Keynote – Next.js Conf 2020

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- Oh, Next.js Conf is starting. Let me message the Next.js community on Discord to let them know that I'm gonna need a little bit more time. See, we have a lot of big announcements planned for today, but before I get started, let me tell you a bit about how Next.js is helping everybody build a better web. Back when the web got started, it consisted mostly of simple documents that could however be transmitted and rendered very efficiently. The web was mostly static and plain, but that didn't last very long. As time went by, the web became a lot more dynamic and interactive and animated and user personalized. Thanks to the power of JavaScript and the introduction of new CSS capabilities. Companies like Facebook created groundbreaking new web experiences on this web to power products like chat and newsfeed. Lines of code started flowing from the backend and into the frontend, where JavaScript with primitives like functions and classes, it just wasn't quite ready to harness and control these emerging needs of frontend engineers and product designers. The React component was then invented and open sourced by Facebook. It became the building block to organize and build this new kind of web experience. Almost exactly four years ago today, Next.js was introduced on the cusp of the React revolution. See, React was invented to build components but at the time, we wanted to build full pages. We didn't wanna mess around with libraries and bundlers and configuration. We wanted an entire solution. We wanted a framework and we wanted a platform, and we thought that that was a very big gap that needed filling. Our focus was then to create the best way to develop, preview and ship pages to the open web. Next.js pages are unlike any other because they give you, the developer, complete control over the entire frontend experience. It's never been a better time to be a frontend developer. As the API economy matures, you as Next.js engineer, have a tremendous advantage. You get to pick and build on top of any backend, whether it's been pre-built or whether it's been built by your own teams, either way, you get to prioritize what's truly important for your business, great performance, rapid feature development, and ultimately, the ability to ship rich and delightful user experiences. Next.js was the first React framework to focus on server rendering. Prioritizing search engine placement and user experience. Mostly by putting computation that was expensive and putting it in the cloud instead of on your device slowing it down and draining your battery. Over time, Next.js only became more powerful, with features like AMP pages, we doubled down on search engine optimization and mobile readiness. For larger teams, TypeScript support was a game changer. With TypeScript, you get to move fast but you don't introduce new bugs as frequently. Finally, as of Next.js 9, we became the first truly hybrid framework with capabilities like static site generation and serverless functions. We entirely eliminated the dichotomy between static and dynamic, giving you both all in one package for you as a developer to choose on a page-per-page basis. With the React component as this amazing unit of collaboration combined with the ability for Next.js to straddle from one page to one billion pages, we enabled companies like Apple, TikTok, Twitch, Lyft, Hulu, and Target to reinvent their entire frontend experiences. What's more, for companies like HashiCorp, The Washington Post, Airbnb and TripAdvisor. By deploying their frontends to Vercel, not only did they ship fast but they became faster at collaborating, iterating, reusing, and ultimately they were able to stay fast over time, especially as our world around us changes and new unforeseen challenges emerge. Above everything else, with these great companies and with the partnership of Google and Facebook, and you, our contributors, with more than 1300 unique contributions to our open source project, we built the most exciting and amazing Next.js release to date. Next.js 10 is available today and you can upgrade with just one command. As it's always been our commitment to you, our developers, we've made it completely backwards compatible. The first highlight of today's release is about one of the most important primitives of the web, the image. The image element was introduced back in 1995, but has seen very little evolution since. However, on average, images will make up 50% of the average webpage size. When left unoptimized, images will hurt your site's performance, and consequently your user experience and your conversion. Next.js 10 solves this. Tim will now show you how easy we've made it for Next.js developers. - Thanks, Guillermo. Our main goal of Next.js is to improve two things. Developer experience and user experience. By removing the image optimization burden from developers, user experience will greatly improve. The Google Chrome team and our community helped make this one of the biggest optimizations we've ever released. This year, we've already invested in both developer experience and performance for all Next.js applications. By focusing on decreasing the amount of JavaScript the browser has to load, we introduced over 20 new features yet the JavaScript size of the Next.js core was reduced by 16%. And the Google Chrome team helped us introduce a new JavaScript code splitting strategy, which let companies see major improvements without any code changes to our Next.js application. For example, Barnebys had a 23% decrease in overall application size. And SumUp had a 70% decrease in their largest JavaScript bundle size. All they had to do was upgrade Next.js in order to leverage these optimizations. And we're committed to keep making these types of enhancement effortless for developers. While our focus on improving JavaScript size has paid off, the web is not all JavaScript, it's also markup