Keynote: The Changing face of Education with Craig Kemp

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hello everyone james here from lakeland i just want to wish you all a great day and welcome to the first keynote of wakelet community week this is the changing face of education by the amazing craig kemp who we'll hear from shortly and before we do i should remind you this is an entire week dedicated to you so there's other keynote sessions you can attend as well as weight loss sessions to learn a bit more about weight clutter as well as mindfulness sessions speed networking and of course we have an amazing competition going on as well so anything you you you really like any moments you want to capture screenshot grab from craig sessions or others use that hashtag you see on screen there hashtag wake up community week and share your favorite moments with us at wakelet uh on twitter facebook instagram wherever uh and also i know a lot of people will ask about this certificates will be provided via a link that you must fill out at the end of the session so towards the end at the outro we'll drop that in the description and chat and you can go ahead and fill it out there i can see there's a lot of people in the chat already joining from all over the world which is incredible to see i've seen north macedonia there india egypt's in the house morocco uh we've got people from the united states as well waking up early mexico city philippines south africa croatia literally everywhere across the world so again welcome everyone to the first keynote of lakeland community week as i said this is the changing face of education uh with the amazing trade camp and when we first put this week on we really wanted to do a session around this because uh change i believe has been the word everyone's lives everything's changed in the last year or so in our lives but also in education as well we've changed the way we've we've taught our students we've even changed the way we learn ourselves change the way we've communicated with others too so um we've invited craig here to speak about how education and life has changed over the past year or so and he's going to share some tips on kind of what we've learned what what we'll take from our learnings and also what we'll not do from from our learnings this year as well so welcome craig the stage is yours please introduce yourself and have a great session james thank you so much it's an absolute pleasure to be here thank you for having me and i i wanted to start by uh you know a massive shout out you know i'm loving looking out your window at the back of you there james actually because i'm sitting here in singapore it's eight o'clock in the evening and you know i wish it was sunny like that right now it's dark uh a little bit rainy uh and i'm i'm a little bit jealous so uh i'm loving that um beautiful northern hemisphere europe summer coming in so so thanks for the introduction i wanted to start actually with some shout outs um you know i'm seeing ada here from thailand i'm just going through you know i was doing a quick count while you were talking you know more than 25 countries represented here already um georgia from greece um you know you from malaysia uh uni from tunisia trevor and canada um philip from orlando usa you know the list goes on maha bangladesh malacca from malaysia you know it's it's it's massive and you know i can't even keep up so hello anna russia you know it just keeps going so hi to everyone um thank you so much for uh for being here today um let's get underway i'm super pumped about today actually so you know let me share my screen and then uh let's go so hopefully you can see my screen okay here um let's get underway so you know i wanted to start by playing this video once upon a time business as usual was often good enough no more where we are going good enough is dead in a world where everything is connected where everything is equally excellent performance is reaching perfection there's only one space left to innovate in you right now you are a central point of the raging tornado of change fueled by digitization mobilization augmentation disintermediation automation while the list goes on science fiction is becoming science fact think about self-driving cars or computers that can learn and think the way we work will never be the same the skills we need will be dramatically different winning or losing are now happening faster than ever before so what's your response how will you discover new opportunities in one of the most transformational times in human history are you driving change or are you being driven by it disruption has become the new normal with change it's always gradually done suddenly well things really have stopped happening gradually this change is exponential everything that used to be dumb and disconnected is now wired and intelligent cars cities ports farms even our bodies will be wired with sensors and will talk to each other these game changers are also combinatorial they amplify each other creating a perfect storm of change quantum computing fuels big data the internet of things fields artificial intelligence and deep learning which fuels robotics however anything that cannot be digitized or automated will become extremely valuable human-only traits such as creativity imagination intuition emotion and ethics will be even more important in the future because machines are very good at simulating but not at being yes robots and software will do some of our work but this will allow us to focus on things that cannot be automated to imagine change squared you've got to start engaging more with what might be not just with what is immerse yourself in the immediate future five to seven years out from today we need to go beyond technology and data to reach human insights and wisdom technology represents the how of change but humans represent the why the future is about holistic business the opportunity is to be liquid to learn just in time not just in case not single improvements but complete transformations not individual systems but new ecosystems humanity is where true and lasting value is created we will engage relate and buy things because of the experiences they provide because of their transformative power the future doesn't just happen the future gets happened the new way to work is to embrace technology but not to become it the future is in technology yet the bigger future lies and transcending it let's live and lead from here you know i uh when i think about change and i think about technology in the world that i live in you know i think about you know good leonhard is a futuristic she has a lot of amazing things you should check them out but it's inspirational for me to think about you know the world that our kids are going to grow up in how are we going to change this world of education and i'm so thrilled when i look at that chat to see people from you know more than 30 35 40 countries from all over the world represented here today whether it's morning lunch time evening for you uh it's an absolute pleasure to have you here so let me tell you a little bit more about me as you can tell by my thick accent i'm originally from new zealand uh so any australians listening in please don't hold that against me i won't talk too much about how good the all blacks are for any rugby fans out there either um but i promise