Killarney Historic Rally 2018 full program

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well it's that time of year again and we are back here in the kingdom of curry for the rent skill initial hilarity historic rally this event attracts a huge amount of quality competitors from right here in Ireland to overseas the spectator in for a fantastic weekend of rallying in the southwest [Music] it's the 2018 rent to kill initial Killarney historic stages rally which heralds the start of Christmas in Killarney and what a lineup we have for this year's eighth stage one-day event held over some of the most iconic stages the tire's rally cars will ever traverse if you're looking for history both in terms of cars and drivers the stages on this year's event are truly some of the bests not only in Ireland but worldwide [Music] dark hair treated fires lighted sparrows and so to the ceremonial start in the center of Killarney where we meet two men who've represented Ireland on the world rally stage waterfords Greg bream the exit Hren World Rally Championship driver and Chris makes former co-driver Paul Nagle at the behest of the sponsors radical initial the prayer will be one of the double-o cars in their Metro 604 obviously I've waited a long time to finally get to get behind the wheel so I grew up with this i grew up on my dad for years and years and the side of the road and in the mill in rain my mom was making tea and sandwiches and bringing us around to watch so it's nice nice to finally get behind the wheel or myself I am really really looking forward to well you hadn't far to travel for today anyway no I'm it's my local rally it's my dad founded this rally 20 odd years ago so it's a rally there's no pressure it's just out go relax it's completely different from the World Championship we can go and just enjoy yourself and let it hear it on a bit so was the crowd show their appreciation for the sights and sounds of the Metro and for the very welcome presence of rain and Neagle it was time to meet the main field and first to but a one-state and hysterics a former winner mark Falvey in the escort RS 1600 mark second overall last year you're a serious contender here this weekend yeah well after for us number one and where to put the pressure on so I will give it a good shot no-one hopefully will be here tomorrow evening this object next up one of our money wedge visitors Melvin Evans seated number five in historic cities mark two Ford Escort keep on coming back this event I've never won we've always been third or second as I'm really at but he's getting out of the win every year I'm getting older as younger boy he's coming in and the cars are getting better but but it still is a great event to do well the crowds were on hand see the likes of green and Nagle and the main field of competitors was also a huge welcome for the legendary Jimmy McRae the five-time British Rally Champion and two-time Irish champions have been competing in a Vauxhall Forenza rallies in Scotland England you know to struggling for entries and having to cancel the events and you come here you know 150 entries look at this turnout tonight is for time it's just great absolute fantastic as McRae rolled away and the forensic it was time to welcome the two-time modified winner carries Rob Duggan good answer the event in his mouth off to play from Australia are you going for three in a row this year yeah definitely be flat from the word go it'll be a tough challenge lot of tough opposition but yeah they didn't come back here to come second and so the ceremonial start was completed it was now time to turn the attention to what the maximum entry would face and to Parc fermé a and the Sun had yet to rise as the cars and crews prepared to head to the first stage of the day miles captain but why the teams and crews can concentrate fully on the road ahead out of the stages it was full-scale preparation for the organizers and the TV crews scores of volunteers and marshals are needed to run the events every year there's no shortage of people willing to get involved to ensure the smooth running of the 2018 rally even in the inclement conditions accreted everyone before the start of this year's event day is break and excitement is building as we are here in the iconic mozgov where the cream of the crop would be turning out in force to tackle this challenging stage it's a little bit misty here but it will knock down for the spirits for this historic rally and so to the action over stages one two and three and the first car we see is the number one seed mark Falvey who won the event five years ago and who was second in 2017 found me had the experience James O'Brien on the notes their escort had a slight misfire in the engine on the opening loop them into second place er three stages eight point seven seconds off the leader second through on the gap was the mark two of Marty McCormick and Bernie Mitchell who encountered problems on stage one saw them flying only eighth the pair went well on stage two climbing to third the gremlins returned and they retired with mechanical