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what am i you to today's market today we been gone for a minute but guess what I'm back and I'm back and better than ever [Music] why don't you got on the wigs yeah you look stupid sir say what I'm Jake say word on the street that boy I'm gonna get back without it I like the way you steppin though yeah now look you ain't got these though you know them hello you ain't got dumped them ladies Gucci's man remember that song I just hit some Gucci boy if I take your shirt off and fried pancakes on your back I bet I can oh no I'm just imaginary calories that was not funny oh he recycled that joke you know you get that joke from Emily and J because you like us then no because he told me man I'm digging the ball game yeah he told em again hey Jack are a famous take it out Jake I wanna join the basketball team bro but I'm not letting them join the less this get fifty thousand lights today's don't see what Cortez and Weez do because they look like brothers gang what army today but the me oh you man you still man what you gonna do oh he just put him in the coffin what's that means what I've got is what I got going on over you they all look like two brothers there's been verses for a long time hey hey hey ain't nobody turning on my cows like their dog I don't know it's your problems huh but you better calm down right now down but know what wave Luydens work videos hey you look like that one do that together what what you gonna do with them bro we're cool it is my dog right here but you know I check this out gonna have a wild style in the next room are you down let's get right down let's go come on Ricky are we gonna need you to put them on your bed hey check this out okay you compete in this to fix his teeth he got braces on his girls no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you walk up in the store under your shirt is blue snakes kill what you got going on but you're in this dream and I I see man you get it in man oh you paid for this [ __ ] don't try to seem I need some money mate come on man give me some money man money may got all this money you wanna give me no money son your wagon bad doll real tow man like this okay how that sound but no no just try to see how that sound but what if I break this down you gonna be mad come on say what tell me you love me dawg yeah I love you too back who you playing your new team or something can your team hear me yeah tell her what up man tell all my heck are y'all accounts man straight up yeah I got no account oh yeah this PC man you gonna teach me how to mod Eliza oh my god I got 20 yeah say come on brothers man I put that I put it on my pocket and pull it up son I really put this on my pocket real tough counselor money how much you add you had to honey count up all that money you make off this game and equipment man I need $20 and wit me real tow spread up what I'm smoking real talk bro look check this out man I don't know man che was back then he got mad because we said he want to Emily back so he man I don't think you gonna come Rock what you know Moses what you got going on over here brah Tina go see mouth I'm gonna start round shaggy here you missing a 28 you ready no you ripped it open up man check this out man my cabin in here game and that's it man we're on the way out on gang when in bro man you not win and say you suck bro come on set what they are not from the team up on him cuz he came for your brother what about Camille what favorite what type of joke was this thing they'll be keep that was our equation Vicki you like a big-ass turkey sign there just slipped off of it say real talk though man y'all boys don't know what y'all doing bro you don't know what you don't wanna say I'm not gonna do that bar you ain't ready to get put in the dumpster so we'll flip you upside down and put you you might want to sit down and mind your business we're gonna check this out man y'all ready to go to [Applause] check this out you guys man we in Walmart right now and we looking for a bid do you think that if it I don't think it said Helen but that's for me if he's sitting on he might break the whole goddamn beer you want the top say so you look like if you have kids that you have super kids I stole it from him what up you playing basketball too wet yes hey you want to play basketball again cuz you thank you - man you ain't know you ain't no pimp you think we should get this I put that right there bro get it that's a full frame right what we need what type of this between a or four all right miss Rudy Rudy yeah that's Rudy Rudy we gotta get this man come on put it in the base why and you know what's bigger than that basket his stomach you can put that whole thing in his stomach and still have space to store these dresses hey bro take this out he say your prayers so you know what you do you go get a new design and store a print press and I'm always big ass wings do that Murch what type of March ago your boy is alive stupid-looking in st. DT we can get you a girlfriend okay why is he hitting you bro that is just crazy bro all right come on pick him up my stomach's are you really through you sir hey come on let's go we put a check out at the bird get his game on game saber B what you got going on over which won't wait no uh-uh put it back put it back what is your damn problem you ain't getting no goddamn give car ain't got no mama Tommy goddamn uncle okay and y'all kind got it okay now getting that best man and roll it away with your filming hi but look come in check this up you can tell me one good reason why you should get this gift card I get it one good reason okay this one all right if you ever win and rock-paper-scissors two out of three gets what they want so you win no how you gonna use a gun and rock-paper-scissors that was paper okay it's okay it's okay da da ba ba I know it's okay that about that is okay you get one which one fifty you was using a gun you can't use a