Ki Sisa: Cut the Shekel in Half - The Revolutionary Approach of Ababrbanel & Akeidas Yitzchak

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progress good morning everyone I'm very excited to share with you today two very amazing teachings revolutionary novel uh very interesting actually the first one is about the you know in uh next week actually is parum so there are two weeks in a row that we're going to be reading from K in the of we say [Laughter] where there's a question the master ask this question what does it mean I'm not going to give a I'm going to give why does the pon refer to it as a this is a question raised by the also asks why would rabuda refer to the you don't give a you give a so in the past we said over from the that the reason we give a is because hashem's name is incomplete name is incomplete and inash is shin is baz K is dalid L is is 26 is 26 and God's name is incomplete so therefore we give a but when's name will be complete we will give a that's the approach of the this morning I saw something uh stunning from theel Abel writes this is quot the say for in in the 52 of he says they had no other coin they only had one shek the mitvah is not to give a half a shek listen to this the Mitzvah is to take a shek and give half how do you take a sh and you give half what do you mean you cut it in half you cut the coin in half because they cracked it that's why it's you ever wonder why is it called Becca why is a half a called Becca Becca means to crack you cracked it that was the that you raise it up for hasem so amazingly the was the was taking the coin and cracking it in half or by the way the likewise says the same thing that um he says that was who was from the great of Spain he's actually he lived at the end of his life in uh Napoli in Italy and I think in the summer we'll be visiting his C the also says what why do we need to know the weight of the she we need to know the weight of the half a shek the answer is because you give a whole shek and then you crack it in half when it's whole it's 20 I'm commanding to give half I didn't say this to you you should give one which is 10 bottom line is we have the and the um the who both learn you take a whole shek and you split it in half the in says that also seems to imply that you crack the shek in half I don't think that's the interpretation that uh is normally understood but this is how many Rim understand the Mitzvah of and I want to tell you one more one more thing recording stopped
Channel: Rabbi Daniel Glatstein Official
Views: 247
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Keywords: rabbi glatstein, daniel glatstein, rabbidg, torahanytime, chazaq, chumash, parsha, parsha shiurim, yomim tovim, rabbi, jewish, judaism, torah, shiur, torah class, learn torah
Id: Hvmu1H06lBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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