trouble on special stage three McCormick is a regular on the British rally scene and Athena here in Ireland and was disappointed to quote so early in Killarney the leader after three was the Talbot Sunbeam Lotus of on Murphy and the Nestor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the car is somewhat down on power compared to the escorts but Murphy who hails from County Cork was happy with his tire choice and the car was going well despite some concerns over a slight brake caliber leak in the Sunbeam and they cost the any McCormack through the gap stage one of this year's events one of those was near Williams with his County Cork navigator and Neil Solomon and steady start from the pair has declined to fourth by the end of the opening three stages 46.4 seconds of on Murphy's leads [Music] Melvin Evans was another of the strong wedged contingent in his mark 2 with County corks shot hey Don the notes a gear knob came off on one of the morning stages and then a few niggly issues throughout the loop which meant there were v 2.9 seconds off fourth place [Music] welshman Thomas Davies have a great season in his Fiesta or five woody borrowed a mates mark one to McCracken Killarney historic season was six after three stages 53 seconds off the historic leader Murphy ray honey Ernest a carry man living in London who returns home to do the rally every year in the hill twister mark one he and co-driver Connor wash were just asunder top ten after three runs Dennis Cronin and navigator Helen O'Sullivan were lying in 10th in the mark to Cronin was a previous winner in Killarney the uncle of four-time British champion Keith Cronin Welshman Phil Collins a regular on the Irish historic scene usually runs in the modified section in the mark to escort but he brought his Opel Ascona over for the first time the great drive over miles gap to Lyon third in three days over crest at the rough however Collins punctured and Damned is the steering on stage two dropping some 30 on seconds and he slipped to eighth in hysterics and other Welsh crew are our daniel Jones and Garrett berry in their Ford Escort they were just behind Collins in ninth place 4.3 seconds off their fellow Welsh competitor Todd Falvey had switched from the PD transport maybe enjoy the drive with son Peter calling the notes in the X and his kidney mark to a soft-spoken Barry Jones is another West driver and a former Irish history champion he and co-driver Brian Quinlan found the opening loop very slippy he'd be changing the tire compound for the repeat loop if 13th overall Johnny Grier is an Irish tarmac regular who along with Kirsty Riddick switched from the regular haul five to a Sierra for this event they lay in seventh place after the opening two stages back to 12 to 3 the first run over Cara Lake problems as well for the father-and-son crew Joe and Richard Connolly who broke a bolt in the alternator in their aura 1600 they were happy to be still going and were just inside the top 20 after three maybe 75 years young now it was a good opener for Jimmy McRae who passed the ailing car of Raymond Johnston through the gap over McRae had trouble of his own on stage two he spun the heavy box all Forenza Morris and Steven Matz go hail from memory competing in their Ford Escort and they had inched their way into the top 30 on historic standings after three stages [Applause] first job easy one right 60 Donald O'Connor is a local driver and navigator hands-free motion County Cork alongside Falcon dish is very slippery on their opening three stages but the mark one was still going strong with five stages to run as they took us up the gap we're moving to the faster modified section now on the big crowds were at the top of Mars gap stage where people have come from far and wide to watch the action and one name seemed to be on the lips of Manny what brings it to Mars got a booty here sport Kareem you don't the rally oh yeah are you here to see and Craig green in 6r4 it's one of the best edges in an heirloom at what time were you here this morning I was here that sudden it out before the breakfast yeah no breakfast yet which is fantastic stage to watch what time were you here at this morning we have seven so lifted for you to smile of the Ishtar exhibition rally around and base - look - Craig green and Rob dogging the man himself and tonin's author gives good entertainment for the death so down to the bottom of the gap and on double-o Judy's Craig brain and Paul dangle the parent even competing in the event nevertheless the big crowds were out and forced to see the brute power of the group be supercar the iconic Metro 6r4 the in-car footage of the gap went viral around the world it's now time to sit back and enjoy the ride [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow just wow [Music] massive foolish to be able to able to drive the countess morning in the iconic stage so that's so am I and I loved it enjoyed every second of it store to your old technology and they even even get new city gearbox I would've never driven with a h-pattern box before and I was missing