Key Glock Talks About His Multiple Personalities, Sex Life, & Yellow Tape 2

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yes ma'am number one station in the streets of streets 945 i am fly guy dc mister 6 to 10 and listen listen listen special guests in the building my brother my brother my brother first and foremost how have you been i ain't seen you i mean you seen you maybe like a week ago but before that i ain't seeing you in a minute so how have you been my brother i've been wonderful it's the word of the day wonderful now now how's life been uh you know you got you got covet the world been shut down everything's been kind of slow but i know for for y'all it ain't really been slow but how's life been on how is it slowed you down life's gonna be life bro like ups and downs no matter what's going on anywhere absolutely right now you got a a album album dropping uh a part two what makes this one so different from the first one i'm more aggressive i'm more aggressive you know i'm talking a little deeper too okay now when you say you're talking a little deeper do you mean as in like like you just giving it raw because because you're covering it and i'm talking like speaking from the soul okay understood now yellow gold it's really gold okay so it's gold yeah but it's yellow now now the is yellow or gold your favorite color it's my grandmother's ex for sure so now now this noun is starting to make sense now so why did you name the tape yellow tape in honor of her no see the first yellow table came about i was just just in my mood just stuck in my ways like yellow take me like caution something happened some somebody done died or something i look at like i kill everything i do like it's just yellow tape you think of glocky think of glock like everything absolutely right now what is going to separate yellow tape 2 from yellow tape 1 outside of the aggressiveness a feature i got a feature on it now the feature let's talk about the feature i mean let's cause i see that there's a let me make sure let me make sure i get it correctly right because i keep saying like and i don't know if this is an alter ego or or what the case may be but i keep seeing glizac on on all the tracklist like almost every song i see glizzok so can we can we talk a little bit about that would they like to say this there's twins oh so that's sweat okay so so now you don't usually do features and you never really do features which i commend you for that um because a lot of artists base their their craft and base them being the artist off of grabbing somebody else to be on their song to make their name what it is why have you not saved been against it but what's been your stand on that i just don't want to take that route because that's kind of it's kind of a new way it ain't but that's what a lot of folks prefer like you know like a cheat code but i don't like you saying i don't blame them for this just like what i want to do i want to when you hear about glaucoma how you know about glock is because of glock absolutely right not because of nobody else yeah now all these goddamn cars let's go down the list of them and they're all yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow which is your favorite and which is your least favorite um my favorite probably my mclaren no lotto what's the color the interior on that mclaren black okay all my interior either black or red okay gotta be and which one do you drive the least probably about roads okay but right at the least i like driving my fashion now which one have you got the top in the most [Laughter] which one do it go down in the most i will not ain't even giving so now now why why i know everybody has this really man [Laughter] uh i mean first and foremost i just want to tell you like i'm extremely proud of you like i didn't seen it from the beginning i didn't seen it from when doll first introduced us years years ago and the growth is definitely like it's there like and you see the maturity you see you see how you move now and it's totally different from when i met you years ago like you move you come somewhere you probably a hundred deep like you just pulled up you chilling like i that that you is way better on the business side and it makes things make more sense speaking of the business side how much of a role does dolph play in your mindset when it comes to business really we feed off each other we feed off each other like we give each other ideas and suggestions like we don't take each other's advice all the time because we both both are here we both leos like both it's both like like with us it's either our way or no way but we me and him like we respect each other's decisions so it's just natural now y'all are blood blood right yeah like related okay so with having someone in the industry like a dog does it make it not because it's not a it's not a cheat code because you're your own person you're your own craft you're your own style but having them like as that mentor does that help you in the game yeah in a way but then again bro i'm literally hard here bro like i do what i want to do i don't listen to nobody like i might do sometime but and then that's how this that's how i came the way i am i'm hard hit i like experiencing you know what i'm saying mm-hmm pick out things on your own yeah like what may work for you might not work for me so let me try my way you know what i'm saying now are you still smoking on gelato or did you switch it up we smoked a lot of five years ago so what you on there yeah we put it on the map well i ain't putting them out but bro put it on the map so what you want now there's so much stuff out i can't even just pinpoint one out now i know we talked about hooping can you really hoop i see one of you wins though like a lot of the rappers be like man i can hoop i can do this i can do that and then get on the court and it's a whole different conversation i know so you not one of them never been one now you got three singles out right now truly ambitious of cash and the truth right which one is your favorite and why really all along you can't ask me that i'm my own number one fan i think everything i do the hardest song ever made in the world so i don't know this is my company so which one do you listen to the most i'm gonna be one i'm gonna be honest with you bro come on i'll record so much like by the