Kid Flash (Wally West) - All Powers & Fights Scenes | Young Justice S01

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foreign ice seriously isn't that a bit cliche even for Captain Cold come on we don't have time for this get you out it's what's his name flash boy Kid Flash why is that so hard wait but I finally got room to move [Music] foreign that one in kindergarten okay got it got it go [Music] got your nose come and get me you incredible this one and that one oh sorry try again [Music] and where do you see Superboy and Miss Martian but I saw her first what have you done to my team you got ours full and undivided you brought your utility belt never leave home without it first thing Batman taught me yeah right after never go to the bathroom without it foreign how cool is this very impressive ah that works too super boy kid switch to infrared see if you're being tracked [Music] got a squad of armbozo's incoming what yeah as soon as I find Rob [Music] so much for the stealthy that's what you were doing way to fill it what you got chemical formulas I'm guessing it involves Venom but Miss Martian with you inside should have the same effect with what this trigger thingy souvenir I'll need a sparring partner right here yeah after this I'll show you my moves oh it hurts so good good luck but did anyone see what he did wrong oh he hit on teacher and got served dude so you changed too you kidding huh I feel naked in civvies foreign do you have a mission for us [Music] style in the 20th century this battle is pointless you thought could take the helmet before it came a host but you are too late foreign [Music] [Music] your family Naboo where am I sorry they've got bigger arrows thanks hey I told you good guy now not to pry but uh what's your name oh and what's this about you killing me foreign [Music] thank you that does it red you're not the only spin Doctor around here [Music] it's against me humans he's activating a stage two eruption it gets to tiak decaf stuff I use a scale down version when I want to sneak out of the house foreign [Music] law enforcement across the country has been alerted to your mission and is clearing your route [Applause] look he stiffs [Music] too late too late [Music] to deliver the heart before it's no longer viable is that clear as Crystal babe then go guess asking for her number's pointless foreign [Music] save the girl and slash who's missing from his picture uh-oh need to find me a little detour man I'd give this heart for a double chili cheeseburger [Music] what was that who was that show Savage just with a Bratz sidekick can do [Music] kind of bashing my head into a brick wall here need a new approach well you're truly running circles around me how will I cope knock open so great now is it what am I doing sure I'd love to finish trashing the big jerk I won't save the girl wasted about 15 minutes on Savage but I can still reach Seattle on time great out of snacks dude you were so Running on Fumes right now battle didn't help with that either but forget the hunger forget the freezing temp forget the windshield just go Kid Flash no [Music] love to take these creeps out but can't put the heart at risk again dares so will take the high road yes yes [Music] love to continue this Love Fest count but you're not my priority Take It Go no foreign [Music] hello Megan something you'd like to tell us and a sigh is just a sigh and quite the souvenir by the way Aqualad and I found the Tracer on a caboose foreign happy New Year Justice League [Music] now I should have done this a long time ago no kidding keep your men back Captain just follow our lead kid foreign foreign I so wanna kiss you now or maybe kill you for putting us through all this hold that thought you can decide later when we're alone [Music] hey there Camp what you doing same old same old driving the bad guys nuts nice look by the way you think yeah though honestly I always figured you'd wind up in something with a little more yellow and red seriously hey once this whole Invasion thing's over Artemis and I are going back into retirement someone needs to carry on the family tradition that is so proud I'll start with the brain what oh and the ever romantic City of Lights we're definitely coming back here babe you know we don't have a world to save there will always be a world to save now drop me and go Omega Squad Omega Squad repeat transmission oh Mega then how about the three of us I may not be as fast as you two but I can add my fair share of kinetic energy beside I can't let the new kid take all the credit for saving the world good man the whole crash come on Roman you can do better than that energy in 16 seconds he will cease cease he's what Bart we have to slow down more try to siphon off some of the energy attacking Wally it's no good Barry Oh man Artemis is so gonna kill me for this and don't even get me started now Mom and Dad kid just tell them kid you have wait where's Wally Artemis they wanted me to tell you no he loved you
Channel: Mr. Anybody
Views: 397,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Young Justice, DC Comics, Flash, Explore Wh!te
Id: RpA7tbh7oKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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