years and and then finding out at that regard but I I love what it's really really pure and raw and its water alien is all about with brain through it was time to get back to the action and last year's modified winner Rob Duggan and co-driver Gerry Conway struggled with tricky conditions on stage one but they're happy to take over the lead on stage two that a band who stood at 5.3 seconds after three trailing and right party right and left literally right - short cut into tree left and that's tree right front doormat for let's actually write costume for 65 [Music] 'we then went the flying milkman Donegal's declan Gallaher in the rear wheel drive Toyota Starlet Gallacher had a dramatic spin on the opening stage was very lucky that a bank saved him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoever he got going again and reckoned that he'd have to go for a harder tire on the second run over the second loop and is paid to catch Dogen [Music] Chris Armstrong Chris Mele were very happy with her opening loop and with seconds for the first two stages with a slip 2/3 of the modified bottle intensified ten point three seconds of second place counter [Music] [Applause] cool air for the three rate double agents up and fight way up here a double agent sub player and long vibrate papers lift the lift long for dirt or grass Florida through rate 60 key rate sexy for death minus half log Jonathan Frankel is a former national champion in a few moments on Mars Kapil was happier with been a gleam and Kara Lake was up to fourth and modified surprisingly perhaps the greatest on Mars count was caught on all donohue a local driver and winner of the juniors at the rally of the lakes in may in a civic he had borrowed his dad Kevin's BMW for the historic rally but after that impressive opening test he was beset by intermittent technical gremlins assist him to fifth after three stages in sixth Gary Kiernan and Ryan Moore would push Rob Duggan close at last year's events but wasn't going so well this year in the escort Kiernan had work to do on the second loop it was over 30 seconds behind us to pull 2040 prepares to hum dirt on doing their stuff on their progress only four feet up for a cool Club seventh and modified after three and O'Brien and John Butler and he fair who declared themselves happy with a setup and more than happy to be in the modified top ten after three stages David bogie from Scotland and navigator John Rowan in a brand new mark - for this event had some niggly setup issues on the opening loop the former British Ronnie champion was enjoying the stages and indeed the atmosphere Martin McGee and Dennis Amani were just inside the modified top 10 the daunting old driver going well they were just 4.6 seconds behind bogey after three stages [Music] [Applause] one left into rounding out the top ten Modifieds Monahan driver Raymond Cartman in the Toyota Corolla so three stages down in this year's event the top five in hysterics on Murphy mark foul be Neal Williams Melvin Evans and Thomas Davies and modified Rob Duggan leads Steckler got ahead of Chris Armstrong Johnson Pringle and Colin O'Donoghue in fifth the caliber of the entries is incredible and it shows how popular this event still is with world rally driver Craig Green and travel agent Jimmy McRae on site the atmosphere is electric here at the rental initial learning historic rally join us for action after the break [Music] you [Music] welcome back to the 2018 reticle initial Killarney historic stages rally as the crews prepare for the second one over the three stages while Scott Pollock Pima and Cara Lake and the historic leader heading into that second loop Jody corks on Murphy who led by eight point seven seconds after three in the Talbot Sunbeam Lotus yeah we've had a great Martin I know we had a good tire choice the Smarty and beat a few problems there with a breakout of early cannon a maximum broke with hopefully isn't staying home for today well despite the brake caliper leaking Murphy then reported no issues over the second set of stages and maintained his lead after six the former Irish historic champion and his lead trim slightly though 27.3 seconds [Applause] [Music] it was a great battle of upon Thalia storage with Mark file be trading times of Murphy on the repeat loop the gap stood at just over seven seconds with two states to go as all to play for over the double Ron overkill coming the second loop was a good one as well for the Welshman Thomas Davies who climbed to third in the escort but as he was over one and a half minutes off the lead place in the podium was perhaps now his aim these stages are one of the best in Europe are utilized to be here yes it's lovely to be when you come over the top and you can see could see the gap you can see the crowd it's almost like it can sort of feel the atmosphere inside the car yeah really glad to be back and it's nice to do it Neil Williams had dropped behind his compatriot Davis into fourth three point three seconds behind third place was still all to play for [Music] so yeah sadly though this was the last we see of