Kids Church Online | The Good Fruit | Peace

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foreign [Music] things [Music] [Music] breathe [Music] [Music] spirit is [Music] down you bring your life [Music] we have seen your glory we know when you speak all our change [Music] on our knees were falling we will see you let your kingdom come we will see you move [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] father thank you that we are important in your eyes that as young as we are thank you for using us to share your love to the people around us to our parents to our friends to our classmates to our neighbors I pray Lord that we would be more likely to them in the way we love them we talk to them we play with them we study with them with how we think about them I pray that everything we do will bring glory and honor to your name in Jesus name we pray amen another way we can worship God is through our giving so you may give your tithes and offering by following the instructions flashed on the screen hi there kids welcome to kids church where we're ready to dive into an exciting series called the good fruit I'm teacher Kiko and I'm teacher oh I held the thing and I'm teacher Kami we are so thrilled to have you join us today as we explore the amazing fruit of the Holy Spirit and how it helps us relate with others in the right way yes sir but before we begin we want to give a big shout out to our awesome friends right there Hi Vito hi Solana all right kids today's lesson is all about peace that's right peace is one of the beautiful fruits of the Holy Spirit remember what it says in the Bible but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace oh patience kindness goodness faith and gentleness and there's one more self-control now are you ready for some fun and today's game is [Music] some wrestling oh this is going to be so epic [Music] please I'm fantastic Cami and today I'm ready to take you down [Music] you're Nomads for my mouth oh well we'll see about that some amazing Kiko I've been practicing my film full moves [Music] there's nothing oh it's really a thing get ready to taste the feet [Applause] no come on Mighty song [Music] of course that wasn't wrestling match so remember all you know what even though we were competing we still had peace with each other that's the fruit of the spirit in action oh absolutely is this insult to have fun in differently no matter what we're doing this will be this make us even in some [Music] thank you oh that was so much fun I felt like my thumbs have six pack abs now I'm not sure oh that's right but did you notice something during your thumb wrestling yeah even though we were playing a game and trying to win we didn't get upset if we lost we shook hands and laughed together that's right thumb wrestling is just a friendly game but it reminds us of how important it is to have peace with one another even in more serious situations that's right when we have the fruit of the spirit in our hearts it helps us handle disagreements conflicts and difficult moments in a way that really honors God we can be patient kind forgiving just like Jesus oh I do like that I do want to be just like Jesus and remember kids the holy spirit is always I meant always with us guiding us to choose peace and love over anger and quarrels so let's practice peace in our lives treating others as we'd like to be treated right that's right nature Kiko now to learn more about this let's watch this video and listen to the word foreign [Music] [Music] the kingdom of God but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness jealous and self-control hi kuya can I get an ice cream make it two sure all right to ice cream coming right up oh wait a minute who's the other asking foreign I'm here with art oh with best friend oh hmm if that's your friend then who's the other guy who oh no that's a bully from school dean what's up art fart hold on kuya I gotta help Take Along Fred wait what are you going to do I don't know but okay we we don't want things to get worse right so let's think that's true first um when I get into when I when I get into a mess I ask myself what would God want oh like what would Jesus do exactly so what do you think Jesus would do he would want to help art so I gotta make Dean stop whoa that's right but what Jesus would also want to help Dean hmm I guess he would no doubt about Fred Jesus would want us to be peacemakers between people because that's what Jesus did for us with God exactly Fred okay got it I'll help art and Dean do hey guys what's up haven't you heard nerd imma pound you into Pace Freddy come on let's just leave I wanted to go home anyway no wait art yeah wait fart don't run away again you want to be called whim whim oh come on Dean quit it what was that twerp you want a piece of me huh huh okay let's all chill for a bit art you're one of the bravest people I know but if you want to go it's okay that doesn't make you a coward I'll even go with you thanks Freddie and Dean yeah a bug face you're new in town right you might not have a lot of friends if you want or then I will be your friends what I mean it it's hard to be lonely for me I've got art but maybe you can have us oh I have you all right You're Dead Fred right the next time I see you YouTube better watch out Especially You Dead Fred why did you do that you must mean thank you of course thanks you're a good friend Fred I just thought maybe Dean could use one too actually Fred he does and you try honestly I think that went better than expected right peace is always the best remember that you might not get it every time but you