most of us are okay um you know i'm i'm originally from new zealand i'm a primary trained teacher i've been in teaching and leadership for more than 15 years in educational settings in both public and private forms so my wife and i moved to singapore nine years ago and we moved here with the intention of being here for two years and it's nine years now and you know i couldn't imagine our life any differently to be living here making some change and how to connect and engage with an audience from all over the world you know the number 44 000 at the bottom uh represents the number of people i'm connected to on twitter and it's an absolute pleasure to see some of you here today as well so if you're on twitter at mr kim pinz tag me in share it out do whatever you want to do i'll get back to you after this as well i'd love to connect and engage with more people and of course any questions anytime you ask me um i'm a previous ed tech director so for the four years prior to starting up my own company i worked in a large american international school here in singapore as the the technology and innovation director um supporting a school of 3 200 students working with staff students and parents to authentically and purposefully use technology now i own my own consultancy company ignite id tech and we work to support schools and in-tech companies all over the world to move from surviving to thriving and we work with schools and one-to-one device rollouts supporting strategy you know professional learning you name it we do it and uh it's been an honor over the past 18 months to support people through the change that has been covered i wanted to very quickly you know i'm going to talk a little bit about the why today but i wanted to share my why which is my family and this is something i love to start with because these are the people in my life that that make my life important you know this is why i do what i do this is why i want to create change because the future is here on your screen my kids three and seven the kids that i want to make sure that our future of education is better for with the use of technology to enhance their lives you know and via kids lives how can we make a difference now to support this uh because if i do say so myself they're pretty damn cute and they have a massive future ahead of them so you know what has covered done for us when it comes to educational technology you know thanks to covet our world has changed you know out of this world different you know we've come to this point 18 months ago where covert started and you know as much as i don't like to talk about covert i want to talk about how far we've come because we got thrown into the deep end singapore here one of the first countries to be affected by cases of covert and you know from that point on we reacted in a positive way and made a change you know we stomped it out we fought hard and made sure that we followed rules we wore our masks you know we're vaccinating now we're doing all the right things to make a movement here to be able to get to a position where we can can truly make this change happen and get back to the way we always did things and you know that that new normal is going to be very different and one of the things i like is as a teacher myself that you know when i was growing up and you know and then i became a teacher and i taught for many years my friends my family didn't really realize how hard it is to be a teacher you know they'd say to me you work nine till three uh you've got the best holidays in the world you know and i always used to get so frustrated by that and it used to make me angry and then i realized that you know i'm fighting something that i shouldn't fight so what i actually did is i changed my mindset and i said you know what my job is pretty awesome you know my job is great and you know if you want to join me go and do four years of training and come and join the bandwagon of what i think is the most transformational role in human history the one thing we can do to adapt and change our future leaders and learners and followers to be the best society that that society can be and you know in this world with budgets dropping and learning opportunities adapting pd options growing i mean you're here today because you're a change maker you know you're a wakelet fan you're a learning fan you're an education fan you're a difference maker you want to change the way you do things and improve yourself so i'm preaching to the converted here a little bit but as i work through today i really want you to take the context that you're in and take my message and if you take one or two things away from today and adapt it to your context you're going to be better off you know share that with people around you you know the power of multiplying this message is the way that we can make change share with people in your community the things that we talk about today help them understand the difference that they can make you know that my last point here is something that i'm really passionate about you know what we've noticed is that we do have an inequitable access to devices not only that but an inequitable access to learning and that's something that we have to change and i'm going to mention this a little bit later but i'm i'm in the development phase of of a pretty big project that we're going to be launching in august uh and we are going to change the face of professional learning forever you know we're shaking up what the professional learning landscape is going to be and we're going to make sure that educators all over the world are going to have access to this the best of the best minds in a place where you can access them at a low cost on a community of practice that is changing this world and i can't wait to share that with you so definitely follow along with me over the coming weeks and months as i start to drip feed some things out there when we're ready to share as well um over the past 18 months you know i've worked fly and fly out of countries all over the world the six months leading up to our lockdown here in singapore i was in 12 different countries working with 30 different schools supporting them in their strategy and development and since then i've done the same amount online if not more in a virtual setting and these are the the things that i've sort of categorized i've been able to put people into three categories you know those teachers that thrived the five to ten percent of people maybe you that thrive during this time you took risks you tried new things you use technology to your advantage and you're the people that really took that to the next level you know then we had the five to ten percent of us that gave up and giving up's a little bit harsh but that's the way i've sort of defined that group of people that have said you know i'm done i can't do this anymore and you know from a mental well health and well-being perspective from a you know end of career perspective from a capacity perspective whatever it is and you know i salute those people it's a it's a hard job to say look i can't do this anymore and being able to stand up and do that is tough and you know being a teacher has been just as tricky as any other profession if not more tricky and you know i salute every single one of you and i thank you for everything you've done for our youth because this is a challenging time