Melvin Evans who retired not far to stage for the second run of a Myles gap [Music] having been fired at one point before dropping to eight with a mantra Phil Connors had a good loop to climb back up to fifth for very long left one extra lean continues over 150 in slowing at the end right three I dropped a fair bit of time this one got a puncture damage the steering so we dropped thirty seconds or so and we're fighting our way back and we're back up to fifth so that it's all gonna be this is about ten seconds over five cars you know and it's great to be involved in a historic and you see how well some of these guys are going I've really enjoyed it after the first few issues the car is really nice to drive and yeah I'm enjoying the day wagging his tail like a happy dog off the start line london-based local man ray Hilliard was really putting on a show in the aptly named escort the hill twister was doing it stuffed campaigning in Citroen and Fiesta or fives in the 2018 forestry Randy Jam Jib Catholic reports had registered for the 2019 a starry championship and was just outside the top ten after a tentative start and the johnston was beginning to make headway now in the log Soulja bet and he in James Macari were thirteenth on the historic standings England's Duncan Williams with co-driver guide we were directors on the historic championship they were 15th Gore was ray Cunningham a former overall winner in Killarney was this year contesting the 2019 championship and was leading the minis after six stages yeah having a bit of fun leading the minis by not playing laughs Colin is pushing this very hard behind so enjoying it thought great fun great fun Colin you're having a great bathroom out there yeah yeah we are yep we're having a bit of our own you crack yet John just keep her nice and clean and headache good Ryan two more to go David and Nina goose are a father and daughter crew over from England they're regulars on the istari championship 16th understandings with two stages to go Jimmy McRae was going well but was concerned about a fluctuating engine temperature gauge in the Forenza as he bid to complete yet another historic rally in Killarney that loony is a local mechanic great driver last year's event I wasn't going quite so well this year in the mark what escort we restored him the first time found it very slippery my first angle is very steeply but it's hot we're still here nice to meet you neighbor Sylvia Allen how are you find Irish roads here today very very very challenging very slippery it's supposed to be for the least fun but it's yeah you've got to be you got to be on your game today did you make any change the service yeah if softer tires on the front yeah I was turning the steering wheel mostly was that me yeah and so to the modified section as the cars lined up at the bottom of the gap there was just 5.3 seconds between the top two and this one and indeed over just 30 seconds separated the top six it was that close yeah happy enough to slogan starts that's very hard to get into tricky conditions everyone's pushing hard behind so yeah we need to keep the push on up here and on train get a bit of time back Jackson how are you getting on out there I did all know and a bit of a spun there in the first one but two good enough stages after that then you know what sure swegen hopping off to me that's far no moon nearly threw it all the way in here the last name but before all of that once again the sights and sounds of the Metro 6r4 with Craig rain and Paul Nagel through with the center of attention that service back in Killarney and money had stayed up in malls gap to see the car once again traverse the famous old stage sadly though bream was forced to retire on stage five Banach Beamer when the prop shaft broke after a job [Music] sad end it was great to see it in action yeah unfortunately the Sun there the second or nobody FEMA we've broken I reckon it's a prop shaft or something the transmission so it's pity with a really real nice one on the gap when will you get an INT wooden was enjoying this one as well so what they all care is an old technology and you have to be gentle with them sometime so maybe it's a lesson to be learned not such a good day either for our early leader Rob Duggan who retired with a blown engine on stage for the sound of the escort going through the gap were the soundings of its death knell as a result of Duggan's demise Declan Gallaher took over the modified lead and had a control drive through the second loop at the end of six states the daunting old driver has justified his long trip down from Donegal 28.3 seconds ahead of the rest [Music] Chris Armstrong was quickest on Mars gap second time around was back at the second place but it would be a big ass to relink Gallaher on the final two stages [Music] one right for the last one exactly work for that - the camera for the 36 a great I think Texans too far ahead of us at the minute we're on the big push but here he's just a different piece we're happy enough there's our people to update in the last loop you guys the end they would