Keycloak User Actions | 2022 | Viewers Suggested #Keycloak

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[Music] hello and welcome to tech guinness my name is chandra and i am a technology explorer so this video is about key clock user actions so some of the users who have watched my video for key clock so they asked me right can you make a video on verify user or verify email right so for those users i have prepared this video basically this key clock user actions can be applied for a new user for example when you are creating a new user or for existing users also you can make the user to do some action right for example you can say verify email so the user need to verify his email then you can say update password for example if some breach happens and you want the users to update the password before they log in next time right so those things you can do this q clock user actions okay so let's see directly the demo how we can do that yeah so now this is my key clock let me login to this okay now we are in the realm settings and in one of my video i explained the whole realms right how it works okay all the tabs you can see there are multiple tabs you can see right so all these steps i have explained but again let's go to the email because we and this video is specifically for email so i'm talking about the email settings if you are having your own email smtp server right then you can enter the host here then port then this is the sender email address so mostly it would be an admin or any other email address right which your organization is using and then again some features like display name reply to display name then if reply you are looking for a reply right for example if the user get a mail right and he can see like to whom he is replying that address you can give then enable ssl if you are enabling ssl then start tls if you want to enable and enable authentication for example if i am using my google account here right then i entered the host as google smtp server details then in enable authentication i need to use my own credentials okay so for this demo uh i'm using a very lightweight client this is a male hog client basically what it will it will do it will hog all the mails right whatever the mails your system is sending it will capture those mail okay now you can see that it is binding to address for smtp it is using one zero two five port and for http where we will open our in the browser it is eight zero two five okay so now let's do the configuration for this mail hook so because the server is local host yeah we have taken it and for smtp it is saying one zero two five port from display name you can say key clock admin from tech gns okay reply to display name heat clock admin only then reply i am saying reply to same id okay so yeah so we are good here so you can test the connection you can click on test connection you can see success smtp connection successful email was sent okay so let's open our mail hog localhost 8025 yeah so you got the email right so this is how you uh do the email configuration for key clock okay so you can for if you want to do it for google you need to make some changes in your google account you need to make less secure because these days like google not these days but i think it's from a long time they have made this uh things uh difficult okay because of security reasons so if you want to try out these features i will suggest go for this kind of smtp servers okay so now we got this email right so we are good to go we will save it okay so our first task is completed that we need to do the mail setup ok now i am going to create a new user over here ok let us go to users click on add users demo user zero zero one okay email i am saying there are more user zero zero one at first name last name i am leaving uh blank here user is enabled email is verified i am saying off okay so now here is this one right required user actions so this is the topic of our video where we are saying that user need to take these actions for example verify email so when he logged in for the first time he need to verify the email then he i can force him to update the profile i can force it to update the password okay so let's see these things in action okay yeah so user is now created okay let's go to this credential step okay and i am setting a temporary password here okay so i have set the password set password okay fine so what we will do we'll try to login with this user okay sign out okay so i'm saying demo user 001 so this is the first user action you can see you need to change your password to activate your account okay because we have set update password so new password i am setting okay so now the password is updated okay now comes the next section you need to update your user profile to activate your account okay so that's why i left this two things unfilled over here so i am saying demo user 01 okay this this was the second one okay now the third one and it is the main one right which users were asking my viewers were asking can you show verify email address thing right you can see you need to verify your email address now we have come to our mailbox you can say from key clock admin i have got this mail that you need to verify it someone has created a key clock test account with this email address if this was you click the link below okay so this is the link to email address so once i click on link this link so that means i have verified it okay so now you can see that i have logged in successfully you can see because this is i am at the like console right security console this user has not privileges that's why it is forbidden okay so let's search for demo user 001 yeah so what we have seen we have seen we have ask the user to update the password to update the profile to verify the email okay so similarly we can ask the user to configure the otp we need to take the action first before he is logged into the system right he need to take those actions so this is how user actions will work and if you want now this i have created a new user and the actions we have taken now if you remember i have talked about that for the existing user also you can do this right i can say you can verify email once again yeah okay because this email verified is there right now let's sign out and demo user zero zero one yeah so you can see you need to verify your email address so let's go here yeah we got this email again we'll say yes i'm verifying it now it has logged in so let's go to the user so this is my user and you can see right i have disabled this uh attribute email verified i make it off right because and then i applied the user action right to verify email so once the user has verified the email from this link so automatically this field is on right that means email is already verified so this is how this features work right required user actions okay now some of you may be asking that this is from the admin console management console i am doing this right what if i want to do these user actions from api right you you have seen my videos on api automation right how you can create user in an automated manner right so for this what you need to do this is my add user key clock api you can say auth admin realms master users and here is the body right so there is this you can give required actions it is an array so verify underscore email so that means you are saying that you need to first verify the email update password okay so you can see this is the user chandra.sharma03 and i'm saying that password is password and you need to do these two things okay so email verified is currently false so let's try it first again this is same thing you can see my previous videos how you can get this token and all i've explained it earlier so i'm taking the access token okay passing it in the authorization and let's create the user now user is created right okay let's do one thing i'll go to manage accounts okay okay i'm signing out from here okay now sign in so user was chandra dot sharma 03 and password correct you can see like we have created the user from this api right and we have we are saying verify email and update password so first action is to update the password so let's give the valid password or you can say updated password now it should say that you need to verify your email correct so we can see that key clogger has given the message that you need to verify your account first let's go back here yes it is saying and it is sent mail to this id right whatever id i have used over here so this feature will work only if the user is having the email address if it is not there ultimately right this will not work okay so we can say link to email address verification so if the address is verified you will be able to see the yeah so you can see the new user is logged in and you can see you can see the personal info whatever you can update or anything okay so yeah so this is it this is all about the user actions in key clock so guys if you have any other things to ask right if you want me to make a video on some other topic on key clock or any api security related thing you can comment in this video and okay and i hope you will like the video if if yes please do subscribe to the channel thanks a lot bye
Channel: Tekgainers
Views: 1,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Keycloak
Id: 2LjHimxQbis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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