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join kids had family [Music] [Music] that is not nice tofu what if your friends find out they will stop talking to you won't pay oh no I am so clever they won't find out ever let me tell you the story of another clever boy called dawn soya [Music] Tom Sawyer lifts with his aunt Bonnie and half-brother sick he was an extremely clever boy who loved mischief but Tom also had a very good luck which always helped him get away with the mischief he did one day his Aunt Polly was looking for him Tom Tom where are you she looked everywhere she looked outside in the yard inside in the house and the kitchen she looked in her room - but he was nowhere she went back to his room and called to him so stop hiding and come out now but there was no answer suddenly Aunt Polly saw something move under Tom's bed she thought it was stone she bent down and swiftly pulled the bed cover a cat that Dom had hidden there sprung out at aunt Connie surprised looking at this she shouted oh dear when did Tom get the cat wait til I find that boy [Music] justice Aunt Polly was showing the cat out of the handle she felt someone behind her it was Tom trying to escape from the room [Music] he had been hiding in the cupboard [Music] Aunt Polly got him by the collar Tom what were you doing hiding in the cupboard you ate all the jam didn't you no Aunt Polly I haven't even touched the jam it must have been said don't you lie to me young man I can see the jam all over your face Tom quickly tried to wipe his face but it was too late today I am going to beat you with a stick you have become too mischievous Aunt Polly look behind you Aunt Polly turn to see but there was no one it was just one of Tom's tricks and this time he used it to get away from Aunt Polly because when she turned around again he wasn't there oh this boy one of these days I am going to punish him Don was so happy with himself for fooling Aunt Polly again that he decided to take the day off from school instead he went to the river and bathed in it [Music] at lunchtime he went into a nearby farm stone fruits from there and ran out there with the owner chasing behind him just as he was running she bumped into Sid Sid saw Tom's wet hair and clothes and the fruits in his hands and understood that Tom hadn't gone to school but he didn't say anything when Tom reached home Aunt Polly was waiting for him and she was angry Tom understood that Sid had told her everything Tom did you skip school again ah no Aunt Polly citizen how did you know Sid said anything to me well for once Tom had got himself into trouble he had no answer for aunt Polly's question tomorrow is Saturday you don't have school you will not go anywhere instead you will whitewash the fence the entire thinness yes the entire fence that is your punishment Tom had no choice he couldn't argue with Aunt Polly he didn't want to make her angrier but he was angry too the fence would take up his whole Saturday he went into the yard and kicked at the dust [Music] just then he saw said coming in he quickly made a mud ball and swung it at him hope Aunt Polly why did you have to tell anything to Aunt Polly Tom flung a few more mud balls at Sid and then jumped over the fence and ran away he knew he was already punished so nothing worse could happen now next morning when Tom came down for breakfast he was greeted with a pail of paint and paintbrushes [Music] Aunt Polly had been serious about his punishment so Tom ate his breakfast and went into the yard to whitewash the fence [Music] [Applause] [Applause] painstakingly he finished a bit of it that's when his friend Joe came up to him hey Tom why are you working on a Saturday morning working who said anything about working well why are you painting the fence then I'm doing it because it is art haven't you heard of hot Joe well I have but I have never done it is it fun oh yes it is why else would I do it Joe thought about it it was true Tom Sawyer would never do anything that wasn't fun he'll ask Tom if he could also try it Tom agreed to let Joe do only a small portion of it in exchange of three models Joe thought three marbles was too much but agreed he wanted to try art [Music] a little while later dear friend Genting he saw tom resting under the tree and joe painting the fence he went to Joe what are you doing Joe it is art I paint Tom tree marbles - let me do it three models is it that good yes very good Jim dashed to Tom immediately and asked if an exchange of his fish book he too could whitewash the fence Tom paint some reluctance but agreed and so it went on other friends of Tom came and believed that painting the fence was fun the paid tom in collectors cards candies and even a catapult to get a chance to paint the fence by noon the entire fence was painted and tom was a rich boy he hid his treasures and went to his aunt [Music] it's done what unbelievable let me see Aunt Polly took Tom with her to see the fence indeed it was done and it was done very nicely how did he do it anyway his punishment is over now I will have to let him go I hope he does not create more mischief but as always when Aunt Polly turned around to tell Tom that his punishment was over he was already gone [Music] the next day was Sunday and Tom went to Sunday school when he reached there he saw a