back to the earth and actually read something we did a Facebook live little thing the other day with the hoppers and I read something that some people had sent me that made so much sense to me and I hadn't even thought about it how did the number 40 is in the Bible I mean it's used throughout was 40 days you know in the desert 40 days of you know fasting and the number of forties just a theologians call that the forty days is when it's a change and the they've been talking that basically we're gonna be kind of set aside and set apart for about 40 days or so that we're all going to be at home and and and we've talked about how that it's a time of rest and it seems like the earth is kind of resting because there's less pollution because you know the not many people out driving the businesses are not operating and so you got less pollution and with not many people out you have less crime you have less less murders less thefts lists all these things and it it kind of reminded me that it said you know 40 is the number of change what's going to change for you in the 40 days think for me it's getting back to what is real and I think sometimes we kind of live the fantasy life I mean when I come home it's I'm doing what I have to do I clean my house and do my laundry take care of my family but you know being gone from home so much and being on the road you you're living in hotels and um that's not the real life and real world and what I have learned is that I pray that the 40 days it change happens in me makes me a different person it's a time I've been talking to God a lot cramped my kids through this my kids have had some battles on their own and these times have tons frightened them so Dean and I have have been instilling in them the word I sat down and wrote out scripture verses for our youngest she's dealt with fears a lot through her life and I rode out scripture verses about faith and and how that fear is not God and I told her I said I put these you know on in your bedroom on your your mirror and get up in the morning and quote these scriptures and and this time is not I know it seems like maybe it's the end of the world to some people I don't believe that at all but I do that God has set us all aside for a little while and said okay it's time to rest the earth needs to rest you need to rest and I don't know if you've walked outside with the birds it's like the air is so clean the birds are singing louder than I've heard them sing in a very long time we had a massive storm that came through the other night and we got up yesterday morning after that bad storm there were tornadoes all around us and we got yesterday and the Sun was shining and Dean said have you ever noticed how a storm clears out everything and everything's more pristine and clean cleaner than it's been I think the storm of life that we're in right now purges us and cleanse us of the junk and we get our perspectives right about what's important and that's our family and our Savior Jesus Christ who gives us peace in the midst of every storm yeah thing I was thinking of when you were talking about that the with the birds is maybe they're singing louder or maybe we're just quiet enough right now to where we actually notice and here exactly God's creation and maybe maybe this is giving us an opportunity to connect with his creation in a different way than our busy fast-paced lives sometimes allow us to with things we don't notice I mean we don't know what God's up to but we know we can trust him and that's that's so amazing to read just to rest in that and to rely on that and to have that as as children of God and having put our faith in Him what's uh what's one thing you wish you would have started five years ago so that today you would either be doing it you would be in it you would be done with it but since you didn't start you're not there hmm you know what I always wanted a I wanted to open a little boutique and I cuz I love fashion and I love you know dealing with people and and you know just clothes and jewelry and all that not even had I've always had the name in my head everything but I didn't I never got to do it we were always so busy and I thought so much recently about you know that being something that I could leave for my kids one day you know maybe an established business of some sort along with the music but you know there was I was always so busy and I thought who who's gonna run it when I'm gone cuz that's all it takes a lot of hands-on you know work but boy I wish right now that I had done that I mean it wouldn't be open right now but I could be doing a lot of maybe things I'm lying and I'm just a lot of work with that and I mean I may do that I may be that one day I love to have them some like home furnishings and it as well a guy that works for us is an amazing interior decorator and so he and I talked about going in together and putting his interiors in there and my boutiques I don't know maybe that'll maybe that'll happen one day what Kim you are one of them if not be one of the one of the best Sopranos in all of gospel music singing news fans award you the soprano soprano of the Year award every year for the last 20 count how many years has it been now I was gonna guess 20 but it's 22 okay I knew it was in that 20 range so you know you can't argue with the folks that that vote for you every year and but one thing I'm always hearing hey what you sure they're not just hard-of-hearing I'm sure you do a great job but one thing I've always wondered has anyone ever asked you about singing tips or singing exercises because I have I do another channel that's typically designed for bass singers and I get with other bass singers and we talk about tips now obviously this is not something I ever sit down and talk to Sopranos about because that's not my world but what are some tips or some exercises that you would give some Sopranos or some female singers that are start now and they're like man I want to get my voice to to grow I want to try to get better at this what are some things you would give those those females that are starting now well you know first of all I I think I had shared with you and all of your listeners and people watching about how that you know I never had any vocal lessons just I just sort of trained myself by listening to other people so number one I would say whoever you love whatever vocal style you like listen like crazy don't ever try to sing like someone but if you know that they're singing something correctly that you know they've been singing for 30 or 40 years and their voice is still just as strong then basically they've been doing something right so listen to that and mimic like their tone placements those are the top things that I did which Debbie tally was major influence Reba Rambo joy Gardner and I would just try to mimic their their tone placements and another thing I found is that I typically when I'm talking I'll