Killer Cases: Two Moms Brutally Murdered in Deadly Stalking Rampage

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[Music] 911 Mar's your emergency you need to paramedic I think he shot everybody he has a hand on he shooting everybody that gun fire I'm just so scared I'm scared he's going to come try to find me please information about a deadly Rampage in a St John's County neighborhood investigators say James collie shot and killed his wife and her best friend you know there's five children that lost their mothers on that day little Le baseball games are attended with an empty blue [Music] chair for Lindy to sit in and watch Patrick play always take domestic violence seriously because you never know at what point it might escalate and something happen like what happened to [Music] Amanda okay your wife is in a bar you said she's s this is what he's going to tell you know how to get out of that situation and I grabbed the gun trying to find the first place to put a body no sir the only thing they could do was kill him you want to say anything we the jury and find the [Music] defendant it's a planned Community with pools it's a very nice neighborhood very nice area of our counties I mean the entire portrait of this family just didn't speak to something that would end in such violence and [Music] blooded Amanda and J.R collie had been married for eight years she was the life of the party she was outgoing gregarious everybody wanted to be friends with her Amanda she lit up a room and she was gorgeous gous and confident I mean she was the perfect package she was everything you would want in a friend James is a very personable man he uh he could easily become a friend with somebody he worked in the banking industry he was in uh he was worked in the mortgage department kids he was great I mean he spent all the time he could with the kids he coached their teams he uh took them on vacations [Music] but friends began to hear not everything was wonderful at the collie home he was jealous of her spending time with friends you would have to be a strong person to and be very self-confident to be with Amanda because she was so friendly I think he probably drank too much you know if he started drinking sometimes it was hard to stop we all have some demons but I think his probably ran a little deeper and he he did abuse things on occasion she tried to make it work as long as she could and when it came to the point where the scales tipped to where his behavior was affecting the family then I think that's when she decided that this this needs to be we just need to separate this needs to be [Music] over the separation papers were filed in in the middle of July but Jr would still come to visit it would go from you know 3 days of being a family to 3 days of don't talk to me to 3 days of being a family to 3 days stay away from me it came out in court that they had sex together and she said well I felt like I had to in order to you know keep them happy so I wouldn't get hurt she had a new bow even though that was something that she kind of kept to herself from her husband he had a girlfriend I mean he had already moved on but he still didn't want to let go of Amanda on a weekend that Amanda was away Jr sneaked into the house mad that you know thinking whatever he was thinking about where she was and what she was doing he gathered up her clothes out of the closet and burned them in the backyard that's not normal behavior Amanda filed for divorce and a temporary injunction to keep Jr away from the home writing in the court papers Jr would cut me up or kill me if he ever found out I was cheating and part of the reason why I think it took Amanda so long to take action was because he did try to be a good father to the kids and she did not want to you know nobody goes into it wanting to have a divorce nobody wants a tear AP part their family to be torn apart Jr had asked Neighbors in the culdesac to keep an eye on Amanda and the house to report if anyone was visiting her he received this picture from a neighbor of a barechested man mowing the lawn at Amanda's [Music] [Music] house and I think once he found out that was too much that was confirmation of okay this is the guy Jr also sent messages to the neighbor who had taken the picture over the next 6 hours kie would become increasingly enraged a neighborhood surveillance camera saw Jr col's car heading to Amanda's [Music] home nobody was home Amanda was not there he ransacked the house and destroyed TVs and furniture and walls as he's looking around he finds uh he finds clothes men's clothes that he knows aren't his and then he searched some more and he found some some sex toys that he knew that was never any part of our relationship and I think that this infuriated him and he began calling Amanda to tell her that he was at the house and he found these things and he was angry your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system really funny you don't want to talk to H you know what we don't need to talk don't do nothing to me I won't do nothing to you I won't bring you this up and T about what you really are and we both know what you really are you're luy at tell our children about this Amanda you're disgusting that's what you [Music] are let me get you raise your right hand you swear to tell truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you go collie had been in court that very morning he was coming to court for a violation of that injunction for having contact with her the night before he had uh he had been drinking he can't sleep he takes some Ambien because he'd been prescribed that put your hand down please tell me your full name j m kie how old are you sir have you ever been treated for any mental illness no are you now one of the influence of any intoxicant the judge was unaware of collie's Rampage just a few hours earlier at Amanda's home and agreed to let Kali attend anger management classes instead of being sent to jail this is going to be unsupervised probation and Mr klie you wish to enter a plea the charge no contest yes sir all right the ple is accepted adjudication will be withheld which means this is not