be happy Jonathan Pringles up to third after stage four but his run came to an end on the next stage panic Pima - as he retired the Ford Escort lets Pringle out now Gary Caron then took over third place but he - bowed out of the events this time in stage six Cara Lake not a good event for the usually reliable tournament and it was now turning out to be a rally of attrition in the modified scotland's david bowie also retired mechanical trouble with the trottle the cause of his demise edge towards the end of this stage they were diploma the fly-by-wire motor failed so base already no throttle and between that and then it's tacking on it was they just a case of sweat you know often preserving the engine and keeping the car in the road with money ahead of him of falling by the wayside and O'Brian was surprised to find himself up to third now 40 6.5 seconds off the overall modified lead last few stages now just such a pleasure to drive or just coming off the stage with a smile on her face so we're looking returned a good for the rest her falling out so I know we're really having fun Martin McGee was also the beneficiary of retirements and he was now up to fourth when McGee had some moments of his own well held sir [Applause] push sing that often the one left maybe door push left over that's the one there see four five letters I am impressed five left on foot Edie - right / friends sexy Kononov Donohue and Eddie Donnie who are still having some technical issues in the BMW it is quite the sight and a deep sound through the valleys of the kingdom is it is now 52 Ron it's a beautiful noise not great we had a lot of problems though are there today kara keep score do but we legal caught in the gap this Marni who is set faster so we were happy with it next to the water for brothers Richard and Brian Harney would enjoy the stages and seventh in class [Music] [Applause] get out of this constant cacilie [Applause] viii Jason black and Carl Egon black the national junior champion and Billy Coleman finalists from the young rally driver of the year lack of some early mechanical issues what was going well now on the Starla 340 snippy for eight easy keep rate retreat that dog coach Patrick McHugh and porreco Donald had made the long trip south from Donegal and the Northwest crew were up to ninth [Music] John Devlin the John McCarthy switched from the top of Sunbeam to a mark to escort and they rounded out the top ten and Modifieds with two to go our first look at Vincent O'Shea the kenmare driver with Cavins Shawn Bruton sitting in for the first time they were 11th of the standings polemic driver with this crowd lazing style is Steven barn and co-driver Chris O'Donnell where LA in 12th with Tudor on [Music] local father-and-son crew Charlie and Johnny Hickey in one of four rent to kill backed cars charlie is the most experienced driver in the valley johnny is heavily involved in organizing the event Tommy McDonough and Paul Hickey are a Claire crew the regulars in Killarney on a Murphy egg here are gonna handle the local crew Connor inherited this escort from his dad ed and was putting it to good use on his home Riley party three left in the four left in a sign you know it's on it in at the saw in you know what 100 sharp all right 100 a tree lip gloss over crystal hot 16 born an owner donahoo another local crew going well boarding no issues boogie bear three right intercooler spiritual core interface my little baby crest and here's Thomas Randall's and Tony Healy winner of the inaugural carlo mark to challenge back in 2004 travels out of retirement and enjoying his run oops to return next year in the new escort to the gap square where there's no party and an invitation [Music] [Applause] so the top five in hysterics after six stages to Tehran it is own Murphy who leads from mark Falvey but the gap is minimal Thomas Davies and third head of near Williams and Phil Collins in fifth place eating the Modifieds is Declan Gallaher chris armstrong at second and O'Brien Martin McGee and Colin O'Donoghue make up the top five what an incredible event so far and it's not over just yet the crowds have turned out in their droves for the rent kill initial hilarity historic rally join us for more action after the break [Music] you [Music] welcome back to part three of this year's Killarney history stages rally as we look forward to the final two stages the back-to-back runs overkill common which is located to the north of Killarney and things couldn't be tighter at the top of the historic section of this year's event as going into the last two stages just 7.3 seconds separated the Talbot Sunbeam of leader on Murphy and the escort of Marc Valley is going to be a battle royal to the finish between the pair yes we're pushing as hard as we possibly can in America is in the same boat don't the last Tuesday's you know we see marker crease between yourself and on your line in seconds again yeah we're seven seconds with two stages to go it's three and a half seconds escapes as it had been all day there were big crowds out of the stage at kill common waiting to