new girl and was smitten by her he desperately wanted to impress her he thought of a way he could prove himself better than the other boys he went to one of the smartest boys in the class and bought from him all his yellow tickets in exchange of the treasure he had earned from his friends yesterday the yellow tickets were awarded only to those boys who had learned all the verses of the Bible usually only all the boys were able to get the yellow tickets when you had enough yellow tickets you could exchange them for a Bible the minister asked the class does anyone have enough yellow tickets for a Bible nobody had so many tickets except Tom who raised his hand everybody including the minister was surprised tom was the most naughty boy they knew how could he have learned all the verses of the Bible the minister understood this was one of Tom's tricks and he decided to test him worried well done Tom please come here and collect your Bible also as is tradition when you earn your Bible you get to recite any three of your favorite verses from it tom was stumped three verses he didn't even know one he fumbled [Music] the whole class laughed at him as they understood that mischievous Tom had got into a big soup this time do you still think you will never get caught oh no Tia I have to go and tell my friends the truth and apologize to them right away look at that girl Tia that boy will beat her up easily I don't think she should get into a fight with him no tofu the boy was wrong to have stolen her bag and the girl deserves a chance to get it back but she is a girl she can't win against a boy like that she will get hurt just because she is a girl doesn't mean she has to fear tofu girls also have a lot of courage and strength do you know if a girl like that yes I do her name is Mulan Mulan who is she [Music] [Music] mulan lived in ancient China with her parents she was the only child her only companion was a dog called little brother Mulan's father used to be a great warrior but he had hurt his leg in a war and couldn't fight anymore one day a messenger came from the Emperor the Huns China's army had attacked and at least one man from each army had been ordered to join the Emperor's Imperial Army this was terrible news for Mulan and her family as a friend that her father would have to go back to war that night when her parents had slept mulan had an idea [Music] she took her father's sword and cut her hair off then she put on his Warriors uniform and she looked just like a man [Music] she took little brother and made her way to her Imperial Army's campsite there she met captain li Shang what is your name thing sir very well then time to begin your training Yunnan was delighted that everybody had accepted her as a man and started her training sadly she lagged behind all the other warriors you are not fit to be in my army you are slowing everyone down go back to your village [Music] returning to her village would have brought great shame to her family so Mulan came up with another plan she wrote a fake letter to the army saying that the Huns have attacked reading the letter li Shang ordered his army onward with me marched to the mountains we shall defeat the Huns forever as the army was crossing the pass that led to the mountains they found themselves surrounded by thousands of Huns we've been cheated the Huns were supposed to be in the mountains soon the entire Imperial Army was under attack Mulan had another idea she took the last cannon and let it there was a huge blast which destroyed most of the Huns for it injured Mulan too she was rushed to the doctors tent bring ping to this bed I will take care of him but there was a surprise waiting for the doctor [Music] oh my god Bing is one get me captain Lee Shang immediately the doctor told the captain what she'd found few days later when the army started moving Shang spoke to Mulan you have cheated me but you also saved the army in the passes hence your punishment is that you can no longer be a part of the army you will not come with us Mulan was very upset and heartbroken she needed to do something to save her family's honour that's when she heard the Huns voices Oh No the hands are still alive I must warn the captain and so Mulan raced to Imperial City to warn Shang they are alive we must prepare for another attack from the Huns I cannot trust you anymore you have cheated me before you are not welcome here leave Mulan tried to inform the other leaders but no one would listen to her meanwhile the Hun leader Shan you attacked the city and kidnapped the Emperor please Shang and Mulan freed the Emperor [Applause] [Music] mulan then enticed sham you to follow her to the rooftop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there she tricked him and grabbed his sword and pinned his coat to the roof as the two armies collided [Music] there was a huge explosion and the roof was destroyed thinking with it shan-yu milan fell to the ground when she sat up she saw that the Imperial Army had won and the Huns had been banished from the city forever the Emperor was very happy with Milan's bravery and gifted her a sword as a token of appreciation milan went home and presented the sword to her father who was very happy with the honour that his daughter had brought to the family suddenly there was a knock at the door [Music] it was captain li Shang he'd come to return mulan her helmet that she had forgotten milan invited him to stay for dinner and he graciously accepted so you see tofu girls can do anything they put their heart to tofu tofu are you listening to me yes dear I am I am just thinking how wrong I was to think that girls can't fight well now you know so better be careful before you pick a fight with a girl next time [Music] [Music] whoa that was odd wasn't it dear yes it reminds me of Henry the ghost of the Warren family house what is Henry's story once upon a time they lived a beautiful family of the Warren's Jim and Alice and their two children penny and Rick they had just moved into the new house penny and Rick loved the new house look Rick I can see till the lake from my bedroom window that's also penny come and see from my window I can see our garden I am glad you love your rooms children maybe you can tire swing for them on the large tree Jim [Music] the children were excited by the moms suggestion they quickly went to the garden and helped their dad die the swing for them later they came back into the house had a lovely supper and everybody went to sleep it must have been a few hours into the night when Ric was awakened by a noise in the garden he looked out of the window it was the swing and someone was on it who was there during the sound whoever was on the swing quickly got off and ran away Ric also went back into his bed and fell asleep [Music] the next morning the Warrens gathered for breakfast I saw someone on the swing last night I couldn't see clearly in the dark but it was someone shot what that's not possible honey I'm sure it was the wind playing tricks with you Oh mother it is possible I did see someone last night the day wore on and everybody forgot about the person on the swing Gregg and Penny were playing in their room when penny called [Music] hey Rick look there's someone on the lake but there was no one that Rick could see the next morning the children told their parents about what they saw on the lake and the parents dismissed their fears yet again a few days passed the children kept seeing all shapes and the parents kept refusing them one day Benny found that her mads homework book was missing so Rick found that his favorite cricket bat was missing [Music] but mom dad you have to believe us the grown-ups were about to disagree with Rick and Benny again when suddenly mrs. warrens to walk came flying at them everybody ducked looks like the children were right there is a ghost in this house yes there is we must figure out what the ghost wants and so everybody decided to talk to the ghost they waited Penny's room at night hoping that the ghosts will come to take more of her books and write as they were the ghosts came and went to Penny's desk [Music] hello mr. ghost oh hello there everybody was shocked [Music] the ghost was no more than a boy how can we help you help me really yes we would love to that would be nice I am stuck here like a ghost because I died before my last wish was not fulfilled really tell us please how can we help my name is Henry I was a very good student and a loved man [Music] in the last week of my life I had written on Matt's exam I knew I would chop the class but before the teacher could declare my results I died I want to make my mother proud of me I wish the teacher would check my test paper and she still keeps in her desk and tells my mother the score as Jim and Alice watched Henry's ghost go out of the window they decided to help him out [Music] the next morning they enquired about Henry school and teacher once they had found her they went to her and requested her to please check his paper just as Henry had said he scored the highest in class next we must find Henry's mother let us talk to the principal [Music] and so the Warren's got Henry's mother's address from the principal they set off towards this address [Music] they found Henry's mom and explained their case to her is my Henry all right yes ma'am and he loves doing math and he wanted you to have this [Music] my son Henry he stood fast in class again I am so happy suddenly henry appeared in front of her mother mother i'm so happy to see I get my promise mom I came first in class all I wanted was for you to know that I came first I feel free to go now Henry my son I will always be proud of you Jim Alice Rick and Penny I will never forget this thank you so so much as everyone watched Henry turned into a bright light and vanished the Warrens returned to the home never to be disturbed by any ghosts again Wow dia I never knew but there can be some good goes too well tofu like there are good people and bad people in this world there are good and bad ghosts too you know I have decided what I want to become for Halloween this week let me guess Henry absolutely how did you know TIA I just did now come on let's go home before the cold wind comes back or your favorite rhymes stories and more join kids have family subscribe here [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,930,010
Rating: 4.2276063 out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, KIDS HUT STORYTELLING, Tom Sawyer, Mulan, Henry The Halloween
Id: wdN0jiDYCuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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