Keynote - Vision & Strategy

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[Music] so [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] welcome i'm fabian i'm the founder of do and i'm very happy to see you here today yesterday was amazing we had 100 sessions about all the new features of odoo it was great to see you there to discuss to a discussion group with the community have your feedback interact very instructive for us and today we continue we have more than 100 sessions to show you all the new features of what we release for you in audu15 but before we start let me start with a statement i love ado i really love udu and if you are like me and you love odu2 please chat and tell us why you love do in the chat of this video and to tell you why i love you i have to tell you a story and it's a story of a mechanic imagine a mechanic a mechanic that is so good probably the best mechanic in the world that he can fix cars uh in a few minutes he perfectly know every engine he's very good at understanding what are the issues and he's very good at fixing your car you can give him a shitty car and he will fix it like like like a hero but no imagine that this mechanic doesn't have tools if it doesn't have tools it will take hours to unscrew something it's going to be frustrated it's going to be a real pain for him because the task he used to do in just a few minutes will take hours and everyone is the human nature everyone wants to contribute everyone wants to be efficient and this guy the best mechanic in the world if he doesn't have the tool he might be depressed or frustrated because he can perform to the way he used to perform and the thing is in most companies it's like that in most small and mid-sized companies they don't have tools they don't have tools and people suffer from that it's a real pain i mean you have you are over overloaded with emails you have administrative duties repetitive tasks it takes time to manually record things in the system and they don't access to the information they need to to do the proper decision most of the people in small and mid-sized companies don't have the tools to perform efficiently and the people and the company suffer from this to the point where they are totally inefficient and most of the time they are not even aware of that i mean they are doing the same thing since 10 years always doing the same they don't even know that there is a better way to manage or sometimes they know but they don't know it's accessible that it's actually easy to deploy such a solution for that and that's the reason why i love ado i love do as a product because we help people do more in this time we weld people at work and that is very important because if you think about it we spend more than one third of our time at work so we better do it uh by with being happy and productive and efficient everyone wants to be happy and productive and efficient in their job and depression never has been so high from from the last years so i really love do because we fix a complex problem which is helping people be happy at work because they are more efficient and that's a massive massive complex difficulty problem but we are good at solving progressively and we improve year after year that's why i love do that's not all i also love adobe because of the community because of you guys i love do because the community is so great it's so good to have feedback from all over the world sometimes it's positive sometimes it's negative but it's always useful it's so good to work with translators developers teachers and work as a group for purpose a common purpose of helping companies perform better it's very useful i i really love the way we interact we are quite good at processing issues on github or getting contribution from pull requests on github it's great that audio is not just a job it's a group or it's we have a common purpose and a common goal of improving the software improving the service and we work together to achieve that so i love working with the community it's very rewarding uh to work together it's yeah i mean it's a place it's more than a job it's it's a passion now but i also love my job i mean it's so cool to be the ceo of a fast-growing company where we can work not for the money but for things we like to do interacting with an open source community or building a great product that really help companies perform better and to show you how this job is amazing let me show you these numbers these are the revenues of odoo on a monthly basis and as you can see it's completely crazy it's exploding we are growing at 70 percent per month 70 percent we are today 1800 employees at 70 to that and it gives us that gives us more than 3000 employees by the end of next year can you imagine how fast it is that means that your job is different every year but the thing is it's good it's good for everyone it's may it creates evolution and the growth you see here for do is because you can measure it we have the same growth with the partner network if we grow it because our partners are growing and it's great to imagine that we have had an impact of so many companies that are growing together with us and have a good job because it's always fun to be in a growing company i mean there are new challenges every month you can easily evolve or grow because you need more responsibility as we onboard new people so it's a pleasure to work in that environment that's not all i also love do because we are making an impact we are making a serious impact just think about it seven millions of users that's huge seven millions of users that we save for a boring life of using a boring erp like sap or oracle i mean it's it's it's it's very important i mean we for these guys they have a better work environment and they have better tools because of what we did i mean who can have seven millions of users impacted for one third of their time because we spend a lot of time at work but that's not all we have also 4100 partners and these partners have an average of 18 employees per partner so and if we include people from the community that are not partners like freelancers or web designers that are working on the do all in all it's a total of 90 000 jobs that we created can you imagine 90 000 jobs was from