a criminal conviction on your record you'll be placed on 12 months of unsupervised probation with early early termination if you complete everything early so he ended up getting a better deal than he had originally anticipated all right so in addition to that you're have no violent contact with Amanda colaner all right Mr bed is all you had that's all I have thank you good to see you thank you thank you you're welcome sir next case next case judge M he had his employee badge on and he was dress in like slacks colored shirt like he'd be going to work and when he left court he tried to call Amanda please talk to me please Amanda I'm out of court please talk to me maybe I I please this is the last time I'm call please she picks up the phone and they have a 14 about a 14 in a phone [Music] call something happened in that call and instead of going to work he went he made us one stop at a gas station filled up his tank and then at that point he bought beer it's now 1011 in the morning and Jr coli is heading to South pagio Drive in the car are two fully loaded guns St on County Sheriff's Office 4 hi my sister lives at 260 South Bellagio court uhhuh she has a injunction against her husband they're going through a divorce apparently he broke into her house about 4: 4:30 this morning and busted every TV in the house I'm not sure if she called to report but I want to make sure Amanda had returned home and was taking stock of the damage from Jr's Rampage a few hours earlier with her was the man she was dating Lamar and two friends Lindy Dobbins and another friend Rachel Hendrick and I'm here with Rachel Hendrick this will be a sworn recorded interview Rachel would later describe what happened that day at Amanda's house gave Amanda a hug immediately she was crying on my shoulder um she was very upset over the way that the house was trashed and ransacked the Sheriff's Office actually responded to the residents and she declined to write a report she didn't want to press charges on James because she did not want to have him put in jail for a year and be away from his kids for one year so the sheriff's officer left the scene James is traveling to the Residence at that point he parked behind the residence Amanda and Rachel Lindy and Lamar are all in the living room kitchen area they look out the window and see him I looked over at Lamar I said what the hell Lamar saw and and screamed gunshots and he ran and never saw him again surveillance video from a neighbor shows Lamar running down the street away from the house me Lindy and Amanda were obviously screaming and um just screaming hide hide Amanda Lindy and Rachel run into the master bathroom suite and hide Amanda was on the phone with 911 not in there please stop and I heard James's voice and he was screaming on Amanda and he wanted to know um where is he where is he where the f is he he was looking for Amanda's boyfriend mhm put that down put it down hello hello and Lindy was also on the phone with 911 in the clock ET 911 hello James Goes to the closet door and starts trying to get inside well Rachel is holding the door from the inside and he can't get in and so he says let me in or I'm going to shoot through this door well he did ma'am ma'am is that gunfire oh my God go ahead she just said on the other line somebody said put it down it was the same area but when he came into the closet and he walked past me and walked up to Lindy she screamed oh my God no and he just shot her he didn't say anything to her nothing just shot her Rachel is standing behind the door so when the door swings open she's essentially concealed which point Rachel circles out of the closet and runs the whole time I was running I was thinking he's he's going to shoot me from behind be prepared to fall I'm going to get shot in the [Music] backy he was in the house shooting and I ran I just ran you need to send paramedics I think he shot everybody he has a handgun he's shooting everybody I we've got people coming I know I know it just I am so scared I know it's just taking driving time to get there I'm so scared I'm listen to me I got I got grazed by a bullet you say you got grazed by a bullet when he started Fir and she ran to the neighbors but he BL he he point blank shot my friend that was right in front of me I mean I'm I'm scared to death for my life is that Amanda he shot a he shot Amanda and he shot Lindy Dobbins our other friend that was there with us I'm hiding in a closet at the neighbor's house I'm scared today okay what's your name my name is Rachel Hendrick oh my God this is the worst thing that's ever happened in my entire life nothing ma' just hang on okay I'm going to keep going I know I'm just so scared I'm scared he's going to come try to find me please it was just such a tragic and appalling and just shocking incident of um domestic violence um really was off the scale information about a deadly Rampage in a St John's County neighborhood investigators say James colie shot and killed his wife and her best friend in the Mirabella neighborhood this case took over the local news when it happened we were intensive covering the aftermath several detectives are here they're inside the home right now breaking news right now three St John's County schools are on lockdown as police look for a shooter and our fear was that he was going to go take the kids investigators are still actively searching for James colleag we learned that he left the resident he called his dad and his sisters and and told them that he had shot Amanda and killed her what's your name Sir James collie senior what what did your son tell you when he called you he told me to shot two people was that his exact words or yes he said Dad she put me back in jail said I can't handle it no more said I don't know what to do he said you know it's over said I trying to do everything I could but she keeps on put me in jail aggravate me and just won't let it go he said so I done what I had to do and he then went went and got some items from his sister's house and began fleeing out of the state of Florida and went Northbound it was not a who done it it was a we need to find James collie and put him