Killers of the Flower Moon

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[Music] well we mix these families together and that estate money flows the right direction it will come to USI that's how you are I don't know what you said but it must have been Indian for handsome devil it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Lily thank you Daryl it's good to meet you too yes and so I want to say I want to start off by saying aoy and uh uh I worked on that all last night I was like I hope I say that correctly with saying hello to you oh say it again is it did I say it right it's a koi are you saying it in black feet yes oh thanks for looking that up it's actually just like it sounds Okie it so it is Okie Okie yeah yes a Sonic oh man you played a role you're from the black feet nation and you played this role of the O of a woman in the O Sage Nation one did you know about o Sage before this role and how was it honestly portraying uh a woman a part of another Nation thank you for asking that um before I ever had aspirations to be an actress I wanted to be a ballerina so when I was little my hero was America's first ballerina Maria Tallchief who is from yage Nation she's from Fairfax where most of the film takes place where where the Kyle sisters were from originally um so I had I definitely had an awareness of who oage people were and my dad had told me about not only the oil wealth but also that there were oage that had been killed for their oil money when I was pretty young I didn't know about it in such detail I didn't know it was referred to as the reign of terror I didn't realize it was such a systemic thing that had occurred until really the book came out Molly Burkhart Molly Kyle Molly Cobb um because she was a real person with living descendants and I know how I would feel if somebody not black feet not from our neck of the woods were playing my great grandma Lily I would expect her to to embrace my grandma with a lot of care um to listen very carefully to what people would say because while there's a lot of similarities that you can draw between Blackfoot worldview and between oage worldview there are some some very specific things to each Nation I didn't want to infuse too much of my own cultural understanding into oage but I wanted anything that I did have to go on to help prop up and support that and luckily I have enough stories of my great-grandmother Lily who would have been Molly's contemporary to kind of share stories with people when I was down there and get a sense of if my understanding of my great-grandmother were similar to what Molly would have been like and I think those those two very much would have been friends had they been with each other watching this film and seeing how you just embodied the role um I don't know it's like you took me on the journey with you just through your experiences and I know acting is like a gift from God that he's blessed and bestowed on certain people and watching you play the role of being sick it I just want to know how did you do that how did you make it so believable of a woman that's experiencing this great pain and it's like you felt that through the screen watching you thank you um yeah the road map of Molly's illness carries through the entire narrative because we meet her with diabetes before insulin she was one of the first she was one of the first five people in the world to receive insulin knowing that there was diabetes untreated diabetes initially that was kind of in integrated with the pace that I used the level of energy I could expend at any given moment um my own Grandmother Had type 2 diabetes Molly would have had type one but you know being around it and knowing how um how carefully those things need to be measured and monitored that definitely had a lot to do with it and then when we get to the portion of the you know quote unquote wasting illness as so many oage experien during this period and in speaking with a lot of community members including specifically Molly's descendants her grandchildren the family has had a lot of time to think about what it was that she was being Poisoned With and nobody really knows but what everybody guesses it was likely a mix of morphine Arsenic and then the insulin so working through all of that and having having the very specific physical research I could integrate to whatever cocktail was going into mol's body at that particular moment it gave me a physical way of all Al demonstrating what's going on spiritually for her I just want to say you did an amazing job again thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today thank you thank you so much and thanks for um and the way we say bye is mat it means see you see you again see you again I'm G learn that one next time thank you so much thank [Applause] you can you find the wolves in this picture
Channel: Darrell J. Cunningham
Views: 5,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nyukow4POaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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