people working on whether they are developers consultant designers or full-time equivalent jobs that we created together so we can be really proud of what we did i mean it's a massive impact on employment and economy on both on the creation of a service offer and on making life better for all the employees working in companies you're using so i really love udu for all these reasons so for that i'd like to thank you the community i'd like to thank you because without you we or the wouldn't be what it is today we wouldn't be able to grow that big uh if is it without the community apps that we have we have the largest app store in the world can you imagine thanks to the committee without the translator we contributed to to translate to do in thousands of dozens of languages and the committee is so good but it's also rewarding to work and be criticized just look at what people say on social network i mean we have management software usually management software are boring we are a management software and people are super happy they all every day you see testimonials of people on social networks saying how much they overdo i mean it's it's great to work in such an environment and and that's why i'd like to thank you because without you we wouldn't be where we are today and it's only the beginning we can be happy and proud of what we did but think about what we will do within the next five years it's gonna be even more crazier and uh with so much love comes a lot so much responsibilities and no responsibility at the software vendor is to deliver year after year a great new version for you guys and that's why yesterday we released audio 15 all new version and this version is going to be a massive impact it's probably the most impactful release ever released and to explain you what will be the impact of photo 15 uh i'll i'll summarize what are the main areas where audu will disrupt something uh because of the 15. it starts with collaboration collaboration used to be an application like you use zoom or microsoft teams but with the collaboration more as a feature rather than an app it's a feature of existing applications and that changes everything that can disrupt everything you don't need to schedule a meeting to talk to someone you can discuss in the business flow you can have a discussion on tasks if you do project management or on a product if you do product lifecycle management in an industry or with your customer account receivable or account payable in your accounting having the discussion in the flow being fully connected to the team all the time with the voice communication through groups will changes everything not only it will allow and simplify remote work but it will improve the way business process work if you think about it uh the chatter for do you know where you have text message it really transformed the do it was so powerful to have discussions on documents uh it really was a massive improvement when we released chatter a few years ago but no it's not only about text message it's voice message video conference meetings all do things together in the same tool for every application that's massive improvement of all applications the second biggest impact is point of sales or do has a point of sale applications it's a few years but this release this release on other point of sales is really really disruptive to understand why just think about let's say a bike shop a bike shop he not only sell bags and spare parts for the bike he they need a lot of things they probably sell online with e-commerce so they need an integration with the e-commerce and the shop or they probably do after sales services like maintenance and repairs or management of the warranties or they need to manage serial numbers and they probably have so much spare parts that they need to track everything when they receive product and deliver so they need a warehouse management system and if you think about it all the point of sales on the market they are limited to one application the cash drawer and the payment terminal on the screen that's it we offer everything the modern retailers need in a single software and that is very very disruptive and i think it will open new markets for us we already signed contracts with brands with more than 1000 shops because of this feature and we see that as a massive game changer in the industry because we'll be able to fulfill all the features from the warehouse to the service to the shop and that's with the competition of amazon that's exactly what the modern python sales need modern retailers need they need something where they can sell extra service do in-store advices connect with the e-commerce manage serial numbers or do things that can bring your shop to the next level and that is important nowadays the third thing that is going to be massive is the website builder on the market you have wordpress wordpress is the leading cms platform open source it's 63 percent of markets there so it's huge but the thing is they are not on par with the new and modern solution like shopify for the e-commerce or squarespace and weeks for the page builder aspects and so you have to choose between an open source solution which is good for freelancer marketing agencies or a good e-commerce like shopify or a good web page builder like squarespace or wix but you can get the benefits of the tree and that's where audu comes in with this new version we have a page builder which is way higher much better than a squarespace or a wix so probably the best page builder in the world mixed with a fully open source solution for both the website builder and the e-commerce mixed with all the features that you need in e-commerce like to be on par with shopify and on top of that we have uh all the back-end applications so that you can sell pretty much everything online if you do rental business you can rent online or you can sell subscription online or you can sell matrixes with different product configurators or you can sell maintenance services or repair services tracking serial numbers and times everything linked into the same platform so now you don't have to choose between an open source solution or a good e-commerce or a good page builder you can get the three advan the advantage of the three platform