should always keep doing it because that's what God does for us correct [Music] hey everybody we've been having an awesome time shout that out awesome time with an awesome God right it's great knowing what he's he's gonna be like living with him man but do you know are you ready for some mind-blowing stuff this whole month we're gonna talk about how that awesome God changes us to be more like Jesus more like Jesus is that what you want well hold on to your seat we're gonna be talking about that the whole month this is the picture it's like when we put our faith in Jesus we become part of Jesus's family and his Spirit lives inside us can you feel him the holy spirit is inside us and the Bible says it's like a tree that grows much fruit yeah but you like fruits like bananas and apples you have one bread right now I wanted to go eat that fruit see how delicious it is but the fruit of the spirit is different let's go dive into God's word and see what that's like in Galatians chapter 5. check this out the fruit of the spirit is love is joy is peace Yum Yum Yum patience I need some of that kindness goodness faithfulness oh gentleness we need some of that self-control and with those things there's no law that says these are bad and we who belong to Jesus Christ you know we've died to our flesh to our selfish desires to all our our the hurtful things we want to do so if we're living by the spirit let's follow the spirit today we're gonna zero in on the fruit of Peace see that right with me peace peace is what peace is like free from fighting there's no war there's all just calm and cool especially when you're other people with friends we're cool right right that's peace you and I are at peace did you know that we were in at peace with God yep that's right in our sins we were enemies of God Romans chapter 5 verse 10 says even when we were God's enemies he made peace with us is he sent some Jesus he died for us and you know what something even greater than friendship is ours now now we're just at peace with our awesome God is that you you're giving your life to Christ yes so now we have the Peace of Jesus Christ oh we need so much of that why because so many people are one wanting to hurt us life is tough we have fights with friends fights with families fights with even bullies right and some people can hurt us sometimes the people who hurt us the worst are the ones who are supposed to love us the most right you ever fight with your moms and dads they misunderstand you or you're with friends or maybe they abandon you or even betray you or is there a bully in school and they're hurting you they're stealing stuff from you pushing you around life is tough it's a mess so how am I gonna bear this fruit this piece the Bible reminds us that first and foremost we have peace with God and it's that peace that will help us let's go again back to the word in Colossians verse 15 Let the Peace of Christ rule in our hearts indeed we're called to this body we're appointed to do this to live in peace and be thankful so first if somebody's hurting you you know oh no I'm just so not somebody's bullying you and pounding you and making you feel very yeah they're not like that in Jesus Jesus loves you so much the world can't take away that peace with God okay he'll always be there so what you need to do after knowing that you need to let the hurting stop if somebody's hurting you seek help go to a Godly friend go to a Godly coach or teacher most especially go to your Godly Mom and Dad okay and once you've got that happen that hurting you stopped then we go back to the Bible we go back to the peace of God and ultimately yes God does want us to forgive God does that peace it's not something we can share with others okay I need you to get that point Let the Peace of Christ rule in our hearts so we can love one another so that's why we give our hearts name and you've got that peace moms and dads okay we're not teaching any of you we're not teaching any of our kids to just let anybody stomp on them and take them with nothing we have we're secure in Christ and the best way to do that is make our homes also be peaceful places all right let me tell you a secret maybe one of us maybe sometimes you know you know we're used to just taking what we want maybe we're so used to you know overpowering it and shouting at people you do this you do that you do that we could be the bullies too you know we can hurt other people hopefully the peace of God also that rules in our hearts will also move us to love others we're letting the peace of God in our hearts in our lives with our families with our friends okay the Holy Spirit transforms us to be like Jesus in the way we relate with others I remember the fruit that's a power verse but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against such things [Music] foreign [Music] faithfulness gentleness [Music] patience [Music] Galatians 5 22 23 oh yes [Music] patience kindness goodness yeah faithfulness gentleness patience [Music] [Music] can't search things [Music] patience kindness goodness patience kindness goodness faithfulness against such things there is finally before we pray I want you to remember so John chapter 15 says this whoever abides in me whoever lives in me and I live in him that's the one that bears much fruit for apart from Jesus we can do nothing who wants to bear fruit I want who wants to have love be Joy me peace class raise your hands raise your hand me me me yes you want those knees then live with Jesus live in him and let him live in you okay let's pray for that right now it was only now possible that we can ask