something that you know in 10 20 years time we're going to look back and go wow that's a massive point in human history and and teachers made a world of difference um 80 of us survivors we hung on we clawed on you know even at times when it was tough we did our best to survive and you know this is this diagram sort of summarizes for me when people uh have a way of thinking you know those teachers that we look at and they go you know this is the way i've always done things why should i change you know and people have been forced into that over the past few months and you know i love this diffusion of innovation model um as well and this diffusion of innovation model which was first coined in the 1960s actually refers to the way we use technology to enhance learning experiences so when we look at this you know we have our innovators the three percent of people in our school and if you have more than that in your school i want to come and work with you because no school i have ever been in ever set foot in has no laggards you know lags are the people that say no land guards are the people that say this is the way i've always done things legards are the people that say to you you know i've been teaching for 20 years and my kids have been successful why should i change you know anything you throw at them they'll push back on and my first message to you is you will have laggards in your life personal or professional my first step is always invest in the people that want to be invested in your early adopters and your early majority invest your time first there i'm not saying forget about the laggards but if you invest 10 percent of your time in those legs from the beginning they will take away and they will zap 90 of your energy don't waste the amazing energy you have on them from the beginning get people on board create a movement and then let that journey flow down you know the guys will get on board or they'll jump off and either way it's the right thing for your context you know and when i put this into the context of how do we move people how do we change mindsets this is something that i work with a lot of schools on and i try to make it as simple as possible here for the the sake of the sharing and it's you know for me it starts with build a team this doesn't happen with individuals you know it happens with a community bringing people together you know true wakelet fashion how do we bring people together into a space where we can help each other we can grow each other we can support each other so for me the other innovators they're the early adopters and together you build a plan you know not just you know one person or the innovators but all the teachers all of the community all the leaders bring people in lead professional development and professional learning by teachers for teachers if you're the tech expert in your school don't be the person that stands in front and dictates learning get a teacher next door you know the best growth i've seen is using what i call the teacher next door model when you get someone who is a low level on that scale of adoption learner that can actually lead a session and it doesn't have to be groundbreaking but if they can see that person leading they know that if ginny can do it i can do it and it's that whole mindset thing if we can create that confidence let them move on and that's what we want to do and reward that growth share it you know focus on that majority next move those people into learning opportunities and then get teachers teaching teachers and as the cycle continues we see results and those results come in the form of data you know every person that's moving as a piece of data in this cog and we continue to refine our practices to improve and bring people on board and it doesn't happen overnight you know when you hear the word technology in your life you probably think of this right or this or even something like this you know technology that is changing so dramatically every day that sometimes you think how do i keep up but we often forget about the best of technology that's ever been invented and to me you know everything around me is technology the clothes i wear but for me the best piece of technology ever invented is a pencil and a piece of paper it gives us the ability to communicate you know if we're using technology as a simple replacement of a pencil and a paper all we're doing is substituting you know if you know ruben putin dara's sama model it's the lowest level of a sama model the ability to substitute a technology for something else without any significant change what we want to do with technology is say to ourselves why why am i using that tool is it making a difference and is it doing something that i couldn't do without technology and if your answer is no don't do it 100 you know i'm the technology guy you know i've been that guy in schools for so long but some of the best lessons i've seen don't involve technology just because we're moving in this world of technology doesn't mean that we have to use a device all the time pick the right tool for the right job at the right time because the technology is important but it's not the answer you know we live in this world where we're obsessed by technology we want to use technology but at the end of the day the technology actually adds more stress to our lives unless it's there to solve a problem and one of the biggest things i've seen in the work that i do is that the poor strategic development leads to poor tech use in your school you know the whole idea actually of developing a successful strategic plan builds from culture and i love the saying that culture eats strategy for breakfast and if you can't develop a culture in your school where people want to change grow move develop learn you're never going to have a strategic plan that's sustainable because the reality is that technology is not slowing down you know your school is unique but technology is going to continue to develop at a rate that we've never seen before so if you don't keep up you will be left behind and we have to choose the right tools to suit the purpose and you know i love you know developing these sorts of ideas when i work with schools and this is something that i developed recently with a schools group in malaysia you know and we were talking about first and foremost know your why simon sinek says people don't buy what you do they buy why you do it if you don't know your why no one's going to join you on this journey if you can't identify your problems and find general solutions for those problems no one's going to be interested in jumping on board build capacity build capacity in people the most important resource in your building are the people in your building and if you don't ask them what they want what they need what's worked what hasn't worked you don't build trust you don't build culture you can't build strategy and if you want to build successful strategic plan when you get there you do it together so on that note i want you to think to yourself how will you adapt and change you know and i wanted you to think about this while i share this story and it's something that i used to do every year i used to go into classrooms and i'd throw down these floppy disks and i put them on the table and i'd say to the kids and he's a normally grade five transitioning in grade six sort of elementary into middle