Killing Time

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"Triumph is a Canadian hard rock band formed in 1975 that was popular in the late 1970s and the 1980s, building on its reputation and success as a live band. Between the band's 16 albums and DVDs, Triumph has received 18 gold and 9 platinum awards in Canada and the United States. Triumph was nominated for multiple Juno Awards, including Group of the Year Award in 1979, 1985, 1986, and 1987. The band was inducted into the Canadian Music & Broadcast Industry Hall of Fame in 2007, into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in 2008, and into Canada's Walk of Fame in 2019."

"Triumph is most known for its guitar-driven rock songs and alternative Canadian rock trio vibe with such songs as 'Lay It on the Line', 'Magic Power', 'Fight the Good Fight', 'World of Fantasy' and strong cover songs like 'Rocky Mountain Way'. The band was formed in Toronto, and for much of its existence featured music veterans Rik Emmett (guitar, vocals), Mike Levine (bass, keyboards), and Gil Moore (drums, vocals) from 1975 onward. This lineup, spanning nine studio albums, lasted until 1988, when Emmett left the band to pursue a solo career. He was replaced by Phil 'X' Xenedis, and Triumph recorded only one album with him, which remains their last to date, before going on indefinite hiatus in 1993. The classic lineup of Moore, Levine and Emmett reunited for two live concerts in 2008, at Sweden Rock Festival and Rocklahoma."

More info on them here:

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Channel: Triumph - Topic
Views: 29,816
Rating: 4.3620691 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph, Thunder, Seven, Killing, Time
Id: JQEaoHvGoN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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