and images. Images alone take up 50% of the total webpage size. Images impact Largest Contentful Paint, since they're often the largest physical element when a page loads. Joe will go in depth on this Web Vital in a few minutes. And half of all images are over one megabyte in size, which usually means they aren't optimized. Today, users browse the web using phones, tablets, and laptops, yet images are still approached as a one size fits all. It's a problem when sites load a 2000 by 2000 pixel image, but my phone is only displaying it in 100 by 100. And 30% of images are outside of the initial viewport, meaning I'm loading images that I can't even see, that could have been lazy loaded as I scroll. And images often don't have a width and height set causing them to jump around when they are loaded. This hurts cumulative layout shift. Another Web Vital Joe will cover later. Finally, 99.7% of websites don't use modern image formats like WebP. So images are hard: size, weight, lazy loading and formats all have to be considered in order to build performant webpages. As developers we've had to set up complicated build tools to optimize images, but those tools usually don't even cover user submitted images coming from CMS, make it nearly impossible to optimize all images. This impossible development task inevitably leads to frustrating user experience. That's why I'm excited to announce the first two features of Next.js 10, the Next.js Image Component and Automatic Image Optimization. So let's start by taking a look at the Next.js Image Component. At its most basic, the Next.js Image Component is just a drop-in replacement for the HTML image element, but evolved for the modern web. The Google Chrome team helped us create this React component to improve page performance by making best practices the default. When using the Next.js Image Component, images are automatically lazy loaded, meaning they're only rendered when the user is close to seeing the image. And by enforcing image dimensions, browsers immediately render the space needed for the image instead of having it jump in when loaded, this prevents layout shift. And developers can mark images that are in the initial viewport. Next.js will automatically preload them, improving Largest Contentful Paint by up to 50%, that's fast. Even with all of these improvements, there's still a major problem, we're still serving that 2000 by 2000 pixel image to my phone. Today, we're also solving that problem. The Next.js Image Component will automatically generate the right sizes through built-in image optimization. Not only does this serve users for smaller images while preserving quality. It serves the images in modern formats like WebP, which is about 30% smaller than JPEG. Built-in image optimization also allows Next.js to adopt future image formats and serve them to browsers that support those formats. It works with any image source, meaning that even if images come from an external data source like a CMS, they're optimized. And instead of optimizing images at build time, Next.js 10 optimizes images on demand as users request them. This means that unlike with static site generators and static only solutions, your build times aren't increased, whether shipping 10 images or 10 million images. Next.js 10 has made this impossible development task easy and your users will inevitably benefit. The new Next.js Image Component and Automatic Image Optimization are powerful new primitives that massively improve user experience. The Next.js Image Component handles automatic lazy loading, pre-loading of images, correct sizing across devices, and automatically supports modern image formats. These features work with images from any data source. I'm looking forward to seeing how much faster the user experience becomes with these new primitives. Our team of contributors believes that if enough developers adopt the Next.js Image Component, the web as a whole will become a better and faster place. Later today, Alex Castle from the Google Chrome team will talk about the technical challenges that the Next.js Image Component solves. So be sure to check that out. Now that we've seen how Next.js 10 makes image optimization easy. Let me show you another feature that shows how great developer experience creates a great user experience. This year, several businesses and community members helped me understand how important internationalization is. For example, I learned that 72% of consumers are more likely to stay on your site if it's been translated. And 55% of consumers said they would only buy from eCommerce sites in their native language. So if you plan to go to market in a different country internationalizing your project is critical for success. Internationalizing a project has two main pillars, translations and routing. Many React libraries prepare applications to be translated, but most of them expect you to handle routing manually, and generally only work with one rendering strategy. That's why as part of Next.js 10, we're releasing built-in support for internationalized routing and language detection. And we're giving you a hybrid strategy, so you can choose between static generation or service at rendering on a page-by-page basis. This release supports the two most common routing strategies subpath routing and domain routing. For both strategies, start by configuring the locales in the Next.js configuration. A locale is a standardized identifier, generally made up of a language and a region separated by a dash. For example, this refers to the Dutch language and the Netherlands as region. and I can also add this, which refers to the Dutch language and Belgium as the region. Once your locales are configured, you can choose between subpath routing or domain routing. Subpath routing puts locale in the URL. For example, I can insert locale into URL like this or this, allowing all language translations in the same domain. On the other hand, domain routing enables