school and i'd say to them you know what do you think this is and always the kids would look at it they'd throw their hands up that shout out mr kim mr kim i know what it is and you know i remember this one time this girl adamant i put them on the table and i just said what do you think this is because we were talking about change and technology and the ability to use it to harness you know the best that we could do and this girl was adamant waving her hand at me and mr gamer see him i know and i said okay let's let everyone have a think you know she was one of those kids and you have these in your classroom too one of those kids that was always first to jump at something always wanted to have her voice heard um and i actually knew in the back of my mind and it's kind of sinister in a way but i knew in the back of my mind i don't think she knows what i'm going to do here but let's just play with it because it's going to be quite funny and i said it right go for it what do you think this is and she she with the people around her and they're like yeah yeah this is definitely what it is and she looked with a smug smile on her face and she looked at me and goes mr kim this is easy this is a 3d printed version of the save icon you know to her and the people in the class these kids they knew nothing of what existed before technology the first generation to not know what it was like before technology existed you know that this the first thing that came to her head was a 3d printed version of the save icon you know we get into a discussion you know this is what we lived by you know this went into my commodore 64 or my amiga so i could type up a word processing document and i could store on this disk that's this size 1.44 megabytes of data isn't that huge and then they look at me and they have no idea and i go you know what here's my my iphone if i take a photo of us right now that photo would not fit on this disc that's how far we've come in 15 or 20 years you know now on a file the size of my fingernail i can fit multiple full length movies you know i can fit my entire computer hard drive as much as i want to fit on a thumb drive the size of my nail imagine what it's going to be in 10 to 20 years time from now and it blows their mind so it's a really important thing for us to think about because as we move into this world where technology changes so quickly we also get caught in this loop of consumption you know there's so many things that allow us to consume more and more and more netflix youtube you know all of the stuff is thrown at us all of these tech tools consume consume consume and we forget about you know the world economic forum's future of jobs report which i'll highlight soon and they say you know one of the most important skills is creation the ability to create to make to to create data to create new things and that that whole problem solving cycle so i challenge you when you look and you analyze your learning experience how much of those learning experiences are consumption based and how much of it is creation based and what can you do to change that whether you're dictated by a national curriculum or not what can you do to change that you have creative control use it you know the curriculum is one thing your delivery is another you can deliver how you want push boundaries if there's ever a time to push boundaries it's now do it make a change make a stance let's try and shake up the way we do things and i'm using some graphics here from apple because i love the way they think about learning experiences you know they say every learner is a creator and as teachers we design these conditions for creators you know it's our job to do that and seymour peppa says the role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than to provide ready-made knowledge and i think often as teachers we get stuck in this excuse that we have no time to do this and to me you know i've been there i've done that it's too much of an easy cop out to say i don't have time to create authentic learning experiences for my students if you don't have time plan nothing and let your students take the lead i can promise you that learning activity will be 100 better than something where they just wrote learning you know and don't get me wrong there's times for rote learning but we need to think in this complex way and this is what i referred to before you know every year or so the world economic forum produ produces their future of jobs report and this came out in december of 2020 and these were the top 10 skills that our learners will need to be successful and to thrive in 2025 as far into the future as they can predict this is based on years of research you know actually this is based on research before covert so i'm super curious to see hopefully at the end of this year what comes out of the next world economic forum future of jobs report i really am and you know when i look at this i the first thing that springs to my mind is that 50 of these skills are problem solving skills and then i ask myself and i want you to ask yourself this question how many of these 10 skills do you explicitly teach do you explicitly teach how do you teach these skills to our kids so they know what they are they know how to use them they know the why behind them give yourself 30 seconds here let's stop 30 seconds count up how many of these skills you explicitly teach to your learners whether you're a teacher a leader you know you're in higher ed wherever you are how many do you explicitly teach throw them in the comments section put it out there you know on a fist to five scale and i refer to this as a fist numb to five all ten where are you fist to five you know a tool that allows you to share these skills you know and if you didn't see the graphic just google search um world economic forum future of jobs report 2020 and you'll see this come up uh and you can delve into other data and information there too but on a first to five scale in the chat share where you are it'd be really interesting to see where we are based on geography or where we are based on what we teach so share some of that in there as well and i'd love for you to comment on each other's and and truly engage and follow each other there as well so i wanted to move this conversation into a couple of things here um and i often as a director of technology in a school one of the things that i get asked a lot is screen time you know one of the biggest concerns from parents is screen time unfortunately it's not you know where are the problem solving skills where are the critical thinking skills where's the creativity how are you using technology to monitor control where are you teaching resilience problem solving you know i wish those were the questions from parents but our parents are not being upskilled in our schools we need to move them away from this other stuff into these skills how do we teach them what's important because the data shows us you know this comes from you know the source that i feel is the most relevant in most research the american academy of pediatrics that you know they say that for some kids two hours of screen time may be too much but the most important thing is quality over quantity from the age of six they say to parents you know your kids best stop letting them rule your roost tell them when enough is enough if you feel that it's not right and in your