Kids Say the Darndest Things 20 | Kids Say

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have a good time this band and Ronnie do babies come from Boston this house I'm the smallest I'm Chloe and then just mouth and blows oh and I'm the boss like you're like a little tornado like a not made oh yes you are you are tomatoes oh yeah rain something your mustache saw you're gonna kick my mustache off yeah great mommy's the boss [Music] hi guys today I'm on my knees I'm locked up because if I'm on timeout Handy's bathroom so she is the nella flap her bathroom is beautiful she had lots and lots of candy that's where he sold what's in Anna's belly what's in Abby's babe belly what's in Daddy's say babe say babe is the best walking on the damn show really what is it I have to push it it's gonna make my house stink [Music] [Music] max say mama when I get 88 like you I'll get big fat Susie say you you tell mama what you're thankful for what do you think before it's Thanksgiving what do you think before you thankful for mommy and daddy are you thankful for your sister's no okay you're thankful for Santa very good he says that when he's hungry yeah what are we doing Aliyah frame okay wait close your eyes honey yeah I plant the ancient to the flag of the United States of America that no I'm sorry Cuban your keys no making noise okay finish I dread that nobody makes me angry you good mommy yeah do you love flowers no Julie do you love Parker yeah do you love Kenneth yeah can you do that again why Martha who is that okay go through whoo show us your friends who are your friends go through no you can't go through the phone oh my god the baby's name is hunter yeah yeah no his name is hunter no his name is not Joe his name is hunter yeah no his name is hunter why why it would be boring in my tummy wouldn't it yeah what would you do in there tell me what you're gonna do if I take another picture of you and use it on your wedding day [Applause] what you're gonna do pull your nipple aired out oh man really Crashdown your hand [Music] no you have plenty here yes three times ago [Music] [Music] it is the last day of school can we please make it a bit free day please can we do that I'm begging you can we do that thank you it starts now okay tell each other that you love each other tell each other that you're the best sister in the entire world tell each other they always help each other gets the extra Cheerios in the ball I'm sure you guys always so much but hit the like button subscribe and that anything do not like Galilee YouTube videos don't you dare it's bad for you Danny don't watch any bad guy like bad people like people on playing a game saying bad words Dutch dare but I love you so much and I would really hit that like button subscribe and watch this with your friends see you later you
Channel: Kyoot
Views: 2,018,893
Rating: 4.8302302 out of 5
Keywords: Kids Say the Darndest Things 20, darnest things kids say, kids say the darndest things, kids say, kids say the funniest things, kids saying funny things, kids saying, kyootsquad, kyoot kids say the darndest things, kyoot, kids say funny things, funny things kids say, kyoot kids, kid, cute kids, cute, funny kids, funny kid videos, cute home videos, funny, hilarious, AFV, kids video funny, laugh, cute moments, babies, kids, compilation, fail, cute videos, funny videos, funniest kids, best
Id: JfbM9EzXaaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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