you to map a locale to the top level domain. Like this and this. Giving users an extra local feeling. These language strategies automatically integrate with Next.js' hybrid static and dynamic rendering. In addition to the routing strategies, Next.js 10 has built in language detection based on the Accept-Language header which is supported by all modern browsers. Because Next.js pre-renders the page markup through static generation or service at rendering, it will immediately serve the content to search engines, this helps with search engine optimization. Next.js also avoids content duplication by automatically adding the language attribute on the HTML tag. If your site needs to be global, the internationalized routing and automatic language detection in Next.js 10 provides you everything you need to get started today. Guillermo, tell us what's up next. - That was great, Tim. With Next.js 10 so easily optimizing your images, whether static or sourced from a dynamic CMS or API, you'll be seriously improving your site's performance. With internationalization support, you'll be reaching more audiences in more markets. And with that, more users, more networks and more devices. And frankly, more challenges to performance. With that in mind, we decided to solve the ultimate challenge, staying fast over time. Here's Joe to show you how Next.js 10 incorporates performance monitoring as a key part of your workflow. - Thanks, Guillermo. You're right, we've been measuring performance in the wrong ways or at the wrong time. Today with Next.js 10, we're fixing that for all Next.js applications out of the box. Developers all around the world choose Next.js for its incredible performance, why? Because to your visitors, performance is absolutely critical. More than 50% of your visitors will abandon your page load if it takes more than three seconds to complete. And for eCommerce, improving the speed of your page load by just 1/10th of a second can yield 1% increase in conversion. At Vercel we're obsessed with performance. This is why Next.js makes best of breed performance optimizations like critical CSS extraction, and differential loading for modern browsers by default, with no configuration required by the developer. And to sustain the level of performance your visitors expect from your application, automated conformance testing becomes a key part of your developer workflow. Today as part of Next.js 10, we're proud to release Next.js Analytics, the solution for tracking performance metrics and making them a key part of your developer workflow. This means instead of measuring once, we'll be measuring continuously. Instead of measuring from just our development device, it'll be from the actual devices of our visitors. And instead of from only our country, it will be from the actual regions that our visitors are in. Conformance is about understanding the entire picture, deeply understanding our audience, and how our application performs for them. As developers, we're normally focused on performance when first implementing or rebuilding an application but once we ship, it's easy to lose focus on performance. This is why continuous and automated conformance testing is so critical. Google in conjunction with the Web Performance Working Group have come up with the set of performance metrics to track how users experience the performance of your website, aptly named Web Vitals. Web Vitals are the metrics that track the perceived loading speed, responsiveness, and visual stability of your website. All three essential for your website's overall health. Perceived loading speed can be measured by Largest Contentful Paint, or the amount of time it takes for the page's main elements to be displayed on screen. For example, when I go to purchase a pair of sneakers, the amount of time that lapses from me clicking on the link to seeing the sneakers, their price, and the add to cart button is Largest Contentful Paint or LCP. Page responsiveness can be measured by first input delay or the amount of time that elapses between me clicking on the page and seeing the reaction of that input. For example, when I click add to cart, the amount of time it takes for my cart count to update is First Input Delay, or FID. And finally, visual stability can be measured by cumulative layout shift, or the measurement of how often elements move after being displayed to the user. For example, we've all had the frustration of trying to tap on a button just to have it move because an image loaded late on the page, that's layout shift. The continuous measurement of Web Vitals from your real users is crucial. It's the only way to know how your website is performing for your users. This is because the performance of your website can vary dramatically from user to user or device to device and network to network. An emulated test cannot capture these differences. That's why we had to create Next.js Analytics, because at the end of the day, it's your users who are scoring your performance. Every time you deploy you'll automatically receive actionable performance scoring. Instead of relying on a one-off lighthouse score that you calculate, start relying on a real-time score that your users calculate directly from their Web Vitals. In addition to an overall score, we give you all the tools necessary to further dissect and improve your performance by Next.js page, connection speed, device, region and so much more. Now as developers, we'll never forget our focus on performance. Today, take the first step towards developing side-by-side with your users. Visit to learn how to enable it in your application right now. Back to you, Guillermo. - Thank you, Joe, that was great. With Next.js 10 making it so easy to optimize your images, internationalize your website and ensuring you're fast every step of the way with Next.js Analytics, we still wanted to give you one more thing. Today, many of the most successful Next.js applications are in the eCommerce