gut it doesn't work then get them off the screens you're the adult you're the parent and i love pushing this back to parents too i love saying you know unless your kid is under the age of two then you need to limit down to one hour if they're over the age of five then you be the parent you decide how much is enough you know you decide if you want them on youtube all hours of the day and night because there's no evidence that shows that it's going to be have a detrimental effect yes there's some around mental health and well-being and i'm not going to go into that data now because that's kind of contentious in a way because there is a lot of stuff out there and i encourage you to look up that research but from one perspective when a parent comes at you and says you know stop my child using their device you know push it back on them teach them how to do this right and they will need some education you know they will need your support and tools like common sense media are great tools to use in that space and i wanted to highlight one other study something that struck my mind a couple of months ago when this came up you know researchers from the university of oxford examined data on more than 300 000 as adolescents in the us and the uk to ascertain the impact that various factors had on wellbeing and they actually attributed just 0.4 of well-being to the use of technology just 0.4 of well-being you know when you look at this and you compare it eating potatoes has more of a negative effect on well-being than technology does you know and this is one study remember so i'm not saying that this is the only way but this is a study that made me go wow you know and i'm not saying that that technology doesn't attribute to teenage mental health because it clearly does and we do have a problem with that in our schools with cyber bullying and safety and the list goes on and that's can be seen in teenage suicide rates globally but you know when we look at the experts bring in the experts you know bring in people to your schools that can help you with this and there's a myriad of people out there that can do that if you need some people ask i can connect you to amazing people doing amazing things in this field you know one of the the tools that i've been exploring lately is clan beat in the well-being space c-l-a-n-b-e-a-t clan clanbeat check it out they're doing incredible things in the space of of well-being uh and supporting teenagers and learners and educators in the space of well-being clan beat is something that check out jump on board trial it for free incredible resource and i mentioned this before that ties all of this stuff together simon sinek says people don't buy what you do they buy why you do it and this comes from his book start with the why you know he says that the epicenter of everything we do why is the most critical word we can bring up you know and i've adopted this mindset now for many years both in my personal and private and professional lives and you know the first thing i do you know when my daughter is is having a tantrum i think to myself why you know why is she doing that how can i solve the problem and actually what can i do i work through this process if i'm in a classroom and a child is struggling with a new math strategy i have introduced i think why you know why are they struggling is it that they can't comprehend the concept can i bring in some some tools to support that that's the how and then what can i do i can can step them through you know there's all these things that we can think of whether it's minute like that or it's a bigger concept like why use ipads in my school you know these bigger concepts as well but you know when i say to teachers and i'll go back to the pencil and paper being the best technology ever used when i see people using technology for the sake of technology i shake my head you know use technology only if it makes a difference and adds value to learning if that's the only message you take from today make sure that's the one because and i mentioned this earlier as well one of my favorite pieces of pedagogy here to help us understand how and why we use technology as the sama model and you can look up the sema model which is developed by ruben putin dara and you can look this up later and do a bit of research into it but it's a great way of thinking to help us define how we use technology you know any and he always says you know this isn't a ladder we don't work ourselves up for salmon model we use this as a way of thinking when we go to introduce a tool or create a learning experience using technology we think to ourselves does this enhance the learning experience does it transform the learning experience a learning experience can still be amazing at the substitution level just as much as it can be at a redefinition level but if we truly want to transform learning experiences we have to modify and redefine experiences so that they were previously inconceivable right doing things that you couldn't do without technology so we look at technologies like augmented reality an amazing company that's doing things with augmented reality at the moment is hello go world h-o-l-o-g-o ho logo world look them up download their app for free incredible things coming from them i've seen a taster of it i use it with my own kids uh it's a game changer in the form of education with with augmented reality but that redefines the experience i can't do that i can't bring a dinosaur into my room at the touch of a button with any other form of technology so it's an incredible transformation but i'm not saying you have to do that you know a redefinition you know let's talk through an example my children are writing in a textbook a substitution would be they use google docs an augmentation would be that they start using some editing tools in google docs that augments the experience you know it it allows them to edit functionality allows them to check grammar and spelling we can read we can modify that experience by actually redefining the task and saying we're going to add in some peer assessment here into this google doc and we can redefine it with tools like moat that allow for audio feedback etc on top of this so this whole process becomes really easy when we use this as a guide and i'm more than happy to share more about this with you if you have questions on this later as well and it brings me into the concept of learning to unlearn and relearn and in this time of constant change this skill is critical we're at a junction now where we are a generation that has learnt all of these skills and now we're at the time where we need to unlearn them not just teachers but parents as well everyone has to unlearn so we can re-learn for what comes next because mistakes are okay but the most important thing here is as a leader of a school how can you embrace it as a learner leading in a school how can you embrace it you know it starts with you what do you need to unlearn so you can relearn because as alvin toffler says the illiterate of the 21st century are not those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn unlearn and relearn so for me it's about building capacity in yourself staying relevant understanding what's current and education and i've shared some of those things with you today already you know i shared about clan beat and her logo and moat and some of these