Kids Try Street Food from Asia | Kids Try | HiHo Kids

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- [Interviewer] So there's hard boiled egg crumbles, broccoli, corn, and bacon. - Can you repeat the bacon? - [Interviewer] Bacon. - I love bacon. (soft upbeat music) - I'm feeling so hungry. - [Interviewer] (laughs) Well Clara, today we're going to feed you some delicious foods. Today we're focusing on street foods from Asia. - (gasps) Yes! - Asia! My friend is Asian. - [Interviewer] Do you know anybody else that's Asian? - Nope. - [Interviewer] I'm Asian. You're Asian. We're all Asian. (upbeat music) (plate slides) - [Interviewer] And, open! - They're tipping, they're falling. - Why is this moving? One's waving at me. - [Interviewer] (laughs) So the reason that they're moving is because the balls underneath- the takoyaki are hot. And they react to the heat. - Oh! I've had these before. - [Interviewer] Really? - They're the takoyaki, they're octopus balls. - Yes! - [Interviewer] Yes, takoyaki. - I've had these before in Japan. - Yeah, it's good. - It's so yummy. - I'm not into this. - Octopus is good when it's grilled and some other stuff, but octopus plain or raw, it's kind of an acquired taste I would say. (cup slides) - Smells weird. Oh wow. Are these bugs? - They look like bugs. - [Interviewer] We wouldn't give you bugs. - Now that you're saying that, (interviewer laughs) I'm more confident that it is bugs. - Are they poisonous? Do they do anything to you? - [Interviewer] They provide you with protein. - It's an interesting taste. - I don't like it. - The first bite they kind of like explode in your mouth, but then like after a little bit they kind of taste like peas a little bit. - Tasted like roasted chicken and eggs. - [Interviewer] Oh that sounds pretty good. - (chews) Yeah really meaty. It's kind of like a mix of salmon and steak. - [Interviewer] Are you starting to like it? - No. (bowl slides) - Looks kind of like pad thai. Smells like pad thai. Tastes like pad thai. - [Interviewer] Those are worms. I'm just kidding. (laughs) It's from a country called Cambodia. You got all quiet all of a sudden. - (chews) Can I keep eating? (interviewer laughs) - [Interviewer] It says here that people in Cambodia will eat this at any time. What do you think about noodles for breakfast? - Sounds good. If I had my way, I'd probably have Asian food every meal. (container slides) (fork clunks) - [Child] Is it noodles again? I'm going to smell it. (container slides) Mm! Smells like mac and cheese. - Hmm. - What is this? Oh broccoli! - It's like covered in cheese, smells like cheese, cheese, corn, fried stuff, seems pretty dang American to me. - I think it's good, but can you take this on the go? (chews) - [Interviewer] (laughs) How's it going? - Yeah it does well on the go. - Looks a lot more unhealthy than the stuff we've been eating like so far. - [Interviewer] But, there's broccoli. - (laughs) That's like saying mint chocolate chip ice cream is healthy, because it's got mint in it. (interviewer laughs) - [Child] Saved the best for last. - [Interviewer] Alright, open your eyes. - Looks kind of like crepes. - Tacos, I thought you said it was going to be dessert. - [Interviewer] It's not a taco. - It's so messy. (chews) (smacks table) - [Interviewer] That yellow stuff is egg. - No it's not. - [Interviewer] It is. What you are eating is an ancient Thai dessert. - Creamy and light, but at the same time, it fills you up. Dang, the ancient Thai people knew what they were doing. (interviewer laughs) - Thank you for watching. - What's the best street food in your country? Let us know in the comments, goodbye!
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 3,091,689
Rating: 4.9349809 out of 5
Keywords: PL2etPlnTb9sVxgqJsqelbBfixN-mwrA3d, PL2etPlnTb9sWYqZ40D6G36Exbkz--5ENd, Kids Try, Food, American kids try, Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, unboxing videos, family, family friendly, Maddox, games, experiment, kids play, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, Cut, Watch Cut, Cut Videos, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven, Carolina, Street Food, Asia
Id: HKvR8YTAm2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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