and you get all of this in the new or the website builder and e-commerce and i'm pretty sure it's a game changer and we'll see a lot of audio e-commerce and website builder in the future the fourth biggest impact we'll have is accounting you know accounting firms they need they need way more than just a good accounting software so not only or do deliver the best accounting software you get on the market but you also deliver all the features they need around that document management to under all the legal documents and the digitalization of the bills and and things like that the best ocr and artificial intelligence on the market with 98 percent success rate on recognition of your bill so that you don't have to record the data customer portal so that you can manage all your database and the customer can upload everything and all do things in a single solution so it's messy for the accounting firm and on top of that everything is free free forever for unlimited users i mean they can use this one app free application with accounting document management and expense and they get all the features and accounting firms need for free and we already signed with one of the big four who is transferring his accountancy department all their clients on or do so it's already a massive success success despite the fact that audu15 was not released a few years ago so we already see the impact of this of course we continue on the erp market we continue our technology breakthrough to go much further than the traditional erps traditionally erps go on manufacturing inventory purchase accounting and sales and that's it and they did that pretty well integrating these five applications but for all the rest all the modern needs they they need to integrate with different software wizard do you get all you need uh so the erp futures but also the point of sale the e-commerce social marketing human resource everything in a single solution and we make it accessible to everyone it's affordable and it's easy to implement so everyone can benefit from it so now it's accessible to small and mid-sized enterprise and that's a major technology breakthrough and last biggest impact we've had that's something we started a few years ago but now it starts to really kick off it's the service to the large companies nowadays large companies they don't want to spend millions of euro in the earpiece after they want something with hundreds of thousands of euro they don't want to spend years they are ready to spend months but not here so we are disrupting this market because of the quality of our product the disruptive service we are doing where we can deliver a lot out of the box so that it gets much faster and cheaper to implement and that is a major success nowadays every week if not every day we are signing projects with more than 1000 users on the do so we are really getting by the thousands of user large companies on board all right so how do you do to get to that level what did we do to to to get to that level of success what makes or do unique and the first thing that makes it unique is we love smes it's in our gene we were on the cme a few years ago we were a few those in the family a few years ago so we understand the sims we understand they are budget or pricing understand that we understand their needs we are agile and simple and we cover all their needs the software have to provide structure but in the same time should be flexible so that it's a tool for the employees they can easily pivot and change the way they work so really understand the sms it's in your gene and it's also the reason why most of our competitors fail it's not in the genes of scp or oracle to understand the sims for them we'll see me start with 250 users and that's where urdu is unique is that not only we have the power of addressing all the features but we we are really focused on helping this user and we really understand the employees of a small and mid-sized company the thing which makes you do unique is odoo is bigger than ourselves audio is much bigger than our company our company has 1800 employees it's okay it's a good company but audio is much much bigger than that on top of that you have 4000 partners 90 000 people dedicated to audio seven millions of users so odo is bigger than all of us and that's what's or the great is that every time you contribute to something you have an impact on on thousands of people and everyone can contribute so you have this massive network effect where everything kicks in and these things grow faster because the community is bigger and that's what makes or do uh unstoppable it's because of you it's because of what we produce together and it's because the way we organize it's not just a company or a product it's a full ecosystem with thousands of people that are motivated and the the last thing that makes it unique is the reading less focus on the user you know the more companies grow the more they defocus themselves they launch different products they launch different lines of service different lines of revenue we are not like that we are extremely focused on helping the employees do more in less time i spend the majority of my time in research and development improving the product analyzing how the users work or an accountant work a catcher use the point of sale or worker work in the inventory to be sure that we can automate maximum of the task provide a tool that is productive but also flexible enough so that we can cover all their use case so we are extremely focused on user experience understanding the business understanding the needs of the different employees roles and that makes you unique most of the companies are defocused by budget marketing uh certain lines of product acquiring different companies we don't do that we don't acquire companies we don't have budgets we only focus on one thing delivering the best product ever and the second thing the best service ever if you compare traditional erps are more focused on manager they are good at selling to board or executive committees so it's management software for the managers not only we cover the managers because managers are users too but odoo we develop software for the user it's not only management software it's also productivity tools for the people at