other tools you know and to me honestly i wouldn't be here if i didn't believe that wakelet wasn't an educational trend something that transforms and redefines learning it's an experience that's like no other you know it allows us to create these amazing learning experiences and for me the second point in building capacity is seeking opportunities and again i'm preaching to the converted you're here because you want to be here you know it's the people around you that you need to help you know how do you create opportunities for yourself and for others to try new things and then how do you build a professional learning network i shared at the start my pln of choice my professional learning network of choice was twitter i'm connected with 45 000 educators from all over the world and hopefully more today you know i love building my network i encourage you to jump on there follow other people as well follow the people that i share and i connect with because that's what this is all about connecting engaging and learning and then of course what comes next in my mind is closing that loop by sharing how do you create content not just consume it and then share it back because everyone has a story to tell you know i i always tell a story of this 62 year old lady that used to be in my old school and she'd come to me and say craig i can't use technology i'd say yes you can and then she'd use it and be blown away by her and then i'd say to her you should be blogging and she started blogging and sharing her story you know everyone has a story to tell and everyone has an audience so if you think that you don't have something to share you're wrong get out there share it do it people are gonna love to hear from you because at the end of the day no one's gonna hand this to you on a silver platter it starts with you you know i wanted to share a very quick case study at my old school stanford american an amazing large international school and ib curriculum us common core standard school here in singapore you know we created amazing professional learning opportunities for our people we helped build capacity if we wanted to change create innovation it started with these change makers then it went on to our students our learners the ability to innovate starts with us as teachers to guide those experiences to give them the things that they can be at the forefront of you know we partnered with a company called lightning to help build an app the former creators of angry birds you know they came over and they helped design with the kids from an alpha and beta stage you know we seeked out that opportunity and created it and and we gave out our student leaders which we called our tech spurts our technology experts to lead and you can see them here leading with some of the leaders of our school so we created those experiences and opportunities if you don't create it nothing happens you know and we create this timeline and i'm going to skip over this a little bit but but we established a k-12 vision and in that vision we said we want to be a school where we possess a culture where everyone thrives in a constantly evolving landscape nowhere in here do we say technology nowhere in here do we say that you have to use tech to build that culture and change the way you do things but this creates a movement you know it allowed us to shift that focus from consumption to creation and it allowed us to develop a model that worked for us and this is where our model came from you know our job as coaches as ed tech leaders in our school was to do these four things provide curriculum support utilize our human resources so we can be sustainable develop skill sets and build capacity not just from teachers but students and community as well and then empower the community by enhancing those experiences and what we invested in actually was people we didn't invest in tools we invested in people human resources wins every time 100 so we grew our team and our model came to life you know we created this idea of id tech champions you know not just the five of us in the middle but the people in every year group every department of our school you know every one of these letters represents a department a grade level people in our school that are influenced by the teacher next door model by people being able to share start with a small group and build over time and if you want to learn more i can share some articles and more information about this model that we developed as well i'm more than happy to do that and we created these four responsibilities you know if you're a digital learning champion you have to do four things one be a champion shout it out from the rooftop listen to people first and foremost be willing to learn yourself be an active collaborator and a sharer and then be an effective integrator help us integrate things into the curriculum and help build capacity in other people and then we establish non-negotiables and this is something that i encourage you to do in your school as well establishing non-negotiables creates a level of expectation you know this is the way we do things at our school you know we are a technology rich school whether we have devices or not this is what we believe so the first thing we believe that digital citizenship is the most important thing that we can promote not just digital citizenship but digital wellness you know the ability to actually be a digital citizen and this was driven by heather bernard in our school uh and you can find her on twitter at tech star teacher tech star teacher she's doing amazing things in the form of you know digital wellness and digital learning and well-being and i encourage you to check her out but we onboarded 373 teachers as common sense educators we became a common sense school and we didn't just tick a box but we integrated this into our curriculum we took a deep dive for a full year on one concept then we said you know every one of our teachers we use apple devices in a one-to-one program you need to become an apple teacher we need a minimum expectation of skill level and that now is something that when hiring they say right are you an apple teacher do you know how to use apple technology because if you don't before you start here you need to upskill yourself because we don't have time to go back and make sure that you can do the basics of this so when you're entering a school ask questions about this you know if a school like this is saying you know you need to be an apple teacher i look at them and go wow you know that's setting the bar high and i want to be a part of that so you know think to yourself ask these questions when you're going in because at the end of the day if you're empowering teachers that empowers students and that's at the heart of everything we do and you know as i come towards the end here i and open up to q a and open up to your questions so please do throw some questions there as well because we're going to have some time for them but i encourage you to check out my podcast now this is a shameless plug but i used to blog i used to blog at my website uh for many years and then i realized that i hate writing you know it didn't sit well with me but boy can i talk you know and i'm talking pretty quick here today because when i get excited i talk fast and my accent sometimes doesn't help so hopefully on a recorded version we can add some subtitles so you