in jail I've got a report of a complainant the first sighting of James collie after the murder was in Virginia there is a vehicle with board ATT attack following her P things to run her out of the roadway a woman was driving and he was behind her and continually trying to run her off the road he had me comp to a complete stop in the road and tried to get me I had three small children in my car so police caught up and conducted a traffic stop on him and took him into custody he was intoxicated he didn't resist their efforts but he was definitely intoxicated I drove here from Florida um 10 hours to talk to you um to get some answers get your side of the story of everything that happened there he knew where I was from and I read him his Miranda rights and he immediately said that he wanted an attorney which I think you're going to need to take me back to Florida so I can have an attorney before I talk to anybody it was a very uneasy feeling being near him and I'd been around many people who have committed similar crimes but he had he had a different aura about him creepy pretty early on the horrific nature of these crimes the typ of crimes we as prosecutors were already thinking ahead of you know this could potentially be a death penalty case and then our job ultimately became proving that it was in fact a premeditated murder but in order to get the death penalty we have um cold calculated and premeditated as a factor and a motive and exactly how many opportunities Mr collie had to stop and change course collie got the photo of Lamar mowing the lawn just a few days before the murder from his neighbor Mike Dickens this is why I wanted to find out was she cheating you know and that's why I took that pictures like what he said man all this SNM and all this stuff I'm like okay James big deal big deal you knew she was cheating mhm nobody knows who the boyfriend is she's cheating you're going through a divorce you filed for a divorce leave her alone and says don't let this ruin your life L A you know this was you see what time it was he didn't give me nothing that he was going to do something stupid hello you have a prepaid call from James collie an inmate at Duck field regional jail facility our investigators have access to jail calls colleague was on the phone with his family almost every day after his arrest what kind of questions they ask you this morning nothing about anything like that just uh am I thinking about killing myself no you know have you thought about killing yourself no are you sure you're okay bud all think considered yeah man I mean you know just situation but [Applause] all right collie wanted to know about his children yeah they know Amanda's gone but they don't know how she's gone okay think Trey looked at Mom and and Johnny he said you know what Uncle Johnny I don't care what my daddy did I'm gonna love my daddy no matter what he did and Collie urged his family to make sure Amanda's relatives did not get custody of the children well that's that's my only really concerned on everything else I don't really give a about to tell you the truth once my kids are SEC once my kids are secured with you I really don't give what happens start throwing mud don't play knif it does give you a very um good Insight even if they're not talking about their case into their personality type hey is there is there any football on the night ask them hey jar when you're talking to that counselor you just make sure that you don't say anything that'll incriminate yourself the others I thought about it and I was just going to say that you know what happened and like I don't remember anything from Thursday and I kind of don't remember anything on Friday little B some pieas and then uh you know my memory started coming back you know my MERS started coming back on Saturday pretty much and then all day Sunday and you know so we know you just I remember things like I'm going to be out of here in less than 20 years he really think he's going to get a manslaughter conviction out of this I love all you guys well we love you too and you remember that buob no matter what we we love you I know hey Jay can we say a prayer real quick yeah go ahead dear Lord please watch over my brother help him get home safely please watch over us and give us all strength to get through this in Jesus name we pray amen amen while in jail collie also talked a lot with one of his cellmates Andrew cherry and cherry was quick to become a jailhouse informant and tell prosecutors what kie had to say about the victims all the time all the time goes around saying blah blah and cheatting got what they deserve and all this other stuff I just it's just real spiteful things and who does he say that in reference TOA and Lindy that they got what they deserve mhm the decision was made to seek the death penalty with Lindy's 911 call a major factor 911 hello when a victim knows of their impending doom their impending death that's psychologically heinous atrocious and cruel that they're going through that mentally and they know they're about to die she clearly knew she was going to [Music] die ladies and gentlemen of the jury you have now been selected as warant as the jury to try the case of the State of Florida versus James Terry colleag we knew he was going to be convicted of something the the plan was try to save his life so he didn't get the death penalty our whole defense was this never would have happened but for you know the the drinking the night before the drugs the night before we had to basically admit that he had had committed the crime so even before the opening statements collie had to agree to the defense strategy before the judge your lawers will be admitting that uh you committed uh uh or discharge they fire on that resulted in the death of the two folks uh is that your understanding unfortunately yes sir okay the guilt was overwhelming and so the penalty is really what this case was going to be about State you may present your opening State your disgusting that's what you are call me or I'm going to come find you wh these are some of the last words Amanda colie heard from her strange husband on the morning she