gun and rock-paper-scissors tripping but you got jig over your jigging or what jigging the pieces of our bird over here trying to be say next time you use the gun no come on bro you can't do that in Rock Paper Scissors rock we in this frame now rock paper good that's crazy Chuy you always cheat say ruining I'm starting to think I'm gonna put you in the x-men movies huh Real Talk oh yeah that's what my girl right now bought that for her I think she's gonna love that anything I'm a nickname is sexy [ __ ] that's it let's see how much what's our total m3 honey you say big key yeah what's up man come on bro like if you have one superpower what would it be though you gotta think about he sold out Jimmy kill me if I call Jimmy Kimmel he gonna say you sold it out you did not sell out Jimmy Kimmel when did you when did you sell it out bro I don't know man is do be saying he sold out let's do race so he sold out five below y'all see what's happening man we got all our stuff forgot GTA Brian he ain't gonna play why would you get GTA well you got another GTA 6 from the GAO cuz they may feel like I'm not banded straight up though you already blew it what up to know what you got going on bro just chillin man no you don't know what to get oh oh no what a good bank you know some flowers or something what's that man what's your name oh man man you know I'm saying man everybody knows already my him yes Lord who is this right hey hey look who is this his real name don't count do you got to be a fun to respond but his real name don't count big fatty Halen he was a fortnight character he'll be big fan say so you'll be important that character for how much money how much they gotta pay me to be a fortnight here one you say everybody I used up for a night character you'll be the biggest player in the game he only destroyed I think that's a good idea say this dude is got their crazy now he said this [ __ ] name gonna be killed in the straw yeah what's a trooper numbers Mark Henry oh yeah everybody on his tail right now I think I don't think he'll it right now you're you think you live right now no man you know what you can yo you wouldn't wanna get in control hey hey y'all let me tell you something aiex Jada besides not true I ain't say to massage my feet he told me his stomach hurt guess what when you want me to swipe that card my stomach hurt wanna race to the van bro cuz we don't leaving cheetaway back now first man getting a tan black I like that boo race Vicky dough let's get it go through this damn that's a big boy yeah let's get it man this money do is fun do what the hell let's do it oh hey hey home Kaleo Khalil you go bro Khalil you go bro come bro bro what happened this man to his old foes well you good you good son was wrong with him Sir what the food damn was good he good go talk to him bro go get a wheeze hey man go check on him [Music] it was wrong hey hey it's okay but we all go through those damn come over to take care of already same time I just got man we just made it back to the crib man and we got a little right here bruh he's stressed the hell out little Oh Khalil bro shake me shake back dawg it's gonna be all right hey why did why did you break up with this dude man she just sent him some got dog on text message that ain't right down this my man I don't know he broke the fumble Parker said he threw the boom and it broke down Khalil what did she say bro Oh doing oh man the main hurt right now though maybe him and Taylor gotta talk it out bro you can't just okay so you don't want to tell you don't talk with no following face man it ain't funny dog this might really hurt doubt you playing so sit back and get a new girl for me plenty of holes out man wait wait wait wait wait wait Rhona come on man you ain't right doll ain't right sir girl he go big Kido Zack come on sorry you got a shake back well you're never know what happened then 24 hours bro come on bro everybody bipolar even genell's well well we are bipolar right come on man what you think wheeze they gonna say back well you gonna say she definitely can't talk to you not even broke your favor buddy not meant to be straight for real man Jay Jay bro what do you think bro come on man knowing you and what you DeMint do before what do you think what do you think I'm talking to you not him though what you think wait hold up first of all why are you drinking a goddamn bane on your on a school night sir on a school night uh-huh no no Mac do they even a drugged-out late on a school night this is a school night Jay I think what you mean back to what you were saying right like talk it out should you sit down and talk I really feel like they should talk it over right say bro you can't give just give up broke down my room is dirty you just can't give up bro you god damn it cheating goddamn ruin two got down room Hey look this room this our new name is bipolar family bro yeah that's our new um now you to name two by family but look man check it out Brits no sick bang man I got you brother I'm a rain some give up on it no you don't want to give up son you think you gave up on your music career no you let it happen here is what a big hero you think he gave up on being fat he kept eating that's it for today's Robin y'all just pray for Coolio man go to this Instagram and show him some love they gonna talk this out and then gonna fix this man make sure you hit that like button subscribe hey hey
Channel: FunnyMike
Views: 2,242,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funnymike, funny mike, funnymike youtube, youtube funnymike, funny mike vlogs, funny mike channel, funny mike family, Family Friendly, Family Channel, khalil & jayla, khalil vegas, funnymike vlogs, broken heart, my crush, love, my crush broke my heart, broken heart by crush, jaliyah sister, jayla & khalil, Break up, girlfriend, boyfriend, sad
Id: Ndmp3TsCGkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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