Jesus to do that because he died on the cross to forgive our sins if you believe that then he lives in your heart you want to pray that right now so just hold your heart in your hand and say Jesus you're my Lord and Savior you can help this sinner be more like you because you died on the cross to forgive my sin and you Rose again now you live in me I want to live in you and I want to Bear your fruit anybody need peace in their lives would you raise your both your hands Lord we need peace we want to bear this our families they're going through tough times sometimes we're a mess some of us are even being bullied and we're so scared just to walk and go to school some of us have been hurt by our friends so we don't know if we're ever going to be okay again we're going to be ever going to be cool again with them oh Lord Jesus put your hand in your heart Lord let your peace reign and rule in my heart so much that I can share that love share that peace with others I pray Lord you take care of the one you love let that bully stop let the friends let them be healed again let family love one another again I particularly want to pray for some of you who whose families are not together anymore we pray Lord Heal our pain heal our hurt and give us your peace and would you flow with so much love we want the world to know how much you love us we pray this in Jesus name a man are you ready to Bear all the fruit of the spirit I'm so excited to see that in your life God bless you and God loves you [Music] now that we've learned so much about peace let's make a pledge to be peacemakers repeat after me I pledge to be a peacemaker I will show love and kindness to everyone I meet just as Jesus loves us all I will use my words to encourage not to insult I will use my hands to help not to hurt I will treat everyone with respect and care I promise to listen to others understanding their feelings and help them when they are in need I will be a friend to all standing up against bullying and choosing peace over conflict great job kids I hope we practice being peacemakers in the world where lots of people fight now for our family con here is the question [Music] foreign [Music] hey crafty kids it features Sophia and I'm excited to be here with another fun craft time before we begin I want to give a big shout out to sheky and Sammy hi today we talked about peace so for our craft time we will be making two hands holding each other to create this craft let's gather the following materials we need our hand template on two different colored papers our base card template some scissors glue or tape and coloring materials so first you get your hand templates and cut them out you don't need to print these templates you can also just simply trace your hands with a pencil and cut so let's start over here with this green hand remember when you reach some curved lines it's easier if you also twist the paper [Music] okay we have our first hand and so we and let's go to our next hand with the pink paper [Music] all right and then we can get the base card and glue the hat to the base card so we want to make our hands look like they're shaking each other so I'm just gonna flip this one in and pull each other like this so this is what it's gonna look like okay then I get my glue stick and I'll start by gluing the pink hand to the green hand first just put a little bit of glue here so it sticks like that there you go and then at the back I'll cover everything with glue just like this [Music] press it down so it doesn't stick out oh you have a little finger sticking out there so I'll just add a little bit more glue and lastly let's decorate the artwork so you can be super creative here I think I want to add a watch on this hand maybe put some nail polish or something it's up to you you can be super creative with this or you can give them sleeves let's use this bigger Edge I'm gonna draw a watch a nice big watch and let's put some nail polish so how we draw Nails horizontal line and rainbow line and fill it in doesn't it make the hand look more realistic and I'm gonna color The Watch purple oh that's such a pretty color for the other hand I think I'll give the hand a long sleeved shirt so let's use brow let's design the shirt let's give it Stripes I think brown and blue would be a nice combination so fill the empty stripes with the blue marker and there you have it your piece art project great job with your artwork kids we learned today that peace is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit imagine a time when you're playing with your friends or siblings and everyone is getting along sharing toys and having fun together that's peace but peace can also be like a warm hug for our hearts like the feeling we get when we are embraced by our parents but remember peace doesn't mean everything is perfect or that we never disagree in our craft the hands have different colors because each person is different but having peace with each other is how we handle our differences and treat each other kindly even when we are different we can't wait to see the crafts you've made remember to share them with us through email at craftykids by sending us your photos you and your parents or Guardians are allowing us to Showcase them in our videos and website also every photo you submit entitles you to join our craft raffle for the months with winners announced every third Sunday of the month see you next week crafty kids [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kids Church
Views: 13,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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