Kids Challenge: Decorating The Gingerbread Man | What Would Your Kid Do?

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[Music] in your twin pairs find the table and sit together it's Christmas cookery class and the kids are about to get creative with some festive food so what's your favorite food at Christmastime Jacob and Joey I love them [Music] you've each got a gingerbread man I want you to decorate them as Christmassy as you can later on today I'm gonna be judging which twin pair has decorated the best and whoever wins is going to win this amazing outstanding gingerbread trophy oh I've got a little confession to make I didn't make these gingerbread men I bought them I just cheated a little bit is it ever okay to cheat Grace and Olivia cheating is bad studies show that by the age of six children are well on their way to knowing it's wrong to cheat this is really cute but when there's a golden trophy up for grabs anything goes even we've got a very esteemed chef who's come to help you here he is I shall see you later with Jeffrey bye-bye the kids think the chef is there to help them with their decorating skills she need something blue you just put your gingerbread stone on the plate but in fact he's there to see how far they'll go to win they are pretty good but here's to that I made I mean if you want it to be sure that you were gonna win you could swap them so will your twins choose their own biscuits or use the chef's to get their hands on the trophy what's your choice so our kids have been tasked with decorating gingerbread men sorry gender-neutral gingerbread the chef's are suggested they swap them for two professionally decorated ones in order to win so I want to know what would your kids do will they swap the gingerbread for the professional wants families lock in your answers yes so grapes and Olivia why do you think your girls that will not swap the gingerbread Gretel won't ah yeah Olivia's a bit more calculator where grace out of it basically okay well we are treating them as a pair for this Jacob and Joe as family you think that they definitely will nobody's asked Bella winning okay Megan and Ariana you think they definitely will oh did they get that from no comment no comment let's see how well you know your kids if you want it to be sure that you're gonna win you could swap them I'm just gonna grab a dustpan and brush don't you think Olivia you want the ones we made yeah [Music] well we're not with it because I cheated swap him with someone else this please Olivia all right ones that he made I never get all ones don't tell anyone please choose something these all these well times ticking but win I'm sorry don't call me one and keep in mind I think these aren't will go and idly yeah right I've come to do my judging yeah where are yours what they are beautiful with their long look amazing which ones are yours these ones that's Mary yours yeah Wow both have almost identical light you two where did you get the jelly tarts from mom and dad was been very kind to just buy them that was very lucky grace and Olivia into the brexit meters they actually nearly split up that was amazing she took the seriousness of cheating you will not be my sister anymore so after that let's have a look at the scores Ariana and Megan's family have one point but Grace and Olivia's and Jacob and Joey's family both have two boys [Applause] you
Channel: What Would Your Kid Do?
Views: 531,151
Rating: 4.817585 out of 5
Keywords: What Would Your Kid Do?, Funny Kids Show, Kids Show, Parents and kids, Kids and their parents, Parents Reacting, Kids Reacting, Kids React, Parents React, gingerbread house, gingerbread, how to, Christmas Decorating, decoration ideas, decorations for christmas, merry christmas, the grinch, family friendly, Kids Decorating, kids decoration ideas, kids decoration room, christmas music playlist, christmas songs, what would your kid do full episode
Id: Bl82f9Ewp9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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