Kiki Smith Interview: Advice to the Young

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artist the main thing is that you follow your work that follow it as as truthfully as you can even when it brings you into ditches and stuff like that but rather than rather than holding an idea of how you want it to be rather than trying to manipulate your life to be a particular way that your life just unfold itself you know listening to your work but just being attentive to it I don't know for me I always say things become apparent that it becomes apparent what to do and I think time they change radically you know I have like I thought I was making all these prints of cross-sections of trees and they're all you know the answer cross-sections of trees with with bosoms or with you know body parts or something and they've like turned into some other completely different things so far you know maybe it might get back to that but at the moment they're in some completely other trajectory and sometimes you then you have to go back and say no I insist that it has to be this way and now I have to remake the whole thing it can exist that way but I have to go back and remake it like with this vision I have and that sometimes that doesn't happen you just like let it fall out the window and follow what you know what is at hand just to me that one thing is the importance of time and the importance for showing up for your work you know you have to show up and do it I mean I think when I was young when I was when I first came to New York I couldn't really tell the difference between an idea and making something because I was too afraid of like the making process or whether I could do it or not or you know yeah it made me too nervous I was afraid of it or something like that and you know and then I was like having an idea and talking about your ideas you need to have the physical experience of making something because it's a proof you know and it's a collaboration between you and the physical world or what but it it all's you need that relation that you need to risk having that relationship you know wherever it goes I think that I think that's the difference I'm less afraid of doing things now and then when I was younger but you know I know it's also just a tremendous luxury that an artist takes for themselves just to you know like go down their own rabbit hole into what ever engages them I mean that's like you couldn't have a more luxury life than that possible but it's only because people take it for themselves you
Channel: Louisiana Channel
Views: 21,953
Rating: 4.9792747 out of 5
Keywords: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum, art, kiki smith, artist, advice to the young, art lessons, drawings, lillith, artist statement, interview, tate, tate shots, Kiki Smith – 'I Make Things to Experience the Process' | TateShots, When fantasy meets popular folklore: Artist Kiki Smith’s work on display in Paris, Kiki Smith - Procession: Opening and Artist Talk, artist talk
Id: 5MlVXco6cVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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