space. Thousands of new eCommerce initiatives are spun up every week. Up next, Bel will give you our all-in-one starter kit for high-performance eCommerce sites. - Thank you, Guillermo. The pandemic not only pushed us away from our friends and family but it also put traditional brick and mortar businesses under extreme pressure. Before the pandemic began, we bought 16% of our things online. Now, we buy nearly 34%. COVID pushed 10 years of eCommerce growth into three months. We expect huge innovation from stores digitalizing, they have to make up for the loss of physical experience by moving things online. We already learned from Joe that a 10th of a second delay can drop conversions by 1%. When shoppers cannot touch, they demand performance. Next.js 10 solves the problems of modern eCommerce sites, delivering performance while reducing developer work and enabling greater collaboration across product, marketing and engineering teams. The new Next.js 10 features are powerful new tools for eCommerce. With the new Next.js Image Component, your product images are individually optimized for your shoppers. If your site needs to be global, the internationalized routing and automatic language detection provides everything you need to get started. And with Next.js Analytics, you can shape your application based on real user data, instead of basing your decisions on hunches of the loudest talkers in meetings. But some traditional practices might still hold eCommerce sites back. For example, traditional eCommerce monoliths used to be the only option for businesses, but with their complex and inflexible structure, they create a single point of failure. Rapidly changing market demanded transition to headless eCommerce. Headless eCommerce decouples the frontend from the backend, empowering teams to focus on product and frontend, while letting other services handle the business logic and eCommerce engine. That's why today in collaboration with BigCommerce we release Next.js Commerce. The all-in-one starter kit for high-performance eCommerce sites. With a few clicks, Next.js developers can clone, deploy, and fully customize it. Start right now at We've studied the best practices across the web to make Next.js Commerce, the best option for creating an eCommerce site. We're very grateful for the insights of our customers and partners. Developers now have all the source code of a best in class eCommerce store, fully customizable, and yet incredibly easy to ship. By removing the constraints of typical eCommerce platforms, you're free to market your product in the best way for your company. Now, let me walk you through the out of the box features. We take performance really seriously. We've added all the best practices to get the highest lighthouse score. Every page has the right SEO configuration. This gives you a competitive advantage by making your application indexable, searchable and rankable. As we mentioned, all internationalized routing and automatic language detection is handled by Next.js. Comes enabled by default, work on one application and become global in seconds. Next.js Commerce is ready for all devices and specifically optimized for the mobile user experience. We follow Google's UX playbook for retail. We've standardized the building blocks for eCommerce. These components allow you to build any view basic or advanced for your store. Themes are easily customizable. For styling, we picked Tailwind CSS as an utility first framework for rapid customization of UI components. We've also standardized the data layer for eCommerce. Models like cart, wishlist and catalog, get their own hooks and utilities. We shipped with all the right data fetching hooks. Thanks to Next.js Preview Mode, you can preview your product pages and share the modifications across teams. Get a fast and reliable live editing experience thanks to Fast Refresh. Just run next dev in your terminal. Ready for any hosting platform and integrate easily with any backend. Right now you can deploy with one click to Vercel integrate seamlessly with BigCommerce. And all the features you already know and love like incremental static regeneration, link pre-fetching and so on. eCommerce is one of the most important uses of the web. We are proud of this example, and all the advancements it shows for eCommerce. And we know that the Next.js community will contribute and together we can raise the bar for eCommerce sites. Back to you, Guillermo. - Thanks, Bel, that was miraculous. I can't wait to see the kinds of great eCommerce sites that people launch with your starter. 2020 has been a very unique year. For those of us in tech, it's been empowering to be enabling the kind of rapid digitalization that the world needs right now. However, contrasting that, and in view of the pandemic, injustice, division and even the wildfires here in the West Coast and Australia, we are determined to give back. Stay tuned to our Discord for an exclusive Next.js swag drop. The proceeds of which will go entirely to these causes. Or checkout for more information. With Next.js 10 we're introducing incredible new features like image optimization, internationalization and analytics. We combined all of them into Next.js Commerce, our all-in-one starter kit for eCommerce sites that you can clone and deploy in seconds. Next.js Conf is just getting started. With our community, our partners and our sponsors, we've put together incredible content that's coming up next. And tomorrow with the Next.js Career Fair, we're creating incredible new opportunities for employers and job seekers alike. We hope Next.js Conf is a turning point in your projects, your companies and your careers. Let's go build a better web together.
Channel: Vercel
Views: 41,891
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Id: 1-NzQ9ObsfM
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Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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