Key takeaways from RSS chief Bhagwat speech on polls, arrogance, Modi govt, Manipur, caste, religion

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are you sure here's the 30C lesson on what Legends know never ask a bride why she's getting married don't wear a skirt on a windy [Music] day dant is not a shower don't sniff chil flee and don't forget saving is not investing Legends don't just save they invest in mutual funds mutual fund Investments are subject to Market risks read old scheme related documents carefully RSS Chief or sanchalak moan bhagwat has spoken out he was addressing karta vikas work so the RSS has a kind of training orientation for its volunteers for its workers or its for its swss there he spoke he spoke for about 37 38 minutes it's all in chased Hindi now I have listened to this carefully you've seen lots of headlines this all made headlines this came out last night around 9930 by that by the time it surfaced most Publications had gone to bed and yet it was seen it was deemed important enough to make it to front pages almost in every publication however the details the details are subtle and details are quite extensive which is what I have done so I've listened to this carefully and I've also tried to pick out what I think is important and what I think has implications going ahead and you know what it's chased Hindi as I told you so all my notes are written in Hindi so as as we speak I will be translat rating I think my Hindi is pretty good better than my English this used to be a somewhat more extensive program earlier now it is done in two sessions or two two sections kakara Vias work a or Kaka Vias work do so what what Sarang chalak was speaking at was the conclusion of K becauseas work do second and what is he saying first of all he takes he he takes he makes an overview of the situation in the country particularly after elections and he says in elections people compete with compete with each other spha spha means competition rivalry but it is not war and that's where his burden is to tell his workers and in fact through this speech everybody because now anything it says makes news because after all the RS is the ideological parent and Guru of the BJP which is at the core very strong core of this Coalition as well and the BJP has run the previous two governments and the key figures in this government as in the previous two all happen to have come from the school called the RSS so he says his burden is that election campaigns you you compete with each other but it should not become like War however the most significant point if you interpret this is what he has said about the need for selflessness and need to shun arrogance among workers and that he done by taking a Doha coulet for Simplicity from B Kabir and and what is it I will read it for youha B what does it mean I'm trying to simplify translation as much as possible it says the one who maintains marada is deorum decorum good form one who maintains decorum does perform performs his duty but remains detached that means does not crow about what he has done remains detached and he says there is no arrogance that I did this only I did this only such a person has the right to be called a savok that is SE to be a very important message from him because he seems to be addressing what is seen as arrogance on the part of who you figur that out I leave it to your judgment because that is that is the central message and this comes upfront in his speech that do your job perform your duty don't be arrogant don't say that I've done all this and for that he has pulled out this couplet or this Doha from BH Kabir and then and then he explains it he said vavic those who are real workers they follow deorum c c because he also pulls out one more line from Sanskrit from his Sanskrit saying it is and then he goes on to say what that means is people work according to their skills they put in all their skills and hard work but it doesn't mean that while I'm using my my hard work and my skills to earn a living to do my stuff he says nobody stares everybody has to work but while you work using your skills and your talents it doesn't mean that means it doesn't mean you should be pushing others around or should be at the cost of others or should be should or should involve Injustice for others and he again repeats that even when you do your own job using your skills and talent you should do it while following deorum Mar this is this is also our culture as we say wise men wise people only need a little bit of a hint they will understand what this is about and then he says and and then he says our culture says who once who performs their duties but does not get obsessed with it or does not get indulgent with it or self- Indigent with this what that means is that a good savok a good worker a good volunteer is somebody who does not get arrogant that I am the one who did it only the one who does not get only the one who does not get arrogant like this has the right to be called real worker or a real Sav and then he says if we get caught up in this if you get trapped in this we will be we will remain there we will not move forward he says in in politics there are always two sides once again for greater ity what he means is that people who been defeated in this spardha in this competition they are not people who are adversaries they have their own point of view so in a debate there can be two views you have your own views you won the election but the other side that has not won the election also has a view from the other side that is the reason he prefers to call them praak this is an interestingly subtle interpretation of national politics if you see a race it's called Char M spha so spha is exactly for competition a race so there are two sides in an election in politics and then he says spha competition means even that requires decorum and what is that decorum deum a that means nobody should use lies and nobody should use bad language and he also says that in this election campaign Mar that is in this election campaign deorum was not followed he does not say who did not follow deorum but he says Mar he also makes a little reference to the RSS and the rss's role in the election so first of all he says that Mar Pala so much so that there were many controversies even an organization like the RSS was drawn into controversy and then he says very subtle point he says the RSS performed its role as it always done in every election by fine-tuning public opinion by fine-tuning refining you can choose your word I'm using an approximate translation fine-tuning public opinion beyond that what happened how it happened who won who lost we are not concerned with that as an organization but then he said why are you getting elect Ed that's a question everybody has to understand and he goes back to voba voba quoting from Reda and voba quoting from RVA to say and verab quoting from rvea to say that RVA has has quite consciously use an expression which does not imply 100% agreement 100% they may not be 100% agreement so is the expression from Riga what that means is that you can have a consensus without having unanimity which he says is the essense of democracy he said because there are two sides just as a coin has two sides there are two sides so on every every subject there can be two opinions so you can't say that just because You' got elected everybody has to agree with that there will still be two views at the same time if you remember that competition is not war now he says bahat is not OU which means a majority doesn't mean unanimity so people can disagree with you so you can arrive at a consensus a consensus is very important so he says he doesn't like like the expression viri so much that is the ruling party or the or the party that has won and