Kids on Bikes

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Brought to you by t-mobile America's best unlimited network Hey guys Hey Eric we're all gonna ride our bikes to the woods you want to join Yeah, no thanks, every time we go on our bikes together weird stuff happens And we almost die. What are you talking about? we're just a group of kids on bikes. What's the worst that could happen? Do you really not remember? What happened last week? (screaming) I mean we got away.Ugh Okay. Um then what about the other time when we met your new friend everyone this is 7-eleven she's Pretty weird, but I have a feeling she'll become everyone's favorite character. Oh nice to meet you 7-eleven Yeah, but 7-eleven moved away.Moved away,dude She was blasted into another dimension while fighting a demon. ok wasn't technically a demon. It was more of like a strange thing? Yeah, my therapist will believe that. yeah maybe some weird stuff has happened But we're just a group of outcast twelve year olds in an ambiguous small town somewhere in Maine or Oregon during the 1980s It's not our fault. It's absolutely our fault look at us We've assembled the perfect group for weird stuff to happen Look we have the lanky kid that always drops his glasses and then someone always steps on them we have the angsty leader The token minority character with a special skill this will come in handy at just the right time The tough girl with an abusive father, and of course the endearing kid with a speech impediment I have a lisp and a stutter. look, I like you guys. I really do but if we keep riding bikes together We're all gonna die. Goonies Never say die.that doesn't make sense.Erik look at me. Yeah, maybe We've nearly been eaten by monsters or run over by a train or sucked into the netherworld a few times But growing up is like that. Maybe all of its just metaphorical it isn't.okay Can I just talk for a second look? Friendship is all that matters and despite all we've been through. We've had each other's backs So you're really telling me you're gonna Let an evil clown, a telekinetic girl, a gang of motorcycle vampires, three Italians in a hidden pirate ship, killer robots from the future, zombies, ghosts, a werewolf with nards, ice demons, secret government agencies, weird trees, and Kiefer Sutherland stand between us Fine I'll get my bike. Sweet by the way we found this tiny alien. We have to get him back home before the government kidnaps him come on! This episode is brought to you by t-mobile Switch to America's best unlimited network. if you like our take on scary Stuff click the box on the left to watch every haunted house ever or if you're more of a TV show Person click the Box on the right to watch one letter off kid shows
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,002,569
Rating: 4.8766093 out of 5
Keywords: kids on bikes, smosh, stranger things parody, stranger things, 80s, 80s kids, strange, sketch, stranger things sketch, parody, stranger, things, 80s movie, 80s movies, 80s kids on bikes, kids in the 80s, bikes, kids, 80s sci fi, it parody, it
Id: NwJQ312wc6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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