was murdered I do it to grab their attention I don't think there's any better words to use um against someone than their own words the state is confident that we will meet our burden in this case and that you will have no doubt no doubt that this is a case of premeditated murder and SEL murder at this point ladies gentlemen def has an opportunity to present State Mr Sher May proceed question here isn't who did that it's never been a question if we did that the question is why did it happen how could this happen How could a person that loved his family more than anything in his life do that he started with an ambient defense that he was under the influence of ambient when all of this occurred we really based on our Witnesses based on the medication was on based and everything that took place they won't be able to come back with a first degree Rich [Music] than the prosecution's first witness was Rachel Hendricks she was our eyewitness that put James collie there you saw Mr collie with a a handgun in his hand when he went him in the closet yes and did you see him pointed at Lindy yes at her head and nobody can tell that story like like Rachel can Mr was trying to get into the bathroom door saying open the door open the door I'm going to shoot the door came in on me I backed I I backed up and let the door come in on me and uh Mr colie walked past the door straight over to Amanda I mean I'm sorry to Lindy who was kneeling down um heard lendy say oh my God no and I ran out of the closet and heard a shot and bring out the front doors of the home do you see uh James collie in the courtroom here today yes I do he's sitting up there is he sitting at CLE table yes he is and then the other survivor of the shooting D called lar dly Amanda's boyfriend Lamar duberly the man seen cutting the lawn in the photo that so enraged James collie is that appear right here yes sir um I picked up this Bullet Hole about the same time second shot came through which was ballpark right in this area Okay and then I heard um where is he where is he it was it was F what did you do I left I I thought that that I was the the targeted individual and so I was armed I left on cross-examination College's lawyer Terry Shoemaker asked about Amanda's sex life were you aware of the fact that they were still having marital relations when you I guess they're still sexually active how that how [Music] Mr D were you aware of uh I guess some sexual toys that have been had been purchased by m call yes sir she may we were did you ever see those I never put my eyes on do you know when she see those uh I I believe it was the weekend before the incident I'm assuming they were going to be used between you and Miss k i yes sir I assume so they were just grasping at straws just shows how far they were reaching to try to find some reason of why he would be mad that also was a dig to try to embarrass Amanda you know and and to kind of tarnish her reputation or tarnish her image on social media the defense lawyer was attacked for what some saw as victim shaming that's the last thing I'm going to do is is just try to try to victim shame I'm just trying to save Jr's life to the best that I [Music] can day three of a high-profile death penalty trial in St John's County and the defense had to decide whether James collie should testify I think that uh Jr is um charismatic enough he could have possibly you know won over some sympathy votes um but you know you never know you know you get up there and you have a prosecutor you know hammering it down your throat about calling your wife those names that you hear on the 911 call so it was his choice at the end of the day not to testify the defense case lasted less than an hour most of the time spent with collie's sister Ronda what was your goal I guess in the relationship um I guess I was kind of like a go between in between the two of them you know I'm sorry I my brother was telling me they were having problems he thought they were having a with said suain I wanted to try to show that uh as he was trying to save the marriage Amanda was trying to get out of the marriage all right now we'll get started with the closing arguments take you may proceed thank you the evidence you've been presented in this case overwhelmingly proves not only that the defendant committed these murders and all the other charges in the indictment but why he committed these murders and these acts because he was angered not a sudden anger but in anger and in a resentment that built over time he committed these murders because he was rejected rejected by Amanda you asking you to return a verdict of guilty is charge as to all seven counts in the indictment thank you [Music] just give me the fortitude I ask for and I can move on just let me go those are the things that James col been asking his wife for some time as he knew what was going on in her life as he knew that there was a relationship between him between her and another man but she continues to tell them no it's not what you think there's nobody else and it was this emotional roller coaster back and forth back and forth that led to these terrible terrible events nothing that was premeditated nothing that was planned out just a snap reaction because of that I would ask you to return over second degree murderer thank you we will now proceed with the state's final closing argument State you may proce thank you the defense just told you that Amanda collie is the reason why that she is the reason this happened she didn't give him the fortitude he needed she didn't tell the truth she wouldn't confirm what he already knew was true it's her fault that's what the defendant just told you and he's here as we know to get across his point that she's evil she's a and it's her fault that's what he just stood up here and told you all of uh Amanda's family and and Lindy's family and friends were there they were dress in per purple um because that was you know sort of the color of domestic violence remembrance stand Park jury please we the jury find the defendant James chry colle Jr as follows guilty as charged of both first premeditated murder and for aggre felony murder contrary