vodi party because vodi means adversary he prefers PR now pryu is difficult to translate in English because it doesn't exactly mean the opposition opposition will be close to Vero in fact what this means is the other side that those who've not won the election are also on the same plane they just happen to be on the other side they are not adversaries they are not enemies on the election campaign he said and then he talks about misuse of Technology for spreading falsehoods and then he says exact quot at this point he takes a little break and he talks about he compliments the Modi government for having done a good job over the past 10 years and he says India's India's image has gone up India's economy has grown strategically India has become stronger India's image has been enhanced in areas of culture art science technology Sports etc etc India government faces challenges he says and then suddenly shifts to Manipur and he says a say Manipur that means for one year Manipur is burning Manipur is on fire he says for 10 years Manipur had had peace it had looked like Manipur had got rid of the gun culture it is back now he said I don't want to say how it's come back who's brought it back but the fact is that gun culture is back Manipur is burning this this needs immediate attention and this has to be addressed now this message coming from him particularly as Manipur has a BJP government it's also a BJP government which at least since the trouble started more than a year ago in March last year so Law and Order constitutionally and technically Still Remains under the state government but a lot of it is being micromanaged from from the center through officers handpicked and appointed there it is still not coming under control in fact in fact as we speak just a day earlier a convoy with Chief Minister Beren Singh was attacked it was ambushed he survived fortunately some people got injured so if I were to interpret these statements I would say that Beren Singh should now believe that his days are numbered that said Beren Singh is now in BJP he's not an RSS man he is in fact a congressman and that's true of every leader the BJP has in the Northeast the BJP not the partners every BJP chief minister of the Northeast with the exception of thura is actually a former Congressman now looking at all that and looking at these statements and this particularly talking about Manipur also given the fact that in Manipur congress party has won both the seats he's won the seat in me area which is inal Valley and also in the Hills which let let's call it the tribal seat but you can also call it the cookie seat although there are more nagas and cookis in Manipur but the fact is both seats have been lost with that if you you read s s chalak comments on Manipur along with the fact of the BJP losing those two seats I would suspect that baren sings days are now numbered now the fact is that Sarang chalak has spoken about Manipur in the past also expressing concern but this time his language his choice of words and emphasis has become stronger so he has said that for 10 years there was peace and now one year there is no peace so that makes it a m stronger statement and if this does not have consequences frankly I will be surprised then he moves on to then he moves on to the larger issues larger issues of the rss's theme some of which he talks about in his the Shera address as well and we have featured those in our CC episodes after his theara speeches he goes back to AAR and he says if you if you read our vas nothing just that justifies untouchability nothing that justifies the cost system he says in our culture philosophy and Faith there was nobody was as pressure that means nobody was Untouchable these distortions came over time over thousands of years now what happened in the past people suffered injustices people were subject subjected to injustices those who suffered injustices are harboring that anger so I would suggest that let's leave it all in the past his exact words are Bal let's deposit this in the past and then move on from here treat everybody as your own and jati that is castism and that's where I have written something in English because he spoke in English three words in English he a lock stalk and barrel lock St and Barrel so that is then his attack on castism and then he says this is these are sins of thousands of years these will not be washed so easily these are sins of thousands of years and these then require amends to be made and he says that's why wherever you live he's talking to the SW and the Hindu society which follows him now he says wherever you live in whatever Community you live you should make sure that you have family interactions Ana Jana that means visiting your neighbors people in your community Ka dining with them Roy B Roy B is metaphor which is not easy to translate that means people you dine with people you eat with share your food with and people with whom you have marital relations so or and then he shifts with religion first he's talked about distortions that have come up over time in Hindu religion and then he says over time religions came from outside and this is Islam and Christianity and he says they might have come from outside and a lot of people in India also adopted those religions or converted to those religions for whatever reasons or whatever justifications they might have seen but the fact is now they are not Outsiders and if we have to argue with them we have to argue with them philosophically and he says all religions say sub bu exact word say they've all come from the same Foundation which means all human beings have emerged from the same being of the same entity of the same Divinity you can translate it as you as you wish he said the problem has arisen and this is his argument and that's the way he articulates his position he says the problem arises when one Faith thinks that my truth is the real truth and everyone else's truth is not the truth the fact is that everybody's truth is the same so once you accept that then there will not be a problem and then he says and then he says if you accept that then you will not try to convert others because you try to convert others because you think that my faith is true other people's faith is not true so that you have to give up and then he says time has come to engage philosophically and then ask P Islam what is the Islam of the holy prophet and Isa is and what is the Christianity of Jesus Christ and if you do that he says then you will real realize that this idea that we are the only ones who are right all others are wrong that we can get rid of and he says all of us are brothers all these are distortions once again turning to Hindu Society he says we should also work in the direction of ensuring that wherever we live all of us have all of us have the common Mand Pani shamsan all of us means he's addressing the cast system here and cast disparities Mand all of us go to the same same Temple all of us can draw water from the same well and all of us when we die can be crated at the same shamshan so he's in this case addressing cast discrimination exg and segregation particularly in rural India this is an interestingly subtle interpretation of national politics after a campaign where people have been called Pakistani agents they their Manifesto may have been called Muslim Ley etc etc so this is really trying to pour oil Over Troubled Waters [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ThePrint
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Keywords: theprint, shekhar gupta, ThePrint, ThePrint news, ThePrint videos, ThePrint Hindi
Id: 2TapiyNtZ3Q
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Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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