can follow along but i am and we'll make sure these slides are available to you as well but i now host a podcast and every thursday evening northern hemisphere time every friday morning southern hemisphere time a new episode has dropped it's called the ignite id tick podcast and you will find it in your podcast channel of choice and i think the the wakelet team will be sharing in the the comments bar there the link that where you can find this which is a link tree link it links to all of my social channels it links to my podcast you can find it search for the ignite edtech podcast and i look forward to having you as a listener it's my way of giving back my way of sharing for free every week a 20 to 30 minute episode about my thoughts on technology my favorite tools i chat with some of my favorite educators from all over the world you know i i share my ideas my tips my advice uh and then i give away prizes um for listening and following so jump on board have a listen i'd love to have you on board as as part of a learning journey that we we're on as well and i wanted to finish today with this uh which for me sums up you know what we are as a generation you know what we need to remember you know we are the last generation to understand life before the internet the last generation to understand life before a smartphone the last generation to understand how to truly connect without the use of social media you know think about this the last generation our kids my kids don't know what it was like before technology we are the last generation to be the fluent translators of what it was like before technology and now what it's like after technology our kids do not understand that they haven't lived that life you know and i'm guilty of this but to wonder each morning what i should do instead of wondering what you missed as you pick up your phone and you look at your notifications so i challenge you i challenge you here today how can you help yourself and help others around you you know how can you plan with the future in mind how can you use these ideas and concepts and i've given you i've thrown a lot at you today but first and foremost know your why why do you do what you do why do you want to use technology why do you want to make a change and if you can't answer that don't do it i ask people and this may be something that you go away and do and i ask you this go away and think about what your elevator pitch is an elevator pitch is 30 seconds to a minute you know you jump in the lift or the elevator at the ground floor and you've got to make your way to the eighth floor and on that way a parent walks in and a parent says to you you know why do you have ipads in your school or it's the director of the school and the director says you know how to use technology in your classroom you know why do you use technology in your classroom or you know a colleague walks in and says the same thing or the owner of the school if you can't justify that in 30 seconds or less you're not using technology well enough you're not using it in the right way you're not thinking about your why so go away and think about what your elevator pitch is challenge your colleagues to this as well it's a great activity to see if you're on the same page and the reality is if you don't stay up to date you will be left behind technology is changing at a pace that we've never seen before and we can no longer keep that in our distant past you know or look at it at our periphery it is here and it is not going anywhere this is how to connect with me you know i i love doing this the thing i struggle with here in this the space is that i can't see your comments very well um so i don't know what you're saying i don't know if you hate me i don't know if you can't hear me uh but you know i love to share and i love to help and if you need help you want to connect you want my support in any way any shape in any form you know and if you know me well i'm here to help you connect with me on twitter linkedin you know instagram on my website if you have a question i will answer it you know i really will i'll go out of my way to make sure i can help you and you know if you're following me on twitter or sharing things out there now i'll get back to you immediately following this you know i will jump on and i'm a little bit addicted to the use of technology myself but i love it you know it truly transforms my learning experience so let's answer some questions let me stop sharing my screen here and come back in here um very quickly i i want to be able to answer questions if you've got questions throw it in the chair i'm just going to shout out to a couple of people before we answer questions i can see some stuff here um you know thank you janice phillip um where are we looking here um zach i love it thank you so much for sharing back um janice i appreciate it there as well um yeah i mean so many people sharing stuff here sumeeta uh we've connected before which i'm so stoked to see you here as well uh you thank you so much uh i appreciate that james questions do we have any oh you're on mute james sorry i'm on me yeah awesome i was saying it's absolutely amazing that session um it's a shame you couldn't see the comments throughout because so many people were quoting what you said uh different practices you were sharing as well and towards the end you can see now everyone's saying how much they loved it it's a real eye-opener for some and also i think just reassured people on the stuff they're doing in their school is the right thing currently so uh thank you so much for that craig personally i like to all the stuff you're saying about um humans at the forefront that's exactly what we stand for uh here at wake up all about putting the human at the kind of center of the internet uh organizing the internet there but also in terms of community as well we at wake up learn from people our community started with 40 people that we learned from and it's evolved of time to thousands of people that attend these webinars so it works exactly the same in schools we learn from teachers and teachers learn from teachers as well and then we'll pass it on to students um so i absolutely loved the whole session there craig thank you so much uh one question that did come through which i think was on a lot of people's minds was um when you're talking about those lag ads there's people who may refuse to to change in education um even in the remote learning standpoint how would you you deal with them when going back to school in say the the new school year yeah great question you know i uh you get this all the time every school has laggards and i think that you know these lay guards will exist no matter what you know they're going to be there and it doesn't mean that a lag guard is negative it means a laggard has a voice and i actually quite like that and you know my favorite people to work with in a school are actually these laggards you know i really do and i feel that the thing that you can do to embrace them in the new school year is empower them you know truly create an environment where there's that teacher to teacher culture where the teacher next door model open up your classrooms let people see let people share build confidence build confidence one small step at a time start small but think big you know the whole idea of of bringing on board people is that that those small