see how the battle between Murphy and favi would unfold and we caught up with a wedding couple who delayed their ceremony for the rally now that's commitment and lean you moved your waiting to accommodate the rally today we did that's fantastic devastation you're missing it now we could do the rooming outside during the mess leave how do you feel about missing the rally today you're not too devastated more costly O'Reilly which one we leave Paula and leme to enjoy their celebrations as we turn to stage seven the penultimate run of this year's event at kill common and Murphy gave himself a little breathing room as he extended his overall needs nine point six seconds at the cork mandolin off to winners first ever Killarney historic rally certainly wasn't holding back it was all now up to second place mark Falvey and James O'Brien they just owned it ten seconds to make up now when they traversed the stage for the second time it was all or nothing profoundly as the last stage of this year's event loomed Thomas Davies had managed to force his way up to third now with one to go in his escort and he held that third place by 1.3 seconds slipping 2/4 on the second last stage near Williams in the escort but he was still not out on that chase for third and would hope that his second ronica common taken past Davies a puncture early on for Phil Collins in the Opel Ascona really could pay to any chance that Collins would have had he was fifth though in hysterics as they approach the final stage why the action was going on in the hysterics there was no problem in the Modifieds for Declan Gallaher and John McGraw such was their lead they could probably have done the final stage in Reverse and still won despite the stall [Music] second but still with work to do to hold on to that second place and O'Brien and John Potter in the mark two they led the third place crew by just 7.1 seconds [Music] Chris Armstrong was second after six stages but he disappeared from our timing sheets in the penultimate stage allowing O'Brien up two seconds Martin Magee and Denis Omaha knee and the rest Court were now third if they pushed hard enough they could we have a chance of snatching second and Modifieds on the last stage Colin O'Donoghue and Eddie tardy was safely in fourth place in the modified in the BMW with one States to go as ever there's a huge contingent of Carrie Cruz and Killarney Laura Clubman here's some highlights of the locals on their home rally [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dave won the top local man here today trying to get back in today one old competing with a long time saw the Pierces done Royal Creek how are you faring out the moment it's slippy a bud skinny Eustace this is Jason Ferrell the son of Clark of the course Martin Ferrell with cleaner Murphy on the notes carrying out safety duties in the Honda Civic and Jason's father Martin was delighted at how the event was going this year Myles get this morning just like the old days you know it like Elliott's invented me in December you know just fabulous the banners the cruise with with renta killer board they came on board again for another two years we're going with nine or ten months no word preparation it's been unbelievable without my commandeer in tickled it just wouldn't happen the prize gaming would be back at the Ronnie HQ as the Glen Eagle hotel later in the evening and this what was up for grabs as the crews battled it out for class honors and so to the class honors as the fans waited for the conclusion of the final stage class one winners Kevin Flanagan and Vanessa Hamilton from Wicklow and Scotland respectively in the Austin Mini Cooper last two winners David Fleming and Kevin Doherty endure Austin Mini class three winners Tommy McDonough and Paul Hickey from County Clare in their mark two [Music] class four honors went to Lloyd Hutchinson and woody Fitzpatrick from County Wicklow and leash respectively in their Cooper S in class five the national junior champion Jason black and Carl Eagan who finishes off a fine year when the class win in the Toyota Starlet in class 6/5 were Leonard Downey and Mark Murphy both from County Cork in the Ford Escort Mark two [Music] fourth Dave Slattery and Dennis coffee from County Kerry in the Ford Escort Slattery Hatton competed for seven years and he takes home the arere dn't trophy for the best carry crew third John Devlin and John McCarthy in their mark two Ford Escort [Music] second in class 6 Richard and Bryan Harney from County Waterford in their mark to the winners of the class Raymond Conlan and Damien Fleming in the Toyota Corolla and to the top three overall in the modified section third home Martin Magee and Dennis Imani in the Ford Escort second eclipsing mark Magee by just 7.1 seconds and O'Brien a job Butler in their mark two Ford Escort for the runaway winner of the modified stone Eagles Declan Gallaher and John McCarthy in their rear-wheel drive Toyota Starlet now could we really enjoyed the event and you know sorry we lost so many voice long the road you know but look at you have to get to the end