time they come out i won't even be listening to it no more like i'm probably listening to my second tape right now that's gonna come out so what is the process of of key going in the studio to record of course you got to have your your smoke your drink whatever the case may be but like is it like you just going there and you write is that you going there you go off the dome is it like like what's the process of you in the studio really i can't i can't i can't write because the way the like the way i write i may not like read it that the way off the paper the way i need to be freestyling is is easy so i can do like what i want to do how i want to do it like i can switch it i really can't put it in words but it's like i can have more fun with it when you when you off the door exactly it's like it ain't no structure but it is no no it's like freelance when you go to the gym mm-hmm and you're just in there enough shots yeah you're doing whatever you want to do yeah no coaching what you know absolutely now if you was to go in the studio how long would it take you to lay down a verse just a verse it depends on the beat depending on the mood i mean but tops no longer than 20 minutes okay 20. it just depends yeah it really depends on my mood now uh a brother to brother question you're extremely talented and i'm not just saying that i told you that day one when i first met you um what do you think is holding you back from that next step like because it's like you there but you ain't crossed the threshold yet of being there so what do you think is holding you back in your mind i'm not a people person i ain't friendly like i ain't industry friendly basically like you know what i'm saying like in that place i always got my guard up like i ain't no dummy girl i'm i came here to handle business and make money i ain't coming to make no friends that's where they begin to confuse that you know what i'm saying it's a business at the end of the day like no matter what goes on this is a business a business accumulate money absolutely so so with it being a business and and you crossing or attempting to cross that threshold do you think that would ever change to where you keep it as a business but still play the politics so that glock can get to that point yeah i can i can play i can play the fake role i can play like a little row act like i'm buddy buddy with you buddy with him like like we brothers even though i just met you two months ago you know i could play the role but that ain't me bro yeah i'm i don't care about it yellow tape too friday right what can the people expect from this murder murder murder killing everything caution tape watch out now listen i got a question cause i know ain't nobody probably ever asked you this before has the the gun company ever reached out to you maybe so so are they like like for collab or like an endorsement would that be something that you interested in doing maybe that might be it's so i just think that'll be extremely dope though uh i i think that uh and that's something that can elevate the brand and you in general right and and something coming from that would be extremely extremely dope man uh brother yeah yeah i heard it first right here if if if it comes along yeah glock what you mean yeah oh okay listen man yellow tape too 20 songs why 20 songs uh it really is not a reason i was gonna do 24 because i turned 24 this year but when's your actual birthday on the third of august okay so yeah it was gonna be 24 but i said well my gang said you might wear just do with the looks and then i was like i ain't doing no good looks i'm just going to go flat out with 20. i'm 20 miles i'm traveling so let's go so no deluxe with this at all now okay now what is your favorite number favorite number probably for no matter was that your football number was that your basketball number no no so what does four mean to you this is his fault all right listen 20 songs now i want to do something differently because i know interviews and radio people and just people in general never do this from top to bottom i know it's a lot but you got 20 songs i want to go through each song and you let me know the meaning of the song or or what was your thought process when you were making it or or why the title is that name of the song all right cool all right so number one something about me something about me instead of naming the intro is really my in it's the intro but um let you know something about me okay don't know somebody then you know right here in the song like straight raw if you know glock you know what he's gonna say well you should expect what he finna say what you gonna talk about if you don't know you're gonna learn about it so the intro is gonna set the vibe for sure now i can already guess what number two is about but i just i just to hear from you channel 5 action one word for that song just action straight action okay number three we talking money i'm already i see i'm already getting hip to it bill gates bill gates all right the reason of this song is called bill gates because like i got a bucket list man i got one thing on my bucket list but it's not just for bill gates it's for people in his category and i'm gonna give you a bar from the song i like i got one thing on my bucket list get rich as bill gates so exclusive y'all heard that right now now now let's pause that real quick your bucket list give us three more things on your bucket list i got one thing on my bucket let's get riches elon musk okay so you want to get richest bill gates you want to get riches elon musk now what's one thing outside of money that you want to do on your bucket list like your real life bucket list want to have you ever been skydiving would that be something key glock do it's not exciting to me that i i'm young but i have a heart attack i just did it like i can't do it yeah if god wanted me [Laughter] so so what's one thing that you want to do on your bucket list outside of money and financial i still be trying to think about this like i'll be thinking hard on it i want to do something i just don't know exactly what i want to do so are you the spontaneous type the adventurous type i am i got a little bit of both of me but i'm not to the extreme like it don't excite me okay you know what i'm saying like like water like i'm too much careful being around a lot of water can you