Kevin Harvey of Greenwood Crafts whittling a spoon at the Royal Manx Agricultural Show
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Channel: Eclectickle
Views: 23,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whittle, whittling, greenwood crafts, isle of man, manx, royal manx, royal manx agricultural show, agricultural show, demonstration, kevin harvey, carving, spoon whittling, spoon whittler, off grid spoon whittler, off-grid spoon whittler, off grid, traditional, traditonal crafts, bodger, craftsman, carpenter, greenwood, greenwood whittling, hand carved, hand carving, wooden spoon, full demonstration, treen, self sufficiency, shtf, traditional skills, bushcraft, bush craft, knockaloe
Id: 3kBXEljvjhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2016
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