- Help, help, help, help.
Help, help, help. - I need answers
for why this exists. - Dreams come true, people. ♪ (French accordion music) ♪ - (FBE) So, we're gonna try
some crazy ice cream today. - Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,
oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I love ice cream. - I love ice cream.
I nonstop eat ice cream. - Ice cream?
That sounds good. - I just love tasting
different things and I love eating of course. - Is this gonna be
some disgusting ice cream? - Oh God, it's gonna be
the mayo ice cream? - Some stuff might taste bad
like maybe fish. Fish ice cream.
Hopefully no fish ice cream. - It's ice cream.
It has to taste good, so I'm excited. - Let's get to it. - (FBE) Here's your first one.
- It's just-- it looks like vanilla
ice cream at least. - It looks like vanilla ice cream,
but I'm suspecting that it's not. - Doesn't look crazy,
but most of the ones that don't look crazy, are crazy. - I like it because
it tastes creamy. - Bleh.
Is this melted cheese? - Uh, that's disgusting.
Ew, is that mayonnaise? That's terrible. - It tastes like normal ice cream
and then half a second later, it tastes like mayonnaise.
I don't like it. - (FBE) So, this is
mayonnaise ice cream. - No wonder I don't like it.
I hate mayonnaise. - (FBE) This flavor
was created in an ice cream shop
in Scotland called Ice. - I thought it was
very weird. Why do we need
mayonnaise ice cream? What are you supposed
to do with it? Are you supposed to
put it on a sandwich and just eat it? - I don't know why this exists.
I still disagree with its existing, but you know what,
it's fine. - (FBE) Here's your next.
- This looks more promising. - This looks like
strawberry ice cream, but I don't think it is. - Doesn't really
smell like anything. I guess I'll taste it. Hm, not bad.
I feel like it's coconut. - Tastes a little sweet. - I don't hate it.
I've tasted it before. I know the flavor.
I just don't know what it is. - That one was good,
but then just the aftertaste was pretty bad. - (FBE) This is actually
hot Cheeto flavored ice cream.
- Okay, now my taste buds are finally working.
I can taste the Cheetos and it's so good. - Once again, I need answers
for why this exists, but I'm not against it. - I feel like Jordan
would like this, 'cause she likes Cheetos. - What?
I love hot Cheetos. Dreams come true, people.
If you like hot Cheetos, then eat this. - (FBE) Here's your next one.
- For some reason, this looks more
like mayonnaise than the last one.
Okay, there's spots in it. - Wait, what is that clump? - I've tasted this before.
Some kind of bready snack. I think it starts at sour
then goes to more sweet. - Tastes like pickles.
Kinda sour. A little bit sweet. - What was that?
That one was wet like cookies or something.
Or it could be peanut butter. - It just has this weird
un-soothing cooling... just something I'd
put on a sandwich. - (FBE) So, this is
peanut butter and pickle ice cream.
- Oh my-- bleh.
That's gross. I don't like peanut butter
and pickles mixed together, but I would like them
separately. - Help, help, help, help,
help, help, help. I hate pickles. - How do they think that's
gonna sell well? - Why would they make
a peanut butter and pickle flavor? I mean, they have nothing
in common. - (FBE) Here's your next. - Should I be worried? - The other flavors haven't
really been too good, so let's hope this one
is good. It does not smell
like it will be good. - Oh my gosh,
these red things. If this is tomatoes... I'm pretty sure I've had it.
It's a sauce or something. - I got a tiny bit
of tomato. - Tomato? - I don't really eat
condiments that often, so I can't really tell
the difference. Maybe it's mustard,
maybe it's ketchup, maybe it's ranch. - I don't like it one bit. - (FBE) So, this is ketchup
flavored ice cream. - This doesn't even taste
close to ketchup. - They look like normal
ice cream flavors. I'd be like, "Hey,
what's that?" They'll be like, "Ketchup"
and I'll be like, "Never mind. You can keep it." - (FBE) Here is
your last one. - Oh no.
It's black. - This looks like one
of those things that you'd see on somebody's Instagram
being like, "Wow, it's black ice cream." - This does not look
appetizing one single bit. I'm honestly kind of scared
to try this. - Yes.
Now this is a good ice cream. It tastes a little bitterish. - I don't taste anything,
but it kind of tastes good, I guess.
It's a little salty and sweet. - Tastes like a more bitter
version of vanilla ice cream. It's the most decent one
I've had. I probably wouldn't
try it again purposefully. - It's a weird thing.
It tastes like just a regular ice cream flavor
just a weird color. - This is like zombie,
vampire ice cream. - (FBE) So, this is
activated charcoal ice cream.
- I've had charcoal lemonade before. - (FBE) The ingredient itself
does not have much of a taste, but the color
has made it very popular on Instagram.
- So, it's charcoal? Like what you make
fires with? So am I flammable now? - You may not think
this is appetizing at all, but it's actually really,
really yummy. I recommend this. - (FBE) How do you feel
about trying all these crazy ice creams today?
- I liked it, but I also really
did not like it. I could have gone a thousand
years my whole life without knowing about
these kind of ice creams. - Thanks for watching us
try ice cream on the React Channel. - Don't miss out,
Subscribe. - Let us know what
we should try next time down in the comments. - I scream, you scream,
we all scream for ice cream. - Hey guys, I'm Katie,
a React Channel producer. Thank you so much
for watching these kids eat some crazy
ice cream flavors. Be sure to follow us
on Instagram if you're not already.
It's @FBE and you can see what we're up to.