steps that that moderation of learning so if you want lags to come on board you need to step above that the late adopters you need them to be the ones sharing so for me it's that teacher-to-teacher-sharing model and i've got a whole bunch of ideas if people want them to you know classroom walk-throughs you know we used to call them ticky brickies we would put on breakfast and allow people to come in and do some things you know lunchtime sessions you name it yeah i think that's a great thing there are people out there i saw a few comments saying we are not alone and 100 we are not um as you said we've kind of preached into the convert these are tech enthusiasts here who are pushing tech and trying to evolve in in education and and in life um but yeah you're not alone you may feel like that sometimes in your school i speak with a lot of community members who feel like they're the only ones pushing but as craig's saying that there's always someone who may be open to it that you can get on board and allow them and empower them to teach others as well and if you still feel like that there is a budding community in ed tech genuinely so with with wakelet community here feel free to connect with craig the other speakers the people who are in the comments and feel free to share your knowledge and learn from each other as well um one thing i loved michael harvey's comment now on screen uh what's the most important thing in the world people the people the people 100 and one last question craig that's okay is with all of this where do you see parents uh fitting in uh with this uh kind of change and transformation in ed tech for their children yeah great question you know i i mentioned this a little bit in there but i probably didn't go into much detail on it but one of the most powerful things you can do is empower your community so put not just teachers in front of your parents but put kids in front of your parents you know one of our most popular sessions that we used to run at our school was when we put our middle school kids in front of our parents where they could ask them anything you know ask me anything about technology you know we we brought up the tough topics to talk about we brought up all of these things that no one wanted to touch and facilitate but when we empowered kids to do it they are more than happy to our only rule your your if your child says to you you're not allowed to come to my table as a parent you're not allowed to go there you know so that we respect their privacy they were answering things like you know talking about sex talking about bullying talking about the workload that they've got and they were they had this power to help parents realize this need for for upskilling and what we did was not only that but we ran regular sessions we taught them the things that they needed to know we taught them the pedagogy and we we put it into layman's terms you know we helped them understand how basic this is that if you don't keep up you're going to be left behind you know this world is vastly different from what we were before we actually taught them as if we taught our kids you know we really did we said to them you know you want to learn how to use a device come on in we'll teach you how to use the device you know as if you're one of our grade one students and they loved it so you know it's this whole mindset change in schools that parents are there to only you know tell you what's wrong if you give parents the opportunity they'll jump at it you know they honestly will they'll be in there and they'll help you and it takes time and it's all about making sure that you create those opportunities you know just say they're not going to do it without trying yeah i've seen that a lot as well with speaking to teachers across the world people think of community or learning communities as maybe just the teachers maybe the students and the other members of staff uh but yeah the parents are a key role in there and you get them on board um i think that's what it's all about bringing people into that community making them feel like they're a part of it and everyone can learn from each other uh whether it is in the tech sense or even for any topic uh people are experts in that in their own fields and it's we're better together when we pass across those pieces of information and continue learning really i saw a comment before saying that um kind of it's always best when teachers carry on their learning that's how your students will always carry on learning as well um so yeah absolutely incredible thank you so much craig i think um that's it there's anything else you'd like to share craig at the end of this session no honestly james i just want to say thank you to you and the team at wakelet for providing this opportunity to to not just me to share my voice but also to the community to come together because you know a big part of what i do and why i connect online is this this idea of empowering and engaging and collaborating and it's truly amazing to read through some of these comments now and see people from all over the world collaborating and connecting here so you know please stay in touch i mentioned one of these big projects that i'm working on that's coming out um very soon watch the space we'll be launching our new professional learning network um our professional learning community um a place to come to learn develop and grow uh in about two weeks time so watch the space follow along and i look forward to sharing it very soon yeah we'll be looking out for that again craig thank you so much for that i've seen uh have a look in the comments after this as well um admins there saying he had his almost eureka moments yes so he's very excited i feel like you've um give a lot of inspiration to people today with tech and kind of watch change as well so thank you so much craig for joining us we really appreciate it um as we wrap up everyone i will drop in the certificate link uh for you all to fill in so uh open that google forms up click onto it fill in your name and email and you'll have a certificate of attendance uh sent directly towards you uh your email as well uh with all of this as well i've seen a lot of people share their quotes screenshots of uh of craig and his slides anything that you learned today please do share them on twitter instagram facebook with us using that hashtag wake up communityweek and at wakelet and uh remember to uh tag craig as well which is mr kemp nz on twitter too um so yeah lovely lovely session thank you so much craig again uh from the chat i can see a lot of people find it beneficial and useful so again everyone at home thank you so much for joining in uh tuning in this uh this session for the week remember there are tons of sessions to join also i think we've got around five left today and around 20 left for the rest of the week as well their keynotes from people just like craig and also from our ambassadors uh doing the wakeup sessions also so again craig massive thank you for joining everyone in the chat huge thank you and we'll see you all in the uh sessions to follow bye bye thanks everyone bye you
Channel: Wakelet
Views: 33,251
Rating: 4.9542856 out of 5
Id: Hd2yraSsD4o
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Length: 62min 36sec (3756 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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