KIDS TRY CRAZY ICE CREAM (Mayo, Charcoal, Hot Cheetos)

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- Help, help, help, help. Help, help, help. - I need answers for why this exists. - Dreams come true, people. ♪ (French accordion music) ♪ - (FBE) So, we're gonna try some crazy ice cream today. - Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I love ice cream. - I love ice cream. I nonstop eat ice cream. - Ice cream? That sounds good. - I just love tasting different things and I love eating of course. - Is this gonna be some disgusting ice cream? - Oh God, it's gonna be the mayo ice cream? - Some stuff might taste bad like maybe fish. Fish ice cream. Hopefully no fish ice cream. - It's ice cream. It has to taste good, so I'm excited. - Let's get to it. - (FBE) Here's your first one. - It's just-- it looks like vanilla ice cream at least. - It looks like vanilla ice cream, but I'm suspecting that it's not. - Doesn't look crazy, but most of the ones that don't look crazy, are crazy. - I like it because it tastes creamy. - Bleh. Is this melted cheese? - Uh, that's disgusting. Ew, is that mayonnaise? That's terrible. - It tastes like normal ice cream and then half a second later, it tastes like mayonnaise. I don't like it. - (FBE) So, this is mayonnaise ice cream. - No wonder I don't like it. I hate mayonnaise. - (FBE) This flavor was created in an ice cream shop in Scotland called Ice. - I thought it was very weird. Why do we need mayonnaise ice cream? What are you supposed to do with it? Are you supposed to put it on a sandwich and just eat it? - I don't know why this exists. I still disagree with its existing, but you know what, it's fine. - (FBE) Here's your next. - This looks more promising. - This looks like strawberry ice cream, but I don't think it is. - Doesn't really smell like anything. I guess I'll taste it. Hm, not bad. I feel like it's coconut. - Tastes a little sweet. - I don't hate it. I've tasted it before. I know the flavor. I just don't know what it is. - That one was good, but then just the aftertaste was pretty bad. - (FBE) This is actually hot Cheeto flavored ice cream. - Okay, now my taste buds are finally working. I can taste the Cheetos and it's so good. - Once again, I need answers for why this exists, but I'm not against it. - I feel like Jordan would like this, 'cause she likes Cheetos. - What? I love hot Cheetos. Dreams come true, people. If you like hot Cheetos, then eat this. - (FBE) Here's your next one. - For some reason, this looks more like mayonnaise than the last one. Okay, there's spots in it. - Wait, what is that clump? - I've tasted this before. Some kind of bready snack. I think it starts at sour then goes to more sweet. - Tastes like pickles. Kinda sour. A little bit sweet. - What was that? That one was wet like cookies or something. Or it could be peanut butter. - It just has this weird un-soothing cooling... just something I'd put on a sandwich. - (FBE) So, this is peanut butter and pickle ice cream. - Oh my-- bleh. That's gross. I don't like peanut butter and pickles mixed together, but I would like them separately. - Help, help, help, help, help, help, help. I hate pickles. - How do they think that's gonna sell well? - Why would they make a peanut butter and pickle flavor? I mean, they have nothing in common. - (FBE) Here's your next. - Should I be worried? - The other flavors haven't really been too good, so let's hope this one is good. It does not smell like it will be good. - Oh my gosh, these red things. If this is tomatoes... I'm pretty sure I've had it. It's a sauce or something. - I got a tiny bit of tomato. - Tomato? - I don't really eat condiments that often, so I can't really tell the difference. Maybe it's mustard, maybe it's ketchup, maybe it's ranch. - I don't like it one bit. - (FBE) So, this is ketchup flavored ice cream. - This doesn't even taste close to ketchup. - They look like normal ice cream flavors. I'd be like, "Hey, what's that?" They'll be like, "Ketchup" and I'll be like, "Never mind. You can keep it." - (FBE) Here is your last one. - Oh no. It's black. - This looks like one of those things that you'd see on somebody's Instagram being like, "Wow, it's black ice cream." - This does not look appetizing one single bit. I'm honestly kind of scared to try this. - Yes. Now this is a good ice cream. It tastes a little bitterish. - I don't taste anything, but it kind of tastes good, I guess. It's a little salty and sweet. - Tastes like a more bitter version of vanilla ice cream. It's the most decent one I've had. I probably wouldn't try it again purposefully. - It's a weird thing. It tastes like just a regular ice cream flavor just a weird color. - This is like zombie, vampire ice cream. - (FBE) So, this is activated charcoal ice cream. - I've had charcoal lemonade before. - (FBE) The ingredient itself does not have much of a taste, but the color has made it very popular on Instagram. - So, it's charcoal? Like what you make fires with? So am I flammable now? - You may not think this is appetizing at all, but it's actually really, really yummy. I recommend this. - (FBE) How do you feel about trying all these crazy ice creams today? - I liked it, but I also really did not like it. I could have gone a thousand years my whole life without knowing about these kind of ice creams. - Thanks for watching us try ice cream on the React Channel. - Don't miss out, Subscribe. - Let us know what we should try next time down in the comments. - I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. - Hey guys, I'm Katie, a React Channel producer. Thank you so much for watching these kids eat some crazy ice cream flavors. Be sure to follow us on Instagram if you're not already. It's @FBE and you can see what we're up to. Bye.
Channel: REACT
Views: 743,208
Rating: 4.9016914 out of 5
Keywords: mayonnaise ice cream, charcoal ice cream, hot cheetos ice cream, MAYONNAISE ICE CREAM?, people vs food, vs food, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, do they know it, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, ice cream, ice cream prank, mayonnaise ice cream prank
Id: evftmW3lEb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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