work and that's where we excel is because we and the companies who use do gets much better because of that their efficiency and and improves a lot because we focused since the past 10 years on the end user and if all your employees work better the company really really start to work much better and one of the last things that makes odoo unique is that we work for fun we don't work for the money we are not listed on the public platform we only work for fun we work because we want to have to make an impact that's the only thing that motivates us it's that we we we want to to improve the way a company works you know our pricing is super low it's between six dollars in africa and some countries to uh 18 euro in europe it's probably eight times less than any other competitor in the erp market the average of the erp players are 180 per user per month so it's way bigger eight times bigger than the pricing of a do we know we could increase the pricing i know we could double the pricing and we would get more revenues i'm pretty sure we wouldn't lose that many customers if we double the pricing because we have rooms for that but we won't do it we don't do it because what motivates us is to make the technology accessible to the majority of the small and mid-sized companies and these companies don't have large budget so it's not only it's not about the money it's for us it's more about making an impact helping companies work better and having fun while doing that uh you probably have seen a lot of inspiring sessions we have done over the past two days as you can see we we have fun it's not always perfect but we have fun in what we do uh we we we work for purpose we work for the purpose of helping companies get better and that changes everything when all your employees work for the same purpose we are all aligned on the same vision that makes the company super efficient and for us it's not only about the company i believe the majority of the community is the same it's passionate developers who work for a purpose to who wants to deliver the best product and that's the reason why on our app store more than 50 percent of the apps are open source application it's the proof that don't work for the money that we work to make the work the work of in the world of companies better all right so let's move on to some of the news we just released audio 15. so if you want to test this amazing new version just go to start if you want to have a look at the release note we have more than a thousand improvement 1000 improvement on the product for this new release have a look at this url where you can get all the new features of the new version or you can watch the keynote of yesterday where we presented the main improvements during the keynote within one hour and 30 minutes and if you want to use it you can download it on this url whether you want to download audio community the open source version or do enterprise if you want if you want to learn more about todo you can get a meeting with an expert that will organize a tailored demo according to your needs so just go to the click on this button meet an expert and you will choose your date and within 24 hours we can organize a demo based on your requirements and that way you can learn the new feature of audio 15 by talking to our experts so feel free to abuse it if you want to upgrade for existing customer 2014 the upgrades platform will be ready around november 2021 for audio online user it's going to be automatic you will have a button in the interface and you can press it's an opt-in button you can press to upgrade for audio enterprise customer you can upgrade by uploading your database to this url and last but not least because of these all these new features we are working on the learning material so we are releasing a new version of skill up or business game for the students so that they can learn uh by playing so this new version will be ready in october in pdf or in december uh as a physical format the real boxes with the game and what what i love about this is that we it's free for education so if you are a teacher or student you can get a scale up for free so if you're a teacher just contact us there is a link on the scale of home page tell us how many students you have like 100 students and we will ship 100 bucks this is to you so that you can organize a course to learn to teach about enterprise management or management all the business flow it's very easy for your student to learn if they are having fun and while playing so that's your business game for school and universities on top of that we also have our e-learning platform so we are releasing new content every week a few new videos every week so there is a tag new when when it's released so you can go on the platform and check check out what are the new courses that are already for you and to conclude the best way to learn about audio 15 is to watch the videos of odoo experience so we still have 100 inspiring session coming up right now and to tell you about everything that's going on today and all the activities we have organized for you i'm calling amy on stage amy please thanks fabian welcome everyone to day two of the odoo experience like yesterday you will have so many talks to watch and enjoy and if you miss one of the talks that we have in the talk section of the website don't worry everything will be on the youtube channel directly after the events you can watch in your own time you can also meet any or all of our exhibitors by going to the exhibitors section of the website and you can also chat and discuss with other doers from all around the world by going to one of the community rooms now today you'll also have the chance to win some odoo shoes look how beautiful by participating in the quizzes at the end of each talk so it won't make you wait any longer go out there and enjoy this final day of the odoo experience
Channel: Odoo
Views: 3,315
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: odoo, technology, open source, open source software, software, software as a service, saas, cloud computing, business software, management software, ERP, OdooWebinar, #OdooWebinar
Id: n54uhrly-E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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