talk down here that's normal to me but as a soprano singer if I stay down here all the time then it's real hard when I step up sing just sing guys now it's appear so I have kind of been training myself especially the days of them singing to talk to Pierre bring it up where I want to sing start sort of stretching those vocal chords in the way that I talk during the day bringing all that up and and living in that tone placement long before I go to the stage yeah and I think I'm real bad not to warm up or anything but if I do that usually the first song I'm are there and that that helps me a lot and that's where I also learned that I remember when I was very young I would hear Debbie Talley speak I thought she speaks low like she would be an alto singer and that she sings these ridiculously high notes how is she doing that and so I would just listen and and watch her and and I sort of figured out that I need just talk up here and get up there and start that early in the day then of course tons and tons of water I don't drink any caffeine especially the days that that I sing but I try not to ever drink caffeine I just it doesn't do well for me anyway and then if you get if you get hoarse or something an anti-inflammatory like Advil or something like that can help reduce the swelling but you know that's not something to live on it get to somewhere and someone that can teach you how to place it if you're not placing it correctly and those are just some little things that I've learned along the way that have helped me a lot so during this time that you're not singing are you doing anything to help keep your voice because here's what I know as a bass singer when we go on vacation for say we are off for a couple weeks and if I do not sing then when we go back to singing I feel like I've lost the cut on my low end sure and I feel like I'm not able to hit the notes like I normally would if I were singing you know every night three or four times a week and it takes me a concert or two and then it's back you know I'm like okay I'm good to go but now this is going to be it's already been a month maybe we're looking at a couple more months or two three four months we don't know so what are you doing I mean I know I'm doing like vocal slides and hit so much bottom range so what are some things you're doing to help keep your voice fresh during this time well the one thing I have noticed is that the rest has helped me vocally and that and that's another thing if any of you out there are getting hoarse or anything like that rest rest rest your voice no talking no nothing and so I think just being off my voice has rested a lot but I'm I'm a Hummer and I hum 24/7 it may not be loud you know a lot of times nobody knows what I'm doing but I have songs in my head all the time and I'm things like okay what are you humming now so I'm always I always have something going in my head and it comes out here and there and then when I get in the shower I'll do some vocal runs because it always sounds much better it's nice echo in there and I sing along with the radio I'm bad to do that you know all the time anyway singing is is in my blood like all of the other singers out there I mean you can't get away from it so use it and and those of you who are starting out sing sing sing every opportunity you get church service I don't care if it's two or three people and say hey sing me a song sing you know off the practice you can get and any time you bet they are offered you up the platform take it no figure out what song you're and do and take it sing sing sing I know Michael Michael Booth has said before go and get punched in the teeth a few times because that's how you're gonna learn and get better right you know especially start now I mean yeah you're gonna mess up it's gonna feel uncomfortable it's gonna be weird and you're gonna there's gonna be some times when you feel like you just got punched in the face because it was just you know it was bad or something just major catastrophe happened or whatever but that's how you learn that's how you get better that's how you refine the craft and grow from it so get out there and take take those opportunities to get up in front of people in that church all those things that are handed to you absolutely thank you I've enjoyed my time today thank you for despairing to do this it's always nice to talk with you you're always very pleasant very nice and easy to talk with so thank you good and thank you for introducing all of us watching to the entire family all the those names that start with P season and everything you guys have going on that's awesome yes I know I can't believe we've been missed that this was something that was important to our daughter and it was you know God worked out the timing for us to be able to be home and little chicks or at tractor supply during Easter and so I said okay this is the time to do this so we're helping her to have her little farm and that's not working quite so what did we can do three kids yeah you'll do you'll even have chickens in your basement to do it Kim is there anywhere that the folks can connect with you or the hoppers on social or online yeah just at the hoppers calm and then Carly what's our hoppers Facebook I don't have a Facebook hoppers Facebook Twitter and Instagram you guys okay the hoppers official you guys check out the hoppers online and once we get back to doing concerts I know you can go to bands in town app or you can go to their website go see them in concert they'd love to see it and you guys do so many of the multi-day events all around the country folks can see you guys at most of those just like legacy 5 does a lot of those as well it's been a pleasure today thank you for your time and you guys have fun with those chicks and ducks I'm sure to be great do it and let me tell everybody out there that we're not only you know just missing being on the road but and missing seeing one another a lot but we miss you the fans a lot we know that you have kept food on our table and have taken care of us for groups been in existence 6 how many 62 63 years now so I'm missing your sweet smiling faces and we can't wait to get back out there to you that's awesome well god bless Kim thank you so much thank you
Channel: Matthew Fouch
Views: 27,012
Rating: 4.9260778 out of 5
Keywords: kim hopper, kim hopper peace in the midst of the storm, favorite southern gospel artists, the hoppers, southern gospel singers, best christian trios, christian quartet groups, gospel music (musical genre), southern gospel interviews, the best southern gospel, the best southern gospel music, christian artist interviews, kim hopper songs, kim hopper testimony, kim hopper interview, kim hopper the hoppers, the hoppers jerusalem, the hoppers 2020, kim hopper 2020, kim hoppers
Id: qUSD5n5MJHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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