to Florida statute section 78204 and guilty on all the other counts too guilty as charged guilty as charged guilty as charged guilty as charged once they started checking the guilty boxes they just kept checking you know kind of he shook his head a little like I expected it you know something like that the James collie case he was found guilty on all charges he could face the death penalty that same jury will have to deter what happens to him and that penalty phase will begin today Amanda's sister Tammy Malone she was smart she was funny she was kind compassionate and genuine her life mattered it mattered to so many people in so many different ways and he took that from all of us Lindy's husband Chris Dobbins Little League baseball games are attended with an empty blue chair for Lindy to sit in and watch Patrick play a swim team t-shirts signed with the swimming for Lindy logo to remember A's K's lawyer for the penalty phase Gary Wood thought his best case to prevent a death sentence was to present kie as a man who was under the influence of ambient the ambient is known to and did in this particular case cause Mr collie not to remember and not to be able to um perceive um and deal with uh from a mental health perspective the things that were going on that morning including court and the events as they unfolded in this case Mr klie was substantially impaired at the time of the shooting and that will be for your consideration but in rebuttal the prosecution played the video of colie's court appearance just an hour before the murders are you now under of the influence of any intox and then called as a witness the judge who presided at the hearing Charles tinlet do you have any concerns over impairment or his ability to understand I did not I asked him if he was under the influence of any intoxic he told me he was not there was no indication nothing in his demand indicated he was on the influence of anything I knew exactly what he was going to testify to I was hoping it wouldn't come across so strong for the for the state but it it really did it it came across great for them so the defense was left with an appeal to the jury from colie's Sister Crystal who described family photos from a happier time that is uh my nephew Trey opening his birthday presents he was an amazing father take your he was a wonderful [Music] father the state you may proceed with your closing Market Amanda colie and Lindy dobins were human beings and now they're dead and they're dead because of one man the choices that one man made what the defendant did in this particular case was horrific it was unnecessary I'm asking all 12 of you not because I think you should or anybody thinks you should because that's the right thing to do and it's going to require courage to do it the defendant deserve the def he is to a human being in his life and his career and his family I submit to you should be taken in consideration and will be taken into consideration if you oppose a life without the possibility of all s for these counts he will leave he will leave prison in a PL box that's what that sentence guarantees he's going to die in prison that's what we're talking about Jr always believed that people would see the whole situation and that um they they couldn't possibly give him the death penalty based on everything that happened it was a mistake and and he really thought thought people would see that you know something that just happened because of the circumstances that occurred on that day breaking news out of Florida right now we're showing you a live picture out of the St John's County courtroom uh where it seems the jury has reached a verdict as to whether or not James collie should get the death penalty the all 12 it has to be unanimous if just one person doesn't want to do it you're you're done it's a live sentence at that point this part in the State of Florida versus James Terry col Jr we the jury unanimously find that James chry College Jr should be sentenced to death judge in Florida can um reduce a death sentence um to life this is going be last chance to say anything in this [Music] case this a and I wish but and I'm sorry for [Music] all there was never an ounce of remorse that came from him I think what he was trying to obviously I can't put words in his mouth but it was more of a this is nothing that I intended to do but it it certainly didn't help his uh his sentencing uh you characterized what happened in this case as a horrible act so nothing could be more further from the truth based upon the evidence that was presented in this case for the first degree murder of aand at col you are sentenced to death in the manner provided by Florida law for the first degree murder of Lindy doin you are sentenced to death you can see there the family of the victims Amanda collie and Lindy Dobbins crying and then on the other side of the courtroom James collie's family he turns to them and says he loves them and gives them a wink as he is Led away [Music] I just prayed I prayed and cried it doesn't bring her back but at least she gets Justice there is a a park there that they dedicated not long after the murder you know there's five children that lost their mothers on that day so it it was it's a generational grief it's not something that's going to go away for the family so my hope would be that the right people would hear her story would see this and that at least take a look at the law I wish that there had been a mental health check-in with him I wish that a deputy had escorted him home Amanda had done what she could do within her rights within the law and an injunction is just a piece of paper what I would want the viewers to know always take domestic violence seriously to not take anything lightly any act of violence any Act of aggression to take it seriously because you never know at what point it might escalate and something happen like what happened to [Music] Amanda
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 259,077
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: 3Px6Lq6mY7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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