swim do something yeah i can swim but still you can't water this water bro you can't even if you do know how to swim i ain't going no water no more okay you can't hang on the water you can't hold it yeah okay let's keep it moving then number four don't know how don't know who to trust tyler explains it all and that's for females males everybody right okay juice man hey i would say okay so so is that is that the one that that the club banger right there the one is the one but juice man is the one okay cool tony it's me that's my other than glizard yeah other alter ego yeah so you got three you gotta know me to know call me tony so so so same though ain't got nothing to do no music okay so it's three it's three of you you got key glock you got glitzoc and then you got tony is there any more maybe how many uh yeah okay so that's fo yeah but i don't talk about louis okay so it's louis louie louis come out when he got it coming out okay so luita off the wall one i don't know [Music] and bishop okay [Laughter] i'm addicted to it but like i don't let it i don't let it overrun me you know what i'm saying like i know how to control it i don't need to control me number eight you feel me uh you feel me it's hey they really like my favorite song i'm popping it on this thing okay so number eight your favorite song something like that all right number nine can't switch cane switch it is what the title say like i can't switch no matter the situation no matter what's going on stand my team be me absolutely right the one number ten not the two okay number eleven quarterback that's what i am ain't a point guard oh so you're a quarterback and you had to throw the point guard in there because you're coming to hoover on wednesdays right yeah that too but i don't really like playing the point okay you know what i'm saying the truth that's what i am check this out uh i had a um a little situation going on with a label a major label i don't want to but it wasn't in glitzock's favor so i said wrapped about a little bit okay yeah ain't ain't talking bad another damn plan i'm just letting them know hey you gotta give me something that i ain't got or i ain't seen i need 10 or more like straight up well they don't need like yeah because i don't need them from the bottom how i came up love a thug hey this is this dude that's the difference like this probably the only glock you're gonna get like that like okay so is this something for the ladies exactly okay now we're getting somewhere so this is the one the ladies going i never thought i'd make a sound like this it ain't like two it ain't too soft it's still glock now you know what i'm saying but yes for the lace now they ask them questions like have you ever number 16 understood understood that's like one of my favorites too that's like the third time you just said this see what i'm saying see when you hear the tape you're gonna know them you're gonna you're gonna see why i'm saying it okay number 17 eve eve all right when you think of eve what's that i'm heard i think eva the artist eve or or adam and eve okay okay so all right how do you remember eve how do you know about you because she ate the she ate the fruit right yeah she did what she did yeah she wasn't she did something she was supposed to do she crossed okay so this is about somebody crossing the line not about nobody it's just a situation a story so you're telling the story about them know like i give you about ever since i hear about eve i can't be playing with these women straight up so this isn't straight up eve for the big judge i'll keep saying every song my favorite song bro okay so so eve eve is one i need to keep my eye on then so it's something that every female has has probably done i'm gonna like it okay 18 tully i mean self-explanatory yeah 19 you and i know i'm just talking about everything that you and i know about me basically okay and then [Music] gangsta this really is i'm more on the lyrical side on that one more it's deep but i'm um impression that's the word impression now which one out of these 20 means the most to you mentally like like when when you recorded it and you went to rap about it and you thought about the song title name and and you added it on the the album which one like touched you in the heart the most like me just personally probably who to trust okay yeah it's probably the oldest song i recorded the oldest wow because i was going through out going through a little a little move at that time so yeah i'll probably say who the truth before you get up out of here yellow tape too describe the album the project the masterpiece in three words impeccable ferocious okay now what should the fans and people get from this project like because i know you said it it's kind of different from what you've been doing it's the more mature you it's the more older you it's the more business mind set at you and you even touched out of your element on a song on a couple of songs on here so what can the people expect from this outside of the aggressiveness outside of christmas you still got you still got the clearness in there you got the smooth like you know what i'm saying it ain't just all it ain't rough okay i'm saying so you got some casual clock in there okay so out of all four of the split personalities it's 20 songs which personality was the most on this project please okay here's that see tony don't even rap i can't even lose okay so tony and louie don't rap don't rap okay and tony is the side that nobody really ever sees and never knows you gotta know you to know i'm just saying you gotta know you know tony and then louie is just the side [ __ ] can't ever see or get to know it's very rare yeah and what's the difference between glock and glizard hmm good question depending on how much juice i got on which determines the difference between okay so it's glock the the so right now are you glock or glitz up i'm barred right now [Laughter] now i'm glad it's like though so you glitz up okay so so so glitzlock is the more jewelry and glock is less jury glizard is more of like the rapper god okay i'm saying glock is god okay so which one can hoop the best louie [Music]
Channel: Fly Guy DC
Views: 134,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CYDb1k74ix8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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