to Fairplay to John here for all his hard work and the boys approaching motorsport like the key I was faultless all day and I really enjoyed it moving on now to the historic classes and in class K fifth home Brenden mockery and mild Kelly from county monaghan in the Porsche 911 fourth Joe and Richard Connolly from County Kilkenny via the USA for Joe Ford Escort RS 1600 their care of Joyce [Music] third home guy Anderson and Steve link one of our English visitors in the Mitsubishi Galant sadly Andy Johnston and Jays McSherry blew up in third retired on the final stage in their Vauxhall Chevette seconds Todd and Peter Falvey the local crew in there for escort mark two [Music] and the trip was worthwhile for Jonathan Greer and Kirsty Riddick from County Down and Scotland respectively in their Ford Sierra as they took class honours in be 2/3 home was Kenneth Tracy and Brian Hoffman from County Carlow in their Morris mini [Music] second Colin McDowell and Wendy Blackledge in the Austin Mini and first home the veteran ray Cunningham and Kevin cane from County Galway in the Morris Mini Cooper S class c-1 winners Tom O'Brien and Scott a bride from County Cork in their Austin Mini [Music] see three third home Mike Simpson and Dale Gibbons in there mark Warren escort [Music] second home in Class C 3 Pat Looney and John Falvey the local crew doing well in there mark 1 ford escort first in that class Morris and Steven Maskull from County Limerick in their escorting on to Class C 5 second home the legend that is Jimmy McRae and no driver Mikey Galvin in the Vauxhall Forenza Jimmy it's great to finish another historic rally ya know it's fantastic as I said before you know Kalani is this guy an atmosphere where you doing you don't get that's not anywhere else even the Bourdon reign at the finish the stove loads of people here so it's been gain first home in c5 Thomas Davies and Shane Buckley in the Ford Escort in d3 third home Allen Watkins son le McCarthy in the mark two Ford Escort [Music] second in that class from the Isle of Man Declan Jackson and his County Donegal co-driver Sean Lafferty in their Ford Escort the winner Duncan Williams and guy Weaver English pair and the Ford Escort in d5 fifth in class perry Jones and Brian Quinlan from Wales in County Cork respectively in their mark two for three Hilliard and Connor Walsh in the Ford Escort RS 1600 third Ennis Cronin and Helena Sullivan County Cork in their mark to Ford escorts [Music] second karma courts and Barry McNulty from Tyrone and Kenneth Romano respectively their mark two Ford Escort [Music] first in class and also finishing in fifth overall daniel Jones and Garen berry from Wales in there for escort the e2 class winner lez Alfre and Keith fellows visiting from the UK and to the overall in the historic Phil Collins and Adrien DC had been third at one point sadly for them they retired their Opel Ascona on the very last stage setting fastest time of the final stage Neil Williams and Anthony O'Sullivan overhauled Thomas Davis and Shane Buckley to take third on the historic podium and despite going nine seconds quicker than Murphy on the final stage it wasn't enough for Mark Falvey and James O'Brien who had to settle for the runner-up spot for the second year in a row and to the victory ramp at the Glen Eagles in the rain and Murphy celebrated the win by just one point one seconds much closer oh and what a great ride today how speeds be a champion that's brilliant it was a fierce close finish at the end was only a second between us but today his first time you saw me mondadori as well so it is fantastic we did his best but far we just couldn't close the gap on the final stage Scott fairly closely at 13.7 I think of a second and all time cards in this or next year again we'll have to try and get the top spot so the top five in hysterics the winner on Murphy and Anthony Nestor just 1.1 seconds ahead of mark Falvey and James O'Brien third near Williams fourth Thomas Davis and daniel Jones in fifth place range kill initial clarity historic rally has proven once again why it is the most prestigious event for historic rally cars the weather hasn't dampened spirits and we've seen some outstanding performances from all of the drivers from all of us here at the clinic in hotels and beyond the limits for esteem thank you so much for watching see you soon sadly not long after the event Morris Nagel father of Paul Nagle and have founded this rally some 22 years ago passed away after a short illness the Killarney and district motor club described the late Morris as a true rally supporter and legend who be sadly missed by all our yesterday Karev arm [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: On The Limit Sports
Views: 28,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Killarney Historic Rally 2018, Killarney Historic Rally 2018 full programme, Killarney Historic Rally 2018 full program
Id: fgx5ShWGyKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 13sec (3013 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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