Kids Say the Darndest Things 24 | Kids Say

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so they're gonna do funny video and subscribe it oh yeah you know poop and and I might have to do something okay guys if they're not thank you they're not sinking no there's two cars thinking mom daddy lord this thing gets two daddies I think YouTube does mommy have stinky dude yeah you know think you - oh my god oh yeah what did you do that's it what is the mess [Music] what is that best sites it's a lot yeah that's a butterfly you're right if you give a mouse a cookie what happens next you achieved I okay gosh oh that's my girl why are you riding my girl would you call me play it that's my girl you driving in yo car you need to chill bro please don't write off with my baby [Music] don't say bad words okay no don't say bad words because you'll get in trouble if you say bad words okay what get it don't say bad words [Music] [Music] and who's your girlfriend maybe you heard that you did you teach Nana how to say the colors in mandarin did she do well but there's something change in the neighborhood you gonna call back there's something weird and it doesn't look good here you gonna call why'd you break up with Sarah [Music] say pay the poor pay the what why are you in timeout you went outside and you went peepee outside right and you yeah you can't go peepee outside you have to pee pee on the toilet I know you're a big guy but you have to pee pee in the toilet but I can you think exactly what color is this red good what color is this orange good what color is this yellow what color is this great gray awesome what color is this we're gonna pray okay dear Jesus Wow god bless mommy god bless daddy yeah god bless em uh-huh god bless Bella oh god that's Paige laughs thank you for a house thank you for food ah thank you for cars yeah thank you for the paw Patrol what [Music] [Applause] [Music] squirt on top what did you win that Zoey as a prize what do you get it again you're the first person who gets to go to bed oh that's so exciting high five say Bar Rito yeah no burrito me toe toe toe burrito really crying I don't mean to laugh and cry because I took away that microwave do we hit no no hits yeah we do not hit do we hit yeah yeah you say get out I want to play with you yeah you want to play oh you who's that do you love food but so you're just gonna bring you presents what does the cat say the Sheep say ah what does a horse say I'm sorry for laughing who broke the toy Vincent well think about it tell me who broke it that's what you think yeah you're gonna stick to that story yeah hello everyone I hope you loved this video by cute please subscribe or give us a like [Music]
Channel: Kyoot
Views: 895,531
Rating: 4.8596735 out of 5
Keywords: Kids Say the Darndest Things 24, kid say the darndest things, kyoot kids say the darndest things, kids say, kids say the darndest things, kids saying, kids say the funniest things, darnest things kids say, funny things kids say, kids saying funny things, kyoot, kyoot kids, kids say funny things, kyootsquad, cute, cute kids, funny kids, funny kid videos, cute home videos, hilarious, kids video funny, laugh, cute moments, babies, kids, kid, compilation, fail, funniest kids, #kyootsquad
Id: CpwkDMyNdoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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